Nightgames Mod (v2.5.1.2) updated 2/11/17


Nov 11, 2015
@BCRoxx, hmm I definitely didn't expect the tempt damage to be so strong...

Well, specifically I mean the classification of arousal damage, especially over time, that can exceed a target's arousal threshold without making them cum. Which I thought was classified "temptation" after the skill, but I guess not? So, yes, stuff like pheromones, laced juices, etc.

And honestly, the only time I use the Tempt skill is when submissive positions which do not allow arousal counter-attacks, or when bound, to wind up for the big hit after reversing/escaping or bide my time waiting for the opponent to do something silly and make themselves cum. Compared to pretty much everything else available to my character, it's pretty weak hat.

And yeah, compared to every other trait, Exhibitionist needs some serious love. The mojo gain early on isn't nearly enough to compensate for the vulnerability, and as you said by the late game (the point at which clothing becomes a secondary concern) its mojo gain is completely insignificant. Honestly, a better way to go would be to unleash it from mojo altogether, by giving it some other bonus like an attractiveness hike when naked, or unlocking exhibitionism-related skills early, or causing tempt damage in an opponent while masturbating, or something.

Now, my character...

Level 35

174 Stamina, 242 Arousal, 137 Mojo, 70 Willpower (I win that much)

Power 2, Seduction 40, Cunning 34, Perception 5, Speed 6, Arcane 1, Dark 30, Fetish 2 (from clothing), Submissive 20

Normally wear open-cup bra and crotchless panties, with garters & stockings, fingerless gloves (fused), and high heels (fused). I did wear a miniskirt and latex top with it, but it was holding my character back by impeding attractiveness and exposure.

Vaginal tongue, anal pussy, large (DD) tits, huge penis, no balls.

Traits: Addictive Fluids, Augmented Pheromones, Dark Promises, Energy Drain, Enthralling cum, Expert Tonguework, Fakeout, Fast Learner, Fearless, Free Spirit, Heels Master, Heels Pro, Laced Juices, Lactating, Lickable, Pheromones, Poker Face, Pole Control, Pussy Handler, Pussy Training 1, Romantic, Shameless, Soulsucker, Strong Willed, Submissive, Sympathetic, Tickle Monster, Tongue Training 3


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
:(. I'd do it some other way, but it makes it really difficult to create more pets, especially scalable/customizable ones. I'm almost done now, but man it took forever.

I thought I checked, but maybe not.

smqueen does do something. I just can't remember exactly what.

I'll checkout why blocking characters isn't working. It's probably because I'm checking for the type+"Disabled" and the flag is Name + "Disabled".

I think nurse was intentional, but you're right it's a bit weird, and honestly not exactly op even if did trigger suckle. I'll fix it.

And yup I do plan on adding choices for all the competitors. I was planning on working on Angel -> Jewel -> Mara -> others, so if you feel like it, feel free to add stuff that isn't Angel related right now.

Here's my current plan, but I'm not super set on any of these:
level 10: Fucking / Teasing
level 20: WorshipSkills / Followers (pets)

level 10: Anal stuff (not pegging?) / Martial arts (?)
level 20: Domination / ? (not quite sure yet)

level 10: Toys / Hands+Feet petting
level 20: Biology / Physics + temporal

level 15: Frenzying / Pheromones
level 25: Nymphomania / ? (not sure yet)

level 15: dark magic / seduction (?, not sure about either)
level 25: corrupting / more human skills (PURE PATH REYKA? maybe not )

level 15: focusing on cock / becoming a herm
level 25: Body Fetishes / BDSM

There are actually 3 types of arousal damage: pleasure, temptation, and arouse.
Pleasure is generally physical and scales off everything
Temptation is generally non-contact and psychological, and only scales off the charisma bonus
Arousal is generally magical/biological stuff that doesn't scale.

Pheromones/juices/stuff like that generally fall under the arousal category, which honestly surprises me quite a bit, since those don't scale off submissive/seduction/etc at all.

On the other hand, some of those do % arousal damage, which may be what's really strong.

I think addictive fluids may need some work. Maybe just need to make the tolerance period longer?


the pets with the changes may be a bit op. Technically the Imp is level 10 and this is a new game with Angel at level 1... but... :|
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
What I was thinking of for Jewel is anal bottom stuff, since she already gets some traits in that direction. Which would be padded with some unique traits to 'encourage' the player into her ass. For the second tier, maybe the ssecond option could add some mental dominatio, like stuff that causes Trance. So it would be a mental vs physical choice.

