Myrellion Content Discussion (GENERAL)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Correct. Do Dzaan do the same thing when being asked for Sex?
I don't know about the one on Canadia station because she has now sex scenes, but Nevrie is on suppressents for her cum and tells you as much when you give her a blowjob for a discount on the stuff she sells.

Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
They are two jingoist societies inspired from late Victorian age powers fighting a great war for dominance over the whole planet, they are also ants and takes each other as slaves and are hellbent on proving one to be superior and the sole hive. Even if this just means taking it over. You're all putting way to much thought into this and pulling straws out from the ether.

I miss when this game was a aimless adventure game that was needlessly grimdark every other turn.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
You speak like its any better to bar voting rights behind both ethnicity and child rearing, in a society where 99.9% of the population is either barren or male.

Yeah, the thing about the Federation is that you earn your power, versus a random genetic lottery deciding who gets to be in charge.

It's also worth noting that anybody can apply for service, and its guarantee of citizenship, in the Federation; male or female, red myr or otherwise. Theoretically even a gold myr who lives in the Federation could apply, and we see that nyrea actively do serve in the military. Renvra's a halfbreed, but her pureblood nyrean mother is an instructor at a military academy. Even those unsuited to combat duty can apply and be given some kind of job: male nyrea and fertile females hold rear-echelon officer positions or support roles, like surgeons, engineers, drivers, or secretaries. They'll give you a job cleaning if you can't do anything else.

@Savin can you give us a brief rundown of what rights not-citizen civilians have in Red Myr territory? Compared with citizens?

The only difference is the right to vote and to hold public office. Non-citizens otherwise have the same rights to legal representation, property ownership, childrearing, and life/liberty/pursuit of happiness that a citizen does.

“Citizenship is an attitude, a state of mind, an emotional conviction that the whole is greater than the part . . . and that the part should be humbly proud to sacrifice itself that the whole may live... Under our system every voter and officeholder is a man who has demonstrated through voluntary and difficult service that he places the welfare of the group ahead of personal advantage.”
― Robert A. Heinlein, Starship Troopers

Alabaster Chimes

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
I don't know about the one on Canadia station because she has now sex scenes, but Nevrie is on suppressents for her cum and tells you as much when you give her a blowjob for a discount on the stuff she sells.

Im aware that Nevrie tells you that she's on suppressants. I was just musing if a majority of the species follows suit.

What I meant by asking that question was to highlight how a similar race of Aliens have drug like fluids and have sex with the other denizens of the Universe. The thing about the Dzaan though is that they are apart of the UGC even though they have this narcotic cum, that we know REALLY fucks with your body/head.

This point is why I dont take the whole Venom thing as serious as some other people here. Im not saying it isnt a bad problem, just that it's blown a few notches over what it should be viewed as. If the Dzaan were allowed to join the UGC despite their drug cum, then i dont see why the Reds joining the UGC would be a problem. You could say that it is easier for the Venom to be used, but thats only assuming that the UGC dont do anything about it. In fact Nevrie is probably a good example of how the UGC handle Dzaan after they joined. But we only have 3 Dzaan in the game so we dont really have a clear picture of what they do with the race in general.

And again, yes. The drug addicted slave thing is completely atrocious, no way around that. But, from what we can assume about the Universe's past, when the UGC found the Dzaan the same problem they had at that time is probably like the one we have here. Who's to say there isnt a solution to be had here?


Aug 27, 2015
This point is why I dont take the whole Venom thing as serious as some other people here. Im not saying it isnt a bad problem, just that it's blown a few notches over what it should be viewed as. If the Dzaan were allowed to join the UGC despite their drug cum, then i dont see why the Reds joining the UGC would be a problem. You could say that it is easier for the Venom to be used, but thats only assuming that the UGC dont do anything about it. In fact Nevrie is probably a good example of how the UGC handle Dzaan after they joined. But we only have 3 Dzaan in the game so we dont really have a clear picture of what they do with the race in general.

You can literally debate this point with Lessau about the Bothrioc joining the UGC during AraQuest, fwiw.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
Gold victory is now possible. Just move the Remnants to Mhenga and blow up Myrellion.


That's a bit of overkill... and would the remaining golds see that as victory? :eek:


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
That's a bit of overkill... and would the remaining golds see that as victory? :eek:

I mean, those Golds don't like the other Golds much, so....

Well, probably not still.

Im aware that Nevrie tells you that she's on suppressants. I was just musing if a majority of the species follows suit... when the UGC found the Dzaan the same problem they had at that time is probably like the one we have here. Who's to say there isnt a solution to be had here?

