Nightgames Mod (v2.5.1.2) updated 2/11/17


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Here's the skill tree.

Note that this is for the upcoming 1.8.1, so there are a few things that isn't quite right.

   - Kiss -> Upgrades into Deep Kiss with Seduction:20 -> Upgrades into Drain Kiss with Trait:soulsucker
08 - Spank
10 - Blowjob, Cunnilingus
12 - Suck Neck -> Upgrades into Drain Energy at Dark:1
14 - Grind
14 - Lick Nipples
15 - Assfuck
15 - Tempt
16 - Charm (AND have Cunning:8)
17 - Flick (CANNOT have Trait:softheart)
18 - Piston
20 - Sex Counter
22 - Footjob, Foot Pump
22 - Oral Pin (AND have Power:15)
24 - Strip Tease (CANNOT have Trait:direct AND CANNOT have Trait:shy)
25 - Invitation (OR have Trait:submissive)
26 - Frottage
26 - Tighten (OR have Trait:tight)
28 - Use Breasts
30 - Anilingus (OR have Trait:shameless)
30 - Facesit (OR have Level:10)
32 - Whisper (CANNOT have Trait:direct)
45 - Eyes of Temptation (OR have Dark:20, OR have Arcane:10)
50 - Tempt Undress

   - Shove -> Upgrades into Shredding Palm at Ki:1
06 - Turn Over
07 - Slap (CANNOT have Trait:softheart) -> Upgrades into Tiger Claw at Animism:8
08 - Restrain
09 - Squeeze -> Upgrades into Shock Balls with ShockGlove
10 - Knee
12 - Counter
13 - Twist Nipples -> Upgrades into Shock Breasts with Shock Gloves
15 - Fly (AND have BodyPart:wings)
15 - Submissive Hold (AND have Seduction:15)
16 - Stomp -> Upgrades into Double Legdrop with Trait:heeldrop, from Mara - Sparring
17 - Kick -> Upgrades into Shatter Kick with Ki:14
20 - Armbar (CANNOT have Trait:undisciplined)
20 - Deny Orgasm (AND have Trait:tight)
20 - Jump
24 - LegLock
25 - Carry (CANNOT HAVE Trait:petite)
26 - Tackle (CANNOT HAVE Trait:petite)
32 - Shred Clothes

06 - Tickle
08 - Escape, Taunt
09 - Bluff (AND have Trait:pokerface)
15 - Focus (CANNOT have Trait:undisciplined)
16 - Trip
18 - Perfect Touch
20 - Maneuver
24 - Reversal

01 - Masochism
06 - Bondage
12 - Tentacle Porn
15 - Face Fuck

01 - Magic Missile
03 - Summon Faerie
09 - Binding
12 - Breast Growth, Cock Growth
15 - Illusions
15 - Naked Bloom
18 - Barrier

05 - Sweet Scent
10 - Leech Energy
15 - Flower Counter (AND have Trait:dryad)

01 - Tail Peg (OR have Seduction:20)
03 - Lust Aura
05 - Orgasm Seal (OR have Arcane: 15)
06 - Summon Imp
09 - Dominate
12 - Dark Tendrils
15 - Drain (OR have Trait:energydrain)
15 - Sacrifice
25 - Counter Vortex
50 - Level Drain

03 - Spawn Slime
09 - Stun Blast
12 - Shrink Ray
15 - Living Clothing: Self, Living Clothing: Other
15 - Short Circuit
18 - Defabricator

01 - Wild Thrust
01 - Tail Job (OR have Seduction:20)
01 - Pounce (Replaces Tackle)
03 - Cat's Grace
09 - Purr
12 - Shred Clothes (Replaces Tear Clothes)

03 - Water Form
06 - Flash Step
09 - Fly Catcher
12 - Ice Form
12 - Stone Form
15 - Fire Form

   - Bravado (have Trait:fearless, from Jewel - Games)
   - Spiral Thrust (have Trait:spiral, from Jewel - Sex)
   - Diversion (have Trait:misdirection, from Cassie - Games)
   - Hip Throw (have Trait:judonovice, from Cassie - Sparring)
   - Engulf (have Trait:slime, currently unavailable)
   - Foot Worship (have Status:Foot Fetish with magnitude >= .5)
   - Tentacle Rape (have BodyPart:tentacles)
   - Toggle Knot (have BodyPart:primalcock)
   - Suckle
   - Finger
   - Handjob
   - Fondle Breasts
   - Thrust
   - Suckle
Also here's the WIP 1.8.1 change log so you can see what's changing in terms of skill requirements

1.8.1 changelog

Bug fix:
- Refracted Status duration, hopefully this will solve issues where statuses were not being cleared in the right order

