Nightgames Mod (v2.5.1.2) updated 2/11/17


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Just something I've picked up, I've noticed that even after acquiring FitnessNut, I still get the same dialogue that I am used to seeing before getting it, and not any of the lines AFTER you get the trait. I also have repeatedly gotten rolls of +1 Stamina after I got it. To be sure, I'm using v2.3.3, and this time the only save change I've ever done to the game is change experienced trait to dexterous...because stamina now became a serious resource (hurray!).

Just to point that out.

Also...(self-inserts into the game) seriously want to tangle and get turned on by an 8-robotic-armed woman? Is it not heavy? Speed-debilitating? What I could suggest instead, is actually invest in permanent once-per-fight traps around rooms other than Quad and Courtyard. She can choose to use those traps with low accuracy, improved significantly whilst in a submissive position, her addiction, during certain debuffs for the enemy, or if using the move in the form of a counter. This would help make certain things like her dialogue for the SpiderWeb trap make sense. Also, it would solve the problem pointed out by someone regarding how she rarely uses traps, if ever.

Another idea I have is similar to Spiral Thrust, and your described Temporal Haste - she can for one turn, no change to mojo cost, double, triple, etc. her actions-per-round, or something similar, with a drawback of Lethargy or a reduction in stats for one or two turns. Call it her experimental chemistry. The only problem is...this is too much like hypnosis, which is practically free moves per turn, with no disadvantage.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Here's a plan for the set I'm most interested in. Biological and Chemistry did not make it into this list, unfortunately. The five below will take plenty of time already.
Some things I left as they were, some I changed, some I replaced, some I removed entirely. I think five focuses are more than enough, certainly while there are still characters with none.

Level 10: Harpoon Toy (going to need a better name)
1: Unlock the toy itself. It's launched from her arm device and is shaped like an onahole if the target has a cock, or a dildo otherwise. It acts like hard-to-remove clothing and causes pleasure each turn.

Upgrades 2, 3 and 4 make the toy harder to remove and cause a bit more damage.
2: Unlocks Yank, which lets Mara throw a harpoon-ed opponent to the ground, with a chance of removing the toy.
3: Makes Stun Blast much cheaper and guaranteed to hit if the target has a harpoon toy on them.
4: Unlocks a slight chance to cause a double orgasm if it's triggered while the target is 'wearing' the toy.

Level 10: General Tech
1: Pheromone Bomb, causes very high temptation if it isn't removed within X (4?) turns.
2: Mag-Locks. One cuff has no effects, and is somewhat easy to remove. Two cuffs act the same as zipties/handcuffs/tendrils etc. but are more difficult to remove. Three cuffs completely immobilize the player and are impossible to remove. Each cuff requires 1 battery per turn to sustain, and if Mara runs out of batteries all cuffs fall off. All removal checks use the player highest advanced attribute. If the target does not have an advanced attribute, the difficulty is increased by half.
3: Training Collar. Can only be applied from highly dominant positions. Causes stamina damage when the player uses pain-focussed skills or is in a dominant position. Lasts for the entire duration of the fight + 20 turns, can be removed by a check similar to Mag Locks, but considerably harder. Successful removal first stuns the player. This is probably overpowered, and may end up costing two batteries per turn to maintain.
4: Robo-Spider Trap, improves Spider Trap by causing it to bring the victim to the edge of orgasm and lasts either five turns or until another character finds the victim.

Level 10: Robo Arms
Robo Arms act like pets with one specific function. There are a number of possible attachments. Mara can change these during the day. Not all attachments are available right away.
Possible attachments:
- Dildo/Onahole (10+): Take a guess.
- Grabber: One grabber has no effect, two cause a binding. More than two make it more difficult to escape.
- Stabilizer (20+): Make Mara more difficult to knock down.
- Heat Ray: Cause stamina damage.
- Defabrication Ray (20+): Remove clothing
- Healing Ray (20+): Restore Mara's stamina. If she has full stamina, has a small chance of Purging negative statuses.
- Itching Ray (30+): Cause mojo drain
- Lust Ray (30+): Cause arousal damage
- Mind Magnet (40+): Dildo/Onahole which can inflict Frenzied. Replaces the regular attachments.

Start off with 2 robo arms, gain two more at level 20, 35 and 50.