I don't see why the UGC would give a damn. They don't care about the dzaan; somebody capitalized on some of the spaceborne dzaan not wanting to addict their loves without consent, as Nevrie does. Nobody's making dzaan take meds to suppress addictive bodily fluids, and I doubt they would force the reds to. I do think that somebody would absolutely capitalize on them by making a venom suppressant. Actually, that sounds like a thing I should probably write!

many dzaan alphas interested in coupling with members of other races avail themselves of over the counter drugs designed to suppress their semen's naturally addictive qualities. Whether this is to give their partners peace of mind or to avoid the discussion altogether varies from individual to individual.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015

That's a bit of overkill... and would the remaining golds see that as victory? :eek:

They most certainly wouldn't, though if the depression doesn't drive them to the brink, at least they have a queen from which to rebuild their people with.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
I mean, those Golds don't like the other Golds much, so....

Well, probably not still.

I don't see why the UGC would give a damn. They don't care about the dzaan; somebody capitalized on some of the spaceborne dzaan not wanting to addict their loves without consent, as Nevrie does. Nobody's making dzaan take meds to suppress addictive bodily fluids, and I doubt they would force the reds to. I do think that somebody would absolutely capitalize on them by making a venom suppressant. Actually, that sounds like a thing I should probably write!
The reds already have a venom suppressant according to the doctor lady.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
You speak like its any better to bar voting rights behind both ethnicity and child rearing, in a society where 99.9% of the population is either barren or male.

You're given the choice of two deeply flawed system, and your literally acting like one particular flaw on the system for the side your biased against makes the system in itself irredeemable and inheritly inferior to the opposing.

No, both forms of government are abysmal. They should both be done away with completely. They both suck ass. And not in the good way.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence. We've only been shown a vast minority of how the Reds function. You're not seeing the forest for the few trees you're too fixated on, namely Lieve and Sellara.

It's not just Leive and Sellara, trench wives are all over the place. Everyone's got one. And talking with the doctor chick shows abuse (that is abuse BEYOND turning them into sex slaves) is not uncommon.

Now, MAYBE it's only like that HERE, but there is no evidence to suggest that. If you want to claim that their society funtions diferently than the rest just in that one city for some odd reason you need evidence to support it or it means nothing.

Again, not all. Yes, some, sadly, but you're expounding the problem. We're shown one couple already of gold/red mixing with the shop owners, no forced venom use there. And again, writer dissonance catering to the kink instead of thinking about the problem of overusing it.

What do you mean? I never said it was impossible for the reds and golds to live happily together. I don't know what you think that couple proves. I said they own a lot of sex slaves. And they do. You can't walk two feet through the city without bumping into them. Almost every red you talk to has them. They are all over the place.

... Are you so blinded as to see the folly of your own reasoning? They dont want to kill. If they did they'd not care about a revolt, they'd just slaughter the civs and be done with it. And again (gonna keep pounding this nail til it sinks in) Sellara is very obviously not in the right state of mind, stop using her as the one and only way to summarize the reds.

No, a revolt of all the trench wives and all the prisoners would be a huge problem to deal with. Even if they put it down in the end there would be a lot of trouble doing it. They don't want to deal with that.

Also, as to the Reds supposedly planning to use the bomb, we only have the very, very biased words of a Gold, Lyralla, who claimed they were without any actual proof. We humans have made plenty of weapons just to see if we could without actually intending to use them, nukes precisely. Sure, they were used, but then we kept making them without actually using them.

Nope, Leive confirms it. If they hadn't shown up they would have blown up the city and Leive says it would have been pretty bad.

3. You only have pieces of the picture, you are equating examples of what we see one place to another. You cant assume that somewhere in this place its the same at that place, its ignorant. This goes both ways though so suck it up we may be both wrong we cant know.

This is such a bullshit argument. It's basically "I know the reds suck, but you should support them because MAYBE they only suck HERE and not everywhere else! You know MAYBE. It's not IMPOSSIBLE.

I'll grant you it's not impossible, but I see no reason to believe it. When I see some evidence, I'll consider it.

But im not done exactly. You only barely touched anything else i said in this section, which will continue from here on in, and didnt bother to address it. Ill repeat some of it. WE DONT KNOW whats going on at the otherside of planet. Except one thing. One of the first cities conquered by the Reds in the first week of the war were perfectly assimilated and all residents are fine and some are even married to the Reds. Not as trench wives but as loving couples. Source Shiare. We only see the worst, you cant assume its all the same, the same goes for me seeing it differently. This should be a topic on its own, but we have a lot to tread through here.

I never said it's impossible for reds and golds to live together. Why are you acting like I did?

4. Lets try this again. YOU. CANT. KNOW. THAT. Who is saying that Drugging Golds is whole Red side thing? Mind quoting that? Not all reds do that. You cant blame an entire race for something a chunk of their people did. Sure its probably most of them and thats bad.

Because it's legal and they are everywhere. All the reds you talk to have them just about. You can't walk two feet without bumping into trench wives. They are all over the place. It's not an isolated thing.

