Nightgames Mod (v2.5.1.2) updated 2/11/17


Aug 28, 2015
This was brought up in a PM, but would anyone be interested in helping out on the writing? There are a ton of missing scenes right now, and I was thinking maybe I can post a list somewhere where people could take one if they felt like it. Understandably, most people are probably busy with their own projects, but my word per minute is depressingly low :)

It's worth a try. Non-native English and abysmal WPM here, but worth a try. I'm interested in Airi :b

As for recent proposals, anything that makes the game more challenging is good to take - classes system, AI upgrades...

BTW, I tried and made a Fork a few days ago - mainly proofreading, one "dodge" fix. PM me if I've done that wrong, I'm still getting my head around Github, not to mention the code itself. I might do more, so I'd rather do it right :)


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Hey guys,

So I tried finishing up the new clothing system today, but just could managed to do it unfortunately after working on it for about 6 hours straight

From one of the overhaul patches today: 

Showing 142 changed files with 1,649 additions and 1,501 deletions

The internals are mostly done now, but I didn't get a chance to create the new GUI for equipping and unequipping clothing... which basically makes it useless :D .

I did get a chance to fix a ton of bugs though going through this refactoring, the old skills like shredding kick and tear were actually pretty buggy.

Anyways, going on a short vacation starting tomorrow, so don't expect anything to update/me to respond until Monday at the earliest.

Before I leave, here's the updated changelog (this link will always be updated):

Here's what I have for the default clothing set so far:

Should be pretty easy to add to when I finish up.

TODO before the next release:

- Finish up Closet GUI

- Make these clothing buyable from shops

- Let the player gift NPCs clothing (?)

In other news, I said I would post a table of missing scenes that I could use some help on:

- Eve Ranger: (If you haven't seen her before, she's a not enabled NPC that SilverBard original wrote but didn't finish with)
    - Loss scene
        - You fucking her
        - She's fucking you
        - Ass fucked
    - Victory scene
        - You fucking her
        - She's fucking you
    - Draw scene (low priority, draws pretty much never happen any more...)
    - Assist 3p
        - She's holding you down in a 3p
        - She's holding other person down for you in a 3p
    - Victory 3p
        - She's pleasuring you while you're being held down
        - She's pleasuring someone else while you are holding them down
    - Loss 3p
        - She's being held down by someone else
        - She's being held down by you
- Cassie/Jewel/Kat:
    - Loss scene
        - She's fucking you with a cock
        - Girl/girl generic scene
    - Victory Scene
        - She's fucking you with a cock
        - Girl/girl generic scene
- Airi: (Unreleased international student that got transformed into a slime girl from a lab accident)
    - You can see existing scenes here:
    - Loss scene
        - You fucking her
        - She has engulfed you
        - Girl/Girl scene
    - Victory scene
        - You fucking her
        - She's fucking you
        - Girl/Girl scene
As you can see, the main stuff that is missing is all the girl/girl and NPC fucking you scenes. It doesn't really have to be limited to this though, if you can think of something fun I can probably put it in.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I don't expect there to be many issues. The changes to existing files are minimal, a few lines of code in each. Plus, these are all additions, not modifications. Looking at the changes so far, the merge should be seamless. The only problem was that I reflexively ran the slightly over-zealous auto-formatter, but I already undid that. I hope you didn't do your marathon session on my account, I'd have been perfectly content to wait a few days.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Will the new clothing system work kinda like very light body armor? That would be really cool and now that I think about it, body armor would be an awesome addition once the intellect and power based builds get balanced to match the seduction builds. At present the primary power viable builds utilize either short circuit or masochism to temporarily make physical damage convert to lust damage. Once this gets reworked a bit more we may actually find a need for having actual body armor to defend us against the more physical npcs that use martial arts  based attributes like ki.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Is there a way to actually gain the Divinity Trait in-game yet? I can't seem to find it myself.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I do see now that the button loss issue has returned with a vengeance. Especially once you start getting into the mid and upper tier skills. Actually this would be right around the time you can start working at getting the advanced body mods. Hopefully my log can point towards some of the causes. I noticed that there were error messages at times when using drain and or certain other moves. Those messages didn't halt the game like the button loss issue though. 