Level 20: Temporal
1: Haste. Occasionally (more often with high Science) makes the opponent skip a turn. Also boosts speed, accuracy and cunning while active. Rather expensive to use.
2: Time Loop. Causes the target to repeat their last action for X turns, if possible. Cancelled if the action isn't available.
3: Time Trap. Causes a 5-turn stun at the start of combat if capitalized on.
4 with Harpoon: Chance to reapply the harpoon when it would be removed at a cost of temporal charges.
4 with General Tech: Increases Science and mojo gain.
4 with Robo Arms: Time Antenna: Randomly grants Mara extra temporal charges

Level 20: Mind Control (immediately unlocks the corresponding addiction)
1: Infrasound. Gives Mara a special necklace, which acts like a layer 1 top (in between regular tops and bras/undershirts). This necklace costs one battery every two turns to keep, and causes very slow addiction gain when active.
2: Hypnotic Visor. Hard-to-remove blindfold-like instrument which causes addiction gain. Faster than infrasound, but still slower than regular methods. Only usable from the same situation as Training Collar.
3: Command Arousal. Lowers addiction, but gives a considerable arousal spike.
4 with General Tech: Hypnotic Hologram Trap. Forces Masturbation for X turns, even if discovered by another character.
4 with Harpoon Toy: Addiction gain is quite a bit faster if triggered in a submissive position and wearing the toy.
4 with Robo Arms: Hologram Projector Arm: Low chance to inflict a 1-turn Trance


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2016
Interesting trait discussion ... don't have anything to share on that part, though.

I've been wanting to make it possible to fight during the day. Mostly as a way to hook custom characters for a practice fight, but I feel it also ought to have potential for use in the game.

So I've made a branch with the ability to start a practice fight with an NPC via their menu. It's... pretty bland at the moment, and suffers from a few minor bugs (there's a message for getting a trophy, but it's deleted later, and you end up being in NPC's room after everything, plus some corrupted internal state which luckily gets fixed when starting a new match - I'm talking about there being some match object stuck in Global.getMatch() which is not started but not ended either - that sort of thing.

Anyway, here's the link to the github branch.


Jan 7, 2016
@dndw I would be inclined to have the traps as separate from the normal skill progression, because at least the way they get used now, they don't seem to have the same impact as an actual combat trait.

Wow, ok. That's a lot, and some things need mechanics in place which do not exist yet and would not at all be simple to implement.[...] The reworked biological focus looks interesting, but some of those advanced traits would require a lot of new features (read: bugs).
Biological tree:
in Charcter.eot()
if (has(Trait.subcutaneousstimulators)) {
opponent.pleasure((c.getStance().pheromoneMod()-0.5)*(get(Attribute.Science)*0.05+2, c, this);
in Charcter.resolveOrgasm()
if (!is(Stsflag.nerveseperated)) {
<normal losewillpower and if (nyphomania) stuff goes here>
} else {
pain(c, this, getOrgasmWillpowerLoss()+extra)
(1) getCharismaBonus is called 5 times, once in Body and the rest in Character. Adding +(has(Trait.reformattablebody)?5:0) to each of those is easy.
(2) in Encounter.spotCheck(), if (p1.has(Trait.reformattablebody)) {p2.add(new FlatFooted(p1,1));}
in Player.faceoff(), String;if (opponent.has(Trait.reformattablebody)) {name=Global.pickCharacters(Global.everyone(), null,1).iterator().next().getName();((Mara)opponent).setFakeName(name);}
in Mara.describe() at the beginning, if (fakeName!=name) {String outp="Long description but the person you thought was fakeName was actually mara!";fakeName=name;return outp;}
in Encounter.spotCheck(), at the beginning
if (p1.has(Trait.ampullaeoflorenzini)) {p1.state=State.ready;}
if (p2.has(Trait.ampullaeoflorenzini)) {p2.state=State.ready;}
I think those are the ones you were concerned about. Enhanced Muscles and Enhanced Durability are trivial to implement, and Biological Understanding and Biological Manipulation will need to be written into the scalings of the individual skills they affect.
This weekend I really need to sit down and separate out the stuff I've done that is unambiguously good for merging into mainline into a seperate branch. I'll start implementing some of this stuff then.

Also, the description block should definitely change with these different focuses, at least for Mara.

I am planning to implement the Adaptation lvl20 focus, so you might want to figure out what synergy bonuses you want the lvl10 focuses you're implementing to have with the other lvl10 focuses.

The idea behind the reworked biological focus was something that would turn all her tech organic, and something that would synergize with power instead of cunning.

The idea behind chemistry was a DoT build, which would synergize particularly well with the temporal DoT acceleration build. Also, it seems like something a scientist should be able to do.

I noticed that you removed the breast and shrink rays from Robo Arms- why? It seems like they need some focus to fit in with, and that seems the best match with all of the other rays.
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Active Member
Oct 6, 2015
Updated versions of Travis and Matthew (male characters) here. No new content - in fact less content because I had to delete two Travis scenes that didn't work with the latest version (2.3.3). The issue seemed to be changes in the way the conditional victory text was being handled, putting commas in the right places etc. Hopefully if there's a full character editor coming, I could look at extending these characters in future...

