Nightgames Mod (v2.5.1.2) updated 2/11/17


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I got that, but what about entirely new characters?

If you change every entry, it will be an entirely new character. You could also use the existing ones as a reference and start from scratch, but then you will have to be very careful about the structure. 

I downloaded it....but I can't seem to start. I've opened the application and am on what I believe is the start screen (I can name a character, choose a gender and allocate stat points and such), but when I click start, nothing happens. Am I doing something wrong?

Could you post the contents of the log file? It should be in the same folder as the jar. And just to be certain, you did enter a name, right? 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
If that date is correct, this was a few weeks ago. Could you try again with the latest version? Also, you must have played before to unlock Airi and FTC matches. When did the problems start? 


May 13, 2016

Figured it out. I forgot to freaking uncompress it.

I have officially lost my computer nerd card.

Sorry for wasting so much of you time :(, though, thanks for all the attempted help!
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Active Member
Jan 22, 2016
I'm having a very odd problem. So I downloaded the newest version of the mod and then (because my computer died for half a day) downloaded Java again. I then notice that the game application itself turned into a .zip file. While I can still run with java, it won't let me start the game, just lets me choose my stats, strength/weakness, and lets me touch Load Game, Credits, Settings, and Exit Game and enter my name but the start game button won't work for me, nor does the debug work. I redownloaded it using the link in the first post and the problem persists, any way to help me with this?

EDIT: I somehow fixed it by changing its default program (which was WinRAR) and changed it to Java. So now it works and I feel a little silly now
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
I might edit this if later playthroughs change it, but...

I could pray vs Angel. There's no Prostrate vs her. My save also seem to go weird, with willpower hitting 0 as well. Let me recount all of what happened leading to the problem, it might help (dunno)...

  1. Finished a match, first place, draw by wins with Angel, only addicted to Angel
  2. Went to Angel to worship her, then went to information broker for addiction removal, info into body shop, then went into body shop, cock expand x3, then increase max arousal
  3. at 22.00 pm, instead of the start of a new match, I get a blank screen with the button "next", where every click alternates between

    a blank text box
  4. a "maxing arousal" scene

[*]Loaded previous save, and found:

  1. Willpower at 0/0
  2. Loss of addiction (sadface), which was regained immediately following the first time I cum next match inside her
  3. I could get into the next match

I have also encountered the reported problem with willpower going to 0/0 with Cassie's addiction too. I don't mind modding saves, but...

But I like it so far. It gives the game (dependent on the writing) an extra layer to immerse yourself into, and lets you roleplay in your mind. Not to mention the interesting effects they give. if only prostrate works. Guess it's time to lose and get the submissive skillset. Again. Too OP.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I still haven't been able to reproduce these issues. The incorrect Pray/Prostrate probably has something to do with checking for reference equality, which I have now replaced with a different check. The willpower bug is a very strange one; the changes nergantre made to support temporarily reducing the maximum are quite simple, and therefore easy to check. I made a small change so it should not allow 0 willpower, but that is akin to fighting a symptom rather than the root cause. I will try some more tomorrow and then release the fix, stop-gap or not.


Mar 2, 2016
If you change every entry, it will be an entirely new character. You could also use the existing ones as a reference and start from scratch, but then you will have to be very careful about the structure. 

Do I replace whatever name is in the "type" and "trophy" lines?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Do I replace whatever name is in the "type" and "trophy" lines?

You do have to replace the type; you can pick anything as long as it doesn't already exist. Unfortunately, custom items do not exist (yet?) so the trophy will have to be the same as that of another NPC, say JewelTrophy, I'll probably write up a guide for this at some point.


Mar 2, 2016
You do have to replace the type; you can pick anything as long as it doesn't already exist. Unfortunately, custom items do not exist (yet?) so the trophy will have to be the same as that of another NPC, say JewelTrophy, I'll probably write up a guide for this at some point.

It works, Thanks
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Btw, I also hope in future updates, that maybe we can have an option for the addiction to persist over saves. What if we like some addictions? I know I particularly like Angel's, because...well.... Beautiful Blonde Nymphomaniac. Thanks for the update, and I do love that Prostrate now.

EDIT: Just played a bit. I've never tried this before...but while playing with Airi, she placed a seed inside me and it finally bloomed, with it constantly sending me into a state of frenzy. However, during a time, I was left with:

  • Screen 1: Pounce (iirc), Engulf (I'm not a slime)
  • Screen 2: Engulf
  • Screen 3: Engulf (grayed out), Shove

I can't remember the exact events, I think it was something like this. Just a heads up.
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Jan 15, 2016
I'm intermittently (but it happens at least once within the first few nights every playthrough) getting the game taking an extremely long time to resolve AI moves in the early nights with the latest build.

