Myrellion Content Discussion (GENERAL)


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
@Axilgreen and @Ecchi Bunny i'm currently writing an xpac for Lys and Briha, the gist of the xpac is that you can recruit, relocate, or disable them from the game separately, it's a work in progress currently sitting at close to 10k words, and most of that is briha and i haven't even finished her sex scenes

i actually went and got permission from zeikfried who took over for jim t after he left


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2016
nice, was not expecting that development. is it possible to view the doc yet or is it still in the developmental stages?

Ecchi Bunny

Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2018
I'd had a thought earlier this year about setting up a "NOT Outer Heaven" in no Myr's land to let the deserters form their own mercenary company. Your idea is better. Perhaps it could even be tied into the Myr Hybridity quest line?

Get permission for Lys to stay there, or work to set up a Peace Village of sorts populated by orange Myr? Golds would be easy(-er) to convince. It'd just be a matter of coming up with a militarily acceptable reason for the Reds to allow it. Bridge of spies maybe?

You do get that the Golds attacked the reds because they didnt have queens? So i don't think the yellows would be so easy and open to a new colony of orange myr so close to home.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
You do get that the Golds attacked the reds because they didnt have queens? So i don't think the yellows would be so easy and open to a new colony of orange myr so close to home.

That seems like a vast over simplification. Also, the Red and Golds don't seem to care for any Orange Myr. At least the TFed Oranges in Gildenmere weren't being stoned.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
You had the first red and gold war after the bothrioc and nyrea were beaten back into the deep tunnels. The out come of said war isn't really stated much but i could assume that it was deadlocked and that both sides agreed to an end of hostilities based around certain terms. The peace lasted for a bit, but wasn't favorable for the federation, hence the aggressive military doctrine, and the attitude that golds are lying, cheating, honey sluts.

The disdain the Federation held and the Lax military regulation of the Gilden republic is what casued the second myrellion war as you can find out from lyralla, you had golds flying patrols, and reds flying patrols both in the same area (borders are real hard to mark in the air without an air traffic control monitoring you on a radar, with a map overlay), not to mention the species is fairly nearsighted, and as steele says 'wouldn't the more eccentric myr be the ones willing to fly?' so you have a pair of eccentric gold pilots who lack discipline flying patrols near their border, while you have highly aggressive, eccentric reds patrolling their border. neither group had ATCs relaying back to them their positions. but the one little skirmish didn't matter against the bigger picture to be honest it's just the spark that set the fire.

the gold queens hated that the reds were more fertile than them, and had a form of government that wasn't libertine and based on fertility. the reds hated the golds for their lack of discipline and structure and their self superiority. in the grand scheme of things a minor border skirmish could have been forgiven, but both sides hated each other so both demand reparations for the others transgression in the border skirmish, both demaned outrageous things that neither would agree to, and that is how the war started.

there is no right or wrong in this conflict, and the only real solution that wouldn't end with either civil war or a continuation of hostilities, would be for the UGC to step in and run the planet until the hostilities and a multiracial government could be established, similar to the un with a single elected official representing the interest of their people. hell you already know who would be on the council, Nezarha, Scalla, Ara Kei, and Taivra (granted this is the best possible outcome as any other red isn't able to separate personal feelings from government, Scalla is the only queen who believes that there can be peace between the two races, Ara Kei is already the voice of the bothrioc but is entirely optional due to their quest, and Taivra is optional as well seeing as you can kill her)

but these are just my thoughts on how the war started and how a middle ground ending could be established


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Only correction i would make is that the Gold Queens hate that the reds have fertile females who aren't queens. They don't like anyone who isn't like them to be in charge.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2016
don't forget about the players voice as well he/she/it might be a traveler with no loyalties to the planet as a whole, but he has an amazing amount of disposable income, contacts and resources by himself to be a surprising threat, and thats withought having steel teck. just wonder what they would have when we finally do win, for that simple fact (plus the possible mate of both opinal leaders, mutual friend of stella, and allie to Nazaar) they would back us. heck they might even help us accomplish our goal if were smart enof to strik up a deal for steel tech to supply the planet with add and support once we take over the company with the long term gain being both receiving the benefit of a healthy trade deal and military relationsons once the planet gets back on its feet, with the only outlier being the player loosing the race and the contract going void. thats most likely a couple billion dollar deal to even trillion if it succeeds. its a risk but not for them only use. plus jack/jill because now the ants are after them because they don't want them to win (to be honest it will most likely be the bothricks thouse doms would defiantly send a hit squade after our cousins, that is completely in thair nature because now their threting their harem).