Mega links:!Do0xSQaB!CmzZgM7YSFsckKQOY6lJjP_d4P2eKHLTtCgXKDv6oDY!Gh90VRhQ!tHlhy5AarEHhy0h5lD0vQ8hUsgVlhRGKyKUT5LofeI8

Update: Tested with V2.4.2 - these custom characters don't work and I don't know how to fix this issue. I get an error message "Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException" after tinkering with commas to fix matthew.json " Expected name at line 343 column 9 path $.lines.victory[2].requirements.reverse.bodypart" errors.


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Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2016
Hello - Thought I'd finally register over here so I can have more current conversation and contribution to the game.

I've made a few posts over at TFGS, but I'll just put them in here as spoilered ideas.

First was a more descriptive system for drain types and volumes. This might require some moving around of data or strings, but I've made a lot of lines just to get started.

I've noticed a lot of strings that are in common use in the game are placed to be made all over the program. Creating Methods that correctly deliver these strings with the correct targets and pronouns would be good if each skill or action took a "Bring your own Outputmaker" approach. This also requires changing how data is passed around and where it's copied and sent, so I'll leave that to people more familiar with the core program.

The goal is to increase the descriptive nature of results while making them recognizable and consistent.

New System in General:

You Use drain - blah blah blah
Drain result message
Drain Description by type and volume
Stat Result

Temporary Result message:
Your {partname} draws gouts of energy from {Opponent}'s {partname}, draining them. {DrainType_Temp}

Permanent Result message:
You feel a fragment of {Opponent}'s soul break from them and enter you through your {partname}. {Draintype_Perm}

These two can more or less remain the same as they are now but with edits to reflect the expanded system.

Drain Type Descriptive messages:

Drain types should come in 2 sets of 3 descriptive messages: Temporary drains and Permanent, and in three small/medium/large descriptions.

Drain Type:

  • Temporary Small
  • Temporary Medium
  • Temporary Great
  • Permanent Small
  • Permanent Medium
  • Permanent Great

Drain Stat Result Messages:

Draining temporarily should be referred to as augmented/sapped; Permanent changes should be something long the lines of strengthened/weakened to reflect the permanency of the change.

{User}'s {Attribute} is slightly augmented. (1-3 points)
{User}s {Attribute} is augmented. (4-6 points)
{User}'s {Attribute} is greatly augmented.(7-9 points)

{Victim}'s {Attribute} is slightly sapped.
{Victim}'s {Attribute} is sapped.
{Victim}s {Attribute} is greatly sapped.

{User}'s {Attribute} is slightly strengthened.
{User}'s {Attribute} is strengthened.
{User}'s {Attribute} is greatly strengthened.

{Victim}'s {Attribute} is slightly weakened.
{Victim}'s {Attribute} is weakened.
{Victim}'s {Attribute} is greatly weakened.

This is what I'd like to do - Feel free to take this or build on it.

As well, I've taken some time to make a lot of drain messages according to this system:


T_S: You feel a bit of their physical strength enter you, slightly augmenting your Power.
T_M: You feel some of their physical strength enter you, augmenting your Power.
T_G: You feel their physical strength entering you, greatly augmenting your Power.
P_S: You feel their strength weaken as a bit of their physical strength enters you, making you permanently slightly stronger.
P_M: You watch as their body weakens; their physical strength is drawn into you, making you permanently stronger.
P_S: You watch as their body's muscles wither - their physical strength flows into you, making you permanently much more stronger.


T_S: You feel a bit of their cunning enter you, slightly augmenting your Cunning.
T_M: You feel some of their cunning enter you, augmenting your Cunning.
T_G: You feel their cunning entering you, greatly augmenting your Cunning.
P_S: You see their eyes dim as a bit as their cunning leaves them and enters you, making you permanently slightly more cunning.
P_M: You see their eyes dim as their cunning leaves them and enters you, making you permanently more cunning.
P_S: You see their face and eyes dim as their mental acuity leaves them and enters you, making you permanently
P_G: You see their face and eyes dim as their mental acuity leaves them and enters you, making you permanently much more cunning.


T_S: You feel a bit of their seductiveness leave them and enter you, slightly augmenting your Seduction.
T_M: You feel their seductiveness leave them and enter you, augmenting your Seduction.
T_G: You feel their seductiveness wither and enter you, greatly augmenting your Seduction.
P_S: You feel a bit of their swagger and confidence leave them and fuse with yours, making you a little more Seductive.
P_M: You feel their swagger and confidence leave them and fuse with yours, making you more Seductive.
P_G: You watch as their swagger and confidence leave them and fuse with yours, making you much more Seductive.


T_S: You feel a bit of their divinity leave them and enter you, slightly augmenting your own.
T_M: You feel their divinity leave them and enter you, augmenting your own.
T_G: You can see and feel their divinity flowing out of them and into your body, greatly augmenting your Divinity.
P_S: You feel a bit of their divinity leave them and fuse with your soul, permanently increasing your Divinity a little.
P_M: You feel yourself draining their divinity and adding it to your own soul, permanently increasing your Divinity.
P_G: You feel yourself taking as much divinity as you can from them and adding it to your own, permanently increasing your Divinity and drawing ever closer to Absolute Godhood.