But once again you didnt address everything i said in that section, quote an offworlder who cares about the Red Venom problem. Juro doesnt count by the way. Why? He's biased and "bought" off. Get me anything else then we will continue.

What? I never said anything about offworlders. Who gives a shit what they think?

Also if the Reds are as EVIL as you say. Why are there still Golds alive? "Uh..For Slaves!!" Thats your only point, and its a good one but who's to say they stay slaves after everything is said and done. Im gonna go into detail below why i think not.

I don't care if they stay slaves or not. The fact that they were slaves AT ALL is the evil. I have been arguing this point under the assumption that they would be freed when the war was over. If they are actually thinking of keeping them as slaves past that that would just make them EVEN MORE evil than they are now. Also, drug addiction doesn't just go away. Have fun, you're free now, hope your drug addiction is manageable.

Her antennae flick outward, stretched wide. “The ceasefire? It’s a joke. The reds won’t let it bind them for long. They’ll find an excuse to violate it or sneak a commando raid past your U.G.C. surveillance to kill off the remaining queens. It bought us time to recover, but it is no solution.”

“Well, what would be a solution?” you wonder aloud.

“Well, you could wipe their cities out with an orbital bombardment and use your anti-missile systems to ground their nukes before they hit Gildenmere. Once they’ve been buried in fire and rock, we can rebuild.”

Now Ill grant you, its not exactly saying all should die. But she says thats the only solution that would work, thats the problem.

She also says that a reworking of the red society is another option in a different conversation tree.

7. One city under Gold control is = to the race in general? Really? If the Reds wanted them dead, there wouldnt be slaves, or Golds living under Red rule. They want to end the war, the nuke probably wasnt their first choice. Ever consider that the Reds asked them to surrender? "Uh.. NO! Reds are barbarians who just want blood!!" ..... Oh but no, its fine to vaporize Red civilians, children. Why? They're Red, so why not?

Killing all the golds is not as easy as you say. They have cities full of them that would fight back if they tried killing them all. It's easier to take them over and try and not provoke them.

8. Yea, I do. One is everyone dying, and one is fewer.

Not what I meant. One city is not the same as a country. The golds where not in the position the Japanese were.

9. See 6. But to go on, Ok she's one Gold. But hey guess what? Sellera is ONE RED. Name all their evils. Drug Addicted Slavery? Yes....... Everything else is excused for One reason: War. Everything else theyve done is due to war. And thats commonplace. Youve heard genocide from what? One Red? Sure paints the rest of them.

War is not an excuse. You cannot just excuse any and all evil actions by saying "war". Some action cross the line. Like sex slavery. Imagine if the US brought back a bunch of sex slaves from the Middle East. "But war!" is not a valid excuse.

10. This is the only thing i would agree with you. But to me its the only Evil that they should be blamed for. Everything else is a result of war. Slavery is a bad thing, so is forced drug addiction, im agreeing with you. But my point wasnt about that, it was about the outcome of the war. That is all Ive been trying to explain. The Reds, to win, need to bomb ONE city. Terrible yes, For the Golds to win, they want a genocide. That ONE Gold holds more power than you are caring to admit. If the peoples opinion really mattered in a government decision about something this dark, shit like the repeal of Net Neutrality wouldnt be a problem. Whats stopping the Gold with all the power from doing what she wants?

Now that the aliens are here and Steele is here bombing a city vs bombing all reds are no longer the only two options for a pro gold victory. Maybe you might have a point if literally the only two options for winning the war were bombing one city or bombing all cities but that's not the case anymore. Now we can look more toward who deserves to win the war more, instead of just which option means less deaths. And the reds don't deserve to win the war. They deserve MUCH MUCH worse than just loosing it, but I'll settle for that.

1: The Reds arent racist. Now hold on Billy!! "They hate the Golds cause their Gold. THEYRE RACIST!!!" Thats one side of a war hating another, thats doesnt mean racism. The Reds allow all to join the Federation. Even Golds, in fact their are happy Gold Myr in the Federation, completely fine and happy. Who's to say that the Gold Slaves cant become citizens after all is said and done? If the Reds are that ok with having anything join their ranks, I think the Golds have a good chance.

Racism was never one of the evils I listed, so I don't know what pointing out that they aren't racist proves.

2. The fact they even keep prisoners. If they even bother to do that how they genociders? There are a lot of Golds that are prisoners, some are sex slaves, some are addicted to drugs. Not all of them though. The Golds do not keep prisoners, its hinted somewhere that they use any captured enemies to test their chemical weapons. I mean, how else would they know they are effective?.

Once again Leive was a gold prisoner. They keep them. She also didn't get chemicals tested on her. Maybe that happens, and that should be shut down and those responsible punished.