Edit: here's a more complete plan for Jewel:
Jewel 10 - anal
11, powerfulhips
25, tight
37, powerfulcheeks - blocks pull out, bonus to reversal
47, temptingass - chance to cause frenzied whenever assfuck is available to the opponent. Also chance to turn fuck into assfuck.

Jewel 10 - martial arts
11, grappler - bonus to hold strength
25, disablingblows - stamina attacks get a chance to slightly reduce opponent's Power.
37, naturalTop
47, takedown - tackle always hits and causes Winded if opponent is under 15% stamina

Jewel 20 - physical domination
22, indomitable - strongly reduces willpower damage from being submissive.
39,?? - causes passive attribute gain when dominant
50 anal, draining ass - causes stamina and possibly Power damage.
50 martial, edger - gains Edge skill, which causes high temptation damage and stamina damage if arousal overflows.
Jewel 20 - mental domination
22, commanding voice - Tempt may cause 1-turn Trance, Taunt may cause 1-turn Enthralled
39, mentalfortress - resistance to mind-altering statuses
50 anal, ?? - increased chance of causing ass fetish. Ass fetish boosts all anal-specific effects.
50 martial, unquestionable - randomly causes 1-turn stuns when dominant.

?? Means haven't thought of a name yet
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Mind control seems like a very un-Jewel thing to do, but maybe it'll work.

Anyhoo I mostly finished up with the pet refactor I wanted to do. There's still some stuff left, but it kind of works right now. I pushed the changes to my repo, and I'll start working on some new content soon.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Mind control seems like a very un-Jewel thing to do, but maybe it'll work.

What I'm planning isn't mind control, exactly. It's more akin to intimidation, an 'offer you can't refuse'. I'll just give it a try and see how it works out.

I've also made a scenario where the player shares Airi's transient slime-ness. It's a small addition, just some copied code from Airi and one new skill to give a better sense of anything actually being different in slime form. Most of the interesting stuff only unlocks at higher levels of the slime attribute. Just some finishing touches, and then I'll submit a pull request.


Jan 7, 2016
@nergantre the removal of max mojo variation you pushed is making it hard for me to figure out how to balance spellcasting. It seems odd to me to have a high level Cassie needing to take as many turns between spells as other people.
The compensation changes I'm considering implementing in my fork (if you keep this change) is to make some permutation of (automatically/some trait) (reduces mojo costs for skills with the arcane skilltag/gives passive mojo regen) based on (level/arcane attribute).

Also, if you haven't seen my fork there are a few things you might want to copy over (and feel free to), like the Reflect voodoo that lets you specify Growth in StartConfiguration, or the reduction to Struggle difficulty when the opponent is cc'ed.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015

Hey, thanks for the reply. I feel like higher level people shouldn't necessarily cast skills more often, but rather have their skills do more. It stops some of the skill spam that happens around high levels.

That said, I would probably balance it around having certain traits that give you a bit more max mojo (something like +20 or +30, nothing too crazy), and having higher level skills build some more mojo. Right now, it definitely feels like once you hit 150-200 mojo, mojo just stops becoming a resource. Maybe arcane just needs a skill to charge mojo faster.

I'll do some more play tests to see how it feels.

I did see your fork, but I didn't know if you wanted that merged into mainline. I'd be happy to do so if you want, since they look like good changes.


Jan 7, 2016
I don't think merging into mainline is the best idea- some of my changes are less than fully defensible and some things I do introduce bugs that take me a while to pin down- e.g. right now Kat's pheromones are doing 50x normal damage for some reason.
Some changes also probably conflict with things you have planned like the mojo rework. I'm also likely to retain the old strategies system until the new one is a bit more developed. Also, I'm not well-versed enough in free use law to know whether using the pictures from HF (that I have that get used if the flag is set) could be a problem for something meant for distribution.
Feel free to just copy text or whatever- I tried to mostly group changes into commits, so git cherry-pick should work.
I'm also not fully confident in the quality and appropriateness (wrt character personality and wrt when they occur (too long)) of the scenes I've written, but feel free to use anything you want to.

I see your point about max mojo growth, but the first solution that comes to my mind is not to limit max mojo, but to have more powerful versions of abilities that unlock at high stats that cost more mojo- like eyes of temptation vs charm, or sleight of hand vs strip top. The alternative if mojo is limited would probably be to have abilities scaling with stats (like binding). Right now, the game uses an inconsistent mix of the two strategies, which really doesn't make sense, and I think that is actually what generates the feeling of mojo losing relevance for some builds.

Using a start where everyone is level 20, which used to be 200+ max mojo, I still felt like mojo was a resource, if I ended up in a situation where the most useful arousal-damaging ability generated no mojo, like tighten. Mojo only really stops feeling like a resource when you are generating enough mojo without even trying that you can do anything you want to.