T_S: You feel a bit of their darkness leaving them and entering you, slightly augmenting your own.
T_M: You wrench some of their darkness from them and feel it enter you, augmenting your own.
T_G: You feel their dark soul's power flow into you, greatly augmenting your own.
P_S: You feel a small bit of their dark soul break and enter you to consume it. You feel your dark powers slightly increase.
P_M: You feel a piece of their dark soul break and enter you to feed on it. You feel your dark powers increase.
P_G: You feel their dark soul break - its power yours to consume. You feel your dark powers greatly increase.


T_S: You feel a bit of their scientific understanding leave them and enter you, slightly augmenting your Science.
T_M: You feel their scientific understanding leave them and enter you, augmenting your Science skill.
T_G: You feel gouts of their scientific understanding and skill enter you, greatly augmenting your Science.
P_S: You feel a bit of their scientific understanding leave them and enter you, slightly augmenting your own.
P_M: You feel their scientific understanding tear from them them and enter you, permanently increasing your Science skill.
P_G: You feel their scientific acumen tear from them and fuse with you, greatly permanently increasing your Science.


T_S: You feel a bit of their freakiness flow into you, slightly augmenting your Fetish.
T_M: You soak in some of their freakiness, augmenting your Fetish.
T_G: You pull their freakiness into you, sapping them enough to greatly augment your Fetish.
P_S: You feel a bit of their freakiness jar loose from them and enter you, slightly increasing your Fetish.
P_M: You feel the freakiness draining from them and into you, permanently increasing your Fetish.
P_G: You feel their the freakiness tear from their soul as you soak it in, greatly increasing your Fetish.


T_S: You feel a bit of their biological attributes soak into you, slightly augmenting your Bio.
T_M: You soak in some of their biological attributes, augmenting your Bio.
T_G: You feel their biological attributes flowing into you, greatly augmenting your Bio.
P_S: You feel a bit of their Biological traits break from them and flow into you, slightly increasing your Bio.
P_M: You drink in their Biological attributes, feeling your Bio permanently increase.
P_G: You feel their body's biological traits tear from them and flow into your body, infusing it greatly with increased Bio.


T_S: You feel a little of their animistic spirit's energy flow into you, slightly increasing your Animism.
T_M: You feel some of their animistic spirit's energy flow into you, increasing your Animism.
T_G: You feel their animistic spirit's energy drawing into your soul, greatly increasing your Animism.
P_S: You feel a little power from their animistic spirit break free and join with you, slightly increasing your Animism permanently.
P_M:You feel the power from their animistic spirit break free and join with you, slightly increasing your Animism permanently.
P_G: You grin as you feel their animistic spirit's power snap free and join with you, greatly increasing your Animism permanently.


T_S: You feel a bit of their arcane power drawn itself into you, slightly augmenting your Arcane.
T_M: You draw in some their arcane power into you, augmenting your Arcane.
T_G: You draw in their arcane power into you in gouts, greatly augmenting your Arcane.
P_S: You feel a bit of their arcane power shake free of them and fuse with you, slightly increasing your Arcane permanently.
P_M: You feel their arcane power break free and fuse with you, increasing your Arcane permanently.
P_G: You feel their arcane power breaking free of them and flowing into you, greatly and permanently increasing your Arcane.


T_S: You feel a little bit of their Ki leak from them and you pull it into you, slightly augmenting your own.
T_M: You feel their Ki leaking out of their body and pull it into you, augmenting your own.
T_G: You feel their Ki gush out of their body in and pull it into you, greatly augmenting your own.
P_S: You seize upon a small bit their Ki and draw it into you, slightly and permanently increasing your own.
P_M: You seize upon their Ki and draw it into you, permanently increasing your own.
P_G: You drain the Ki out of their body and begin feeding on it, greatly increasing your Ki.


Sep 1, 2015
so been playing your new version on inverted genders mind telling me why the npc's can dodge every attack i use if they're not winded? i landed 1 attack every 10 turns might wanna fix that


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Hey guys, was a bit busy the last two days, but should be good now. I'll work on finishing up the latest patch.


Awesome, I'll definitely include these if possible. I also like your suggestions on tfgamessite. There's definitely an issue when scaling past level 50, but I guess most of my playthroughs end in the mid 40s at highest. May have to up the exp rate for myself to even playtest later levels.

I'm not really sure what to do with Jewel tbh. I'm hoping with dndw's traits she'll be a bit more challenging, but a power build gets kind of shafted later. Depleting stamina just doesn't feel super useful past a certain point when you can just spam tempt or something like that, or use the multitude of disabling options. She may need some more lust resistance I guess, since she usually gets so little seduction later that everything basically makes her cum in 2 moves... :\

About speed and perception, it's true that you can't level them up, but it's not true that you cannot change them. You can use the dojo to train or lower perception. Higher perception lets you dodge and hit better, and see more info, but makes you more vulnerable to arousal.