View attachment nightgames_log.txt

Edit: I noticed that with the new requirements it not only became super expensive to attain mods. It takes a long time to get enough money to buy the 20 potions of each type. The current money flow doesn't really pick up until after you break the level 100 mark. That's when you can clear a few thousand a night if you have decent luck.  The other thing I noticed is that the enthrallment induced by npcs can put you in  a perma lock situation where you never shake out of it. I think it keeps building the enthrallment counter. If I can finally unlock the last mods and get built the way I'm aiming I'm gonna try to do that to the npcs since everything should work both ways if you can get all the necessary requirements. This current situation with enthrallment can and will make seduction builds extremely advantageous when compared to the cunning or power based builds. In fact it's taking the balance even further away. I gathered from discussions around here that people wanted to see the other two categories of builds become more viable. I just thought I'd point out that they are less viable in the current experimental build.

Also Rosea seems to be a one fight per night character at present. She doesn't leave the courtyard so she can never regain her clothes to re-enter battle. My suggestion would be to make the courtyard a resupply point because I got the gist from a roleplaying or in character story sense that she probably favors the courtyard.  I wouldn't mind seeing maybe some sort of Greenhouse or the like related to botanical gardens. Actually many universities have a small greenhouses or the like for their biology departments. Maybe you could make a new area adjoined to the courtyard that could be like an Arboretorum so she could move between the courtyard and that area. I actually like the idea of characters that favor certain areas of the campus now. Especially once we start getting more npcs to battle with.

I kinda wonder if the bug that causes buttons to vanish is in fact a byproduct of the game overflowing with too much input in the background.   
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
@lightningshifter, the button missing bug should be fixed with the new build, 1.8.1 was experimental for a reason. About Rosea, she's a half-tree dryad and has the immobile trait. She's kind of a tree, so she can't really move around. She should be able to resupply between matches anywhere though... Not sure why she isn't. I've fought her multiple times in a night. I haven't really added any body armor, but it's certainly possible. I was thinking of adding some accessory slots eventually too so you can wear some magic stuff that gives you buffs.

@Bravanger, no way to gain divinity without save editing right now. I'm not actually sure how to incorporate it into the game, because it doesn't seem to be something you should be able to buy willy nilly.

@dndw, the main reason for my marathon session was me wanting to release a build yesterday so that at least the illegal cast exception stuff will be fixed. Sadly that didn't seem possible. Anyways the new stuff is on github if you want to do anything on top of it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well, the experimental build that I downloaded earlier definitely has an issue with her reclothing herself. I'll just wait for the official build release with the fixes then. I dunno why, but she never reclothed herself for me after I would beat her. I would intentionally rush up to the courtyard to fight her and then I would hang around but I just kept getting the usual message that she isn't ready for battle yet after the first time I beat her. As I had stated, I will just wait for the next build since it has a bunch of stability fixes coming with it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Technically, you should be able to attain the classes Npcs do. I think Bard was planning on some way to get Animism into the game at some point, in fact.

That said, I had an idea. If Divinity is Angel's trait, why not make her the 'Tutor?' There can be scenes where you 'worship' her or 'get worshiped' in order to attain the levels. Of course, this can only happen if you have her affection up high enough. At least to the second-day events.
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Aug 29, 2015
I would appreciate it if ALL transformations were behind an affection wall. For some reason it feels weird to me to have the transformations that changes gameplay behind a wall, but not the basic ones. Think its mainly just me wanting to see some substantial scenes associated with gaining breasts or pussy.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I would appreciate it if ALL transformations were behind an affection wall. For some reason it feels weird to me to have the transformations that changes gameplay behind a wall, but not the basic ones. Think its mainly just me wanting to see some substantial scenes associated with gaining breasts or pussy.

