Nightgames Mod (v2.5.1.2) updated 2/11/17


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I would be willing to share those logs.

As always the fear is with the AI becoming too predictable [?], though i guess it's always a balance. Still, very interested to see what could come out of this.

(Also, i still have a habit of losing on purpose because im a slut xD, don't know how much that would affect the logs)

The idea is that I will make a tag system for skills. Like "mojo builder". "counter", "signature", etc. There is already something like this (Tactics), but that allows only one entry per skill. The behavior tree would then (randomly, within certain restrictions) select a tag, and then a random available skill with that tag. This is all subject to change, of course, but the idea is that as long as all tags are common enough, there will be enough randomness to keep things interesting.

As for losing on purpose, I'll probably add a comment field for things like that. 


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
Do feel free to help out if you want, but I for one am not going to work on her in the near future. There's still the addictions to do (update incoming later today!) and then I want to see about improving the AI. 

I would if I could, but I know nothing about coding.

Sorry... :(  


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
If it could help improve the game, I'm open to sharing my logs.

Might be some inconsistencies where I, uh, 'cheat,' I guess. So there's that


Active Member
May 27, 2016
So I have been playing Night Games (mod) for a while now. Made an account just to reply. I'm liking the game but I have some questions and suggestions.

-Add an option to skip till next match so I don't have to spam 'play video games'. That gets a bit tedious.
-What does 'female vs male preference' do exactly? I like futa, but I don't like men or futa with testicles. So where does that stand on that preference?
-Invitation invitation invitation. By the gods that gets annoying. The AI keeps using this move over and over and there's nothing I can do. It always succeeds and I can't get out. Does this have anything to do with the new AI?
-What's the difference between 'normal' and 'hard'?
-There's a lot of magic in this game, but I barely see any of that and I'm currently lv50. In the vanilla night games I do see more magic, like pets.
-When does Maya appear? When does Maya reappear?
-My character always starts naked, because why would I want to keep my clothes on? I don't care about winning. Submissive skill is winning. However, I mentioned that the AI uses invitation and similiar moves and not much else. Does that also have to do anything with the 'new' and 'old' AI?
-Why would I pay a lot of money to remove an addiction, only to get that same addiction the next match?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
So I have been playing Night Games (mod) for a while now. Made an account just to reply. I'm liking the game but I have some questions and suggestions.

-What does 'female vs male preference' do exactly? I like futa, but I don't like men or futa with testicles. So where does that stand on that preference?

The Female and Male slider bar is for your opponents, if I remember right. The further towards the 'male' section of the bar, the more likely they are to use stuff like priapus drafts or get a modded cock. As the only way for them to get testicles right now is for you to edit it in, I think you're good on that score.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
@Pazz Invitation checks your Seduction level against theirs - I remember complaining the exact same thing long ago. That, and actual levels, iirc. As for why they do that, I don't really know - maybe it has something to do with how Tighten skill gives a lot of arousal whilst receiving near nothing. I wouldn't know. It doesn't help them AT ALL if you have Fetish - rather, the sound of 600+ temptation hitting them when they do that forces me sometimes to cheat the wrong way and buff their max arousal. 

As for using similar moves, I remember before that updates would come with the .class (?) file outside the program, where you can control weights of certain moves played - how likely they are used, in other words. That might have something to do with it, and I'd gander that the intent to overhaul old AI mechanics have something to do with that.

actually, that's aomething I want to ask. Is there a way to mod your save to have contestants be less sensitive to your cock? I like Submissive, but before I felt it was weak vs all these invitations, and so Fetish was something necessary. But that actually gives them no chance once you develop it well enough - only Angel's Sacrament has a chance of actually beating me. And Reyka's addiction. But that addiction's too annoying. So perhaps knowing what to mod to make the fetish hit for less and cock less pleasurable...that would help.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
As for using similar moves, I remember before that updates would come with the .class (?) file outside the program, where you can control weights of certain moves played - how likely they are used, in other words. That might have something to do with it, and I'd gander that the intent to overhaul old AI mechanics have something to do with that.

actually, that's aomething I want to ask. Is there a way to mod your save to have contestants be less sensitive to your cock? I like Submissive, but before I felt it was weak vs all these invitations, and so Fetish was something necessary. But that actually gives them no chance once you develop it well enough - only Angel's Sacrament has a chance of actually beating me. And Reyka's addiction. But that addiction's too annoying. So perhaps knowing what to mod to make the fetish hit for less and cock less pleasurable...that would help.