This entire shtick is a shit show. There are arguments for both sides. But there isnt a definitive "Good" side or a definitive "Bad" side. Your entire sense of balance on this issue, is the Drug thing, and the fact they are the ones about to win. As for me im not concerned about whats happened during the war, im concerned at what happens after. And I know a few of the endings that results in both species living. And as much as you cant admit it, a Red Victory is one.

There is no reason a gold victory is only obtainable through genocide. There are TONS of possible solutions for a gold victory. Look through this thread to find some. Especially now that Steele and the aliens are involved.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Killing all the golds is not as easy as you say. They have cities full of them that would fight back if they tried killing them all. It's easier to take them over and try and not provoke them.
Reds are physiologically superior to golds (established fact), and they are the ones holding the guns. If they wanted to ethnic cleanse the Golds from captured cities, they would realistically be capable of liquidating 95% of the Gold Myr population while suffering less than 30% casualties.

I don't care if they stay slaves or not. The fact that they were slaves AT ALL is the evil. I have been arguing this point under the assumption that they would be freed when the war was over. If they are actually thinking of keeping them as slaves past that that would just make them EVEN MORE evil than they are now. Also, drug addiction doesn't just go away. Have fun, you're free now, hope your drug addiction is manageable.
The fact that golds put red PoWs in Nazi-esque concentration camps, interrogate them and test chemical weapons on them AT ALL is just as evil.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
bothric embassy i think, you need to be addicted to them...thinking about it i dont even think its out yet its still being written
So how does Lessau tie into it? Does the topic come up once you get all well and bred by the quaddomme?

Alabaster Chimes

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
*Looks above him

Gah.. Fuck. Its like pulling teeth with a spoon.

Where to begin.....

No, both forms of government are abysmal. They should both be done away with completely. They both suck ass. And not in the good way.

Lets start here: I know one of the government's sucks, that be the one where the leaders are chosen due to special biological happenings. The other one has a system where you earn your rights.

I think the option where all can earn equality vs the option where you cant no matter what, is the better form of government. I doubt you agree however, because serving in the military is bad right?

1. It's not just Leive and Sellara, trench wives are all over the place. Everyone's got one. And talking with the doctor chick shows abuse (that is abuse BEYOND turning them into sex slaves) is not uncommon.
Now, MAYBE it's only like that HERE, but there is no evidence to suggest that. If you want to claim that their society funtions diferently than the rest just in that one city for some odd reason you need evidence to support it or it means nothing.

2. What do you mean? I never said it was impossible for the reds and golds to live happily together. I don't know what you think that couple proves. I said they own a lot of sex slaves. And they do. You can't walk two feet through the city without bumping into them. Almost every red you talk to has them. They are all over the place.

3. No, a revolt of all the trench wives and all the prisoners would be a huge problem to deal with. Even if they put it down in the end there would be a lot of trouble doing it. They don't want to deal with that.

4. Nope, Leive confirms it. If they hadn't shown up they would have blown up the city and Leive says it would have been pretty bad.

5. This is such a bullshit argument. It's basically "I know the reds suck, but you should support them because MAYBE they only suck HERE and not everywhere else! You know MAYBE. It's not IMPOSSIBLE.
I'll grant you it's not impossible, but I see no reason to believe it. When I see some evidence, I'll consider it.

6. I never said it's impossible for reds and golds to live together. Why are you acting like I did?

7. Because it's legal and they are everywhere. All the reds you talk to have them just about. You can't walk two feet without bumping into trench wives. They are all over the place. It's not an isolated thing.

8. What? I never said anything about offworlders. Who gives a shit what they think?

9. I don't care if they stay slaves or not. The fact that they were slaves AT ALL is the evil. I have been arguing this point under the assumption that they would be freed when the war was over. If they are actually thinking of keeping them as slaves past that that would just make them EVEN MORE evil than they are now. Also, drug addiction doesn't just go away. Have fun, you're free now, hope your drug addiction is manageable.

10. She also says that a reworking of the red society is another option in a different conversation tree.

11. Killing all the golds is not as easy as you say. They have cities full of them that would fight back if they tried killing them all. It's easier to take them over and try and not provoke them.

12. Not what I meant. One city is not the same as a country. The golds where not in the position the Japanese were.

13. War is not an excuse. You cannot just excuse any and all evil actions by saying "war". Some action cross the line. Like sex slavery. Imagine if the US brought back a bunch of sex slaves from the Middle East. "But war!" is not a valid excuse.

14. Now that the aliens are here and Steele is here bombing a city vs bombing all reds are no longer the only two options for a pro gold victory. Maybe you might have a point if literally the only two options for winning the war were bombing one city or bombing all cities but that's not the case anymore. Now we can look more toward who deserves to win the war more, instead of just which option means less deaths. And the reds don't deserve to win the war. They deserve MUCH MUCH worse than just loosing it, but I'll settle for that.