- Fire form now weakens by 5 a turn instead of 1 a turn. Should still be really good.
- Flatfooted now gives you Wary after it ends instead of Cynical. (seems to make more sense)
- Nimble now gives you 2 bonus speed as well as some bonus evade based on Animism
- Flick now has a 3 turn cooldown, but causes opponent to lose 25 mojo
- Focus now reduces arousal by 20% of the cap or 20, whatever is more. It also now builds 25% Mojo. However now it has a 2 turn cooldown.
- Footjob and Foot Pump now have a base 15% chance to cause a Foot Fetish (up from 5%). This is still increased by 2% per Fetish attribute.
- Frottage now has a base 15% chance to cause a Cock Fetish (up from 5%). This is still increased by 2% per Fetish attribute.
- Assfuck now only requires 15 Seduction (down from 20)
- Sex Counter now requires 20 Seduction (up from 15)
- Grind now builds 10% Mojo (up from 5%)
- Invitation now requires 25 Seduction (up from 15), but now costs 30 Mojo (down from 50)
- Capped Kick damage at Random[0-12] + min(100, Power)
- Capped Knee damage at 4 + Random[0-11] + min(50, Power), fixed a bug where having achilles would not add bonus power.
- Capped Magic Missile damage at 100.
- Level Drain now requires 50 Dark (I see why SilverBard disabled this now...)
- Use Breasts now requires at least C cup breasts, but does not exclude Petite
- Sacrifice now costs 20 Mojo (down from 40)
- Submissive Hold now requires 15 Seduction and 15 Power (Up from 10 Seduction only)
- Tail Peg now requires 1 Dark OR 20 Seduction (changed from 2 Dark only)
- Tail Peg now continuously fucks your opponent with your tail if done while already in a sex stance
- Tail Peg now has text for players using it
- Tickle now requires 6 Cunning

- Fixed a few skills' requirements requiring one more than the intended amount of Attributes (>= instead of >)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The shrink ray's in a cunning tree instead of the Science tree? That's rather odd.

I do like the tail-peg improvement though. Always bugged me it was so temporary.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Sorry for the double post, but here's an update (kind of copied from tfgamessite)

Anyways, a bit of an update.

Originally I wanted to do another build yesterday or today, but I ended up adding a ton of stuff, and it's being delayed.

The major changes include moving a lot of bodypart to character quests, and a rework of Angel.

I didn't really like the fact Angel and Reyka are kind of clones of each other, and are super similar in AI, style, traits and otherwise. Plus, it makes splitting the bodypart mods between them kind of difficult.

So now Angel's upgraded class will be switched from succubus -> demigoddess (of sex of course), and her new preferred trait will be Divinity instead of Dark. The new attribute will get some new skills that are mainly upgraded versions of various pleasure/fucking skills. Divinity related skills heals the opponent and gives them a bit of Mojo, but do a lot more pleasure damage than normal.

In other news, I refactored the Cock mods into it's own class, which basically means you can finally grow/shrink modded cocks now, in addition to some other smaller changes.

I'm a bit stuck on what to do about releases though. I want to release a build so adventurous players can help me test things out, but at the same time, I don't want to have unstable builds turn people off to the game like what happened with the earlier versions of the mod. What does everyone prefer here?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Healing...I take it meant to restore our stamina since we not have health stat per se. About rework of Angel it made me interested how it would work so well could wait a lil longer to not facing tons of bugs (hoping she will get quite complete set of skills for new attribute at moment of release).

Unstable build would quite much make me not wanna play it unless it's something in update I was looking for (*cough* Bess casus *cough*). So I would say for me it would be release that you spend medium amount of time testing (you will never find all bugs anyway so not try beat yourself to try do such before each release).


Aug 28, 2015
I'm fine with a potentially unstable, experimental release. If anything, it would be a motivation to be somewhat useful with testing, hopefully reducing your workload.

If you're really unsure about some parts, a simple lock like you did for Rosea would be sufficient to ward off people unwilling to bother.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
I agree that the two characters should be further distinguished from one another; each character being their own unique flavor is a big draw for me.

Regarding Angel and her proposed new attribute:
- I like the theme of it. While hardly unique, classic good vs evil/light vs dark is usually a safe bet, and becoming a haughty divinity seems to fit with her personality. It's also appropriate that she specializes in an advanced attribute that emphasis on pleasure attacks.
- I doubt the healing aspect will be particularly notable when considering she doesn't do any stamina damage anyway. The Mojo gain is probably fine because you'll need Mojo to do Reversals and whathaveyou to help deal with her enhanced fucking skills. That the attribute offers some small advantages to the opponent makes me wonder about its balance in relation to other advanced attributes. Ki and Fetish often offer the user a double-edged blade, but Science, Arcane, and Dark don't. If you end up adding this in, that'll be 3-3. Consider if you want a balance like that or if you want all of the advanced attributes to offer both advantages and disadvantages to their user.
- An outstanding feature of Angel is the regular presence of her friends. No matter how gaga she goes for the PC, she still insists that her friends are a core part of her, and she would probably pick them over the PC if she had to choose. As an alternative to this Divinity attribute, consider an advanced attribute that focuses on calling her friends to assist her in battle: it could be a specialized pet/summon build where each friend represents a certain aspect (such as grappling or seduction) or they could simply be part of more standard skills and included in the flavor text: helping with grapples, double-teaming the PC for pleasure moves, building up Angel's Mojo by pandering to the crowd, etc.