The file you're looking for is DefaultAiModifications.json, in the data folder. For custom characters, there is a section in their file.

There is a perfect parameter for what you want to achieve with cock damage. Each body part has a 'pleasure' value, which scales the damage it does. Unfortunately, it can't be modded right now. I could probably add something in the next update, though.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Bonus Update!

I had a flash of inspiration, and made a system with which you can alter the starting conditions. A more extensive description is in the changelog, and an even more extensive one is in the relevant file in the new "starts" folder. If you have any crazy ideas for new starting scenarios but don't want to make them yourself, I'm open to suggestions.!ZAYUxSxB!m4lv1AR30Mk-8GojqjHjDjP7bb06ONHwO5fgVe7g95k

On a final note, the description of the configurations includes an "all_npcs" field, for modifications that should apply to all npcs. It probably won't work very well yet, so any overarching changes will have to be copy-pasted for now. Also, changing a character's name doesn't work very well either.


28/05/16 - 2.0.3
-Added start configurations:
    -These alter the starting conditions of your game. Pretty much anything can be altered, different characters with different traits, different bodyparts, different attributes, even different names.
    -"Default" is the plain old start, with no changes.
    -"Default Verbose" is pretty much the same as Default, except that it explicitly sets default options instead of allowing the game to infer them. This is mainly as an example, so you can see most options if you want to make a configuration yourself.
    -"New Game+" starts with all characters unlocked and with their post-level 10 classes and bodies. They also gain a boost to their attributes, but start at level 1. The player gets extra attribute points to compensate, but cannot pick any advanced attributes.
    -"Angels and Demons" pits three Angels (Angel, Cassie, Mara) against three Demons (Reyka, Eve, Jewel), and puts the player in the middle. Good times. Attributes are similar to New Game+. Cassie, Mara, Eve and Jewel also get their own advanced features, while Angel and Reyka get a bonus to theirs. The player also get bonus points.
    -"Inverted Genders" is just that: the player is a female, the others are male. They have their names changed, but that doesn't work everywhere. Lots of things will break, but not unplayably. It works fine, as long as you don't take it too seriously.
    -There is a description of all available options in the "starts" folder, which is also where the configurations are stored.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2016
Bonus Update!

Very nice...

But there is a bug in the items?

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException
    at nightgames.actions.Locate.usable(
    at nightgames.characters.NPC.move(
    at nightgames.gui.ActionButton.lambda$0(
    at nightgames.gui.ActionButton$$Lambda$215/883676106.actionPerformed(Unknown Source)

Something in the game freezes up, then I hit "quit match" and this exception is logged. I think if you fix this one then you might be able to fix the freeze too. Taking a look at source, the item is null (or it gives null as .toString())


Processing OrgasmWith for shaft -> (Casey, Lilith, slit, true)
will power reduced from 4 to 0
Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException
    at nightgames.characters.Player.gain(
    at nightgames.characters.Character.gainTrophy(
    at nightgames.characters.NPC.defeat(
    at nightgames.characters.Player.victory(

.... I guess there's something wrong with trophies for custom start characters.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
.... I guess there's something wrong with trophies for custom start characters.

Yeah, you're right. Basically, NPCs are dependent on their personality, and the personalities are dependent on the NPC. It works, but if you start changing things (like, say, when implementing custom starts) it's all a bit of a Jenga puzzle. Anyway, it's fixed now, and I'll update the links.


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2016
Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException
    at nightgames.characters.Character.resolveOrgasm(
    at nightgames.characters.NPC.resolveOrgasm(
    at nightgames.characters.Character.doOrgasm(
    at nightgames.characters.Character.resolvePleasure(
    at nightgames.characters.body.Body.pleasure(
    at nightgames.characters.body.Body.pleasure(
    at nightgames.skills.TentaclePorn.resolve(
    at nightgames.characters.NPC.lambda$1(
    at nightgames.characters.NPC$$Lambda$252/1497144273.execute(Unknown Source)
    at nightgames.characters.NPC.rateAction(
    at nightgames.characters.NPC.rateMove(
    at nightgames.characters.NPC.prioritizeNew(
    at nightgames.characters.BasePersonality.act(
    at nightgames.characters.NPC.actFast(
    at nightgames.combat.Combat.automate(
    at nightgames.combat.Combat.go(
    at nightgames.combat.Encounter.battle(
    at nightgames.characters.NPC.move(
    at nightgames.gui.ActionButton.lambda$0(
    at nightgames.gui.ActionButton$$Lambda$206/1160082464.actionPerformed(Unknown Source)