15. Racism was never one of the evils I listed, so I don't know what pointing out that they aren't racist proves.

16. Once again Leive was a gold prisoner. They keep them. She also didn't get chemicals tested on her. Maybe that happens, and that should be shut down and those responsible punished.

17. There is no reason a gold victory is only obtainable through genocide. There are TONS of possible solutions for a gold victory. Look through this thread to find some. Especially now that Steele and the aliens are involved.

Round three:

1.Trench Wives arent ALL OVER the place. They are primarily in one area. The Trenches. Cause lots of stress is to be had there, and people need relief. Not saying its right or fine. I doubt everyone has a trench wife, that be ridiculous. "Now, MAYBE it's only like that HERE, but there is no evidence to suggest that." No evidence to suggest its the same everywhere else, we are both in the dark here. If you want to say that all Reds have Trench Wives and that it is like that from Gildemere to the Reds home city, YOU are the one who needs the evidence for that claim. "But I have all the evidence here, the DMZ!!!" 1/16th is all we fucking see of the planet. Back in the 1800's, the South and the North were completely different regarding the Rights of African Americans. Who is to say, that the VERY STRESS inducing frontlines of war, which is we see for ourselves, are the same a the heartland of the Reds and the cities already conquered by the Reds?

2. Well it sure sounds coming from you that you believe the Reds completely hate the Golds, so how is it even possible?
Im not gonna deny we dont see a lot of sex slaves, that would be ignorant. What i can say though, is that is to be completely expected from the frontlines of the war. On the frontlines, people are stressed, so yes they have sex slaves to relieve them. Why the fuck would places where there isnt combat have sex slaves? They are called Trench Wives, they are used in the trenches. "But we see them in Kressia and thats where see them dirty Reds!!!". Kressia is stone throw away from enemy territory and the threat of complete annihilation is very real. No fucking shit do they have something to help them, is it justified? No. Is it as bad as it could be? Maybe not. Still, you cant account for a thousand of a species to be the same as the rest.

3.When the Nazi's were killing the Jews in Aushwitz, im pretty sure they didnt revolt. Why? They had no way to fight well. The Reds have a bunch of places where prisoners are stored, i dont see it being difficult to unload machine guns into the crowd and not have resistance. Now let me give you a strong point, thats hurts me and you, the Trench Wives wouldnt revolt. You said so yourself, they are drugged to high heaven and over. Why would they bother fighting back. Even if they did and managed to get weapons, i doubt they could use them well with shaky hands. It would be painfully easy to kill all them, they cant defend themselves, and they are THAT deep into Red Territory. Now the ones in Kressia, you have all the points there. Kressia still has a resistance there, they sure could revolt. But farther back? I doubt it.

4. I didnt know Lieve was aware of High Commands plans to end the war..... Ranks must be different to ours.....
I got nothing smart for this, so...... Maybe she just assumed? (Whichever which, this point is fucky)

5. I dont see how you can have reason here if you dont understand what i have been trying to say. I understand you have no reason to believe it, because you are a die hard Gold fan. Power to you there. But as the players we dont know how other places are.

So i have no reason to believe that the way we see the Reds treat the Golds here is the same as somewhere else. When I see some evidence Ill consider it.

6. You keep sounding like that they are so incompatible with each other that death to their respective races would be the right answer. A lot of Golds are still breathing, there isnt a genocide going on. "But the Trench Wives!!!"
You know what? Tough shit, this fucking issue is single handily the most frustrating thing to talk about here. I can go on about how its wrong for New Texas to make people take the Treatment and have the women become airheads that only want to please their mega bull studs. Or about how this same issue can discussed on about the Dzaan and the Bothrioc. At least most of the Trench Wives arent fucking miserable with their existence, they are so drugged up I doubt they care. That is a bad thing. No questions about it. But at least they arent treated like complete shit, from what i have seen, a lot of the Red owning Trench Wives are concerned/care for them even if its a fucked up way.

7. For the Reds it is a very controversial thing. Come the end of the war, i doubt it would stay that way. The Reds arent any more heartless monsters than the golds, even to say that both are that bad. But once again, Tough Shit. This isnt a nice Uinverse where morals always win. Slavery, in a Porn Universe, where literally anything can go, and your mad about this? If youve come from CoC, this is to be completely excepted. You care too much, and thats saying something from me.

8. The Golds certainly care what they think. And why does it matter? What other reasons would the UGC side with the Golds? Cause theyre the ones losing a war? You biggest reasoning for why the Reds are unforgivable, is the Venom problem. But if it was that big of an issue, why do the UGC not care?

