Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException
at nightgames.characters.Character.resolveOrgasm(Character.java:1483)
at nightgames.characters.NPC.resolveOrgasm(NPC.java:845)
at nightgames.characters.Character.doOrgasm(Character.java:1476)
at nightgames.characters.Character.resolvePleasure(Character.java:556)
at nightgames.characters.body.Body.pleasure(Body.java:582)
at nightgames.characters.body.Body.pleasure(Body.java:456)
at nightgames.skills.TentaclePorn.resolve(TentaclePorn.java:54)
at nightgames.characters.NPC.lambda$1(NPC.java:774)
at nightgames.characters.NPC$$Lambda$252/1497144273.execute(Unknown Source)
at nightgames.characters.NPC.rateAction(NPC.java:756)
at nightgames.characters.NPC.rateMove(NPC.java:772)
at nightgames.characters.NPC.prioritizeNew(NPC.java:807)
at nightgames.characters.BasePersonality.act(BasePersonality.java:91)
at nightgames.characters.NPC.actFast(NPC.java:278)
at nightgames.combat.Combat.automate(Combat.java:431)
at nightgames.combat.Combat.go(Combat.java:135)
at nightgames.combat.Encounter.battle(Encounter.java:417)
at nightgames.characters.NPC.move(NPC.java:371)
at nightgames.global.Match.round(Match.java:107)
at nightgames.global.Match.resume(Match.java:128)
at nightgames.gui.ActionButton.lambda$0(ActionButton.java:28)
at nightgames.gui.ActionButton$$Lambda$206/1160082464.actionPerformed(Unknown Source)
When moving to an area sometimes. No idea what causes this one. I think it's Eve vs someone else when simulated that glitches. Not a very high priority bug; whilst it DOES lead to the screen being blank (the buttons are still there), this is only for 1 "turn", and doesn't cause you to be stuck forever.
Also, when you don't specify a gender for the custom start for player, and you select Male, you get treated as Female instead.
If you make a scenario where you're level 30 (... or maybe it is something else but I put level 30) and only 1 opponent, you get ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when starting FTC match. Night 2 is FTC match so ... yeah... you're stuck, in such a scenario. Save attached.
Some typos:
case 5 in Drain (Drain.java:135) doesn't have a period
line 154, 157, 159, 161, 164, 167, 174 should use target.possivePronoun ("his/her")
characters.body.Pussypart.java:270 - missing period, line 305 also missing period (probably), line 393 also missing period (probably)
(No, I don't know how to make a pull request)
View attachment FTCarrayindexoutofboundsException.ngs