favourite and least favourite character in tits.

nad destroyer

Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2018
But there already is smut between Steele and their cousin. Two scenes only so far but still. One is during a Bad End on the Myrellion main mission and the other can happen on Uveto when Steele volunteers to test Belles subtuner collar.

0_o I've only gotten two bad ends. One is the treated taur on the cow planet when you get free used one too many times after suckling those tits in the shop. The other is when your trying to bimbofy that pergia? don't know how to spell it but its when you get transformed into a living doll bad end. I haven't even been to Uveto since it was first introduced. I really need to park my ass down and play TiTs all the way. But my own stubbornness gets in the way when something happens to my steele when I didn't want it too.

Anyway its good to know that there is some content for those two thanks hawke56.

balitz Method

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2016
balitz, please... It really seems like Lucky and Fisi aren't the only ones that need critiquing here. Fine.

Criticism does not need to hurt. You do not need to be a fucking self-flagellating ascetic in order to be a writer. This ideal you're spouting is literally the shit r/writingcirclejerk makes memes out of, but what you're saying still has merit. You do need to be able to criticize yourself, and you do need to be able to have emotional distance and look at things in objectively a manner as possible, but this insistence of yours that the criticism one receives and how they react to it needs to be some kind of masochistic ritual in order for them to become "enlightened" or whatever the fuck is preachy and weird and also makes you look like an asshole.

If you could stop being so alienating and abrasive for one second, you wouldn't have people being on your ass like this, because you have good advice to give and meaningful criticisms to make, but the way you go about them is terrible. You've certainly got the mind and mouth of an editor, I'll give you that. Every editor I've worked with has been almost exactly like you.
It's more that people who're putting themselves out there for the first time are trying so hard to avoid taking any criticism that could ever come off as harsh, whether it could help them or just hurt them, that they end up only listening to the people who're rubbing their head and telling them it's okay. Running from pain is not something you can let yourself do if you want to be a writer and I say this because I've been through the whole rigamarole of being published, of being in publishing, and of doing silly amateur vanity projects where mine is my only voice of criticism. People reject you - a lot - and that always hurts but if you let it shake you then you won't improve -or- stick with it. You don't have to love the pain but you do have to endure the pain of someone telling you that you didn't do a good job.

Like if I crumbled here because the crowd or the mods or whomever else didn't like my criticism I wouldn't be able to keep making them. I can take it, I can brush it off, I can have fun with it and I can live with the consequences if it comes to that, too.

Editors have to be the bad guys sometimes and this person in particular needed to face one at full mustache-twirl precisely because it's clear they haven't run into one yet. Fighting back and forth with an editor, hopefully one that can prove through their words that they know a little something, and eventually overcoming them to the tune of your own growth is also part of the fun of writing. But I'm also a writer, so even if I'm just writing critique from that perspective I like to create a character and voice for it - that sort of back and forth is a story, too (though that was only after the actual writer for that character showed up and I saw how sensitive/wet behind the ears they are, the first post was just general shitposty goof language). Some people only need to hear 'this or that doesn't work, here's some technical advice' and I've given it out in that tone around here before. Others need to develop more fundamental aspects of the skillset and -that- requires something that's inevitably going to hurt: they need to hear that they're going about things in the wrong way and that their method is stunting their creativity.

Everyone with immature talent but too much fixation on genre fiction needs to have their bad habits corrected before they can get past the whole My First Fanfiction phase actually start to develop a style of their own.

balitz Method

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2016
I still find the idea of alternate probe planets to be retarded.
And to kind-of respond to something Nonesuch said earlier stuff like this is the primary reason I haven't written any content for the game yet. I was going to as a little side project but at this point I don't think Fenoxo has a good grasp on the development in terms of his priorities, pacing, and even what is and isn't a good idea. TiTS is kind of a beautiful mess.