When moving to an area sometimes. No idea what causes this one. I think it's Eve vs someone else when simulated that glitches. Not a very high priority bug; whilst it DOES lead to the screen being blank (the buttons are still there), this is only for 1 "turn", and doesn't cause you to be stuck forever.

Also, when you don't specify a gender for the custom start for player, and you select Male, you get treated as Female instead.

If you make a scenario where you're level 30 (... or maybe it is something else but I put level 30) and only 1 opponent, you get ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when starting FTC match. Night 2 is FTC match so ... yeah... you're stuck, in such a scenario. Save attached.

Some typos:

case 5 in Drain ( doesn't have a period
line 154, 157, 159, 161, 164, 167, 174 should use target.possivePronoun ("his/her") - missing period, line 305 also missing period (probably), line 393 also missing period (probably)

(No, I don't know how to make a pull request)

View attachment FTCarrayindexoutofboundsException.ngs
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException
    at nightgames.characters.Character.resolveOrgasm(
    at nightgames.characters.NPC.resolveOrgasm(
    at nightgames.characters.Character.doOrgasm(
    at nightgames.characters.Character.resolvePleasure(
    at nightgames.characters.body.Body.pleasure(
    at nightgames.characters.body.Body.pleasure(
    at nightgames.skills.TentaclePorn.resolve(
    at nightgames.characters.NPC.lambda$1(
    at nightgames.characters.NPC$$Lambda$252/1497144273.execute(Unknown Source)
    at nightgames.characters.NPC.rateAction(
    at nightgames.characters.NPC.rateMove(
    at nightgames.characters.NPC.prioritizeNew(
    at nightgames.characters.BasePersonality.act(
    at nightgames.characters.NPC.actFast(
    at nightgames.combat.Combat.automate(
    at nightgames.combat.Combat.go(
    at nightgames.combat.Encounter.battle(
    at nightgames.characters.NPC.move(
    at nightgames.gui.ActionButton.lambda$0(
    at nightgames.gui.ActionButton$$Lambda$206/1160082464.actionPerformed(Unknown Source)

When moving to an area sometimes. No idea what causes this one. I think it's Eve vs someone else when simulated that glitches.

Also, when you don't specify a gender for the custom start for player, and you select Male, you get treated as Female instead.

That first one is going to be impossible to fix without hitting it myself. It's not because you're moving into an area though, it looks like some NPC is fighting some kind of non-character in the background. If that sounds strange, it should. The second one was jut another case of pure stupidity. Basically I told it to take the chosen gender if it doesn't exist, but still exists. Yeah. I updated the links again. Dejá vù.
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Active Member
May 27, 2016
Thank you for the new update. Also thank you for answering some of my questions.


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2016
Thanks for quick fix of the second bug; I edited my post during your posting, it contains minor issues. Will continue playtesting =)

Found this in the log when fighting Eve...

Could not find file assets/neutral.jpg assets\neutral.jpg (Het systeem kan het opgegeven bestand niet vinden)
    at Method)
    at<init>(Unknown Source)
    at nightgames.Resources.ResourceLoader.getFileResourceAsStream(
    at nightgames.gui.GUI.displayImage(
    at nightgames.combat.Combat.turn(
    at nightgames.gui.GUI$NextButton.lambda$0(
    at nightgames.gui.GUI$NextButton$$Lambda$212/417639851.actionPerformed(Unknown Source)

Triggers at combat start; causes the last image to be reused. That means that if you fight Eve, you see no image on the left side; if you fight Cassie, then Eve, you see Cassie.

... Not a bug, but, is there any way to set starting arousal/mojo/willpower max? This to allow more subtle differences in power so I can create (dis)advantageous scenarios
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Found this in the log when fighting Eve:

This does allow you to keep playing, right? I had a similar issue with portraits, but actually managed to catch that one in time. I've fixed this one in the same manner, but I'll hold off on another release since it's not causing a crash. Reusing old images is because of the simplicity of the fix, I imagine. I've never touched images before, so I'll need to take a good long look.

