Myrellion Content Discussion (GENERAL)


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
My shameful secret...

whenever Savin likes one of my posts, I think "Sempai noticed me!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2018
Is it better to have so many options to do things to characters or very little? We have so many character customization and scene variants. Is it too much to want more to do with those extra bits? Even Taur characters have it rough when scenes for certain characters aren't available to them.

I'm not advocating for Nice Time for Roo/ Cucking but should that be an option despite it being out of place, there's always the choice of not selecting that route.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2018
At the same time, how boring would the game be if every fuckable character was completely pan, a herm and willing to fuck anybody who said hello to them? Having preferences, limitations and different kinds of relationships gives the game universe depth, Steele shouldn't be able to fuck someone simply because they exist. My female Steele can't bang Roxy cause she's got a breeding fetish, nor will Rami's take her HL strap-on cause she likes dudes, same with Prai and Riya's cousin, and she can't bang Lyralla cause she's only interested in a guy named Juro. That's ok, it's a good thing. And yeah, it sucks for Leithan Steele's, but again, it's a choice that comes with consequences, most folks aren't into getting mounted by mountains of flesh or non-pipeds, some are turned off by goo people, that's just their preference and there's nothing wrong with that.

Makes sense, I can respect that. But at the same time, not everyone is into being dominated by certain types of when the relationship is going a certain direction. One-sided interactions is what I'm saying. NPCs have a particular fetish you're not into, don't do it. How they treat you in a relationship that suggests you're very much the Sub throughout? Not an option? Well here's a little addition to compensate for that.

Akane was something I've read up on recently, tender relationship (abet one sided for the obvious reason that the character is meant to be the Sub period) I noticed the lack of penetration or some lack of other forms of stimulation or foreplay. What it tells me is that the author had a goal in mind, they made it and centered on a specific type of PC or persona and it works. With the kind of intimacy Akane shows to her PC, shouldn't there be, you know, something more? More interaction, more intimacy options to spend time outside of the Lair. Once exploring all there is to see, the mysterious veil comes off and you're left disappointed (ironic in this case, which isn't a bad thing).

I guess it's a gripe of mine, thinking about it, NPCs feel too restrictive in some ways because they're intended too for their particular fetish or persona. I can see why authors are protective of their characters, anything else that changes them feels wrong and out of place. Some ideas can outright ruin the idea altogether if left in poor hands.


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2018
Well in that regard i mostly agree, at times i do feel like TiTS and CoC I/II tend towards more sex over more story, sometimes even to the detriment of story, so giving more scenes of a less sexual nature is definitely something i'd enjoy more of. That being said, each character is a work of their own author, it's their property, i'm more interested in seeing what the author has to add than i am to have added what i'd prefer. I'm certainly one to ask whether this or that is going to be added or what the author thinks about an idea i had, but i figure if an author has made me give enough of a shit about their character already, they've earned my trust in their work enough to not expect anything specific from them.

If someone wants to add more to someone else's character though i generally expect them to go through that author, outside of that i don't hold an opinion.

I do love rich lore stories, I tend to avoid the sex a lot more going through TITS just form a picture in my mind what I'm looking at and what it is. Characters are the same way. I love their stories and quirks, never has to be JUST sex on our minds which I think is the flaw in the game. Spending quality time with NPCs makes their worlds feel more lived in, more lively, has depth to it. Some authors are done with an idea and just hey, I'm done working on them and move onto a new project with no intention of going further. There's alot of potential I see in NPCs to be more than what they are. Even if their authors say they're done, doesn't HAVE to be the end for the NPCs.

My disappointment was how much work went into CoC and everything had to be cut because of backlog or because Fen says so. TITS is definitely an improvement over COC in that regards to creations and how much the parser and coding had evolved. It was a no brainier to opt in for an upgrade and stop working on an outdated system when the new one is so much better. The problem is, if and when Fen feels TITS is close to being done and considers shutting down submissions to polish the game that the continued development on exist characters is cut. Left unfinished or ran out of time.