I'd be more down to write something for CoC2 just because, out of the gate, I feel like Savin has a better grasp on his concept and more of a drive to build a game and finish it as opposed to just throwing out bits of whatever when he feels like it or keeping things close to his chest for mysterious reasons that don't become apparent for years, if at all.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2016
It's more that people who're putting themselves out there for the first time are trying so hard to avoid taking any criticism that could ever come off as harsh, whether it could help them or just hurt them, that they end up only listening to the people who're rubbing their head and telling them it's okay. Running from pain is not something you can let yourself do if you want to be a writer and I say this because I've been through the whole rigamarole of being published, of being in publishing, and of doing silly amateur vanity projects where mine is my only voice of criticism. People reject you - a lot - and that always hurts but if you let it shake you then you won't improve -or- stick with it. You don't have to love the pain but you do have to endure the pain of someone telling you that you didn't do a good job.

Like if I crumbled here because the crowd or the mods or whomever else didn't like my criticism I wouldn't be able to keep making them. I can take it, I can brush it off, I can have fun with it and I can live with the consequences if it comes to that, too.

Editors have to be the bad guys sometimes and this person in particular needed to face one at full mustache-twirl precisely because it's clear they haven't run into one yet. Fighting back and forth with an editor, hopefully one that can prove through their words that they know a little something, and eventually overcoming them to the tune of your own growth is also part of the fun of writing. But I'm also a writer, so even if I'm just writing critique from that perspective I like to create a character and voice for it - that sort of back and forth is a story, too (though that was only after the actual writer for that character showed up and I saw how sensitive/wet behind the ears they are, the first post was just general shitposty goof language). Some people only need to hear 'this or that doesn't work, here's some technical advice' and I've given it out in that tone around here before. Others need to develop more fundamental aspects of the skillset and -that- requires something that's inevitably going to hurt: they need to hear that they're going about things in the wrong way and that their method is stunting their creativity.

Everyone with immature talent but too much fixation on genre fiction needs to have their bad habits corrected before they can get past the whole My First Fanfiction phase actually start to develop a style of their own.

Speaking as someone who actually edits professionally... No. Like, i agreed with a lot of your issues with the character and was mostly on your side when it was just a 'i don't care for this character and this is why' thing independent of offering advice but when it comes to giving advice to a writer the last thing you want to do as an editor is do so in a way that makes them regret let someone else read their work. There's a fine line between being brutally honest and being a dick and you took a running leap and pole vaulted over it. More importantly, all you did was criticize, not once did you offer a suggestion for how to improve the issues you had beyond ''this was bad so you shouldn't do it" which is the single most important job of an editor.
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balitz Method

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2016
Mainly because I don't think the character itself is salvageable but the writer for the character is.

So instead I went for the mistakes they made during the conception of the character: adding too many superfluous characters who all sound the same and don't really have a point other than to echo each other, structuring the content like a dating sim instead of content for this game, relying too heavily on schmaltz, hitting the exact same beats you've seen a hundred times before in the exact same way you've seen them done in dating sims and My Do Nut Steele character fanfiction, etc.

The character is purely those things; if you take that away from her there is no character. That being said, there is a good version of that character somewhere in there and peeling away those bad habits will hopefully reveal it next time the writer takes a crack at something - which is why I mentioned Aina as a good example to look to. That's Fisianna written in the style of this game and in a way that allows the character to feel like a resident of the setting and with a conflict that emphasizes that virginal cute awkwardness without relying on silly visual novel my parents don't get how amazing I am drama.


New Member
Apr 3, 2018
Like if I crumbled here because the crowd or the mods or whomever else didn't like my criticism I wouldn't be able to keep making them. I can take it, I can brush it off, I can have fun with it and I can live with the consequences if it comes to that, too.
What a downright silly stance to take when preaching absorbing criticism and self-reflection. I mean, my goodness. All you’ve succeeded in is making a large swath of the creatives on this board not take you seriously and repeatly embarrasing a rather talented up and coming writer FOR NO REASON. Sheesh


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Though I have been critical of Fisianna and the writing style in the past (I have yet to check the xpac contents), I *think* the character itself is salvageable. If we take away the "b-b-but I'm a v-v-virgin and, huh, erm... a nerd! Yes, I, am, huh, a NERD! And, erm, I am obsessed with, erm, cats!" angle with heavy, unneeded doses of dramalamabama, we still have, at the core, a young character with an interest in technology and moral support. She could end up developing different types of AIs, be it on her own or netting a job in one of those large companies.