Such scenes could still be added, even if there is no real wall to speak of. The game already shows a reply when you buy something, so it's just a matter of supplying the correct text. That said, writing tends to take a while and I don't think this is a priority. If you or someone else were to write the scenes, however, I could serve the code up to nergantre on a silver platter, a button click away from being implemented. Provided that he wants to include it, of course, but I don't think that will be a problem.

As to WHY the generic transformations should be freely available: they aren't personal. Each of the special mods is inextricably linked to one of the characters, so it makes sense for those characters to be involved in acquiring the mods. The basic mods aren't connected in such a way, so the clinical setting of the Body Shop makes sense for them. The special mods are also much more powerful than the basic ones, so they should be harder to get.


@nergantre: I have been trying to test some of my additions, and have come to the conclusion that filling empty outfit slots with nulls is a very bad idea indeed. It breaks everything. You'll probably want some kind of "empty clothing" instead.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I don't mind the recent changes that put the special forms behind an affection wall. It kinda makes it like those galge games.... minus the multiple choices, timings, flag/event triggers. One thing to point out to people is that with the new changes you could end up with max sized tits and cocks when facing an arcane based or science based opponent. Mind you the chances of perma change are still very low odds. I had it happen to me before the skill tree advancement in the experimental unstable build got to the point that it was too unstable. I noticed it really started exploding once the special body mods started appearing on the girls. It's probably related to that filling empty outfit slots with nulls thing that dndw mentioned. It makes perfect sense with what I was experiencing. About the time I hit around lvl 40 things went to hell in a hand basket. That was probably because I didn't set the slider all the way to male though. I kept it 50/50 so they didn't exactly grab up the male mods in a hurry. I was relieved to hear that nergantre had already fixed the stability woes and I'm all in agreement that for this next update he should go ahead and proceed at the pace he dictated as he indicated specific goals that sound like they will improve the UI a bit. I do have a question though. Would it be feasible to try to code in a scrolldown tab or the ability to resize the character stats side window. I noticed that if you start to collect a lot of items and feats (I"m gonna use the dnd term for those special perks you choose every few levels) that it cuts off and I can no longer see the items that populate lower on that list. If it were possible to resize that part of the window we could enlarge it  until we can see everything on that one at least. It would make it easier than trying to remember how many priapus or succubus drafts you purchased. I wish I knew more about programming because I would write up a little UI fix myself just to do that.

This point buy system you were thinking of reminds me of some of the computer dnd games that made it so they eliminated the random dice roll for stats in place of allowing you to custom pick your stats within a limit. I don't mind that idea as long as we get some manner of progressive compensation for playing into the higher levels. Maybe levels 1 - 10 can give 2 points, 11 - 20 gives 3 points and so on. The point is if you raise the costs to gain attributes alone you would actually potentially create a situation where the player can't keep up with the npcs  unless they utilize certain builds and tactics to temporarily buff their stats in compensation. Mind you temp buffs in this game can easily go from buffs to penalties after engaging the wrong opponent. I wouldn't suggest nerfing the temp buffs since its so easy to cause them to vanish and they don't last long anyways. Also, attempting to gain drain buffs can backfire on you and leave you the one that ended up drained instead. Then you have to deal with a buffed npc and you'd have to somehow regain some temp buffs. I'll tell you up front that I only buy the basic entries to all the skills so I can choose which path to branch out to. I do know that if you go for an arcane build you could go with a mix of dark and arcane or just mostly arcane. If I do the mixed magic kinda like a dark mage I try to go demonic form since the succubus path goes well with dark. Arcane is nothing to sneeze at but it requires some careful planning. I favor it for its ability to mix some combative abilities with some body changing abilities. The downside to it is that you have to have a source of mojo to keep those abilities open. So yeah... the attribute point buy system would slow a lot of that rapid growth down. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
It's probably related to that filling empty outfit slots with nulls thing that dndw mentioned. It makes perfect sense with what I was experiencing.