Speed is a bit weird. It turns out speed becomes kind of silly when you can level it, because higher speed wins almost all the time. You end up having like no hit chance when you are at 5 speed and the opponent is at 20. It makes comeback fights completely unwinnable. That said, you can minorly increase your speed by doing stuff like wearing shoes, not wearing heels without the pro heels trait, wearing certain clothing, having certain buffs (like haste, nimble, feral), or not having certain debuffs (winded, tied up, stone stance).

You also have a bonus to speed if you have wings (+2). You have a decrease to speed when having really large breasts or cocks (huge breasts apparently is a pretty heavy malus here, with the largest massive sized breasts, you have a whopping -6 speed (uhhh maybe I need to change this. I don't remember it being that bad...). Cocks are a bit better, only giving you a speed malus when over average sized (massive gives you -4 speed though).

There probably should be some more ways to get more speed, but haven't added any yet.

@people discussing Mara,
Cool discussion, I'll stay out of it for now though, since I do want to finish up the next release.

Sorry, I haven't really looked into the custom character stuff lately, I may have unwittingly broken some stuff.


Okay this may be my fault for making it too unobvious. Some skills like kiss/handjob/finger are very inaccurate when in an neutral position. Try knocking them down first to guarantee hitting. I'll see if I can add some extra descriptions to make this a bit more obvious.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2016
There's definitely an issue when scaling past level 50, but I guess most of my playthroughs end in the mid 40s at highest. May have to up the exp rate for myself to even playtest later levels.

I think this is mostly more of a discovery thing - the game changes as you pass certain thresholds, but this changes the dynamic a lot, making a lot of older stuff useless.

Refocusing on the fundamentals of the game can help with this. Clothes, parts, the board, the characters, traits, attributes, and of course, skills.

It seems a lot of discussion about implementation is getting muddied because a lot of neat ideas are being discussed but the implementation isn't possible, requires complex changes, or hasn't found a place in progression.

I'm not really sure what to do with Jewel tbh. I'm hoping with dndw's traits she'll be a bit more challenging, but a power build gets kind of shafted later. Depleting stamina just doesn't feel super useful past a certain point when you can just spam tempt or something like that, or use the multitude of disabling options. She may need some more lust resistance I guess, since she usually gets so little seduction later that everything basically makes her cum in 2 moves... :\

I find that's the case with her, too. It's pretty clear that - without designing more custom mechanics for her - she'll have a little chance against anyone that uses a late game opener on her. Ki probably should be revamped to have both offensive and defensive qualities - perhaps work WITH power instead of attempting to supplant it. This would be a good approach to all characters - again - working with the fundamental stats and attributes. (mojo, stamina, Cunning/Seduction/Power, etc)

About speed and perception, it's true that you can't level them up, but it's not true that you cannot change them. You can use the dojo to train or lower perception. Higher perception lets you dodge and hit better, and see more info, but makes you more vulnerable to arousal.

It seems like it doesn't exist in the same range of states that the other attributes can. Perhaps this should join a secondary category of Attributes or consider overhauling?

Speed is a bit weird. It turns out speed becomes kind of silly when you can level it, because higher speed wins almost all the time. You end up having like no hit chance when you are at 5 speed and the opponent is at 20. It makes comeback fights completely unwinnable. That said, you can minorly increase your speed by doing stuff like wearing shoes, not wearing heels without the pro heels trait, wearing certain clothing, having certain buffs (like haste, nimble, feral), or not having certain debuffs (winded, tied up, stone stance).

You also have a bonus to speed if you have wings (+2). You have a decrease to speed when having really large breasts or cocks (huge breasts apparently is a pretty heavy malus here, with the largest massive sized breasts, you have a whopping -6 speed (uhhh maybe I need to change this. I don't remember it being that bad...). Cocks are a bit better, only giving you a speed malus when over average sized (massive gives you -4 speed though).

There probably should be some more ways to get more speed, but haven't added any yet.

So there's definitely different attributes with very different scales. Again - I'd ask how these fit into the core mechanics, because each core skill should have equal scaling so surrounding Attributes can work with them or scale the same way with them.

Obviously, it makes the discovery process of balancing very hard when you have different stats scaling and progressing differently.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Perception and Speed are not meant to be normal attributes that you can scale linearly. They are sort of side attributes that are more of a product of your equipment than anything else. It's a bit unfortunate that they display the same way as other attributes, but there's not a lot I can do about that without some significant UI changes.