Regarding the frequency of releases, though I consider to stand by my old comment of being mindful of the effects of burnout, I do like unstable builds because I like breaking down and fixing things, so I'm going to go ahead and vote for more frequent builds.

With the next release, will you repost the effects of the cock mods? I never got around to testing them because the list got lost and I didn't know what I was looking for.

Unimportant babble at the end because people tune out the line at the bottom as a signature. Please ignore.


Aug 27, 2015
I wouldn't mind more frequent, unstable builds. Preferably marked as such. As Charred said, it might help with testing stuff and finding bugs. People who don't want to play experimental builds, aren't forced to do so. Might be tough to wait for a main release when you get teased by several alpha versions, though.


Aug 27, 2015
As far as builds go, if people want to play them they can. Otherwise they can just wait for more stable releases. My general feeling is that it should just be whatever works for you nergantre, don't burn yourself out by trying to pump out more releases than you are comfortable with. That said, you could always just alternate between 1 content patch and then x bug fixing patches, if you were looking for something more concrete.

Also if Angel is to be a divinity based character, may I make a suggestion for the deity?

Not that it matters if I apologise. Sithrak is will still torture me.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
- An outstanding feature of Angel is the regular presence of her friends. No matter how gaga she goes for the PC, she still insists that her friends are a core part of her, and she would probably pick them over the PC if she had to choose. As an alternative to this Divinity attribute, consider an advanced attribute that focuses on calling her friends to assist her in battle: it could be a specialized pet/summon build where each friend represents a certain aspect (such as grappling or seduction) or they could simply be part of more standard skills and included in the flavor text: helping with grapples, double-teaming the PC for pleasure moves, building up Angel's Mojo by pandering to the crowd, etc.

That would assume that Angel in-game lets her friends know about the Night Games. I don't know how they would react to such a thing existing, nor do I know if it would even make sense. The people involved tend to want the Participants keep hush about the whole ordeal. More particularly about the whole supernatural and hi-tech bits and pieces that get introduced at Level 10.

Is it an interesting mechanic? Yes. Does it make sense Lore-wise? I have some doubt about that one.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
@Bronzechair and Vasin,
I like the idea. Making it fit lorewise might be as simple as making them copies/clones/autonomous effigies Angels summons. I'll try adding that eventually.

Anyways here we go...


1.8.1 changelog

Major changes:
- A lot of different body modifications have been moved to specific characters. The player must build a relationship with them in order to get the mods.
	- Example: to get a succubus pussy or an incubus cock, you must have enough affection with Reyka in order to obtain it.
	There are new transformation scenes for getting each body part modification, but a lot of them are placeholds right now (Only Reyka has some finished scenes at the moment)
- Cock mods that dndw added has been refactored so that they count as modifications and not cock types. This means that you can grow and shrink them like normal.
	- Note: This was a lot more work than I originally thought, and I had to change how the BodyPart systems worked.
		Don't be too surprised to see some bugs until thing stabilize again.
		On the bright side though, it will be MUCH easier to add new types of BodyPart modifications in the future.
	- NPCs will also mod their cocks when they get one (note that it may take them a day to do it)
- Angel has been somewhat rewritten. Her upgraded class and attribute (Succubus/Dark) overlaps with Reyka too much.
	- Angel's upgraded class is now Demigoddess and preferred attribute is Divinity
		- Her level up traits have been updated to reflect this.
			- level 18 Semenphage -> Erophage (Feeds on sexuality, gains mojo/Alluring status when opponent orgasms)
			- level 33 Energydrain -> level 36 Object of Worship (Opponents is periodically forced to worship her body)
			- level 36 RawSexuality -> level 33
		- Her pussy mod has been changed from succubus to divine
			- Every time her pussy is pleasured while fucking, gain a stacking pleasure bonus. This resets when you pull out.
				Example: base divine pussy pleasureMod is 1.0
					1. You use thrust, pleasureMod bonus of +.25 = 1.25
					2. She uses ride, pleasureMod bonus of +.25 = 1.5
	- Changed the blessed cock mod to align with the Divinity Attribute and Angel. Cassie now offers the Runic cock mod instead.