If someone could do the job without bothering the authors too much, some development could have made it in before the cutoff.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2018
It occurs to me that the Nyrea are comparable to the Drow of Dungeons & Dragons.
Despite the ant/spider theme the most humanoid species on Myr have, they're pretty much elves with their ears.

The Nyrea, following with this theme:
1. Live underground
2. Are light sensitive
3. Have a matriarchal society
4. Are sorta kinda slavers.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
My disappointment was how much work went into CoC and everything had to be cut because of backlog or because Fen says so. TITS is definitely an improvement over COC in that regards to creations and how much the parser and coding had evolved. It was a no brainier to opt in for an upgrade and stop working on an outdated system when the new one is so much better. The problem is, if and when Fen feels TITS is close to being done and considers shutting down submissions to polish the game that the continued development on exist characters is cut. Left unfinished or ran out of time.

If someone could do the job without bothering the authors too much, some development could have made it in before the cutoff.

A lot of authors flaked out in CoC. That's when Fen changed policy about submitted content this time around.


Jan 7, 2020
The lack of Nice Time for Roo against Juro makes me sad...
That would be completely great. Considering that this is a game with the title 'Tainted' on its cover, to miss that would be really sad. I would definitely want to see and read that, but it has to be Steele the one doing the NTRI or it would not be that interesting for me. That probably the only thing I would really look forward to on this Myrellion planet.
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Active Member
Jun 25, 2020
BTW, can I just request that Steph Irson be brought back to Myrellion? I understand that stuff was controversial, so maybe as a cheat code? That way, anyone who doesn't like it will be able to play the game without that content, and anyone who wants it will willingly input the cheat code fully knowing what they're getting into.

I understand that the problem was that it ruined the game experience and misrepresented New Texan culture, and worse of it, many people accidentally stumbled into this. A cheat code would ensure, as stated above, that only those who expressively want this content, and is fine with this content, to activate it.

I ain't requesting extra content, to be clear. Just politely requesting for the removed content to be put back as it was, via cheat code. Sorta like how the laplove cheat code brings back the Lapinara on Tarkus?
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Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
BTW, can I just request that Steph Irson be brought back to Myrellion? I understand that stuff was controversial, so maybe as a cheat code? That way, anyone who doesn't like it will be able to play the game without that content, and anyone who wants it will willingly input the cheat code fully knowing what they're getting into.

I understand that the problem was that it ruined the game experience and misrepresented New Texan culture, and worse of it, many people accidentally stumbled into this. A cheat code would ensure, as stated above, that only those who expressively want this content, and is fine with this content, to activate it.

I ain't requesting extra content, to be clear. Just politely requesting for the removed content to be put back as it was, via cheat code. Sorta like how the laplove cheat code brings back the Lapinara on Tarkus?
So, I didn't know that Steph Irson ever had an encounter, and apparently, according to the wiki, the encounter was removed because it was based on the premise that Steph was Treated during episode 3, but that got retconned to Bovinium. Also, you can still access it using the impulse cheat, as stated on the wiki page.


Active Member
Jun 25, 2020
So, I didn't know that Steph Irson ever had an encounter, and apparently, according to the wiki, the encounter was removed because it was based on the premise that Steph was Treated during episode 3, but that got retconned to Bovinium. Also, you can still access it using the impulse cheat, as stated on the wiki page.

Thanks, man. The "impulse" cheat though was super unclear in the wiki, so I'll add that right away.

Sepulchre 13

Sep 8, 2020
I created an account just to say:
I really just want a chance to stand between the red & gold, tell the Queen's gas is a war crime, tell the red(or at least sellera) that genocide isn't the answer, shake hands, kiss, make up, whatever. Or at least convince the gold to just up and leave already... I don't want muh mega tiddy bug girls to die out.