It isn't. I was talking about the unreleased overhauled clothing system. Besides, clothing and body mods are largely unrelated.


New Member
Aug 31, 2015
Loving the progress that continues to be made on this mod. Well done, nergantre and all you contributors. Nergantre, I sent you a submission for a Jewel win scene.

I love the previously-mooted idea of a deeper BDSM system - I'd particularly like it if fetishes/weakness vs certain attacks were developed more, and the role of shame/humiliation boosted.

I also like the suggestion of characters with dicks being able to face-fuck opponents (and if they cum while doing this, addiction/shaming effects should be mega-powerful).

I'd like to suggest a couple of moves:

– gagging an opponent (with a buyable gag, with panties, or by face-fucking them) which would stop taunt attacks. 

– fingering an opponent in the ass (more arousal damage+shame if opponent is being given handjob/blowjob/being fucked in the pussy at the same time?)

– pantyjob (augmented handjob, perhaps at the cost of the npc having to lose their panties)

– reacharounds (I know handjobs are possible from behind an opponent but I'd love to have them as a specific move with their own description)

And I have one question. Does anybody know of an online roleplay system/community that is a)sex-focused and b)incorporates some sort of combat system? I'm of the impression that most roleplayers just use freeform combat, but a Night Games-like role-play (i.e. with some sort of random rolling and hitopoints system) would be awesome.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Odd little bug I ran into today. Mara threw a bust draft at me, and I went from flat to c-cup. And then, every turn after I increased in size until it capped at F.

Same thing happened when Cassie decided to do it. Also, I don't know if it's a bug or the RNG hating my ass, but I have been countered by almost every girl in the fight. Multiple times a battle, in fact. And almost every time, it became impossible for me to escape, no matter how many points I had in cunning. Mara finished me off entirely by pinning me down and myself unable to do a damned thing about it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
I played a little tonight and found a few minor errors in 1.8.1. It's actually surprisingly stable for an experimental build!

- There's a missing space near the start of Drain ("powerfulvaginal").
- Dodging Blow displays all of the text in white.
- Something's up with dodging. I manage to dodge attacks A LOT even with 5 Cunning. This seems particularly common against Mara, who has 20~ Cunning.
- Foot Worship has no description, at least not when you're compelled to do it by Angel's aura.


Aug 27, 2015
I love the game but i thought I would report on glich that happened and seeing as a didn't save in a while i lost a lot of levels. Somehow Angel entralled me out of combat and left the area after that i coulden't move and had to reload the game.


New Member
Sep 8, 2015
So I'm playing the experimental version 1.8.1 and got my dark skill to 50, but dont seem to see the option for level drain. I was wondering if someone knew how to use it. Also, I've encountered a bug where Reyka would use Eye of temptation and I would be stuck clicking the Obey option for an infinite number of turns.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
So I'm playing the experimental version 1.8.1 and got my dark skill to 50, but dont seem to see the option for level drain. I was wondering if someone knew how to use it. Also, I've encountered a bug where Reyka would use Eye of temptation and I would be stuck clicking the Obey option for an infinite number of turns.

The Enthrall bug will be fixed in the next patch, and level drain is only usable when your level is below your opponent's and is below 100. I should actually make the Dark requirement a bit lower now that I think about it, but the problem was with Reyka/Angel just going around and level draining everyone and being massively ahead of everyone else


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I love the previously-mooted idea of a deeper BDSM system - I'd particularly like it if fetishes/weakness vs certain attacks were developed more, and the role of shame/humiliation boosted.

I also like the suggestion of characters with dicks being able to face-fuck opponents (and if they cum while doing this, addiction/shaming effects should be mega-powerful).

I'd like to suggest a couple of moves:

– gagging an opponent (with a buyable gag, with panties, or by face-fucking them) which would stop taunt attacks. 

– fingering an opponent in the ass (more arousal damage+shame if opponent is being given handjob/blowjob/being fucked in the pussy at the same time?)