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2016
Perception and Speed are not meant to be normal attributes that you can scale linearly. They are sort of side attributes that are more of a product of your equipment than anything else. It's a bit unfortunate that they display the same way as other attributes, but there's not a lot I can do about that without some significant UI changes.

I get that - I was just wondering how speed and perception scale and if they are independent from progression/character build enough to be left alone. Sorry about the train-of-thought, there.

On a side note - I think the UI will eventually need some more work, so I'd say more work on the ADTs and possibly compartmentalizing the relationships some things have with each other might be the first move before overhauling the GUI.

@DarkSinfulMage ok but that is all of the starter skills locked down and since kiss is the best for mojo you're making the game ALOT harder than it should be

Can you explain/rephrase that?

The Silver Bard

Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
There's definitely an issue when scaling past level 50, but I guess most of my playthroughs end in the mid 40s at highest. May have to up the exp rate for myself to even playtest later levels.

In the interest of saving you some time, I'll mention that the endings are all going to be located in the 40-50 level range. You probably won't need to worry about balance past 50.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2016
In the interest of saving you some time, I'll mention that the endings are all going to be located in the 40-50 level range. You probably won't need to worry about balance past 50.
will there be a way to put the endings off so that you can continue to play and experiment and enjoy end game battles or at least implement a game mode for continuous play

The Silver Bard

Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
will there be a way to put the endings off so that you can continue to play and experiment and enjoy end game battles or at least implement a game mode for continuous play

I don't plan to have a forced ending, so you could continue, but I'm not going to write any story content that goes past that point. I'll try to signpost the endings enough to make it clear that's the intended end of the game.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Hopefully if there's a full character editor coming, I could look at extending these characters in future...

@DarkSinfulMage ok but that is all of the starter skills locked down and since kiss is the best for mojo you're making the game ALOT harder than it should be

Not all of them. Tickle and Fondle Breasts are quite effective early on (particularly the former, and particularly with the Dexterous starting trait), and the accuracy of Kiss is not as bad as Handjob/Finger. If you're new to the game, you might want to try a Power-based build first. As discussed previously, these are powerful at first, but lose steam later. And as for the game being harder, remember that your opponents have the exact same restrictions and accuracies you do. In Night Games, there are very few differences between the player and an NPC.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I think the main disconnect is that there aren't too many options early on, and it's hard to tell that you actually need to knock someone down. I'll put in some descriptions of it if possible

Awesome. Honestly I also thought about adding some kind of ending around level 50-60, but if you're going to do something official, I'm up for waiting for that instead.

Anyways almost done with this patch... the Angel overhaul has been taking forever, for which I apologize. Mei, Sarah and Caroline pets in particular took forever because I ended up giving them some unique traits for each of them. Hopefully they wont be too jarring.

Going to spend some time playtesting today, and hopefully will have something at the end of the day.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2016
I think the main disconnect is that there aren't too many options early on, and it's hard to tell that you actually need to knock someone down. I'll put in some descriptions of it if possible

Awesome. Honestly I also thought about adding some kind of ending around level 50-60, but if you're going to do something official, I'm up for waiting for that instead.

Anyways almost done with this patch... the Angel overhaul has been taking forever, for which I apologize. Mei, Sarah and Caroline pets in particular took forever because I ended up giving them some unique traits for each of them. Hopefully they wont be too jarring.

Going to spend some time playtesting today, and hopefully will have something at the end of the day.
looking foward to it


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Okay, I'm not going to update the front page yet, because this wont be the official 2.4.0 build. That said, most of the changes I want in the build is already there, with a few things having placeholder text.

I'm suspect things are going to be a bit unstable for a while, because this is probably one of the largest patches for the mod in over a year. I've tried to play test as much as possible, but most likely something is going to blow up somewhere.