Bug fix:
- Refracted Status duration, hopefully this will solve issues where statuses were not being cleared in the right order
- Fixed a bug where if both combatants had both male and female genitalia, pussy would always take priority when fucking. (It will be random for now)
	- Note that this opens up a lot more stances that weren't working before, so you may see a lot of missing/incorrect text when an unexpected situation comes up.
	- I suspect that you'll see a lot of weirdness with struggle. The effect should still work, but you might see text that wont make sense.
- Fixed a bug where loading the game could clear the malepref slider value

- Fire form now weakens by 5 a turn instead of 1 a turn. Should still be really good.
- Flatfooted now gives you Wary after it ends instead of Cynical. (seems to make more sense)
- Nimble now gives you 2 bonus speed as well as some bonus evade based on Animism
- Flick now has a 3 turn cooldown, but causes opponent to lose 25 mojo
- Focus now reduces arousal by 20% of the cap or 20, whatever is more. It also now builds 25% Mojo. However now it has a 2 turn cooldown.
- Footjob and Foot Pump now have a base 15% chance to cause a Foot Fetish (up from 5%). This is still increased by 2% per Fetish attribute.
- Frottage now has a base 15% chance to cause a Cock Fetish (up from 5%). This is still increased by 2% per Fetish attribute.
- Assfuck now only requires 15 Seduction (down from 20)
- Sex Counter now requires 20 Seduction (up from 15)
- Grind now builds 10% Mojo (up from 5%)
- Invitation now requires 25 Seduction (up from 15), but now costs 30 Mojo (down from 50)
- Capped Kick damage at Random[0-12] + min(100, Power)
- Capped Knee damage at 4 + Random[0-11] + min(50, Power), fixed a bug where having achilles would not add bonus power.
- Capped Magic Missile damage at 100.
- Level Drain now requires 50 Dark (I see why SilverBard disabled this now...)
- Use Breasts now requires at least C cup breasts, but does not exclude Petite
- Sacrifice now costs 20 Mojo (down from 40)
- Submissive Hold now requires 15 Seduction and 15 Power (Up from 10 Seduction only)
- Tail Peg now requires 1 Dark OR 20 Seduction (changed from 2 Dark only)
- Tail Peg now continuously fucks your opponent with your tail if done while already in a sex stance
- Tail Peg now has text for players using it
- Tickle now requires 6 Cunning

- Fixed a few skills' requirements requiring one more than the intended amount of Attributes (>= instead of >)
- Update the status window instantly if your body changes.
- AI will now also grow balls if the malePref is way to the right ( > 7ish)
- Removing your dick will also remove the balls.
- Growing balls is unavailabe without growing a cock.
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Aug 28, 2015
Making it fit lorewise might be as simple as making them copies/clones/autonomous effigies Angels summons. I'll try adding that eventually.

More pets? I like the sound of that :) 1.8.1 looks pretty stable so far. Resuming tests!


Aug 31, 2015
great work! one of the best game mods i have ever played. how do you think about adding a tribadism / scissor skill?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015

Ah crap, forgot that I removed "normal" tails and "normal" wings in 1.8.1

Woopsies. You might have to edit the save files to load them.

Just open the save file in notepad or something and either remove this

}Or change the "enum":"normal" to "enum":"cat" or "enum":"demonic"

@maverick-2k, thanks! There's actually a trib stance in there already but no scenes or skills written for it. I can probably add something in a later build

@CharredNewt, yup, hopefully not too many crashes this time around. Just to save you time though, here's a list of bugs I've already found and fixed since 1.8.1:

1.8.2 changelog

- Made divine pussy's divine charge stack double every time she takes pleasure damage instead of increasing it by .25
- Makes getting out of vaginal penetration very important versus Angel

Bug fix:
- Deep kiss and drain kiss' text was swapped around
- Fixed invitation text
- Fixed some bugs with insertion requirements requiring the wrong person to be inserted.
- Fixed a text bug with alluring

Text fix:
- Reworded Angel's upgraded intro, it sounds way too awkward.

Other changes:
- NPCs now buy priapus drafts & femdrafts based on the male pref slider. They also buy them much less than before.
And here's a question for everyone:

I'm thinking of making the Attribute gains a bit slower. Right now, you can hit 50 seduction or whatever within 10 levels and basically unlock all skills for that tree. It makes it so that there's no real need to specialize, since by level 50 or whatnot, you have pretty much enough attributes to max out every attribute in a meaningful way. Then you get into ridiculous territory with NPCs with 200 seduction and 200 power or something and they basically knock you out instantly if you haven't been training stamina/arousal.

I'm thinking of doing this:

For each attribute, it costs 2 stat points from [0-9], 3 points from [10-19], 4 points from [20-29], and so on. The related attribute point gains from daytime training will also follow this progression.

For the advanced attributes, maybe I can start it at 4 points or something.

This way, you can still dabble in each attribute and get the starter abilities, but you can only get the most powerful ones by specializing in one or two attributes.

This would also mean buffing the higher tiered abilities, or moving some of the traits to require >20/30 of the related attributes.

This isn't final by any means, but it might help combat the ballooning of end game stats.

The other idea I had was creating more class-ups, and capping the advanced attributes with them. For example, Cassie might be a Witch at lvl 10 with a maximum of 25 arcane possible, but then rank up to a Sorceress at lvl 30, raising the cap on Arcane to 50 unlocking more powerful skills.

