favourite and least favourite character in tits.

Balek Crisp

Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2020
The United States
I'd suppose I should bunk it down into 2 categories: Effective, and ineffective. All in order from greatest to least in their own spots. Only in regards to this specific patch at time of posting.

Effective likes: Fisianna, Evening, the War Queen, Fazian, the Frostwyrm, all the Laquines, Sera, Briha, Lys, Taivara, Ara Kei, Shekka, Paige, Kiro, Semith, Bizzy & Dizzy, Kase, Ramis, Eitan, Anno, Love Star Idols, Tlako, Shade, Kyrm, Quinn, Celise, Liliana, Embry, Emmy, Kally, Zil Female, Vanae in general, Big T, Zephyr, Vi, Khorgan, Aina, Penny, Rat Raiders and Dr. Lash.

Fisianna is at the top of my list here, because out of everything in this entire game, she is the most normal; and that's precisely why I like her. She's not some buff amazon, she's not a space pirate, she doesn't have any connection to crime, she's not a slut, she's not a mad scientist; she's not anything out of the thousands, if not millions of abnormal things in the game. She's just a nerdy catgirl, and while that looks odd in comparison to Captain Steele, especially depending on how you play Steele, her shy yet honest personality and believable backstory is what draws me in, as well as her general appearance. While I do admit I have a bias, because I was raised with cats and love cats as if they were my adopted kids (I've also had 6 cats die to old age over the course of me maturing), Fisianna's normalcy is actually what makes her the most unique character out of literally all the other characters in the game. If it were honestly up as an option for endgame, I would not go without choosing Fisianna as a wife, or including her in dominating Uveto if she is willing (I mean, why not? Allows for a speed up to Light's Beginning, and it'd make sense to share such a plan with those you love and trust the most.).

Evening is also great for similar reasons to Fisianna, and serves as an interesting polar opposite. Enough with the transformation spam already, I'll just stick to wings, a jacked up female reproductive system, and the ability to cum 200K per day.

Sera is a great dom/sub. If I were into BDSM and all that shit, 10/10. As if now though, I'd honestly wish to just keep her in my ship as a mod vendor. It'd be great for my endgame ship to have more access to mods, or at the very minimum, the endgame ship I have will double basically as its own shop and complex while I'm out on the Light's Beginning grind. I mean, I already have a cook, a massage giver, two buff peeps (Ramis and Eitan) with combat experience, an ex-military veteran that gives free breastmilk, cute catboy desk jockey, a cop to contact authorities with, a gamer girl who is best girl, incredibly smart (but still inferior to the gamer girl's smarts) and equally best girl, two pirates that know the game well and even have a 1 million credit ship capable of wrecking shit to have as backup, Detroit: Become Loverbot, Intelligent Rask tech nerd, and Emergency Enslaver on board (along with an actual mercenary we fought personally later on), I'd say a crew of that size and uniqueness could literally turn the place into a flying shop while the PC is gone. Probably what they should've done in the first place while my Steele was basically AFKing in Uveto for a rough estimate of 10-12 Terran years.

Khorgan is a great fuck, and I really like her energy. Can't really get behind the piracy, but her eagerness to be specifically bred by Steele makes the idea of having a Thraggen wife/concubine entertaining.

Eitan is great as a character, because they're basically a more tribalistic version of Steele, yet Eitan can be taught to think beyond mere violence and mindless fucking. I'd love to see more development into them.

Bizzy & Dizzy are respectively interesting, because they both show the good and bad sides of being a sex worker, and I adore the family bond between the two. Dizzy has been a great addition to the game.

The Love Star Idols are interesting characters, and certainly engaging, but they're not the ilk I'd go banging, especially to the point that "fucking you has become part of our routine". The Love Star Idols are a great reminder to the actual quest, and great characters overall to hang with, but I wouldn't go past the professional barrier. Makes me feel like I'm supposed to have only passed the barrier once I've done the quest. Semith is the same, but it doesn't make me feel like a fool for wasting so much time on Tavros since his stuff is relatively to the point, and he gives nice XP buffs.

Embry is enticing of a character. I'd moreover put her with Briha, but with the way I generally go about the game, I feel like I miss a lot of her actual events and dialogue by throwing 15K at her in one day, going through her dialogue, and then just quickly ending up as lover/friend. She kinda feels ineffective as a character, but not enough that it feels like there's not a lack of personality to her.

Briha, Lys, Liliana, Ara Kei and the War Queen are the only based individuals in Myrellion. The only thing I'd like, however, is to not only also get some Gold Myr children, but also potentially smuggle Briha out of Myrellion and to Tavros. I'd feel less guilty blowing up Myrellion afterwards. I know best dude Fazian would come out okay, even though his naivety nearly sent him into distracting war prisoners into galactic enslavement for the rest of his time on Myrellion.