Balance changes:
- Skills now will display how accurate they are when you hover over them
- Footjob now is less accurate (90 -> 80% base), but does much more pleasure damage (12-20 base)
- Now 100% accurate when opponent has a foot fetish
- Bunshin assault and bunshin service now has a lower accuracy but more clones summoned (each clone's accuracy is rolled separately)
- Now costs 2 mojo per clone, and maximum of 15 clones at 30 ninjitsu
- Use Dildo, Use Onahole, Kiss, Handjob and Finger now has 30 -> 50 base accuracy (100 when close to each other)
- Romantic nerfed to only add 40 -> 20 base accuracy (Kiss still has 70 base like before if you have the trait)
- Knee now has 90 -> 80 accuracy
- Lick nipples and suckle now has 90 -> 70 accuracy when neutral, but guaranteed when closer
- Throw needle now has 70 base accuracy
- Aphrodisiac, Sedate, and sensitize have all been nerfed to 65% accuracy base, guaranteed with Aersolizer
- Dissolve has been nerfed to 80%, guaranteed with Aersolizer
- Sedate has been increased to 50 exhaustion damage and 35 mojo damage
- Aphrodisiac has been increased to 10 arousal damage per turn, lasting up to 8 turns (scaled by biological damage).
- Aphrodisiac with a succubus pussy is no longer guaranteed without an Aersolizer
- Hypersensitive now increases pleasure damage taken by 30% -> 50%
- Now also increases pain by 50%
- Hypersensitive from ticklemonster now only lasts 5 turns. Hypersensitive from breast and cock growth only lasts for 10 turns.
- Tortoise wrap no longer requires the attacker to have an active bondage fetish to use
- Sweet scent no longer always misses (wtf)
- Trip now has only one cunning check instead of two
- Pussy training and cock training has been merged into sex training
- Beguiling breasts now entrances you for 50 turns instead of lasting for 4 turns
- Beguiling breasts is now an aura, and can work on opposing pets
- Upon orgasming, all mindgames status effects will be now removed.
- Nymphomania now only has a percent chance of restoring willpower upon orgasming if you not also feral.
- The footfetish weakness has been made to increase your footfetish magnitude during a fight while the opponent has no shoes on or have exposed shoes.
- The take off shoes skill can now be used to tempt anyone that has a footfetish
- Buffed insertion damage for fuck skills (the insertion trait did not change)
- Assjob base damage buffed from 4-7 to 10-14
- This is increased by 3 if your bottom is naked and by 3 again if the opponent's crotch is open.
- NPCs should use strategies only 50% of the time now. They were spamming certain strategies too much and it was making the game a bit boring.
- Mojo now no longer grows. You are limited to the amount of mojo you start with.

- Completely reworked mojo. You now do not gain mojo per fight or level.
- Instead everyone starts with a set amount of maximum mojo that they will use for the rest of the game, barring certain traits.
- Completely reworked how pets are handled. There are so many changes that it's hard to list everything here.
- The core change is that pets are treated like characters and can use skills on either the master or the opponent.
- Leadership now increases the level of pets summoned by 5.
- Tactician now also increases the maximum arousal and stamina of pets by 50%
- Pets now disappear if they orgasm or get knocked out or stunned.
- Added some new summoning skills:
- Summon Yui can call the ninja to help you out in a fight at the cost of 1 affection per summon. This is unlocked at 10 affection with Yui.
- Simulacrum is a 12 divinity skill that creates a sex-changed copy of your opponent to fight for you temporarily.
- Threesome is a fuck skill that makes your pet to fuck your opponent.
- Added some new sex stances related to this:
- FFM Cowgirl
- FFM Cowgirl + Facesit
- MFF Missionary with Assist
- MFM Spitroast
- MFM Double Penetration
- Changed how combat works. After each phase of combat, you advance the text by hitting next instead of all the text hitting you at once.
- Changed how leveldowns work. Each level up is saved now, so that when you level down you get to exactly where you were before instead of randomly losing traits or attributes.
- Flycatcher can now be used with 9 Ki or 18 Cunning
- Now instead of instantly downing the pet, it has a huge pain damage (30 - 50) targeted to a Pet
- Now costs 25% of your maximum stamina to use
- New skill HoneyPot
- can be used with 9 Dark or 18 Seduction
- Does huge pleasure damage (30 - 50) targeted to a pet.
- Jewel and Angel has been reworked
- At levels 10 and 20, after combat with the player, they will ask the player for your opinion on what she should focus on. The choice will influence what attributes and traits she will get upon leveling up.
- Added new portraits for Angel
- Cassie, Jewel, and Angel will now not advance into their classes until you pick their respective level 10 decision. They now also do not need 1000$ to advance (no idea why this was there, they don't even spend it...)
- Added new traits
- Last Stand
- Sexual Dynamo
- Inspirational
- Sacrosanct
- Mandate of Heaven
- Piety
- Genuflection
- Showmanship
- Apostles
- Devotee Fervor
- Congregation

Angel's pet only traits
- Valkyire
- Oblivious
- Overwhelming presence
- Resurrection
- Kabbalah
- Healer
- Supplicant
- Protective
- Fallen Angel

Jewel (from dndw):
- Powerful cheeks
- Tempting ass
- Disabling blows
- Takedown
- Indomitable
- Confident dom
- Draining ass
- Edger
- Commanding Voice
- Mental Fortress
- Bewitching bottom
- Unquestionable
- Grapper
- Suave (I added this one, I found Jewel way too weak vs girls, especially when taking the ass fuck line)
- Adds level / 2 Seduction when fighting someone without a penis
Kat's daytime scenes now give the relevant traits.
- Affectionate now makes it so you have a 50% to increase the amount of affection you gain by 1 instead of only adding bonus affection on draws.
- Added a new Trait "tease" for Kat's games scene.
- Builds 5% mojo if your opponent misses

Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug where you could be made to orgasm in a simulation and finish the match because of it. (woahdude)
- Fixed a bug where if you drastically outleveled someone, moves would be very inaccurate (yes wtf)