Lkynmbr24 once said that the character was influcenced by the "My Very Own Lith" game. It shows. To add insult to injury, both have this virginal cute awkward archetype I hate to no end (and Fisianna adds more elements I loathe), but a) given how Lkynmbr24 managed to pace the contents, I am confident the writer has a lot of potential and b) who's to say Lkynmbr24 won't write anything that pushes my buttons?


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2016
Oh. My. Fucking. Lord.

Since when did this thread turn into a "Critique Fisianna and Lucky" thread? Personally I've been ignoring this topic up to this point ever since Misty actually gave me some decent pointers to improving my character, and stuff to move on, so the fact that this discussion is STILL going on in this thread really baffles me, and moreso just annoys the living fuck out of me.

Look Ballitz (and somewhat Kesil), I get what you're trying to say, but in honesty, I. No. Longer. Care. As Misty said before, some of your points do have some merit to it, but my god, the persistence that's coming with this to prove your points to me and the others, especially with off-hand comparisons and condescending comments is annoying me more than it is helping. I'm not trying to be a professional writer to win a Pulitzer Prize, and frankly, if I had to deal with editors and critiquers that act as cruelly as this, I wouldn't want to. Yes, I'm strictly writing for the fun of it, being a hobbyist writer doing this on the side, and while I do want to improve on that, I am not the least bit interested in your masochistic approach to it.

I am not shying away from anything negative anyone has to say either and only listening to the positives. Granted, as nice as it is, I do like my flaws to be pointed out in at least a respectful manner. Misty's was a great example that clearly pointed out the negatives about Fisi, as well as the positives, and gave me a suggestive framework on how I can improve on that with further content. I am extremely happy with her version of what I needed to look out for in the future when writing Fisi, or anything in general. I'm wouldn't continue writing an expac for a character I felt was "unsalvagable" so unless you actually give me ways I can move forward, instead of telling me "this and this is bad, she's unfixable" with the off-handed and hurtful remarks, then I personally won't ever take your opinion seriously. If I had to go to that level where I need to "hurt" to be able to write good, then I'd rather not fucking write at all.

Now can both of you (ballitz and kesil) just drop it? I'm quite literally done with this stupid argument already.
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JK Drack

Feb 8, 2018
Im still trying to understand why this Special Snowflake is still there and didn't get the ban-hammer, yet.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
There are infractions of course... but yeah you gotta earn quite a few of those in order to be banned. I don't even know if temporary bans are a thing here on these forums, they used to be on the older forums, heck I got a 2 month vacation from the site for shitposting too much back in the day.

Guess I'll toss my 2 cents in. Doc Badger I don't like period. As for likes... I'm undecided yet lol There are a few in my list but it's very fucking early in the morning and I don't feel like posting that atm.


Aug 27, 2015
He's not even being a dick in the traditional internet sense, just absolutely adhering to what he believes. I also have to say I find pile-ons like this rather distasteful. If you don't think he's saying anything worthwhile, just stop responding to him.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Favorite: Surprisingly, Kiro might be up there. I would not have said that two years ago, but over time I've come to appreciate her as in many ways being a better rival than the Rival. She's independent, capable of maintaining that independence without needing help from Captain Steele, her backstory isn't played for drama but ties her more into the world, and her sex scenes are generally quite excellent, as to be expected of Fen. If she were chasing the probes, she would be a very respectable opponent.
Out of all the NPCs who are alive and get significant screen time, Kiro is the closest thing Capatain Steele has to someone who can really understand them - and by extention Victor in his early days. Who leads an almost identical lifestyle of a hyper-sexed adventurer, is reasonably sucessful doing so and enjoys it immensely.

The problems that PC does help Kiro with are personal and small enough in the grand scheme of things to not make the realtionships between them seem unequal. Plus her and Kally are absolutely adorable together, incest or no incest.

I'd prefer to see any potential further content for Steele and Kiro have them chasing some space booty together, as either partners or frendly rivals. But her cutting into the probe race sounds intriguing, and would likely still be within the 'drama limit' many people here professed to having.
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Mar 26, 2017
Mirrin is great and would probably be one of my top three if she would fuck you without you having a vag, my bottom boi wants that dragon D in his booty baaaaad.