Big T and Zephyr pretty much serve as a accurate representation of American politics if it were in space, and hyper-sexualized, in addition to being a comedic and lovable duo. I would place them higher, but I'm not all too keen on being in smut central long than I'd have to, especially since there's not much content in terms of quests.

Rat raiders are cute I guess. Penny is hot.

Lash is kinda good, and makes some sense, but I feel like somebody with that clear of a mind would remember the basic importance of reproduction to begin with. He should at least be selling Stasis Wombs, which do exist, and can probably be useful to the player in more than one way. Otherwise, he comes off as stupid as Dr. Badger, but without any of the good aspects. He's not even resistant to psionic lust energy; which he should considering he more than likely prevented any and all ways to gain an orgasm on his end, and his body could therefore be potentially trapped in an unending state of horniness without relief, just like Badger if she's turned into a bimbo...

Effective Dislikes: Holiday, Alexandra Holiday, Po, Riya, Dr. Badger, Dr. Khan, all the faction leaders (and the Bothoric people that are not Ara Kei) on Myrellion, Beth Carver, Paragon, Black Void, Kane, Darnock, L.D.C and Shock Hopper, Lane, Hand So, and of course, the rival.

Both the Holiday Girls are perhaps the biggest bitches in the galaxy. Alexandra would sooner prey upon rich men than become a legitimate activist, as well as play dirty to win her politics, and that alone tells me who her inspiration was. Fuck shoving Riya out of an airlock, if I could slowly kill both of those wastes of living garbage in the most excruciating manner over letting Riya live, I would rather do that in exchange for letting a dumbass be a dumbass. And that goes to show how effective they are as antagonistic characters. They would sooner ruin your life and your body, rather than just let you be you and have a good time; to show exactly how bad people will be if they aren't being tracked by law enforcement.

Riya and Badger make great antagonists. One for her hypocritical cringe that one will inevitably see in life, one because they actually are a threatening and mischievous villain and I cannot wait to see what content will later be added in regards to Badger.

Po, although we only end up dealing with them once and getting references to her in Dhaal through the dildos there, is perhaps the scariest antagonist throughout all of TITS. She turns everyone who boards her vessel into a sex doll without any remorse, and uses
those dolls to capture and make even more dolls. Her vessel seems to easily be bigger than any ship, and she seems to have complete control over everyone on the ship. And the worst part of it all, is that she treats it like it is a completely normal thing, whereas Badger at least acknowledges her actions (and doesn't care, but still-).

All the faction leaders on Myrellion are scummy and stupid in their own ways.

Beth Carver, the Void, and Paragon makes me wanna unleash my inner American. Let there be the chance for slaves to actually be free.

Kane is an example of a good antagonist in regards to how much he holds to orthodox Zil values, and how dirty he ends up playing. While he is a good dommy bee, as Quinn herself put it, he is a good mate "in times of war". I like how he plays himself off as strong, but the moment you play a Steele that doesn't fall easily to lust, he falls apart even when you duel him, at most getting 2 wins because it is so easy to figure out the counters to him, since there are specific lines of text that you can look for to tell you what his move is, unlike Paige who has 3 for each move, and can hide her moves. The Kind personality even tells you outright what the counters are; to me, that says a lot about Kane as a character, and how much of a threat he poses both to the tribe and Steele. Just a dirty coward who cannot fight on actually equal terms, and he knows such. Meanwhile, our high level Steeles are forcing most enemies to auto-submit to us with 250 shields and B.D.S, but let's just ignore that.

Darnock is the equivalent of a stereotypical posh rich man who doesn't care much about the lives of indigenous people. He's at least redeemable in that he's willing to talk with the Zil though, if you take the route where everybody wins.

The L.D.C and Shock Hopper sound like legitimate threats, but considering how easily they generally roll over, especially to a Heavy Slut Ray, and we don't see much of them to begin with, we can only really hear about them through the jumpers that I so wish I could recruit one of.

I like Lane as an antagonist that tricks you in, and effectively abuses you, even though he/she practically shows all of the bad signs to begin with. He/she feels like a cheap knock-off of a villain though, both through psionics and character, and I feel like at least a Tech Specialist Steele should've made a replica of themselves that seems entirely life-like and falls all the same, and using that to see if Lane abuses their replica. Then capitalize on Lane's slip without losing anything. Lane also can't really be explored unless you're at low levels without any trainers, because no Steele with max stats has a need to go to Lane, and since Ramis trains 3/5ths of your stats, you can easily level up the others. Use Mhen'ga Syri to quickly boost INT if need be. Honestly, I'd rather just skip to rightfully putting Lane in his/her place.

Hand So is a great concept, and so is the rival. They suck so far as characterization, but at least both have some room to improve, and I could honestly see the paths both take in terms of writing.

Ineffective Likes: Grence, Nastizia, Queen of the Deep, Sydian Cuntboy, Chaurmine, everyone on the Great Majin, Azra, Zaalt.