9. If you are under the presumption that they are to go free at the end of the war, then I cant understand why you care then. This is an occurrence of slaves in a universe where its almost a fucking norm. And in the other cases its usually permanent. If you are thinking its temporary, then its literally fine compared to the rest of the shit going on. And drug addiction. Its the future. Rehab is probably god tier at this point. But your right, there is no mention of it existing, but there are ways to fight it and break it.Especially in this Universe. *Cough* Reaha *Cough*

10. Ok. Reds want the Golds to rework their's. What now?

11. It would probably be as easy as the Nazi's hunting Jews in WW2. The Jewish people were quite resistant when the Nazi's hunted them down, put them into camps, and just flat killed some. I dont see how the Golds in deep captured Red cities would be any different from them here.

You are overestimating the Golds while underestimating the Reds.

12. The Reds arent killing the race, they were going to bomb a city. Not exactly a country right? They were in a similar position to the Japanese by not surrendering when they were clearly beaten in every way to sunday. So, the Reds were going to drop a bomb to end it right there. One City of Golds vs All the other ones. Quite the number distance.

13. Ok, the war thing was a shitty excuse. But you didnt answer everything i said there, Like how you only hear about Gold Genocide from ONE Red of decent power +Lieve, and how you hear about Red Genocide from ONE Gold. We are both wrong here champ. Everyone on both sides dont want genocide, but some extremists do.

14. How the hell do the Golds deserve to win the war? They got their asses beat. By a stronger military, people, and weapons. Oh boo hoo, your side isnt winning, doesnt mean that they immediately should get a pat on the back and given a medal for being the ones who shouldve won. The Reds earned the victory, just like how each and every force that won a war has. They worked for it and succeeded. The Golds failed and dont deserve a turn around due to the pity card. Get real.

15. I wasnt talking about shit you said, i was giving a reason why I chose Red.

16. I see one former Gold Prisoner. Doesnt mean there's a thousand more. I see a lot of Red Prisoners, doesnt mean there's any less.

17. I know, thats just one of the favorites from the Golds, because they're butt hurt that they got their asses kicked.

This all isnt gonna really matter down the line, this is simply the current stop for controversy and neither side is right.

@StainlessSteele You understand me? Our respective sides arent right. Yours isnt even more right and mine isnt less right. They're both wrong, there's is no good choice. But I imagine you'd say otherwise. But who knows, maybe youll prove me wrong?


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Myrellion is just gonna forever be the planet of moral quandaries isn't it?


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
I'm doubtful the Rival can do any stirring other than the stirring of my loins at the thought of her in my bed.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Augh. Too big. Gonna have to condense. And it still ended up being super long.

Reds are physiologically superior to golds (established fact), and they are the ones holding the guns. If they wanted to ethnic cleanse the Golds from captured cities, they would realistically be capable of liquidating 95% of the Gold Myr population while suffering less than 30% casualties.

Where are you getting those percentages?

The fact that golds put red PoWs in Nazi-esque concentration camps, interrogate them and test chemical weapons on them AT ALL is just as evil.

I agree. But that evil is contained to the higher ups who make those decisions and those who carry them out. The reds is spread through their a huge chunk of their society. And shitty prison environments is bad, but forced drug addiction and sex slavery is worse, I'd say. Considering the golds also have shitty prison situations as well and the one's who don't are sex slaves.

Lets start here: I know one of the government's sucks, that be the one where the leaders are chosen due to special biological happenings. The other one has a system where you earn your rights.

I think the option where all can earn equality vs the option where you cant no matter what, is the better form of government. I doubt you agree however, because serving in the military is bad right?

Ha ha ha. No. Serving int he military is good. Having your social status and voting rights tied to it is beyond stupid.

1.Trench Wives arent ALL OVER the place. They are primarily in one area. The Trenches.

Trench wives don't just go back to being normal prisoners when you leave the trenches. They keep them. So any red that has seen combat at any point since the implementation of trench wives can have them. Regardless of where they are stationed. In fact, their entire existence is because there aren't any room in the prisons. If there was room in the prisons elsewhere they could just ship prisoners back. They ARE all over because they stay trench wives until at least the end of the war. Any red who has ever seen combat has the option to have them and likely does, since it's basically a necessity. They can't go anywhere else.

2. Well it sure sounds coming from you that you believe the Reds completely hate the Golds, so how is it even possible?

I never said that. All I've said is the reds are far more evil than the golds. There are good reds too. The doctor being a shining example. I don't think ALL reds are evil and I don't think all reds can't get along with golds. Red victory or gold victory the two are going to have to get along at some point. The only difference is who will be in charge as they get along. Or try to.

3.When the Nazi's were killing the Jews in Aushwitz, im pretty sure they didnt revolt. Why? They had no way to fight well.

They also were sneaky about it and many people didn't know the full extent of what was going on until it was too late. If the Nazi's had started walking into neighborhoods and shooting people on site there would have been a much stronger resistance than there was. Maybe. I'm not really a master historian.