Nov 12, 2016
With "Drain Challenge" advanced start no GUI buttons render on game start. Game version 2.3.3., Java build 1.8.0_111-b14 on Windows 10 (x64).

Edited to add log:
Loaded samantha.json
Loaded rosea.json
Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException
    at nightgames.characters.Character.lambda$12(
    at java.lang.Iterable.forEach(Unknown Source)
    at nightgames.characters.Character.upkeep(
    at nightgames.characters.NPC.upkeep(
    at nightgames.gui.CreationGUI.makeGame(
    at nightgames.gui.CreationGUI.lambda$14(
    at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(Unknown Source)
    at javax.swing.AbstractButton$Handler.actionPerformed(Unknown Source)
    at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.fireActionPerformed(Unknown Source)
    at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.setPressed(Unknown Source)
    at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicButtonListener.mouseReleased(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.Component.processMouseEvent(Unknown Source)
    at javax.swing.JComponent.processMouseEvent(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.Component.processEvent(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.Container.processEvent(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.retargetMouseEvent(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.processMouseEvent(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.Window.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.EventQueue.access$500(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.EventQueue$ Source)
    at java.awt.EventQueue$ Source)
    at Method)
    at$JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege(Unknown Source)
    at$JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.EventQueue$ Source)
    at java.awt.EventQueue$ Source)
    at Method)
    at$JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
    at Source)

Edited with fix:

Remove Pantymaster from Mara's starting perks, as it is no longer present in the game.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
Do you know how you're getting knocked down? Seems weird that you're getting repeatedly downed, because you should be immune to knockdowns after getting up... I'll take another look at the code to see what's going on.

When I was first downed, she got behind me.
Then when I escaped from her with the cunning struggle skill, I was in a downed state and not standing.

So even though I escaped, I was still down on the floor allowing her to just get behind me again.
I hope this info helps?


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
Found a minor bug.
Not sure what causes it, but I get to keep underwear sometimes.
Then they just sit in my inventory for most of the game.
These are what I have at level 21:
Samantha's Lacy Thong: 6
Cassie's Panties: 2
Jewel's Panties: 2
Reyka's Clit Ring: 3

They just sit there for a lot of the game, but after 10-15 matches I spent 1 whole match crafting potions and not fighting (No enemy found me).
Then at the end of the match I had 0 wins, and turned in 4 sets of clothes?
I may have had some of Mara's underwear I guess...
My character should be kicked out of the games for cheating!!! :mad:

The Silver Bard

Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
I have a request for anyone who is good with Swing, because I'm not having much luck with it. This should be applicable for both the mod and the base game.
Can someone figure out a way to move the imgpanel into the JScrollPane? If images are in the scrollable area, we can use larger ones without impacting screen real-estate.
The issue I'm having is that when I add a panel containing multiple components to the JScrollPane, it stops resizing with the frame. If someone can find a way, I'd appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I have a request for anyone who is good with Swing, because I'm not having much luck with it. This should be applicable for both the mod and the base game.
Can someone figure out a way to move the imgpanel into the JScrollPane? If images are in the scrollable area, we can use larger ones without impacting screen real-estate.
The issue I'm having is that when I add a panel containing multiple components to the JScrollPane, it stops resizing with the frame. If someone can find a way, I'd appreciate it.

I'll see what I can do, but would it be easier if you put the images in the text pane? It's using htmldocument anyways, so you could probably add an image tag in there without too much trouble.

The Silver Bard

Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
I'll see what I can do, but would it be easier if you put the images in the text pane? It's using htmldocument anyways, so you could probably add an image tag in there without too much trouble.

Good idea. I'll give that a try and see how it looks.


Nov 11, 2015
Honestly in regards to mojo, maybe generation itself is the problem opposed to effective caps or costs. That's the lion's share of why Pimp Hand and Romantic are so overpowered compared to other starting traits right now, they cause mojo generation to skyrocket in the early game...and by mid-game, mojo caps are so high a single mojo-generating skill use can fuel most mojo abilities.

I'd suggest instead of a percentage-based system for mojo generation, either a flat system or a scaling system based upon derived attributes or current mental state. You'd have to rework Confident and Absorb Mana, but it would increase the usefulness of other Mojo-related traits, like the one (the name escapes me) that allows passive mojo generation in combat.

Also, speaking of clit rings...will we get piercings and tattoos as cosmetic options? :)


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Hmm, the problem with mojo is that I don't really want the early game skills becoming useless as you get better ones. Kiss is sort of like that, it's relevant all game, especially as you get more traits buffing it.