A lot of these people are kinda just there as idle philanthropist conquests, or for very bored experienced players, since you're not ever tempted to go do bar stuff with Chaurmine. The Great Majin crew is single-handedly the most problematic part of the game, the characters besides Shizuya are reduced to typical character stereotypes (I don't think you ever even meet the psychic human?), and the way they are introduced... a huge far cry from a good introduction. At least lemme fight their supposedly military level ship with my Kaiju-sized Sidewinder, or pretty much save the introduction stuff for when you actually board their ship on friendlier terms in the hangar.

Also just make them a random ship encounter that you can jump on. Aren't they still supposed to be hunting for that dude in space instead of being in literally every hanger?

My disappointment to how the Queen of the Deep serves as nothing more as another philanthropist conquest is also very much immeasurable. I can conquer Uveto with a Frostwyrm, but I cannot conquer Myrellion with a Water Queen? Lame.

Ineffective Dislikes: Lumi, Lund,
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Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2022
I kind of like Dane. I wish I could recruit him to my crew and have his pups. A sub and dom version of Dane would be awesome - so long as he doesn't go mean like some of the other doms.

I initially liked Sera but over time she wore off on me. She's a bit mean and I don't entirely like her. I do get a kick out of being slut stamped though. I also really like the restrained milker scene.

I like the mechanic on Zeng Shi and the cooking snuggle bear on the residential deck of Travos. I want both on my crew. I want their pups.

Page is cool.

Ramis is awesome. I like girl's night out with her. There should be more locations to go out with her. The onboard gym is essential, of course.

I've mixed feelings about Lund. Like other sub-dom relationships he's fun to start with but seems mean after the initial rush.

There's the big strong grandpa pup-boy on Uveto whose name utterly escapes me. You first meet him in his home in the NE side of the second level of the puppy pound on Uveto. Like the mechanic and the snuggle bear I get the warm fuzzies with him too.

Other than reverse pet play Anno gets boring fast.

I'm kinda in love with Bitchbreaker...er...the Bimbo Dom Seigwulf. I don't know why her dom scenes don't turn me off where many of the others do but they don't.

Kane is kinda cool but it'd be 'cooler' if you could do more with him before he Bad Ends you. I'd also like to have his bee babies - mayhap Able's as well.

The syndian male - when you are a buttslut. I soooo get a kick out of domming him by bottoming him. There should be more 'reverse-dom' content where the sub proves she's (he's) the true master in the relationship. A reverse-dom with Dane would be beyond awesome.
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Active Member
May 21, 2022
Keeping in mind that this is intended to be a porn game, I pretty much like most characters, including ones that in real life I would see as extremely problematic. A lot of people seem to dislike Riya, for instance, and while if I actually met Riya in real life and interacted with her in the same way as she does in-game I would probably dislike her, but within the game I don't really dislike her. I don't even mind Beth Carver that much, or characters like Shade/Amara Faell, Illustria Po, etc.

I guess you could kind of figure out who I don't like by looking at characters whose scenes I don't enjoy (as in not the scenes themselves are badly written - I just don't really care to watch their scenes), and there's really one character who I just have no interest in whatsoever and that's Mitzi. I just find her completely uninteresting despite saving her and putting her on my ship. I don't like Tove characters either, but that's an aesthetic preference and not really anything on them as a character.

I don't even mind Jack/Jill Steele. Hitting on them in-game has been quite fun.

Probably my favourite characters right now are Sera (surprises me that she's so polarizing, I love her scenes), Anyxine, Zephyr, Syri, and Anno, in no particular order.
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Balek Crisp

Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2020
The United States
Keeping in mind that this is intended to be a porn game, I pretty much like most characters, including ones that in real life I would see as extremely problematic. A lot of people seem to dislike Riya, for instance, and while if I actually met Riya in real life and interacted with her in the same way as she does in-game I would probably dislike her, but within the game I don't really dislike her. I don't even mind Beth Carver that much, or characters like Shade/Amara Faell, Illustria Po, etc.

I guess you could kind of figure out who I don't like by looking at characters whose scenes I don't enjoy (as in not the scenes themselves are badly written - I just don't really care to watch their scenes), and there's really one character who I just have no interest in whatsoever and that's Mitzi. I just find her completely uninteresting despite saving her and putting her on my ship. I don't like Tove characters either, but that's an aesthetic preference and not really anything on them as a character.

I don't even mind Jack/Jill Steele. Hitting on them in-game has been quite fun.

Probably my favourite characters right now are Sera (surprises me that she's so polarizing, I love her scenes), Anyxine, Zephyr, Syri, and Anno, in no particular order.
I have to agree. It's really hard to dislike a lot of the characters, at least in the sense that they're just poorly written, because most of them aren't poorly written(I'm looking at you throughout all of this, Shizuya and her crew.). Even the characters that we "dislike" are mainly because they are intentionally written that way, and although we claim to hate them, they make the world feel real by making it so that just like real life, there are some jackasses we'd like to put in their place just as much as we would real life.