... it appears that Angel gets into a state where she's monomaniacally focused on spamming Taunt and violence moves even when her opponent is at 800/123 arousal.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
The two bugs, max willpower dropping to 0 and no Prostrate vs. Angel, have been fixed. Here is a link to the new version:!NY5SjbzL!-gjTY8F1vNGyQKSBu5mMe6_GTC2SWpLcQGeJ3UkY9Ag

I'd provide a changelog, but really it's just those two fixes. 

@nergantre perhaps you could link to this post from the first post, so you don't have to update that link every time I put something up.


(btw can you push the source to github? was going to release a small update for new portraits)


May 17, 2016
Can't start Capture the flag.

Ok, it fixed itself after restart off app.

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to nightgames.ftc.FTCMatch
    at nightgames.modifier.item.FlagOnlyModifier.itemIsBanned(
    at nightgames.modifier.BaseModifier.lambda$1(
    at java.util.HashMap.forEach(Unknown Source)
    at nightgames.modifier.BaseModifier.handleItems(
    at nightgames.ftc.FTCMatch.manageConditions(
    at nightgames.ftc.FTCMatch.<init>(
    at nightgames.ftc.FTCPrematch.respond(
    at nightgames.gui.SceneButton.lambda$0(
    at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(Unknown Source)

Also everything costs 5 times more in Why?

moneyRate = 5.0;
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well, I just downloaded the newest one.

And it looks like now I give commands to both myself and my opponent.

Honestly, I don't know what's wrong with me today... Or the last few days, to be honest. I updated the links again.

I'll take a break for a few days to clear my head, and then get on with Kat and Mara's addictions.


Jan 15, 2016
Right now I am watching the debug spew as Cassie and Jewel, both at zero willpower, are deadlocked in a cycle where they keep knocking each other down then failing to exploit the position to finish things off.

Suggestion: Terminate AI-vs-AI fights as soon as one participant hits zero WP for any reason.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2016
ok i love the mod of this game and have been playing it for some time now and ive never had a level balance issue until now i lost my old character and had to start a new one im level 10 as i type this and i have won all matches so far except now that i have access to basic adv stuff magic and whatnot my opponents who where levels 7-9 are now all of a sudden jumped past me to lvl 13 between the last match (which is when i got to lvl 10) and the next match and now i cant win at all how is this fair (also just a heads up im mad when im typing this i don't mean to be agro but know that ill come across that way)
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Active Member
Oct 16, 2015
Right now I am watching the debug spew as Cassie and Jewel, both at zero willpower, are deadlocked in a cycle where they keep knocking each other down then failing to exploit the position to finish things off.

Suggestion: Terminate AI-vs-AI fights as soon as one participant hits zero WP for any reason.

That, and have fighters use a finishing move of some variety whenever someone is at max arousal, along with making it not miss unless the winner is within 90% or higher arousal.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2016
That, and have fighters use a finishing move of some variety whenever someone is at max arousal, along with making it not miss unless the winner is within 90% or higher arousal.

im all for this as well however there should be a limitation on it like they need say 80-90% mojo to do it


May 17, 2016
im all for this as well however there should be a limitation on it like they need say 80-90% mojo to do it

I think it should be sanity check. I see it in source, but I suppose it doesn't work? It just increases pleasure.

There is also glitch(?), when you surrender, opponent will not use attack what will make you cum. I think it something to do with fitness check. Maybe same thing happening with AI and pleasure doesn't help.

Also some editing errors:

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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
To respond to all the AI comments at once:

The AI is currently flawed in that it perceives the loss of arousal on orgasm as worse than chipping off zero willpower from the target. This is clearly an error, as it would in fact cause instant victory. This, however, is a symptom of a larger problem, which is that the AI, while functional, isn't really that good. I have some plans for improvements, but they would require a major overhaul and are therefore some while off. In the meantime, I'll see about adding an exception for the scenario above. Oh, and AI matches are already on a time limit, after 50 turns both sides will get more and more arousal added to them. If neither ever uses a finishing move, though, that might be an issue.

Also some editing errors:

Fixed it. It should have been other:XXX, not opponent:XXX


May 17, 2016
I'm gaining 50 mojo for taunt when affected by "Crisis of Faith". This looks wrong:

 return (int) ((double) x / Global.getPlayer().getAddiction(AddictionType.ZEAL).getMagnitude());


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
It does look a little strange. I'll change it for the next release.

Do pull when you have the chance. I pushed a bunch of Airi expansion changes in there. The new Airi portraits is done, hopefully they look good.

Still need to add more daytime scenes. zzz

Let me know if you want me to change any of these:

She's not supposed to be quite as expressive, but hopefully you can at least tell them apart...
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