Edit: I know it's naive and overly wishful thinking to think some rando big dicc kaithrit femboy tech specialist-pretty sure I put those descriptors in the right order-can just come in and end an entire planetary war. But damn, I just want everyone on that planet to get along for once.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
I created an account just to say:
I really just want a chance to stand between the red & gold, tell the Queen's gas is a war crime, tell the red(or at least sellera) that genocide isn't the answer, shake hands, kiss, make up, whatever. Or at least convince the gold to just up and leave already... I don't want muh mega tiddy bug girls to die out.

Edit: I know it's naive and overly wishful thinking to think some rando big dicc kaithrit femboy tech specialist-pretty sure I put those descriptors in the right order-can just come in and end an entire planetary war. But damn, I just want everyone on that planet to get along for once.

I'd be happy if they just settled for 'livable hatred', and then watch as their societies change practically overnight from the influx of technology, and their citizens go, "Wait... the fuck are these people in charge?" :ghost:

Sepulchre 13

Sep 8, 2020
I'd be happy if they just settled for 'livable hatred', and then watch as their societies change practically overnight from the influx of technology, and their citizens go, "Wait... the fuck are these people in charge?" :ghost:

I say, the Queens should just be figureheads with little actual power, the reds should lighten up a little in general, y'know live a little.

Edit: spelling
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I created an account just to say:
I really just want a chance to stand between the red & gold, tell the Queen's gas is a war crime, tell the red(or at least sellera) that genocide isn't the answer, shake hands, kiss, make up, whatever. Or at least convince the gold to just up and leave already... I don't want muh mega tiddy bug girls to die out.

Edit: I know it's naive and overly wishful thinking to think some rando big dicc kaithrit femboy tech specialist-pretty sure I put those descriptors in the right order-can just come in and end an entire planetary war. But damn, I just want everyone on that planet to get along for once.

I mean you can get the War Queen to leave for Mhen'ga. Beyond that there's not really much more to be done. The remaining gold queens aren't nearly as pragmatic as Estallia is. Gold Myr culture on Myrellion is basically doomed to failure but eh at least some of it will survive elsewhere.

Utena Vee

Mar 1, 2019
Queen Irellia is my favorite, just because she says some off the wall stuff when asking my character to drop lasers on the Reds. lol She also upsets me, due to the fact that she is unwilling to spread her people out, which is something that the Reds are not wanting to do either. They'd rather sit there and die than to give their children a fighting chance and a home to grow more forces and allies that will help them. All they know is war and dying in the midst of battle, it's sad.

I think she'd come off better sending some to another planet, that will welcome them. This way, they will preserve themselves and luckily War Queen is just the right person for the job, however; there is not much content there. I'd love to see them build a home already and being able to prosper. Also would like to actually get to know, no not sexually though it is a sexual game and I'm sure she'd be down for it, about her and stuff and develop a relationship as a person in the main character's story.

To be honest, I do want more content on Myrellion. I really do like the area, it feels like so much more can be done in a lot of the planets too, story wise and sex wise. Also, Though I do like having a full ship, I like when my character falls in love or someone falls in love with my character too so that is a cute thing that is in the story. I hope that, in the future, one of the Ant girls or boys or a (spider girl *coughs* Fei An Strozo is extremely sexy. Too bad (s)he's just temporary,) or boy falls for the Alien visitor (us.) and we build a relationship with them. I know you have Embre but she is not an Ant girl. I know you have Lieve, the Queen and Rev(?) but these three don't really fall in love with the character like that. I mean, two have a harem and one is just like "Hey, fuck or nah?"

Sepulchre 13

Sep 8, 2020
Queen Irellia is my favorite, just because she says some off the wall stuff when asking my character to drop lasers on the Reds. lol She also upsets me, due to the fact that she is unwilling to spread her people out, which is something that the Reds are not wanting to do either. They'd rather sit there and die than to give their children a fighting chance and a home to grow more forces and allies that will help them. All they know is war and dying in the midst of battle, it's sad.