I second most of these ideas. Particularly the gagging opponents and ass fingering. Seems to me that the last one could be included anyway.

Also, can there be flavor text and an actual affect of being tail-pegged? Aside from 'Reyka is now pegging you with her tail' status showing up, nothing else seems to indicate what's happening.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Also, can there be flavor text and an actual affect of being tail-pegged? Aside from 'Reyka is now pegging you with her tail' status showing up, nothing else seems to indicate what's happening.

Both of those exist, but the status currently disappears before they ever show unless the attacker is actually fucking the target. This seems like a bug to me, but it might not be. The fucking requirement would also mean that the two are close together and that mobility is limited. This could be expressed in better ways, though. So I think the intention is "Remove this status if there is no tail-fucking going on," which is perfectly reasonable. What it actually says is "Remove this status if the original tail-fucker is not fucking their opponent with a cock or strapon," which seems a little strange.

(InsertedRequirement only checks the inserted(Character) method of the current stance, which does not account for this skill. Might I suggest the requirement be removed and that the status will have a lifetime of a single turn unless it's replaced?)


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I second most of these ideas. Particularly the gagging opponents and ass fingering. Seems to me that the last one could be included anyway.

Also, can there be flavor text and an actual affect of being tail-pegged? Aside from 'Reyka is now pegging you with her tail' status showing up, nothing else seems to indicate what's happening.

Eventually! I was actually thinking of adding gagging myself. Was thinking of doing some kind of silence effect that prevents taunts/whispers/command/spells. It would also be in place when facesitting and facefucking. However, probably should work on the stability first before adding too much more features.

Also the tail pegged thing is a bug. It should be working now. Hopefully.

Edit: @dndw

Nope the InsertionRequirement was intended. The TailPegged status is meant to be ineffect when you are being DP'd. The bug was that any text in the regen function will be cleared before anyone can see it.

I moved the interesting status effect updates to a new "tick(Combat c)" function that gets called at end of turn. Hopefully that'll fix it up.

Anyways, here we go!



