Myrellion Content Discussion (GENERAL)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I don't remember that mentioned in game, but her talk isn't repeatable, so I can't check - but the wiki mentions nothing about it. Is this some dev comment or something mentioned in her doc?
Yes. I was just informing since, as you said, it's not stated. Queens don't know they are Queens until they have sex and are impregnated, which is dependent upon being healthy.

Amakawa Yuuto

Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Yes. I was just informing since, as you said, it's not stated. Queens don't know they are Queens until they have sex and are impregnated, which is dependent upon being healthy.
Well then, moral quandary!
Does the (apparently) only queen to have personally seen combat and the cruelty of war stay on Myrellion as a valuable tempering influence amongst (whatever may remain of) the counsel of queens, or, since influence in the council is based on the number of offspring and hers therefore negligible for the near future, does she start the first independent off-world colony?

(Or does she stay on Myrellion and outbreeds the other queens with the very personal help of Steele?)

The answer is: I have no idea, since I'm sure as hell not going to write it.
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Oct 20, 2017
Nobody else is gonna write it for reasons that should be quite obvious by now. Do all that yourself.
I vaguely recall the original writer for her content being gone or having given up, something to that extent? I might honestly take a crack at it, though I'm not confident in my ability to write sex scenes specifically, I could probably manage to mimic the style of the original writer sufficiently, and stay in line with embry's personality for all else with little trouble, of course if I can't produce it at a level of quality I'm content with I won't even submit it. So maybe.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2017
Am curious sense I have a thing for content involving nocking bitches up. On a scale of one to ten. How difficult is pregnancy content to make? Also would there be any words of wisdom and info we could consider before even attempting it?


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Am curious sense I have a thing for content involving nocking bitches up. On a scale of one to ten. How difficult is pregnancy content to make? Also would there be any words of wisdom and info we could consider before even attempting it?

I'd give it like a 3. More if you're adding it to an existing character who wasn't wired up for it from the getgo; maybe a 6 then.

My words of wisdom would be to get a better grasp on the English language before attempting to write erotica of any kind.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
(And yeah, if I had to choose gold or red myr, I'd choose red. Largely because all gold myr in Gildenmere seem to be in the "genocide is the only option" club, while Kressia has at least one happy gold/red couple, and red myr like Anzhela that are clearly doing their best to make cooperation and cohabitation work, and fix the flaws in their society instead of desperately clinging to the past.)

Who are you talking about? I have only met one person who mentioned that on the gold side and she partnered it with "or a change in their government" or something like that, so not as an only option.

And if you are against genocide, you might want to remember at least two of the major red figures think executing all the gold queens is a fun idea for a Tuesday afternoon, which would accomplish the same thing unless they can figure out some other way of having kids really quickly or replenish the queens in enough numbers to save them. It was the reds who are so thirsty for violence that they would rather turn to drug addicted sex slavery (You know, the stuff human trafficking rings like to pull) when their supplies couldn't handle how much they were winning just so they could keep killing golds rather than thinking that maybe they had pushed far enough and chilling the fuck out a bit. They were also the one's that wanted to nuke the hell out of a city full of civilians that were basically no longer a threat to them at this point just so they could finally kill the last of the golds that opposed them.

I just don't see how anyone can side with the reds simply because ONE or maybe two of them is actually a half way decent person. And that half way decent red basically says "reds be wack yo." I'm pretty sure that character was put in there specifically because the reds had almost no redeeming qualities and they wanted to have it morally grey. But popping one good person on their side doesn't make it grey.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
On the other hand, Golds preferred methods of warfare and methods of dealing with prisoners are both testament to war crimes.