I think she'd come off better sending some to another planet, that will welcome them. This way, they will preserve themselves and luckily War Queen is just the right person for the job, however; there is not much content there. I'd love to see them build a home already and being able to prosper. Also would like to actually get to know, no not sexually though it is a sexual game and I'm sure she'd be down for it, about her and stuff and develop a relationship as a person in the main character's story.

To be honest, I do want more content on Myrellion. I really do like the area, it feels like so much more can be done in a lot of the planets too, story wise and sex wise. Also, Though I do like having a full ship, I like when my character falls in love or someone falls in love with my character too so that is a cute thing that is in the story. I hope that, in the future, one of the Ant girls or boys or a (spider girl *coughs* Fei An Strozo is extremely sexy. Too bad (s)he's just temporary,) or boy falls for the Alien visitor (us.) and we build a relationship with them. I know you have Embre but she is not an Ant girl. I know you have Lieve, the Queen and Rev(?) but these three don't really fall in love with the character like that. I mean, two have a harem and one is just like "Hey, fuck or nah?"

Yeah, the Golds' best option at this point is just say "fine the planet's yours" and beat it. Surrendering directly really isn't a good option when it's probably Sellera you're going to be surrendering to...
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Utena Vee

Mar 1, 2019
Yeah, the Golds' best option at this point is just say "fine the planet's yours" and beat it. Surrendering directly really isn't a good option when it's probably Sellera you're going to be surrendering to...
The gold's best option is to one up the Reds and spread themselves more amongst the stars, in which one Queen is doing, because of us if we told her to leave. That way if the reds enslave, kill off ect, they'll have a lineage, still. That Lineage will, also, have more connections and more allies. They will also have you, since Steele (if you chose to get them to do that) would probably come to the War Queens aid seeing as how it's Steele's fault that they left.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
It would also shift galactic favor significantly in the Gold's favor if the reds were to try to go after the escaping refuge golds. The Reds would need to settle for victory on Myrellion or otherwise destroy their PR with the rest of the galaxy by coming across as a genocidal expansionist horde.

They can get away with wiping out the golds on Myrellion because as far as the rest of the galaxy that's a local issue that doesn't concern them. But if they start trying to carry out genocide on other worlds suddenly the Reds are much more of a perceived threat to everyone else. Their tech is too weak to genuinely be a threat. But they'd definitely start to be considered something akin to a rabid dog that should be put down for everyone's peace of mind.

The battle for Myrellion is lost for the golds. But the war for the sympathy and support of the galaxy doesn't need to be over if they're willing to make a tactical retreat off world.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Yeah, imo the "good end" for the Golds has always been "get uplifted" rather than "make peace with the Federation" since the GM fit in well with the rest of the slutty galaxy (which is why you see so many off-worlders getting frisky with them).

I've always held that making Myrellion an unequal peace rather than a true stalemate made the situation much more interesting; the player can't just decide which scale to put your toe on and have the planet become exactly what you want.
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Utena Vee

Mar 1, 2019
Yeah, plus my person, currently, is a tiny dryad. Though, I found it comically hilarious that an 11 foot 3 inch queen wanted to bang it. I'm like "Um... you're like a giant, i'm like 4 feet tall with 8 inches, how am I suppose to please you? Special audience with a femboy shorty trying to take on a giant is impossible to me. Good thing it has a "double team" at least she can get off with someone much bigger. lol Wish there were more submissive stuff too.

Sepulchre 13

Sep 8, 2020
It would also shift galactic favor significantly in the Gold's favor if the reds were to try to go after the escaping refuge golds. The Reds would need to settle for victory on Myrellion or otherwise destroy their PR with the rest of the galaxy by coming across as a genocidal expansionist horde.