1.8.2 changelog

- Clothing has been completely overhauled.
- All clothing will be in the resources/clothing/
- new clothing can be either added to the existing json file or it can be a new json file in that directory
- Got rid of the old skimpiness system and replaced it with exposure.
- All clothing have an exposure value, that is multiplied together to get your final exposure level for that slot (top or bottom)
- Example: you're wearing panties, a skirt, a bra, and a blouse
- panties exposure: .8
- skirt exposure: .4
- Total bottom exposure = .8 * .4 = .32
- bra exposure: .8
- blouse exposure: .3
- Total top exposure = .3 * .8 = .24
- Overall body exposure = (.24 + .32) / 2 = .28
- This body exposure value increases your body's hotness stat (in this case by .28%), which in turn affects tempt and pleasure damage you do
- To counteract the fact that wearing clothing reduces your body hotness stat, clothing now have a hotness stat as well
- This directly adds to the hotness stat of your body while you have it on, but is reduced by the exposure level of the layers above it.
- Example: you have a bra and a tshirt on
- bra hotness: .4
- tshirt hotness: .1
- tshirt exposure: .4
- total hotness = .1 (Tshirt) + .4(Bra) * .4(Tshirt exposure) = .26
- If you strip off the tshirt,
- total hotness = .4 (Bra)
- Note that these values probably will change since I'm just trying to pick values that make sense right now
- Hopefully this encourages people to keep their clothing on at least some of the time instead of stripping both naked within the first 2 turns.
- Redid the mapping of the clothing. Now certain clothing can take two slots and cover both top and bottom (like trench coat and cloak)
- top layers:
- 0 : undershirt/bra
- 1 : none
- 2 : shirt/dresses
- 3 : jackets/coats
- 4 : cloaks etc
- bottom layers:
- 0 : underwear/panties
- 1 : hosiery/leg warmers
- 2 : pants/skirts/dresses
- 3 : coats etc
- 4 : cloaks etc
- legs layer:
- 1 : hosiery/leg warmers
- 2 : pants
- feet layer:
- 1 : hosiery/leg warmers/socks
- 2 : shoes
- arms layer:
- 1 : gloves
- head layer:
- unused for now (hats?)
- hands layer:
- 1 : gloves
- 3 : unused for now (rings?)
- neck layer:
- unused for now (necklaces? collars?)
- Stripping works a bit differently as well
- Strip skills and Tear skills only shred top and bottom.
- Random strip skills (Dissolving solution) strip any slot at random
- Nudification skills (Defabricator, Nakedbloom, etc) will first strip top and bottom, and then strip the rest if used again.
- Added a ton of new clothing.
- Most of these can be found in the Boutique, Clothing Shop, or XXX Store.
- Hover over the clothing in the store or the clothing change UI to see what they do.
- Unfortunately this may mean that your saves are no longer compatible.
- When NPCs have affections over 30, you can give them gifts (Clothing)
- When they have over 35 affection, they'll let you pick out their wardrobe.
- Note that you can really screw them over by picking harmful outfits. Discretion advised.
- Added a new character initial strength Trait:
- "Stable Form"
- Prevents the effects of Priapus Draft, FemDraft, Tiny Draft, Bust Draft, Succubus Draft and Tentacle Tonic from applying when thrown at you.
- Added two new character initial weakness Traits:
- "Naive"
- 50% to not get cynical after recovering from a mindgame status (enthralled, trance, flatfooted, etc)
- "Foot Fetishist"
- Starts each match with a foot fetish at the minimum magnitude
- Added new Traits:
- Heels Pro:
- Wearing heels does not reduce your speed, and does not make you easily knocked down (generally heels have higher hotness bonuses)
- Heels Master:
- While wearing heels, you have a 33% chance to avoid knockdowns (Tackle, Trip, Shove, etc)
- You gain Heels Training after finishing a battle with heels on.
- One for heels
- Two total for high heels
- Three total for higher heels (Stiletto Pumps)
- Heels Pro = 50 total training
- Heels Master = 100 total training
- Merged in some foot fetish content from Sakruff (Thanks!)
- Updated text on foot job/foot pump to have events for girls
- Added a new skill Foot Smother
- Unlocks at 20 Fetish
- Can be used when shoeless and you are standing over the opponent
- Has a raised chance to inflict foot fetish
- If you start off as a female or a herm, you start with bra and panties instead of boxers.
- If you start off as a female or a herm, you start off with b cup breasts (up from flat)
- Changed the AI:
- The AI now will consider the opponent differently. This mainly makes it so that more interesting things can be added.
- The AI now will pick the best item to drink/throw instead of a completely random item.
- The AI now will take the male preference slider into account when determining what move is good
- Example: You have male preference slide all the way to the right.
The AI will consider growing a cock good and you getting a pussy good.
- This is a bit experimental at the moment, so please let me know if something seems off.

- Made divine pussy's divine charge stack double every time she takes pleasure damage instead of increasing it by .25
- Makes getting out of vaginal penetration very important versus Angel
- Made enthrall stack less.
- When enthralled status is added on to a already enthralled opponent, the final duration will be whatever is more:
- Original duration + 1
- New duration - 2 * (number of times this enthralled status has been refreshed + 1)
- Note: If you are still having trouble with enthrall, try speccing more into Cunning.
- Fetishes now last throughout a match, but decrease in magnitude as time passes to a minimum magnitude of .25
- Being pleasured by the fetish part will increase magnitude by .05
- Kiss of Baptism has been rebalanced a bit.
- It now costs 30 mojo instead of building 10 mojo.
- Now always applies Love Struck, but only for 2 turns
- Now builds you 50% mojo
- Now fully heals you
- Buffed base damage bonus to 20

Bug fix:
- Deep kiss and drain kiss' text was swapped around
- Fixed invitation text
- Fixed some bugs with insertion requirements requiring the wrong person to be inserted.
- Fixed a text bug with alluring
- Fixed a bug where sometimes on insertion, the game would bug out
- Fixed a bug that was causing the game to bug out when transformations changed outside a match
- Fixed a bug where struggle has unformatted text
- Fixed a bug where getting tail pegged does not show up.