While we could just increase the mojo gain each time, it feels a bit wonky.

Also, there are some early-midgame mojo costing skills that are useful all game. Things like kick and knee are fairly powerful, and if you just spam them you can completely stunlock someone every time the braced buff runs out. Stuff like charm and counter are pretty good too, and things get pretty silly when you just spam them after level 20.

To be honest, I kind of like it when you can only use an expensive skill after 2-3 turns. If you want to use a big skill, there are ways you can build mojo by sacrificing a turn to wait or even masturbate. It gives more room to make powerful skills that would be too much if you could spam them.

Early game mojo should be a bit better after this patch too, since I increased everyone's mojo to about 100. Some have more (Mara has 120 vs Kat who has 80). This makes it so that each person can use their mojo costing skills a bit more or less often, which adds a lot of flavor. It really only nerfs late game mojo gains.

I'm thinking maybe there should be a per-turn mojo gain as well. Maybe something like 3-5% a turn, so you can always use something after a few turns.

Wait has been rebalanced a bit as well. Focus was nerfed a bit to go from 25% mojo gain to 20% mojo gain. This was mostly because it seems a bit too good for something that healed you, calmed you, and gained a ton of mojo just for getting 15 Cunning. I did add another variation to Wait called "Channel", which requires you to have a point in Arcane. This version of wait does exactly the same thing as it used to do (including calming yourself if you have 15 cunning), but also builds 20 + Arcane / 3 % mojo. If you have 15 Arcane, you'll build 25%, and at 30 you'll build 30%. There may need to be some more stuff that builds mojo, but I got to take a quick survey of the skills.

That said, I'm pretty excited for the pet patch. So far things are looking pretty good. The old pets are now actually quite useful, and scale well with the level of their related attributes. Moreover, I've added something called a "HumanPet" (no not in that way :p), which essentially mirrors an NPC. So if there is a related skill, you could summon say Reyka, and she'll start fighting for you. She'll have all the skills that she normally have and can use them on your opponent. They wont be able to get into different stances yet so they wont be able to do stuff like fuck the opponent, but it certainly opens up the possibility of having threesome positions in the future. I've reworked the stances now, so hopefully they can use all the skills that make sense (for example, if you're face sitting someone, they can use footjob on them), but I'm sure there will be a few bugs in the mean time.

The only new skill that I added that takes advantage of this system right now is a new one called "Summon Yui". It does exactly what it sounds like :p. The current iteration is a bit strong, where I could literally summon Yui, and she'll completely wreck the opponent when all I do is spam wait. I'll need some adjustment time for it.

The reason why I haven't released a new build yet is because I'm also reworking how the combat system works internally. It's gotten a bit too confusing, and I'm refactoring it to be a state-machine where the combat flow looks like this:
1. Pre-turn Upkeep
2. Select skills
3. Pet Action
4. Faster player action
5. Slower player action
6. Post-turn Upkeep
(go back to 1 unless someone has lost)
7. Fight Result Scene
8. Finished

This was done in order to make it so each turn can go on one page of text, and there's the option of advancing the text after each skill usage instead of dumping the entire text at once. I find that once you get some traits, resolving a skill usage takes like the entire text window, and you can't read the text at all if you don't hide the stance image.

However, I definitely broke some stuff with the refactor, so it's taking me a while to make sure that things are still working as intended.

That said, do you guys prefer me doing a build right after I fix these things, or waiting until I finish the Angel rework as well? If I did a build now, it'd be mostly the mojo rebalance and new pet system without a lot of content update, so I'm not sure if that's worth making a release.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2016
i say release what youve done that way ppl can help to identify any bugs or game breaking things that may need buffing or nerfing that and i really wanna summon yui


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Cool, I'll try doing a release after I finish debugging everything. Finally got combat in a good place, and I just need to add some pet-related stuff before packaging it up.

That said @The Silver Bard, do you have a description of Yui and Angel's friends? I wanted to add some images for them, but other than Yui being Caucasian and having long blonde bangs, I don't have much to go off on. And Angel's friends don't have any descriptions right now.

I could make some up, but wanted to know if you had anything in mind.


Jul 1, 2016
Just started playing again after not playing since 1.9.4 or something like that. v2 is different enough that it's almost like a sequel.

One odd thing I've noticed so far is that Cassie (with "Soft Hearted" trait) seems to go almost non-stop on the ball squeezing...

Edit: Also, after the underwear only event, it seems like you may need to reset clothing or you end up in underwear only the next night also.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Yeah there has been a lot of updates since 1.9.4 lol.