Anyways, I'm just spitballing here, so feel free to give me a piece of your mind.


This was brought up in a PM, but would anyone be interested in helping out on the writing? There are a ton of missing scenes right now, and I was thinking maybe I can post a list somewhere where people could take one if they felt like it. Understandably, most people are probably busy with their own projects, but my word per minute is depressingly low :)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I think with how swiftly you level up in the mod, increasing point cost would actually be a fairly good idea. And I also like the idea of class-ups. Dunno why, but the concept of going up a rank appeals to me.

As for the game itself, I've run into two prevalent bugs.

Bug 1: Reyka. When I fight her, she likes to Enthrall me. There have been multiple cases when she does, I don't get out of it. So I'm commanded to have sex with her through three orgasms, the succubus stealing more of my attributes until I have a daunting drop. During the last playthrough, she left me with two each in Cunning and Seduction (attributes I had leveled up to around 28). There's also a case of when she did, I wasn't aroused enough to have sex with her and she didn't command me to stimulate myself nor did she do anything to raise arousal. That dropped me in an endless loop where she commands me to have sex, but I can't because I'm completely flaccid. Ad infinum until I decide to load a new game.

Bug 2: Stuck in Limbo. Multiple times a round, I was moving around normally. That is until the entire description vanishes on me. The buttons remain, but I can't go anywhere because there's nowhere to go to. So I'm left with a blank screen and buttons that don't do squat. After I've reloaded a game, it'll do it again some time after the round starts. And again, and again, and again, until It decided I've had enough Groundhog Day-ing and lets me finish the damn night. A recent variation I had was when I was up against Angel. It had the text up to the face off and the fight or flight options. Fight would tack the confrontation text at the end of the description, flee would tack the 'she's too fast for you' text instead.

As for the mods. . . how exactly do you get them again? I've got Reyka's affection up to where she's the one spending time with me at the end of the night, and my Dark's up to almost 40. Nevermind. I got her affection up enough that I unlocked it.

View attachment nightgames_log.txt
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The Struggle variation where the girl rolls on top of the player prints the format instead of the actual formatted message. I haven't found a similar bug elsewhere. 

I quite like the current pace, since I don't usually continue playing into the really high levels. I like the level 5-10 range where the game is very unpredictable due to the drafts. Often I'll edit some extra cash into my opponents to see more of them. Then the real fun begins after level 10, with new and crazy attacks being unlocked every match. Once you hit level 50 or so, though, pretty much everything is unlocked and all that changes is the numbers going up, so I restart. The level 1-5 range is a bit of a breather at that point.

Angel's new Kiss of Baptism seems a little overpowered. On the first night she got it, so level 10/11, she used it right of the bat, hitting me with Lovestruck and then doing around 70 damage per turn continously. Since it acts like Charm, I can't use any stripping attacks and since she's still dressed most of the pleasure attacks don't do much. My only hard-hitting attack at that point, Deep Kiss, dies as much damage to me as it does to her. This is not a one-off either, it has happened three times just that first night. Overall though, I like where she's going. Same goes for Rosea.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Is there any form you gather new traits? Dexterous, petite, shy? 

You can select new traits when your level reaches certain thresholds. Some traits, however, like the ones you mentioned, cannot be gained. Dexterous is one of the starting traits you can select, thereby locking out all others. Petite and Shy are starter traits for Mara and Kat, respectively. You cannot get those unless you edit the TraitRequirements.xml file.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
WIP Changelog again, this time I spent the time redoing all the clothing items in the game. Now it should be much more flexible, and allow you to wear stuff like stockings, shoes, hats etc.