Other changes:
- NPCs now buy priapus drafts & femdrafts based on the male pref slider. They also buy them much less than before.
- Logs now also show status effects being added and removed
- Latex clothing has been removed from the Boutique (it's purchasable in the XXX shop)
Note that even though this one says experimental, it's mostly tested. There may be some weirdness with certain stripping skills still, but I haven't gotten it to crash in a while (although I'm sure you guys will get it to crash instantly... :D)

Also, for the next few days, I will be doing stabilization on this. Mostly no new features, just fixing up bugs until I can release a 1.8.3 stable. Unless this one is somehow bugfree, which I kind of doubt...
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015

(sorry for the empty quotes, I can't seem to get rid of them) 

If the status is only meant to be effective in DP, why is it always applied? It's a bit strange to see the initial message and then nothing to indicate that it was ever there. I understand what you are trying to do, but wouldn't it be best to have this check in TailPeg as well? Then the status would only be applied if it is valid, and still get removed if the requirement fails later 


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Awesome! Thanks for your hard work as always, both to you, Nergantre, and other contributors. I was only able to play briefly tonight, and I used my 1.8.1 save, but I'll start a fresh file when I have time tomorrow.

Bugs, possibly non-bugs, and nit-picking:

- Undress and Strip Self both show up. Possibly not a bug because one takes off an individual item and the other completely undresses you.
- Probably not a bug thanks to the clothing overall, but since it isn't listed in the logs, I will say that your (un)dressed stickfigure no longer shows up.
- Being on top of an opponent in the 69 position mentions your dick even when you don't have one, and presumably the same thing for your opponent's pussy.
- The game sometimes says your opponent runs off to a safe room, but they don't leave the room.
- Five times in a row was I told that Angel was affected by a feet fetish when I entered the Student Union with her in it.
- The decimals might be a little out of hand: "Angel is affected by a feet fetish (0.45000000000000007)". I saw a similar thing with Reyka's lust aura.
- Heel Grind (the female version) displays the picture for Foot Pump (the male version). I see there wasn't a new picture added for it in the files so I'm guessing you just didn't have one on hand, but I figure it's worth mentioning, since the distinction has been made now.
- Possibly not a bug, but I don't understand the circumstances that would return this message: "Reyka uses Throw draft. Skill failed..."
- Has Enthrall been changed other than its duration? Reyka was able to undress both me and herself in a single Command action. Previously, that would have taken two separate turns.
- Not really a bug so much as a minor detail, but the game says that you're having fantasies of worshiping the body part of whoever inflicted you with the fetish, even if you're fighting someone else. Presumably you still suffer the penalties of the fetish with your new opponent(s).
- Reyka gained a feet fetish (0.25), and I was told she was affected by a feet fetish about five more times as I continued to spam Heel Grind, but her fetish never worsened past 0.25.
- Being Winded only lasts for a single turn now.
- The text in the main window that displays the prices in the clothing shop is redundant now that you have tooltips on hover.
- There's no back button if you change your mind with Strip Self. There are also some minor typographical issues with that skill, such as "you strip off stockings".
- You keep your shoes and socks after being defeated.
- There are two "affections" sections in the save files, one of which doesn't list the player and has much lower numbers for the other girls; it seems the game is using this one for the purposes of being able to give gifts/change a girl's wardrobe, because she has over 35 affection for me in the other one and I have over 35 affection for her in my section, but I can't gift her anything (I'm assuming it's done from the menu where you choose Games/Sparring/Sex, though I've looked everywhere for it, to no avail).