Sep 1, 2015

Not all of them. Tickle and Fondle Breasts are quite effective early on (particularly the former, and particularly with the Dexterous starting trait), and the accuracy of Kiss is not as bad as Handjob/Finger. If you're new to the game, you might want to try a Power-based build first. As discussed previously, these are powerful at first, but lose steam later. And as for the game being harder, remember that your opponents have the exact same restrictions and accuracies you do. In Night Games, there are very few differences between the player and an NPC.
that's the thing they were hitting me more often than i hit them and that was with kisses


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2016
Okay, I'm not going to update the front page yet, because this wont be the official 2.4.0 build. That said, most of the changes I want in the build is already there, with a few things having placeholder text.

I'm suspect things are going to be a bit unstable for a while, because this is probably one of the largest patches for the mod in over a year. I've tried to play test as much as possible, but most likely something is going to blow up somewhere.

Game is a little more hard - knockdown makes the game a little more violent early on with a lot of slapping and shoving, after 5-6 matches I started feeling like the game was more manageable.

Jewel is definitely a big problem early on - she seems to have knockdown to pin very easy for a while. I got two questions from her when it came time. I think it might have been a function of her dominating early on.

Angel still likes to stay away from people, hanging in the chem lab. Not sure if this is intended.

On the whole I like the changes, although I'd like it now if character quotes got some work and expansion. They currently don't implement pronoun use. If you need lines, I can perhaps write some for those - I just need a list of quotes needed, first. As well, while the next button has helped pace things, it might be good to introduce some text variation to make it worth not mashing.

Just a question: What exactly does tempt do, and what is the general gameplan with using it?
Should it have a quote, too?

EDIT: One more thing - it seems that all the girls end up getting their vagina mod before they actually make their transformation.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2016
another bug this one prevents all progress altogether the forest match is completely broken here's the log as well


  • nightgames_log.txt
    28.2 KB · Views: 4


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2016
You use Mount.
Mara outmanuevers you and catches you from behind when you stumble.

... I just got countered by someone who is lying on the ground into a position change... how does that work?


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2016
You use Mount.
Mara outmanuevers you and catches you from behind when you stumble.

... I just got countered by someone who is lying on the ground into a position change... how does that work?

Passive counter via power bug?

I noticed that the game buttons for the match bugged out on me after like 6 matches, similar to the bug where you couldn't move anywhere on the map.

Oh - another suggestion - implementing the map for the flag matches.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Ehh I'm not too worried about that one, unless Mara was also stunned. The idea being Mara could roll to the side when you're trying to mount her and outmaneuver you. If you think that it's really weird, maybe we could make it so you can't counter while prone, but I think it's not too unrealistic as is.

To be completely honest, I pretty much never do the FTC matches, so there could be some weird stuff going on there. I fixed this one bug you mentioned, but there could be some more.
And about the willpower thing, yeah I have no idea what's going on there actually. I saw it a few times during play testing too. I'll try figuring this one out, but it might take a bit to debug.

Hmm that shouldn't happen. The NPCs play by the same rules you do, so if they are hitting you more often with kisses, they either have the romantic strength (which boosts kiss accuracy), or are higher leveled/have more speed or perception than you.

I checked the code, and I don't see where they could be getting their modified parts before the advance... Are you using an old save?

About the quotes thing, yup there's a bunch of stuff that have grammatical issues right now, since we've been replacing old quotes which were just using set pronouns to a new system where it changes them dynamically. I've been replacing stuff as I see them, but since there are so many lines in the game already, it's hard coming up with a list.

I'd like to ask everyone to note the broken lines as you guys see them. I'll fix them up asap.

About tempt, do you mean the tempt skill? Or temptation damage? The tempt skill should already have some lines attached to it (although the player has only a placeholder right now). Temptation damage is different though. It's like "You pleasured ____ for ____" except temptation damage doesn't make you orgasm, and calculates damage a bit differently.


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2016
There is another bug with ftc matches - Character.resupply tries to check if you're in the quad and fails.

Those two. There is no "Quad" in an FTC match, so it fails.

I also had my game lock up once, and I have honestly no clue why I didn't save the log - something failed about resizing the window or the html render draw area or I don't know and it basically made a crazy stacktrace that wiped the entire log - something about looping on an exception. Not helpful, I know, so ignore it for now. But maybe it'll come back. If it does I'll let you know.

Also the coiledsex image is huge and it's worth looking into the image tag for that because it's like almost 400 px high (380 something).


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2016
I checked the code, and I don't see where they could be getting their modified parts before the advance... Are you using an old save?

Nope. Brand new. They had firey/runic/blessed slits before they actually had their transformation and later in the match they got the new descriptions.

About tempt, do you mean the tempt skill? Or temptation damage?

Both of those, if you don't mind.