1.8.2 changelog

- Added a new character initial strength Trait:
    - "Stable Form"
        - Prevents the effects of Priapus Draft, FemDraft, Tiny Draft, Bust Draft, Succubus Draft and Tentacle Tonic from applying when thrown at you.
- Added two new character initial weakness Traits:
    - "Naive"
        - 50% to not get cynical after recovering from a mindgame status (enthralled, trance, flatfooted, etc)
    - "Foot Fetishist"
        - Starts each match with a foot fetish at the minimum magnitude
- Clothing has been completely refactored.
    - All clothing will be in the resources/clothing/
        - new clothing can be either added to the existing json file or it can be a new json file in that directory
    - Got rid of the old skimpiness system and replaced it with exposure.
        - All clothing have an exposure value, that is multiplied together to get your final exposure level for that slot (top or bottom)
            - Example: you're wearing panties, a skirt, a bra, and a blouse
                - panties exposure: .8
                - skirt exposure: .4
                - Total bottom exposure = .8 * .4 = .32
                - bra exposure: .8
                - blouse exposure: .3
                - Total top exposure = .3 * .8 = .24
                - Overall body exposure = (.24 + .32) / 2 = .28
            - This body exposure value increases your body's hotness stat (in this case by .28%), which in turn affects tempt and pleasure damage you do
        - To counteract the fact that wearing clothing reduces your body hotness stat, clothing now have a hotness stat as well
            - This directly adds to the hotness stat of your body while you have it on, but is reduced by the exposure level of the layers above it.
                - Example: you have a bra and a tshirt on
                    - bra hotness: .4
                    - tshirt hotness: .1
                    - tshirt exposure: .4
                    - total hotness = .1 (Tshirt) + .4(Bra) * .4(Tshirt exposure) = .26
                    - If you strip off the tshirt,
                    - total hotness = .4 (Bra)
            - Note that these values probably will change since I'm just trying to pick values that make sense right now
            - Hopefully this encourages people to keep their clothing on at least some of the time instead of stripping both naked within the first 2 turns.
    - Redid the mapping of the clothing. Now certain clothing can take two slots and cover both top and bottom (like trench coat and cloak)
        - top layers:
            - 0 : undershirt/bra
            - 1 : none
            - 2 : shirt/dresses
            - 3 : jackets/coats
            - 4 : cloaks etc
        - bottom layers:
            - 0 : underwear/panties
            - 1 : hosiery/leg warmers?
            - 2 : pants/skirts/dresses
            - 3 : coats etc
            - 4 : cloaks etc
        - feet layer:
            - 1 : hosiery/leg warmers/socks
            - 2 : shoes
    - Unfortunately this may mean that your saves are no longer compatible.
- If you start off as a female or a herm, you start with bra and panties instead of boxers.

- Made divine pussy's divine charge stack double every time she takes pleasure damage instead of increasing it by .25
    - Makes getting out of vaginal penetration very important versus Angel
- Made enthrall stack less.
    - When enthralled status is added on to a already enthralled opponent, the final duration will be whatever is more:
        - Original duration + 1
        - New duration - number of times this enthralled status has been refreshed
- Fetishes now last throughout a match, but decrease in magnitude as time passes to a minimum magnitude of .25
    - Being pleasured by the fetish part will increase magnitude by .05
- Kiss of Baptism has been rebalanced a bit.
    - It now costs 30 mojo instead of building 10 mojo.
    - Now always applies Love Struck, but only for 2 turns
    - Now builds you 50% mojo
    - Now fully heals you
    - Buffed base damage bonus to 20

Bug fix:
- Deep kiss and drain kiss' text was swapped around
- Fixed invitation text
- Fixed some bugs with insertion requirements requiring the wrong person to be inserted.
- Fixed a text bug with alluring
- Fixed a bug where sometimes on insertion, the game would bug out
- Fixed a bug that was causing the game to bug out when transformations changed outside a match
- Fixed a bug where struggle has unformatted text

Other changes:
- NPCs now buy priapus drafts & femdrafts based on the male pref slider. They also buy them much less than before.
- Logs now also show status effects being added and removed
- Latex clothing has been removed from the Boutique (it's purchasable in the XXX shop)


New Member
Sep 4, 2015
I'm having the same problems Vasin mentions above.  The problem with all options and progression and text disappearing makes the game unplayable.  I deleted it and my saves and my log.txt, so I can't provide it.  Around level 20 I only had to play each round 5 or 6 times to finally make it all the way to the end without it having epilepsy, but by the time I got to level 34 I would have to play each round about 20 times to finally make it through, so I just deleted it.  Any news on some progress for fixing that?

I looked through the log before I deleted it, but I didn't mention anything about any game freezes or problems, nothing to indicate that anything was wrong.

Oh, and I don't want you to do the thing with lowering skill gains.  I like feeling overpowered, it gives me a sense of progress in-game, something to prove that all of that grinding is doing something.  And unless you seriously nerf several NPCs and their skill gains as well, it will eventually become impossible to beat them.  Ryeka, Angel and the plant girl in particular (because of her high stamina and lust threshold) would quickly become unbeatable, and to a lesser extent Kat, if their stats countinue increasing at the speed of light while you're don't.

I myself don't know which "class" I want to run, I like using most of the abilities from time to time.  I was looking forward to having Level Drain, as well as every single other ability.  Another few days of grinding and I would have it.  If you decrease gains like you've said, you'd have to play for months or possibly years to get every single ability, it would force you to choose just one class, and start a whole new game to try a different one.  That's not very sexy.  And if you buff the high-level abilities further, there will be no point to using any of the other abilities either.  As it is I always enthrall my opponents, face-sit, make them masochistic, bind them, give them bondage fetish, flick them, and penetrate them anally, there's already very little reason to use any other abilities.  There's no balance at all, you're talking about making the balance even worse, already enthrall and face sit are so powerful I could win almost with just those, and can't ever win without either of them at high levels, and there's never a reason to penetrate a girl vaginally, at high levels it's almost always suicide, whereas anal penetration is an easy win after arousing them, ever time.  The girl can be shameless, unflapppable, tight, have ass control and whichever ability let's them grind from below, and I'll still win 100% of the time even with a tiny dick.