- Underwear-only handicap doesn't strip you, and you resupply as normal. Presumably the nude handicap works the same.
- Jewel's Tear Clothes started returning no additional info other than the skill name (and having no effect) after I was stripped topless. I was wearing a miniskirt, thong, stockings, and stiletto pumps.
- There are some small grammar issues with being stripped ("Mara grabs the waistband of your miniskirt and pulls them down"), and it mentions non-existent dicks when your bottom piece of underwear comes off.
- The changelog says there's text when a girl receives a Footjob, but it still displays the old, male text (as least when the player is on the receiving end).
- Foot Smother doesn't appear to be in the game. I can confirm it doesn't unlock with 20 Fetish (yep, I made sure I was barefoot when trying it). NPCs don't get it either.

- Dissolve seems to randomly not work. Perhaps it's targeting an empty slot (like hands when you're not wearing gloves)?
- Fetishes for the PC also don't go above very low levels (sometimes as low as 0.45000000000000007).

- "You use Footjob. You rub your foot against Reyka's pussy lips while rubbing {other:possessive} clit with your big toe. {other:pOSSESSIVE} {other:body-part:pussy} is so wet, your foot easily glides along {other:possessive} parted lips."
- "You use Heel Grind. You wrap your legs around Angel's waist and grip her between your toes. Massaging Angel's between your toes, you start to stroke her up and down between your toes. Reaching around from behind her back, you start to tease and caress her breasts with your hands. Alternating between pumping and massaging the head of her with your toes, she begins to let out a low moan with each additional touch."
- "You are only wearing stockings and a pair of stiletto pumps while your chest and crotch is clearly visible."
- I can't remember: I may have reported this one before and it just hasn't been adjusted because it's so trivial, but Angel's taunt refers to your dick even when you don't have one.

- The overhauled clothing system is excellent! I haven't tested out the new mechanical stuff yet, but it's very cool having such a variety in outfits, both for yourself and customizing your opponents. I always thought it was kind of weird that everyone was running around barefoot, but now my immersion is complete!
- It may be a good idea to allow items to scale with level, or offer an advanced attribute that enhances item use. They're fine at the very beginning of the game, but most non-draft items quickly become useless after two or three nights. Like Sedate only draining 30 stamina; even though I rarely build stamina (like once or twice a night), that quickly became nothing.
- I like the new change clothing menu a lot more than the old one, though it is a bit blinding in its sheer whiteness, since much of the rest of the game uses dark tones. Could that be made easier on the eyes? As well, info about Appearance and Exposure on the bottom bar would be nice. It's good design to offer information in-game so players don't have to go dig through lengthy forum topics or wikis to learn mechanics.
- What's this FaeScroll I keep seeing in the save file?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Hey Nergantre, quick question about the new build. I can't seem to get my 1.8.1 save file to load in 1.8.2 and I'm not sure what the problem is

Could you post your log file? That should contain an error message.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Edited my post to contain the file

Looks like Jewel's Kungfu Pants didn't make it into the new clothing system. If you edit your save to replace those with something else (or nothing), it should work. Unless there are other items like this that got removed.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
Looks like Jewel's Kungfu Pants didn't make it into the new clothing system. If you edit your save to replace those with something else (or nothing), it should work. Unless there are other items like this that got removed.

Ok, what item should I replace them with?


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Hey guys, thanks for the bug reports.

I wont be able to work on this until later on tonight or tomorrow, but expect to see a bugfix build soon.

@bronze, I'll make the UI dark in the next build :) .

Undress and strip self is not a bug, because sometimes you want to only remove one article. And now that I think of it, there's probably a bug where you can instantly strip self tentacle clothing even though it's supposed to be hard... eh I'll fix that soon.

About the heel grind, yup I couldn't find an image. If someone finds something, I'll add it in :p

Fae Scroll is an item that you get from caches. I think it currently does nothing except you need one for Cassie's transformations.

@dndw, I probably should check in tailpeg, you're right

@shadowblaze94, ack forgot about that. karate pants is the only removed piece of clothing because I made the gi cover legs and removed the pants. You can probably just remove the line about karate pants in your save and it should be okay.
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