4. I didnt know Lieve was aware of High Commands plans to end the war..... Ranks must be different to ours.....
I got nothing smart for this, so...... Maybe she just assumed? (Whichever which, this point is fucky)

It's not hidden knowledge, as far as I know. Everyone is aware they were gonna nuke the city. They have no problem flat out telling it to an outsiders face. They aren't trying to cover it up.

5. I dont see how you can have reason here if you dont understand what i have been trying to say. I understand you have no reason to believe it, because you are a die hard Gold fan. Power to you there. But as the players we dont know how other places are.

It's how their society works. Any place that is run by their society works the same way. Unless you want to tell me that their society in this ONE city is different from the rest of their society (which it isn't, since this is a law that covers everywhere).

this fucking issue is single handily the most frustrating thing to talk about here. I can go on about how its wrong for New Texas to make people take the Treatment and have the women become airheads that only want to please their mega bull studs.

You can and others have. Big surprise, sex slavery isn't something everyone enjoys. You can easily find older threads talking about wanting to blow up New Texas. Maybe even some recent one's, I haven't checked.

9. If you are under the presumption that they are to go free at the end of the war, then I cant understand why you care then. This is an occurrence of slaves in a universe where its almost a fucking norm. And in the other cases its usually permanent.

Are you assuming I'm supportive of those other places that keep permanent slaves? It's a fetish. I have no problem with people enjoying their fetish. The difference those permanent slave places don't have a bunch of real world apologists trying to argue on their behalf.

And drug addiction. Its the future.

I have no idea what this even means. It should be a bumper sticker though.

10. Ok. Reds want the Golds to rework their's. What now?

You're missing my point. She wasn't saying that genocide was the only option. She gave two possibilities. Genocide or a reworking of their society. She thinks those are the only two options, and honestly she's actually probably right. I don't support the genocide option, so we should work towards the reworking of their society one. I don't recall her ever favoring one over the other.

13. Ok, the war thing was a shitty excuse. But you didnt answer everything i said there, Like how you only hear about Gold Genocide from ONE Red of decent power +Lieve, and how you hear about Red Genocide from ONE Gold. We are both wrong here champ. Everyone on both sides dont want genocide, but some extremists do.

Sure. I don't think all reds want to genocide the golds.

14. How the hell do the Golds deserve to win the war?

It's less that the golds deserve to win it, and more that the reds just really really really deserve to loose it. Not because their military isn't good. But because they are a moral less pile of evil villainy.

16. I see one former Gold Prisoner. Doesnt mean there's a thousand more. I see a lot of Red Prisoners, doesnt mean there's any less.

I mean, unless you think they just made a special exception for her. But as has been said elsewhere in this thread, the golds do have prisons. The fact that these prisons are pretty sub par on how they treat their prisoners is a point against the golds.

17. I know, thats just one of the favorites from the Golds, because they're butt hurt that they got their asses kicked.

No, it was one gold talking about 1 of 2 possible options.

They're both wrong, there's is no good choice. But I imagine you'd say otherwise. But who knows, maybe youll prove me wrong?

Yes, they are both wrong. As I've said, I don't think the golds are helpless angels that have done no wrong. I think the reds have done MORE wrong and have done WORSE wrong. The golds don't have clean hands, but drug addicted sex slavery is about as low as is possible to go. There isn't really a whole lot more evil than that, and as I have said, it's not the only thing the reds have against them.
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Silens Phoenix

Active Member
Nov 24, 2017
I'm not going to sit here and argue with the multitude of points you guys are throwing around, but let me touch base on one of them.

It's how their society works. Any place that is run by their society works the same way. Unless you want to tell me that their society in this ONE city is different from the rest of their society (which it isn't, since this is a law that covers everywhere).

This one city is certainly different from the rest of their society. We're talking about the goings on in Kressia, the most recently captured major city on the front lines of a war that's lasted 7 years. Kressia is on the bleeding edge of the war front, an edge that is still bleeding and will take time to heal.

Lieve said:
"People here are still... adjusting to the Federation being around. Turns out we’re still not the most popular girls in town.”

She sighs and shakes her head. “It’s getting better, though. People are coming out of their houses more, talking to us. A few even trust us enough to let us do the policing, now. We’ve broken up a few brawls, stopped robbers and the like. The Goldies in cities we took years ago are all proper citizens of the Federation now, I’m told. The people living here will be too, in a year or two. They just need time to adjust, that’s all.”

Let's not forget that the Federation has had cities before the most recent war, though the trench wives issue only cropped up after the start of the war. Trench wives are less the Federation being pure evil and more being focused on winning the war.

Lieve said:
You urge Lieve on, and she most happily obliges. “Trench wives are prisoners of war. We’ve taken more prisoners than we could ever possibly deal with over the last seven years. Thousands and thousands of deserters we’ve picked up, wounded we’ve pulled out of No Myr’s Land, and more surrendered soldiers than we could stuff into camps even if we wanted to. But P.O.W.s have to go somewhere, right?”