Angel/Succubus/Feral mods need to apply to the ass as well, obviously, and those mods need to be nerfed, especially Angel and Succubus, Feral is useless in comparison.  The only way to survive penetrating an Angel or Succubus orifice is if your dick is Angel or Succubus, and once girls finally start penetrating YOU vaginally and anally (I've never been penetrated anally, and only a handful of times vaginally, out of however many hundreds of games), you'll need to have Angelic or Demonic orifices or you won't survive their dicks, and if you have those orifices and they do not, they can't possibly win, they might just kill themselves fucking you because they don't care.

I've never seen an NPC force me to suck their dick, I guess because they don't have the fetish skill tree, which is the only way to get that skill, but that's a pretty standard fetish that's missing, especially in dickgirl porn, for the dickgirl to face fuck the male from a dominant position.
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Sep 2, 2015
Very nice, 

Now I need Kat in a idol dress o someone cute and cosplay fetish xD  

Latex will now op
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New Member
Sep 4, 2015
I've never seen a girl use ropes or tentacles in traps either, and never seen a girl use tentacles in a fight.  Never seen a girl use zip ties or handcuffs in a fight either, they like to use bind if they have it but that's it.  Never seen a girl use any sort of martial arts move or stance either.

Maybe if you could reset skills and traits for different ones of equal value, or they were all tracked using a point-based system, and you could undo them and redo different ones how you like, limiting people to one "class" would make sense.  Otherwise girls do have to start learning every single skill the way you do to be competitive, except Ryeka and Angel, with their infinite-Enthrall-spam and angel vagina and saliva, respectively.  But that wouldn't be so bad, if the girls focus on their primary skills, but once they're maxed, they start developing every other skill, would add variety.

And there needs to be a way to knock someone down, stand over them, and pleasure them with your feet, and force them to lick your feet.  I need this.  That's non-negotiable.

Maybe be able to tie her legs as well as her hands, or even just her feet, using rope, tentacles, magic, and possibly later chains?  A stand-on-chest-with-one-foot ability?  A make-them-dizzy ability?  The ability to hog-tie them with rope, either with their hands and feet behind their back or in front of them, or both?  And they could of course do all of the same to you.  There could be additional ways to get free, like burning ropes, melting chains, slipping free with dexterity, making them disappear with magic.  And ways to reinforce ropes and chains and such to make them stronger, using science and magic.  What about summoning tentacles to bind a girl on the ground and tie her up there?

And can fetishes you train the girls to have become permanent if you make them strong enough, often enough?  I chose the fetish trainer perk once I saw it, but it doesn't appear to work?  It always resets immediately after the fight, I wanted it to become permanent.  Could you make them so they can only be undone by doing the opposite during fights, by winning fights without succumbing?  And could girls do that to you?  What about vagina fetishes, hand fetishes, boob fetishes, sadistic fetishes, lactation fetishes, denial fetishes, submissive fetishes, dominant fetishes?


Sep 2, 2015
When I fight vs jewel (lvl20), she allways bind and dominate and late use zip or worst .... late she sit over face and drain 5 will each tick 

Bug: then my will drop to 0 but dont loose the fight 


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
And here's a question for everyone:
This isn't directly related to my opinion on the matter, but I think it's something important to consider in the background. As it stands, the progression of characters continues indefinitely: as long as there are more numbers to scale up to, characters will continue to develop. The first thing we need to do before we start talking balancing the pacing of that progression is to decide how long you want to support it; it's all well and good to allow the player to continue leveling into infinity if they so choose, but you have to stop designing more content for it at some point. Pick a level you want to consider the end-game and make changes to accommodate that eventuality instead of aimlessly making tweaks without knowing what you're trying to accomplish.

With that in mind, I believe the real question is "should the PC be required to specialize," and I think the answer is yes. Why?

- Improved replay value and game longevity. If there are, say, ten advanced attributes and you can only take two on a single run, you'd have to replay the game five times to experience all the content (in this area, at least). If you can pick up all ten in a single go, there's less incentive to play again.

- Generalists and specialists shouldn't be equally viable because there would be no reason to play a DPS if you could play a super-durable character who can heal and buff themselves and others AND do the standard amount of damage per second, excluding niche reasons like enjoying the aesthetics of the DPS or just wanting to be different.

- Consistency. All of the other competitors in the Night Games are specialists (except Cassie, but I don't think anything would suffer if she were to delve into her own niche as well. She's the weakest of the bunch up until she gets her powerful bind and mind-affecting abilities). Why not the PC as well?

- There's value in scarcity; requiring the player to specialize in only a couple of attributes lends more weight to their decisions. They'll be more deeply impacted by their choices -- both positive and negative -- which improves investment in the game, adds to memorability, and mentally stimulates players. A player with a generalist build won't appreciate the good stuff as much because they're swimming in good stuff, and they won't be affected by the bad stuff (or rather, the things they don't like) as much because they can easily just shrug it off and move on to something else.