FTC matches expect exactly five participants. That's never been an issue before, but I'll put in a safeguard.


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2016
This does allow you to keep playing, right? 

Yes, it does.

More typos: and 198, missing period; "joinned" -> "joined", missing period
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015

I was thinking the exact same thing with tagging. In fact that was what I was working on before losing steam :(  Checkout the nskill package, maybe some of it will help you out.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Hmm...I'm trying to get the Breeder addiction, but I can't seem to find it. My Kat is level 31, but she doesn't seem to bite at all. I've been trying debug mode and I can't find anything along the lines of biting, either through submissive or dominant poses. Perhaps the only one I haven't seen is Kat-dominant mounter position, but...

What does she actually need to do it? I found how to add the addiction, but...she hasn't doing any action to actually do start it, before you get the addiction.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
What does she actually need to do it?

She needs me not to be stupid once again and actually give her the correct trait... I've updated the links with a version where she gets it at level 20, like the rest. For your convenience:!ZAYUxSxB!m4lv1AR30Mk-8GojqjHjDjP7bb06ONHwO5fgVe7g95k

With that trait, she can bite you from missionary or cowgirl positions (not reverse cowgirl). Since it doesn't do any instant damage, Kat won't be too keen to use it. That's a good thing, considering the stacking long-term effects.

I've been super busy lately and I've been working on the game as a stress release. It's not done wonders for the quality of what I put out... To fix your existing save(s), just add the "breeder" trait to Kat's list if she's level 20+. (You can still add it if she isn't, if you want)

This version includes the extended combat logging, but it's disabled by default. If you want a preview, add  "extendedLogs" to the "flags" section at the bottom of your saves. Logs will show up in a "combatlogs" folder after each fight. This bit actually does work.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Ah cool.

And then someone decides to put Zealinspiring, magicmilk and breeder on everyone. See what happens. Will Cassie travel through time by 2 hours, twice a day, to feed you milk in the morning? Will your brain divide in 3 and worry about not worshipping Angel because your brain decided Mara, Cassie and Jewel is actually Angel, all without her doing anything to you?


Ooh, combat logs. Interesting...pieces of wood slapping against each other, I expect.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
What does she actually need to do it? I found how to add the addiction, but...she hasn't doing any action to actually do start it, before you get the addiction.

While clothing does have a "sex" field, it's not actually used. Technicolour is correct, however, in that the Boutique is only available to female players, and it happens to stock nearly all female clothing. (The only exception are the crotchless panties, which anyone can buy from the XXX Store) For now, if you want to and have the spare cash, you can grow a pussy at the Body Shop, get the clothes you want, and then remove it again. It'll cost you $5000 extra per go, so you'll want to stock up.


Active Member
May 27, 2016
Is there an option to not refer any character as male (except the main character if he is one), while keeping the female vs male preference al the way to the right (male)? Sorry if this sounds confusing. I don't want Airi or any character to be called a 'he'.

Is the futa goblin or any futa pet in the game?

Sometimes my character gets a fetish, like ass-fetish. What exactly triggers that? How do I give other characters certain fetishes?

I'm getting bugs from time to time where I'm unable to proceed in combat or during a match. All the tabs with the locations disappeared. Quit match doesn't work either.
When inside combat, the tabs stay but clicking on any of them doesn't do anything.
Sometimes I get a mix of the above.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2016
Is there an option to not refer any character as male (except the main character if he is one), while keeping the female vs male preference al the way to the right (male)? Sorry if this sounds confusing. I don't want Airi or any character to be called a 'he'.

Is the futa goblin or any futa pet in the game?

Sometimes my character gets a fetish, like ass-fetish. What exactly triggers that? How do I give other characters certain fetishes?

I'm getting bugs from time to time where I'm unable to proceed in combat or during a match. All the tabs with the locations disappeared. Quit match doesn't work either.
When inside combat, the tabs stay but clicking on any of them doesn't do anything.
Sometimes I get a mix of the above.

im getting some of those bugs as well and i have been meaning to ask if the ninja stuff has been included in the mod as well


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Is there an option to not refer any character as male (except the main character if he is one), while keeping the female vs male preference al the way to the right (male)? Sorry if this sounds confusing. I don't want Airi or any character to be called a 'he'.

