Favorite: Amara, weirdly enough BECAUSE SHE HAS NO CONTENT OUTSIDE THAT ONE QUEST. After her, Sera.
Least favorite? Dr. Badger.
Least favorite? Dr. Badger.
Favorite: Amara, weirdly enough BECAUSE SHE HAS NO CONTENT OUTSIDE THAT ONE QUEST. After her, Sera.
Least favorite? Dr. Badger.
also to go against the grain I like how blatantly Dr. Badger is someone's Mary Sue self insert stuck in clearly as some backer promise or something and how all content revolving around the character is framed as Steele Jr. reluctantly having to put up with them. It's one of those hilariously meta sort of things done right.
Yeah I really get the exact same feel from Fisianna.. all her content feels like it doesn't even belong in the genre let alone the setting, like a fanfic or slice of life romance anime.I haven't played the game to its furthest reaches in so long and I don't think I've done any of the Myrellion content. I think I keep waiting for more actual gamey content instead of waifu of the week stuff.
But from what I remember and little bits and pieces of new content in early areas I've played recently I liked Aliss (fun kinda-tease personality with a bit of exhibitionism), Holiday (just something about her shady she's-definitely-conning-you persona), Ogram (just seems like a really chill sort of guy who doesn't really come on too strong like a lot of characters do and his sex scenes don't go over the top, either, and he and Amma are cute and the way they play with Steele is cute, too), Colenso (wish more would be done with him, I like conspiracy nut characters when they're not obnoxious memey things), and Kaede (of the puppyslut kennel she seems the most real and I like that she's got a life and that you just run into her in the course of it and become friends rather than always relating to her through Anno). Also for randos I know everyone likes the female Naleen and I do like her seductive hunter thing but I also really like the male one, he's so tsundere with a perfect mix of it.
Least favorite...Del, I guess (not his fault but I don't like that any interactions you have with him are trying to break him and turn him into a dumb little sissy-boy slut against his will), Prai Ellit (the very definition of trying too hard affected behavior, though I will give the writer points for adding a bit of sadistic content since that signals that there must have been some awareness that this is a person you'd want to bully), Fisianna (this character is p. much My First Fanfiction: the waifu, from the story down to the personality to the friends' personalities and the scenario has all the exact same beats as all those do right down to ~gallantly saving~ the little nerdy cute thing from mean old hittin on her guys; I've just seen this far too many times identically told always with the same level of slightly polished amateur can't-edit-themselves-yet flair), and Dryad (this is just a case of having no sympathy for the character; she screwed herself up with mods to the point of not being able to function in society and is now only barely above a Zill or something - so she can find one of those to fuck her).
Honorable mention minor character likes to Liamme, Khorgan, Aina (this is a good version of both Dryad's situation and Fisianna's character type).
also to go against the grain I like how blatantly Dr. Badger is someone's Mary Sue self insert stuck in clearly as some backer promise or something and how all content revolving around the character is framed as Steele Jr. reluctantly having to put up with them. It's one of those hilariously meta sort of things done right.
Y'know, there's something familiar about you...The Classics: Geoff, Colenso, Una, Fazian, Gene, Sera, Carrie + Cora, Estie + Cruff, Gel Zon, Ara Kei, Hand So, Ramis, Quinn and Able
The Stinkers: All of the others. Total filler material
Uh, is that different than the "Turn Tables" option for the quest where you Bimbofy Penny?A "Turn Tables" option was written, but ultimately rejected. Perhaps, people feel there should be a way to have Steele prevail.
No, the "Turn Tables" option is just turning her into a bimbo...funny thing all this talk about Dr.B makes me wonder about the few items in the Pexia quest that isn't in the game yet.Uh, is that different than the "Turn Tables" option for the quest where you Bimbofy Penny?
After introductions (speaking to her a bit) she gropes you as a greeting do the same to her and she gets pissedHow is she a hypocrite?
Fisianna (this character is p. much My First Fanfiction: the waifu, from the story down to the personality to the friends' personalities and the scenario has all the exact same beats as all those do right down to ~gallantly saving~ the little nerdy cute thing from mean old hittin on her guys; I've just seen this far too many times identically told always with the same level of slightly polished amateur can't-edit-themselves-yet flair)
Some people hate Riya for similar reasons but that's an example of that type of character done right. There's nothing wrong with having an abrasive character that the PC can't do anything about, much as it may annoy those who love to play as if they're supposed to be the most important person in the setting, and the best way to introduce that is for a nosy PC to be faced with this when they try to overstep their bounds by trying to punish this character just because they don't like them (i.e. for no real reason). Dr. Badge shoving that in your face, in the introduction scene no less, is wrong in all sorts of ways but it wraps all the way back around by doubling down on the whole character being wrong.
and Dryad (this is just a case of having no sympathy for the character; she screwed herself up with mods to the point of not being able to function in society and is now only barely above a Zill or something - so she can find one of those to fuck her).
For thread continuity...
Favorites: Hard to say, but usually characters that I have to work to love, like Emmy, or Reaha are tops for me.
Dryad (this is just a case of having no sympathy for the character; she screwed herself up with mods to the point of not being able to function in society and is now only barely above a Zill or something -
It should hurt a little. No, it should hurt a lot.This is why I constantly ask for (constructive) criticism and feedback while I am in the process of writing so I can hopefully avoid some common pitfalls. Yes, I'm an amateur as fuck writer, and am trying to improve. Yes, she was my first EVER time writing any sort of fictional material. I've SAID this MULTIPLE times, thanks for painfully pointing that out. I can take a tip, and a suggestion or two for ways to improve on writing and character concept, but there's no need to be so damn condescending either with the last part. That just pisses me off more than anything.