MMMM, I really should finish that expac I was doing. Mebbe have Mirrin-chan appear in a holo vid advert...


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2016
MMMM, I really should finish that expac I was doing. Mebbe have Mirrin-chan appear in a holo vid advert...
Ooooooooo.... I feel like she's teasing me now bc she hits all the best buttons: lizard/dragon girl, top, muscles, actually nice personality...
Jan 26, 2018
Most favorites : The ones that are able to impregnate my PC, without being a Dom or an Ass, so ... none
Least favorites : All the others ....

*Going back to CoC1*
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Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2018
Most favorites : The ones that are able to impregnate my PC, without being a Dom or an Ass, so ... none
Least favorites : All the others ....

*Going back to CoC1*
If you beat the korgonne, milodan, or zil males, you can get them to impreg you nicely. Go with milodan for the cutest pups EVER :catte:

They're only doms to the extent that they dom you when you lose to them. But when the tables are turned, they're not so bad.

I do see your point though. There's only five named characters who can knock Steele up (Sera, Taivra, Renvra, Riya, Ara Kei) and they pretty much fit your description of being a dom or an ass, so some more who aren't like that would be welcome. Syri would be nice (we can dream)
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Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2018
Favourites: Paige, Syri, Kaede (she needs more content), Anno (because she has a lot of content), Beatrie (I can't wait for her xpack) and Anhzela (doctor from Kressia, idk she has just likeable character and couple fun scenes, that's a shame no one is planning to do any more content for her, unless I am wrong) and Ramis (she is just the best).

The ones I don't like? I won't say dr Badger, maybe because when I played first time and encountered her, there was already warning about "being hero", and I won't say Fisianna because already too much have been said about her and tbh even if it's not my thing, I don't find her that bad.

Pretty high in this category would be Riya,because she is just an asshole, even if i quite appreciate putting a little realism into TITS with racist cop. And Mirrin, maybe I wasn't paying enough attention but her first sex scene was just a little bit too surpraising for me after all that "I am a famous model, but New Texas makes me insecure or something", now I'm just skipping interactions with her to get willpower training.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Most favorites : The ones that are able to impregnate my PC, without being a Dom or an Ass, so ... none
Least favorites : All the others ....

*Going back to CoC1*
Queen of the Deep and Taivra are there, at least. Plus there is the whole of Breedwell occupying the middle ground between mob pregnancies and NPC ones.

I'd argue that for a Treated PC there should be a chance of geetting preggo from any of the New Texan dickings, since the won't be an issue of father's reaction or moral wrongness of sperm-jacking some unwilling sod. And we have a human pregnancy already written for Sera-spawn.

I also remember seeing something about Able technically being able to knock PC up.
No idea if @Nonesuch has any sort of even distant plans to one day get to Boi Bee's fatherhood content. But if he would, it'd be the most precious shit ever, especially in case of PC being an honest, decent person about it, instead of just using the poor guy.

Slab Bulkhead

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2015
I'd argue that for a Treated PC there should be a chance of geetting preggo from any of the New Texan dickings, since the won't be an issue of father's reaction or moral wrongness of sperm-jacking some unwilling sod.
New Texas has birth control in the water. :p That's why the whole planet's not overpopulated as fuck.

Population is now controlled via water-distributed birth-control, helping the planet to maintain an agrarian way of life.
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balitz Method

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2016
Though I have been critical of Fisianna and the writing style in the past (I have yet to check the xpac contents), I *think* the character itself is salvageable. If we take away the "b-b-but I'm a v-v-virgin and, huh, erm... a nerd! Yes, I, am, huh, a NERD! And, erm, I am obsessed with, erm, cats!" angle with heavy, unneeded doses of dramalamabama, we still have, at the core, a young character with an interest in technology and moral support. She could end up developing different types of AIs, be it on her own or netting a job in one of those large companies.