Is the futa goblin or any futa pet in the game?

Sometimes my character gets a fetish, like ass-fetish. What exactly triggers that? How do I give other characters certain fetishes?

I'm getting bugs from time to time where I'm unable to proceed in combat or during a match. All the tabs with the locations disappeared. Quit match doesn't work either.
When inside combat, the tabs stay but clicking on any of them doesn't do anything.
Sometimes I get a mix of the above.

Characters are always* referred to based on their genitals. Rule of thumb: if it has a cock but no pussy, it's a he. There is currently no option to override this.

    *except in old code which hasn't been updated

No futa pets. A basis for the goblin is there, but it's far from finished.

Fetishes can be triggered in two ways:

    -Some skills have a chance to cause a fetish no matter who uses them. Like Ass Job, Heel Grind, Facesit or Tail Job

    -A character with the fetishTrainer trait can cause fetishes with any skill which causes pleasure.

Once a fetish is present, any further contact with a body part of the type the fetish is for will cause increased pleasure and aggravate the fetish. For example, if you have an ass fetish, any future contact with (anyone's) ass will have these effects.

To give your opponents a fetish, you can use the same methods. The fetishTrainer trait can be unlocked at level 15+, as long as you have at least 5 points in the Fetish attribute (which you can learn at the Black Market).

The symptoms you describe basically mean the game has crashed; any serious bug will have this effect. If you could send nergantre or me your nightgames_log.txt file, that may help us identify the problem and fix it.

Ninja stuff?

The Silver Bard made a ninja NPC a while back. And no, it hasn't been incorporated into the mod. It may be, at some point.


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2015
Best strat I figured out: Pump every trait you have into cock power, constantly browse porn (expert googler and +exp traits are amazing with this build too), and only raise seduction and willpower each level (get a minimum of 10-15ish power/cunning to do some stuff, but that's all you really need). Pick up Strong Willed as soon as it is available. Just let yourself be forced into a submissive fucking position and have them defeat themselves while you either thrust back or do nothing and have them defeat themselves on your titanic defenses and arousal/will values. Literally unbeatable, even if Reyka drains all my stats, Angel floods me with divine energy or Rosea sucks out willpower etc. Seriously, it takes effort to lose with this build (aside from obviously surrendering asap). Eve goes past the cock traits when she pegs me, but Wild Thrust does way too little arousal to win (and she takes a ton of arousal from it too). Strapons are no concern as they never bother with it (even on higher male settings), especially once everyone has invitation/sex counter. And even then, with tiny power/cunning you can usually get out of strapon binds long long before it becomes dangerous.

Maybe the girls should be less eager to throw themselves onto cocks in the AI patches. Or submissive positions (and the skilltree) need a major nerf because it is ridiculous that I click Obey for several dozen turns in a fight and still win. This is like being luigi lol.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
So will a Bi-sexual male enemy show up at some point, or no..?

Just curious is all...


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I've encountered a little bit of a tricky bug that can pause your game play at higher levels. I don't think it can happen until you have a game running long enough to go high level though. Occasionally you'll be trying to run around in your match and suddenly the clock will stop in the game. Normally it moves 5 minutes each time you change locations. But when this error happens you can move back and forth between the neighboring locations to your tile but no further. Also you can't be engaged in encounters since the game effectively pauses like this. I did discover an interesting way to get out of this issue though. If you hit a time freeze error and you are on one of the locations with shortcuts. Immediately use that shortcut to get the clock rolling again. Apparently the shortcut code that moves you to another location is enough to jumpstart you back out of the time freezing error that would otherwise stop your game cold in its tracks. I've also encountered this same freeze at random during combat. Now some combat skills thankfully can bring you out of the freeze as well. I have provided my logs here since I see someone has cleverly revised how it logs information. Hopefully it can help you guys find the source of this freeze. An example would be say you're moving from the Quad to the student Union at 11.55PM. It moves you but the menu still shows like you're in the Quad and the time stays at 11:55PM. You can't move any further along but you could move back into the Quad and the descriptions say you're moving back and forth. If you are lucky enough to land in a room with a shortcut just use the shortcut and time will begin flowing normally again. A workaround could be to make sure that every other room in sequence has a shortcut attached to it just to allow people with a decent chance of jumping out of this glitch. Otherwise you have to load from your last save.

View attachment nightgames_log.txt