This is literally Nazi Germany vs Nero's Rome. Theirs too much karmic sludge everywhere for there to be a legitimate moral high ground. On one hand, the Reds conquered 98%(tentative estimation) of the Gold's territory fairly honorably. On the other hand, golds got nukes yo. The whole point of this Red vs. Gold is to polarize people when no side has a clear ideological or strategic edge over the other. Just pick the side you think should win. Thats pretty much all there is to it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
I'm pretty sure that who I'm going to side with comes down to how the npcs of the opposition that i actually like are treated.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I don't think we've actually ever been shown how golds treat prisoners. Reds have trench wives and the one slave camp from Fazian's thing, the second one being horrible. I was under the impression the just don't take prisoners, aka execution squads.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
I don't think we've actually ever been shown how golds treat prisoners. Reds have trench wives and the one slave camp from Fazian's thing, the second one being horrible. I was under the impression the just don't take prisoners, aka execution squads.
Lieve. She pretty much describes a Nazi concentration camp.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I'll pick the Golds, since Nero was a decent emperor, hated for Middle Ages historians.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
I'll pick the Golds, since Nero was a decent emperor, hated for Middle Ages historians.

Correct, though you can't really blame the Middle Ages historians since pretty much all the remaining sources on Nero were by Senatorial elites who hated him, or from the dynasty that displaced the Julio-Claudians (The Flavians were the next one). In fact any claims of Nero feeding Christians to lions in the Coliseum are bold-faced lies since the Coliseum was built over a decade after Nero had died, same goes for a lot of anti-Julio-Claudian propaganda being just fabrications and exaggerations.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
XD I didn't mean golds were the Romans. Like rly. Golds are as unroman as it gets. Greek... Meybe, but not Roman.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
On the other hand, Golds preferred methods of warfare and methods of dealing with prisoners are both testament to war crimes.

The chemical weapons? According to Liliana's mission it's basically a gas that makes you fall asleep. Doesn't sound super bad to me. Leive does talk about being tortured, but the reds torture their prisoners to, they just use their venom to do it, which could be argued to be worse since you are tortured AND left with a nasty little addiction you need to deal with.

I cannot find anything the golds have done that comes anywhere close to the mile long list the reds have built up, and even the things the golds have done, with the exception of the chemical weapons, the reds have also done equally bad if not worse. And they didn't need to do their lists of evils to survive, they do them just so they can keep fucking over the golds.


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2016
I always got the feeling that both were equally bad, just in different ways.
Neither are really evil nor is one side completly a victim.

About the genocide.. I'm not sure the Red Generals *really* understand how vital the Gold Queens are to the survival of the race.
I think their hatred of royalties and the golden culture blinds them to the biological truth.

In the end I think it really comes down to personal values or beliefs (or jsut plain fetishes..) which of the sides you find easier to sympathise with.

After playing through Myrellion I noticed that many red characters where written by Kaizer, I wonder how his departure has impacted the chance of future content..


Aug 27, 2015
Originally the Golds were basically supposed to be the good guys, the woobies you rooted for vs. the merciless Reds. That's how Fen envisioned it.

However, Fen is extremely flaky when it comes to world building and farmed out all of the work on the Reds to noted fascist-lovers Savin and Kaizer. The result was the Reds receiving all of the good character-building and apologists, and the development of the supposed moral quagmire we now have on Myrellion.

I mean it's obvious to me that the solution to the planet's ills is to lace all of the water with Bothrioc oil and then run the thing as a latex spider autocracy, but apparently to no-one else.
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
I always got the feeling that both were equally bad, just in different ways.
Neither are really evil nor is one side completly a victim.

That's the intent, yeah.

noted fascist-lovers Savin and Kaizer.


I take legitimate exception to that.

Originally the Golds were basically supposed to be the good guys, the woobies you rooted for vs. the merciless Reds. ... the Reds receiving all of the good character-building and apologists.

Excuse me for giving a shit about fleshing out my world. :colbert:


Aug 27, 2015

I take legitimate exception to that.

I apologise for summarising "Only writes Imperial German characters, and about the Imperial Germans winning, and has IRL voting habits which are particularly pertinent to a Briton right now" in a flippant fashion.