“Somewhere being your bed?”

Lieve flashes you a slight twitch of a smile. “That’s the idea. High Command doesn’t have the resources to deal with so many prisoners even if they wanted to. We’d have half the army relegated to guard duty that way, not to mention the food, space, shelter. From what I’ve heard, they realized the problem was going to be catastrophic before the first year of the war was over. So officers started telling their troops to keep prisoners for themselves, like in ancient days. To the victor goes the spoils, right?”

Moreover, trench wives aren't a law, but they're not illegal either. Either High Command is too busy fighting the golds, or they've already decided to abolish the practice when the war is over, when it isn't shooting themselves in the feet.

Anzhela said:
Anzhela leans back and lets out a long, deep sigh. “...Thankfully, High Command is on the fence on the matter. It’s a double edged sword - they don’t support the practice, so I’m allowed to speak my mind, at least in private. At the same time, they don’t decry it, so it still keeps happening as a ‘necessary evil’.”

The Federation is fighting a corrupt government that 'elects' its officials based on if babies pop out of them, with said officials then going on to birth hundreds of children a day so that they can attempt to replenish what they lose through their main battle strategy. Their main battle strategy being: use chemical agents, that were tested on POWs between rounds of torturing them, to attempt to choke out the Reds and when that fails send as many untrained, unwilling, and barely armed conscripted individuals running at the Reds in the hopes that throwing a wall of flesh at a trained army will overwhelm them.

Yeah, the thing about the Federation is that you earn your power, versus a random genetic lottery deciding who gets to be in charge.

It's also worth noting that anybody can apply for service, and its guarantee of citizenship, in the Federation; male or female, red myr or otherwise. Theoretically even a gold myr who lives in the Federation could apply, and we see that nyrea actively do serve in the military. Renvra's a halfbreed, but her pureblood nyrean mother is an instructor at a military academy. Even those unsuited to combat duty can apply and be given some kind of job: male nyrea and fertile females hold rear-echelon officer positions or support roles, like surgeons, engineers, drivers, or secretaries. They'll give you a job cleaning if you can't do anything else.

The only difference is the right to vote and to hold public office. Non-citizens otherwise have the same rights to legal representation, property ownership, childrearing, and life/liberty/pursuit of happiness that a citizen does.


Also, I'm not seeing where in Lieve's talk options does she mention gold genocide. Could somebody direct me to it?
Lieve said:
“And where do the gold myr fit into this future of yours, exactly?” Sierva asks, looking up to her mistress with a playful glint in her eye.

Lieve answers by grabbing the gold warrior’s ass, making her gasp pleasurably. “Heh, if we get to go out to the stars, fuck it, you can have this dry dirtball of a planet. But honestly... if we ever could hammer out a peace treaty, I don’t see why you couldn’t come along for the ride. I’m sure our alien friends would love all your art and music and... whatever.”
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Well-Known Member
May 19, 2017
Does it matter which side is right? Its war that sounds like it started because of "Well they said this, But they said this". Its war and war has no "good" side. Whatever side you choose is going to be that "good" side. One side has a ww2 CCamp feel and the other side has a sort of drug addicted sex slaves. It's more of a moral obligation to chose the side you agree with. In the end it dosent matter in there history it will be written by the victor and all war crimes committed by the soldiers will be swept under the table, and forgotten after a few years, after that the history of what really happend is next


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
The reds already have a venom suppressant according to the doctor lady.

Oh, well, there you go then. I thought that might be the case but couldn't remember it.

Also, I'm not seeing where in Lieve's talk options does she mention gold genocide. Could somebody direct me to it?

I believe he's referring to some Federation troops wanting to execute the gold queens.

That would certainly hurt the golds, but wouldn't lead to extinction, considering there are plenty of virginal queens (like Liliana) and also spacer fertility treatments that could just eradicate the need for queens and solve the Federation's fertility issues at once.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
This one city is certainly different from the rest of their society. We're talking about the goings on in Kressia, the most recently captured major city on the front lines of a war that's lasted 7 years. Kressia is on the bleeding edge of the war front, an edge that is still bleeding and will take time to heal.

So the tensions between gold and red might be higher there, but that doesn't change what I said. Trench Wives aren't a thing that only happen in Kressia. They don't stop being POW until the war is over. The golds they are talking about in those other towns they captured are likely the civilians, not the Trench Wives.

Let's not forget that the Federation has had cities before the most recent war, though the trench wives issue only cropped up after the start of the war. Trench wives are less the Federation being pure evil and more being focused on winning the war.

It's both. They wanted to win the war so they decided they would be super evil. You cannot excuse any and all actions just because it's a war. Our own history is full of horrible atrocities that were committed during war time that no one, even the people fighting in the war then, see as justified. Drug addicted sex slavery cannot be justified with "but we REALLY want to win, guys!"