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2016
I do wonder if/when we get the chance to end the war for one side or another.
Maybe after Zheng Shi? Or is it on the backburner for the forseeable future?

Not asking for a specific date, just wondering where it is on the list, priorities wise. ^^


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2016
na. knowing fenox its purely based off of what he wants to do. dos he want to finish it himself or will he hand it over to saven or someone ells to do it themselves. after all he writs a couple thousand words a day its purely just based off of what interest him the most, or what is of interest in the community at that point in time. for instance right now its penny and zheng shi. after that who knows


New Member
Nov 22, 2018
honestly, I think it'd be funny if a myr cult formed around the transformatives brought UGC merchants. I mean it probably won't happen since cults aren't really a things in tits, but it'd be hilarious to see.

Ecchi Bunny

Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2018
honestly, I think it'd be funny if a myr cult formed around the transformatives brought UGC merchants. I mean it probably won't happen since cults aren't really a things in tits, but it'd be hilarious to see.
Have you met the lady that sells transformatives on Myrellion? The Seer her shop is The Entite.


Feb 13, 2019
I don't know if this was already asked yet, but are there any more interactions with the federation after turning in Estallia?


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
I don't know if this was already asked yet, but are there any more interactions with the federation after turning in Estallia?

Not yet. Savin commissioned Night Trap to do it.

From what I recall, Sellera is going to be a gentle dominant.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
And that's why I've purposefully been holding off on doing the fed quest. I'm only diving in when I'll be able to get the full package!

I can wait

Well... here there be spoilers...

There's still the Captial Ship choice. Savin wrote it a while ago, that future thinking fella.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Well... here there be spoilers...

There's still the Captial Ship choice. Savin wrote it a while ago, that future thinking fella.
Psh. whatever

But seriously, when are they gonna do it? Im guessing after korgi hold is finished. Or at least, thats what im hoping.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Capital ships won't be around until the endgame, or near to it.
So, wait, and I'm just making sure here, but is that how long we are likely going to have to wait until the last bit of the myrellion storyline is implemented? Or will you guys just add it in earlier, sans the capital ship content?


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
So, wait, and I'm just making sure here, but is that how long we are likely going to have to wait until the last bit of the myrellion storyline is implemented? Or will you guys just add it in earlier, sans the capital ship content?

The ending of Myrellion has nothing to do with capital ships.

The option in question is one of several means of resolving a single sidequest; it doesn't net you anything special. You get the exact same outcome by giving the gold ants money or calling in a favor from Kara. You can also resolve the quest by not helping the golds at all.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
The ending of Myrellion has nothing to do with capital ships.

The option in question is one of several means of resolving a single sidequest; it doesn't net you anything special. You get the exact same outcome by giving the gold ants money or calling in a favor from Kara. You can also resolve the quest by not helping the golds at all.
Oh, wait, I'm sorry. I think theres been a misunderstanding. I thought the Capitol ship thing would have something to do not just with the federation quest, but also with chapter 3 of the myrellion storyline, and the fact that said chapter 3 hasnt been released yet is why what I'm holding out. So that I can know all the possible outcomes and pick accordingly. My bad.

Any lingering confusion, or are we all clear?


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
I thought the Capitol ship thing would have something to do not just with the federation quest, but also with chapter 3 of the myrellion storyline

I'm not sure what "chapter 3" is but no, your ship has nothing to do with any major planned plot points anywhere, ever.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
I'm not sure what "chapter 3" is but no, your ship has nothing to do with any major planned plot points anywhere, ever.
By chapter 3, I meant the conclusive events of the myrellion storyline. You know, where you basically get to decide which faction gets the bigger end of the stick.

That is coming, right?


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2017
War isn't something that just dies down right away, even after the fighting stops there's still conflicts and problems. That can lead to more war. The ants won't have peace for a while after the war is over.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
War isn't something that just dies down right away, even after the fighting stops there's still conflicts and problems. That can lead to more war. The ants won't have peace for a while after the war is over.

Well, maybe something to quell the fighting a bit or something?


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Is there any plans for Steele bringing piece to the ants?

Yes. There are plans for both a Peace path and a Federal Supremacy path. I don't know if/when either will materialize; I don't think either me or Fen are terribly eager to start a huge planet-changing questline for Myrellion right now.