Excuse me for giving a shit about fleshing out my world. :colbert:

You did a very good job of it, it just comes across as uneven to me. I wish I'd snagged the Thollum bounty ahead of Zeik, because I felt like that was an opportunity to illucidate Gold society a little bit which wasn't taken.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
I apologise for summarising "Only writes Imperial German characters, and about the Imperial Germans winning, and has IRL voting habits which are particularly pertinent to a Briton right now" in a flippant fashion.

You did a very good job of it, it just comes across as uneven to me. I wish I'd snagged the Thollum bounty ahead of Zeik, because I felt like that was an opportunity to illucidate Gold society a little bit which wasn't taken.

For sure, though, I really wish the Golds were much more fleshed out. I still don't feel like I know all that much about their actual culture outside of their reproductional/educational system, myself.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Honestly there's probably still plenty of room to illustrate Gold society and culture in the Thollum by adding to the current content or introducing a new teacher.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
I mean it's obvious to me that the solution to the planet's ills is to lace all of the water with Bothrioc oil and then run the thing as a latex spider autocracy, but apparently to no-one else.


If theres not gonna be any magical "and they lived happily ever after" happy end solution to stop the war and bring peace in a conventional way...I'd hit that button superhard. Beats death and suffering for millions.

Also: latex spider autocracy. IMAGINE.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
I repeat: I previously compared the golds to Nazis. They're use of chemical weapons, concentration camps as fascism is clear indication of their leadership's moral bankruptcy.

Also, I have a grudge against mental rewrite, so not gonna consider latex spider domination any further.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
I always got the feeling that both were equally bad, just in different ways.
Neither are really evil nor is one side completly a victim.

I think that's what was suppose to be the point, yeah. My problem is it's not even at all. The reds have a laundry list of horrible atrocities they commit on the regular. The golds have, like, 1 or 2. And of the one's the golds have the reds ALSO have at least as bad if not worse.

About the genocide.. I'm not sure the Red Generals *really* understand how vital the Gold Queens are to the survival of the race.
I think their hatred of royalties and the golden culture blinds them to the biological truth.

So accidental genocide through blind hatred. Not making them sound much better. I also don't remember this ever being supported in game, but I could be wrong. They know the queens birth the golds, right? So they know killing the things that make the golds mean no more golds get made.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
ISo accidental genocide through blind hatred. Not making them sound much better. I also don't remember this ever being supported in game, but I could be wrong.

The Federation specifically tries not to kill Gold queens; hence why there's the Merchant Queen in the city, and the entire point behind FederationQuest. They are strongly opposed to the Gold's form of government, but they didn't come into the war for genocide.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Killing queens is pretty much asking for a third of the planet's population to spontaneously revolt. If you really wanted to genocide Golds without a civil revolt, covertly sterilizing gold queens would be a much cleaner option.

Alternatively, you could simply sterilize gold political opponents, preventing their legislative powers from growing evermore.

Another more far-fetched option is to simultaneously demand sterilization of all existing gold queens and fund Xenogen treatments for awakening childbearing capabilities in regular golds. Nothing might happen overnight, but in the long term the gold political landscape would suffer apocalypse and a better form of government, reflecting the true will of the people, will arise. Preferably in more than 1 party. :catte: fact, that might vary well serve as a good neutral option. Gold matriarchy looses, golds in general come out on top (relatively speaking), and Reds get the satisfaction of total victory.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
I repeat: I previously compared the golds to Nazis. They're use of chemical weapons, concentration camps as fascism is clear indication of their leadership's moral bankruptcy.

Also, I have a grudge against mental rewrite, so not gonna consider latex spider domination any further.

It seems clear to me that while Myrellion draws a lot of inspiration from the World Wars, trying to superimpose a direct analogy is doomed to failure.

I'm hopeful that both leadership sides get sacked(the Queenship done away with because they now have mods, and get closer to something a democracy) and the Reds losing the military hard on with regular Joes and Janes having more say in what the hell their society does. At the very least, I hope Sellera gets some consoling.

Freaking Godwins Law, can't avoid it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
I honestly can't pick who to support... I don't like how the Golds look (too large boobs, and the abdomen is *very* much not my thing), but the Reds are the more "obviously evil" of the two...