Lkynmbr24 once said that the character was influcenced by the "My Very Own Lith" game. It shows. To add insult to injury, both have this virginal cute awkward archetype I hate to no end (and Fisianna adds more elements I loathe), but a) given how Lkynmbr24 managed to pace the contents, I am confident the writer has a lot of potential and b) who's to say Lkynmbr24 won't write anything that pushes my buttons?
I think I said it earlier but newbie writers are always trying to copy something they very obviously enjoyed but don't have the skills to replicate on their first outing. There is no shame in that even though there is so much shame in that when you think back to your own first attempt. Unsalvageable here means that they simply made too many mistakes in the conception and execution to fix it with some tweaks; they'd have to go back to the drawing board and rework the character from the ground up to avoid the slip-ups that made the content tedious and/or boring.

The guy who wrote the Lith game is overflowing with smut-writing talent (I'd say his scenes are better than any in TiTS) but he's also had years to refine the other aspects of his content and chose a format that complemented what he was going for. When he does use typical developments he phrases or frames them in a novel way so it's not just 'oh, this again'. Most importantly he gave Lith a driving internal conflict between his sexuality and outward persona, something that Fisianna lacks (this is also why I mentioned Aina, less dramatic but same idea). If I had to point to just a single thing that makes the character 'unsalvageable' it'd be that; there's no conflict between her and her friends, her and Steele, or between aspects of herself. All she has is this overwrought backstory that, like all the content with her friends and even her solo stuff, just emphasizes to the point of diabetes how amazing and cute and snuggly she is.

A repressed techie with no social skills is the character underneath all that and the dates themselves weren't a bad idea; they could have been about Steele trying to drag her out of her NEET cave, encountering some awkward situations for laughs or drama (potentially meeting one or more of these other characters along the way instead of introducing them all at once), and seeing someone gloomy and withdrawn brighten up and develop some confidence. It's vanilla but it's an arc (though I'd still say, since this is a sex game, an element of sexuality should probably be involved in a character's arc).
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balitz Method

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2016
It's ironic that the guy yammering on giving advice is the one who can't take a hint.
Like I said, the worst part of all of this is that I don't even disagree with you that much, you just... say everything you say in a way that makes me feel bad agreeing with you. Not because it's the "harsh truth," but just like... you've got so little tact!

balitz, I don't like these kinds of things happening in threads, and I've made a concerted effort to avoid wading into these waters for quite a while now. It's why I held my tongue and avoided making a post quoting you sooner than I did. But honestly, I feel like this discussion goes beyond just you and pertains to this thread as a whole. And, to an extent, this community as a whole.

Just like you see potential being wasted and opportunities for growth being squandered by hobbyist writers surrounding themselves in hug-bubbles or creating sycophant cults, I see potential for good criticism and a means to fight the delusions of grandeur many of these for-fun writers wind up developing being wasted by you.
In this particular instance I leaned on you more than a bit to play the supportive role.

Whether this person takes my advice isn't important at all; the opportunity just cropped up for them to get advice after an offhand comment stung. They got a taste of bitter and a taste of sweet to wash it down. Whether they'll be able to do anything with it is up to them now.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
New Texas has birth control in the water. :p That's why the whole planet's not overpopulated as fuck.

That's why I have specified that it should be a smaller than usual chance and only possible for people with the female version of the Treatment - or ones who have their fertility boosted equally hard by something else.

Because according the devs have said on multiple occassiins that the birth control distributed through the water only serves to knock down the rate of Treated gals getting knocked up to a normal level of a Terran population.

Though I have realized that a) interactions will need to be written for the NT babies and b) some of the individuals on NT specifically state that they take extra birth control, which means they will be out.

Slab Bulkhead

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2015
That's why I have specified that it should be a smaller than usual chance and only possible for people with the female version of the Treatment - or ones who have their fertility boosted equally hard by something else.

Because according the devs have said on multiple occassiins that the birth control distributed through the water only serves to knock down the rate of Treated gals getting knocked up to a normal level of a Terran population.

Though I have realized that a) interactions will need to be written for the NT babies and b) some of the individuals on NT specifically state that they take extra birth control, which means they will be out.
*shrug* Fair enough. I'm not into preg/breeding stuff, though, so it's not like I'd deal with any of this.

To get things back on topic: I played tonight and forgot how much I like Aina. I'm not usually into centaurs, but she's got a great personality, and I always like seeing minor characters who seem like they have a life outside of Steele talking to them. And her sex scenes were a lot hotter than I expected. :D