- It's easier to justify designing new skills with overlapping functions while under the assumption that all characters are specialists. A generalist will access to multiple skills that bind the opponent, for example, will simply choose the best one and the rest will go to waste. If you're instead designing for specialists, you can have a variety of skills that tie people up as well as peace of mind. Of course, this is somewhat dangerous territory because you don't want to homogenize the classes too much, lest you invalidate the entire point, but sometimes you just have to make concessions, and it isn't even as terrible as it could be when you consider the kind of game this is and the target audience; it's probably safe to assume that most people here are a fan of CoC or TiTS, games in which much of the enjoyment comes from the flavor of customization. Indeed, a poster above me talked about how they want rope bindings and chain bindings and tentacles, and magic bindings. Mechanically, these things don't differ much (though you certainly could and probably even should distinguish them where possible), but they can still add considerably to player enjoyment because aesthetics are important too.

- I like class-based systems.

In the end, none of these benefits are particularly impressive or long-standing, but I spent twenty minutes typing this up so I'm going to post it anyway, goddamnit!

This was brought up in a PM, but would anyone be interested in helping out on the writing? There are a ton of missing scenes right now, and I was thinking maybe I can post a list somewhere where people could take one if they felt like it. Understandably, most people are probably busy with their own projects, but my word per minute is depressingly low :)

Which scenes need to be written? I don't fancy myself a writer, but I could take a crack at it, and there's no reason to not put the list out there.

And there needs to be a way to knock someone down, stand over them, and pleasure them with your feet, and force them to lick your feet.  I need this.  That's non-negotiable.

Maybe be able to tie her legs as well as her hands, or even just her feet, using rope, tentacles, magic, and possibly later chains?  A stand-on-chest-with-one-foot ability?  A make-them-dizzy ability?  The ability to hog-tie them with rope, either with their hands and feet behind their back or in front of them, or both?  And they could of course do all of the same to you.  There could be additional ways to get free, like burning ropes, melting chains, slipping free with dexterity, making them disappear with magic.  And ways to reinforce ropes and chains and such to make them stronger, using science and magic.  What about summoning tentacles to bind a girl on the ground and tie her up there?

[...] What about vagina fetishes, hand fetishes, boob fetishes, sadistic fetishes, lactation fetishes, denial fetishes, submissive fetishes, dominant fetishes?

I find your tastes very agreeable, whatevername! A more detailed bondage system would be cool. I once played a text-based adventure game where you had to manually struggle out of bondage by twisting, pulling, squirming, etc. I thought it was quite interesting, though I can't remember the name of it. I'll have to go looking for that sometime.

When I fight vs jewel (lvl20), she allways bind and dominate and late use zip or worst .... late she sit over face and drain 5 will each tick 

Bug: then my will drop to 0 but dont loose the fight 

You don't automatically lose when running out of Willpower now. You also have to orgasm to trigger defeat.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I pretty much agree with bronzechair on most of the above.

Anyways, about the crash on the experimental builds, I already fixed the issue. I wasn't going to release a new build this week until I get the new clothing system up and running, but I guess I should probably put something out there to fix the crashes at least.

@whatevername, I'd like a more detailed BDSM system too, but you have to realize there's only enough time in the day to do so much :) . Right now it isn't too high on my priority list until the following is done:

1. Finish up clothing system overhaul

2. Finish up custom NPCs / custom Skills

3. Finish up Rosea

4. Finish up writing some of the transformation scenes.

If you are a good programmer and want to contribute or want to beg someone else to help out, that's fine too. Otherwise though I'll get to it eventually!


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I was planning to make customised matches, so that you could play different scenarios. Then I discovered that would mean pretty much redoing the core of the game from scratch. I might still do it, but it'll take a while. In the mean time, here's another idea: more personalised AI.

I've already got the basic framework set up: each Personality (either a hard-coded character or a custom one like Rosea) can specify any number of skills they like to use, positions they like to be in, and statuses they like themselves or their opponents to have. These can be given weights (including negative weights), which will be taken into account when the AI is considering a skill. So, say Jewel really likes kicking guys in the balls, she could get a positive weight for that skill. Angel likes to be on top? Positive modifier for positions in which she is. Cassie dislikes alcohol? Negative weight to the Buzzed status for her.

All I need now are ideas. I will certainly add some modifiers myself in line with each character's personality, but if you have suggestions along the lines of the examples above, I'd be glad to hear them.

On that note, nergantre, could you push your recent commits so I can merge this stuff in?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Crap, so this might be a bad time to do it actually haha.

Right now I'm in the thick of a clothing overhaul, and it touches pretty much every bit of the codebase (including the AI). It's on a topic branch, but at the same time I'm kind of scared of the merge back if the mainline diverges too much...

I updated the AI system a bit so it makes a little more sense. However that might make your code annoying to merge in.

I'll see what I can do by tonight, but it'll be tough.

I'll be gone this weekend too. Well we'll see what happens I guess...