So soft hearted current just disallows 3 skills:
Flick, Slap, and Stomp

Which is kind of funny, since as you can already tell, squeeze is fair game, along with stuff like Knee, Twist Nipples, Spank etc.

I'll check out why the clothing is being weird.

The Silver Bard

Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
That said @The Silver Bard, do you have a description of Yui and Angel's friends? I wanted to add some images for them, but other than Yui being Caucasian and having long blonde bangs, I don't have much to go off on. And Angel's friends don't have any descriptions right now.

I could make some up, but wanted to know if you had anything in mind.

I didn't end up redownloading AA2 after my laptop died, so I don't have a concept image for Yui. The details I have listed for her are that she has striking blue eyes, is slightly shorter than average, with a slim build and a B cup bust. She has shoulder-length blonde hair that partially obscures her face. Not quite Miyazaki Nodoka from Mahou Sensei Negima bangs, but in that ball park. In the scenes introducing her, I described her as both "lovely" and "cute" so she probably has slightly youthful features.

If you want to see what Caroline, Mei and Sarah look like, you should go to my website and download Team Strip Match.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I feared I might have been exaggerating when I described the new pet system as pseudo-npcs. Apparently not. It's a significant step towards fights with more than two opponents. I like the increased mojo too, if only becaue it increases the pace of early-game matches a bit. Per-turn, guaranteed mojo generation, however does not sound like such a good idea. Sure, it's annoying when your opponent stampedes over you while you are struggling to build up enough mojo for a stripping skill, only to have that skill fail. But that just mmakes mojo denial an effective strategy. To make mojo more relevant in the late game, perhaps we could offer the opportunity to spend extra mojo on a skill to boost its damage and/or accuracy?

Jewel's new traits are almost done. Just one more and then the acquisition scenes. I hope I'll be able to finish up later today, but that would take some luck. Edit: I just skimmed through the latest changes. Merging is going to take a while.
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Nov 14, 2016
Are there any tips for playing a Seduction focused build? I feel like I'm wildly flailing with these abilities, and I'm not winning with any consistency. I'm not sure how to think when I'm playing.

I feel as if I could phrase that better. What do I need to do to play well?


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2016
Are there any tips for playing a Seduction focused build? I feel like I'm wildly flailing with these abilities, and I'm not winning with any consistency. I'm not sure how to think when I'm playing.

I feel as if I could phrase that better. What do I need to do to play well?
i find that the fetish abilities(get the fetish trainer perk) go really well with a seduction build and i use sex counter and invite alot
start the match with strip tease to get some quick mojo in and then strip the opponent then use invite or sex counter synergies really well with fetish trainer


Jan 16, 2016
Are there any tips for playing a Seduction focused build? I feel like I'm wildly flailing with these abilities, and I'm not winning with any consistency. I'm not sure how to think when I'm playing.

I feel as if I could phrase that better. What do I need to do to play well?

Well my strategy with fetish is also combined with seduction. Than trying to get behind them and spam foot pump. I think this style is quite effiective against opponents with dangerous pussies


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I didn't end up redownloading AA2 after my laptop died, so I don't have a concept image for Yui. The details I have listed for her are that she has striking blue eyes, is slightly shorter than average, with a slim build and a B cup bust. She has shoulder-length blonde hair that partially obscures her face. Not quite Miyazaki Nodoka from Mahou Sensei Negima bangs, but in that ball park. In the scenes introducing her, I described her as both "lovely" and "cute" so she probably has slightly youthful features.

If you want to see what Caroline, Mei and Sarah look like, you should go to my website and download Team Strip Match.


Kinda looks too close to Angel IMO


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2016
yes and no angels hair colour is much lighter and has a subtlewavy curved look to it

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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Are there any tips for playing a Seduction focused build? I feel like I'm wildly flailing with these abilities, and I'm not winning with any consistency. I'm not sure how to think when I'm playing.

I feel as if I could phrase that better. What do I need to do to play well?
The other answers don't really pertain to the early game, so I'll try to give some pointers there.

You're going to get hammered early on in a pure Seduction build, or if you pick Cunning as a secondary attribute. Choosing the right traits is key if you want to level the playing field a bit. Pick either Dexterous (and use Tickle at lot) or Romantic (and use Kiss a lot). The other ones are betterin the late game but not much use at first. For the weakness I'd recommend Foot Fetishist, as no one is going to give you any trouble with that early on. Even then, Seduction builds pay off late and your early game will be difficult. Pure Power builds have a much easier time at the beginning, but it loses momentum once people start spamming Counter and using things that cause statuses like Trance. A lot of calculations depend on the difference between your attribute and your opponents', not the numbers themselves, so if you have low Seduction and your opponent does not you are going to take a lot of damage.