They can get away with wiping out the golds on Myrellion because as far as the rest of the galaxy that's a local issue that doesn't concern them. But if they start trying to carry out genocide on other worlds suddenly the Reds are much more of a perceived threat to everyone else. Their tech is too weak to genuinely be a threat. But they'd definitely start to be considered something akin to a rabid dog that should be put down for everyone's peace of mind.

The battle for Myrellion is lost for the golds. But the war for the sympathy and support of the galaxy doesn't need to be over if they're willing to make a tactical retreat off world.

I could see that being some extra dark player choice.
Step 1/?. Convinces all the Golds to leave.
Step ?/?. Find a Red bomb on one of the transport shuttles.
A. Disarm
B. Do nothing, let it go off, and use the bomb as more leverage for the UGC to glass to Reds.
Probably a bit dark for a game about exploring and fucking, though. Especially since, so far, there isn't anything in the game that would want to make Steele go full EXTERMINATUS on either race.
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Utena Vee

Mar 1, 2019
I happen to like both sides, just Golds are more suited for pregnancies over the Reds. Lieve is a cute character and, not to mention Anzhela, who is strongly against Trench Wives and dislike the slavery. She seems to also want for the Golds to be able to consent to sex and is also in favor of even falling in love with one if the right one came. Which means she is opened to them and would date one, if that one stole her heart.

Oh, speaking of Gold and Reds, should give a different reaction to if the player character choses to become a hybrid of Red and Gold, seeing as you can make a hybridized form thanks to the Human Doctor.
You just waltz right on in, all orange with 4 honey tits and red myr venom and they're just acting normal like it's natural?


Oct 12, 2020
I happen to like both sides, just Golds are more suited for pregnancies over the Reds. Lieve is a cute character and, not to mention Anzhela, who is strongly against Trench Wives and dislike the slavery. She seems to also want for the Golds to be able to consent to sex and is also in favor of even falling in love with one if the right one came. Which means she is opened to them and would date one, if that one stole her heart.

Red Myr Venom, and all that came with it, is actually the #1 Myrellion is my least favorite planet. I loved the story, most of the characters, and general feel of the planet. But once the trench wives were shown and the amount youre subjected to the venom in fights led to chemical addiction, I searched far and wide for a solution to basically get no where. The planet feels unresolved unlike many of the planets and despite outliers like Anzhela, there is a whole society that showcases slavery (and even potentially selling slaves to off-worlders) to Steele but the story basically has you forget it and move on. The story gives us action against slavery and kidnapping elsewhere when like the pirates have them, and openly espouses about the rights of the indentured, but the one point where its a focus of the story, its glossed over in terms of how we can react to it.

Not to say I support the Golds in their idea to gas them but I really hoped at some point some company would have developed an immunity mod and forced the Reds to the bargaining table after declawing them a bit.


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2017
Not to say I support the Golds in their idea to gas them but I really hoped at some point some company would have developed an immunity mod and forced the Reds to the bargaining table after declawing them a bit.

Might be worth commissioning something to get the path started along those lines. Could start off with a conversation with the Red doctor since she seems against trench wives.


Oct 12, 2020
Might be worth commissioning something to get the path started along those lines. Could start off with a conversation with the Red doctor since she seems against trench wives.

That would be good, up to Savin and Fen, of course. They apparently have chosen sides in the war themselves. Realistically, neither society, as they are now, would survive in the long term on a scale any larger than it already is. Once they are out among the stars the entire war becomes moot and neither government would have the power to conscript or continue to force a conflict.

My guess is its an issue to have a resolution to the conflict as it would need tons of work with so many NPCs and encounters. Its an understandably huge undertaking, especially if its a decision based one. For most other storylines it comes down a single person or fight, this is somewhat unique in its scope. It would have to be a lengthy and focused effort.

For now I mostly race through the dialogue to get the probe and only stop back in for certain NPCs. I dont think ive done the war storyline in a few playthroughs now


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2019
The answer to the Myr civil war problem simple. Steele just needs to acquire a massive amount of the Orange Myr TF and dump it in the water supply.