favourite and least favourite character in tits.

big joe

Active Member
Nov 5, 2020
Gdańsk, Poland
Screw it, I'll throw my hat into the ring.
I kinda like Riya, mostly because of "HUMANITY, FUCK YEAH!". She'd make a great Sister of Battle. Also racism in this universe is just kinda comical, so it gets a good laugh outta me.

Besides that, Fisianna is pretty nice, as is Anno. I like Kiro's personality, at least. (Kaede rape things rubs me the wrong way though) Frostwyrm is cool too. Addendum: I really just like most of the characters.

The one person I dislike is Dane, and that's just because of the "cumdump" option, wish we could have sex as equals. Great drinking buddy though!

Addendum: Only two people I really hate are Dr. Po and Dr. Badger, although I guess I'm more... indifferent towards Badger? Like, what they're doing is similar to Po, but I guess I've accepted that Badger's stuff is just not my thing, while Po's turning people into sex slaves still doesn't sit right with me.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Worst: The 3 Rodian rat thieves. I dream of the day i can excecute these little shits. Stun locking enemies are never fun to fight. And they have the gal to insult you for stealing. Please let me put them down i beg you.
Muderboners like these never be satisfied. Chill your fucking balls.


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2017
>Nice Time for Roo guy

It’s all coming together lads
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Feb 2, 2021
I really love the Rival, and I just really hope we get to have a like really in depth relationship with them, like I don't even necessarily mean incestuously. Like the rival being your cousin vying to take the company because of the pressure from their father and having to fight you, it's just a really interesting story-line that has so much room to grow and I'm so excited to see where it all leads. The stuff with on Dhaal feels super promising, I'm so excited.

Least favorite would obviously be Riya, but only when by herself and not during the stuff with Nastizia. During that she's fun, because she's a bitch, but like it's for a reason and not just dumb specism.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Me Like: Bianca, Beatrice, Fisi, Bhakar, Tlako, Xotchi, Bizzy, Anno, Kaede, Able, Dane, Nastizia, Chaurmine, Eitan, Gianna, Ciaran, Inessa, Liamme, Ula, Nenne, Paige, Ramis, Reaha. Sera, Shade, Shourya, Synphia

No Like: Riya, Dr. Badger, Embry, Bess/n, Del, Beth Carver, Prai Ellit, Jade, almost all the Laquines (sad irony), Mitzi, Pippa, Shizuya, Tank Kannon, Tessa, Verusha.

Probably some others I'm missing, just went down the name list on the wikia's home page for the game and checked stuff off as I went along. Any that I didn't have opinions on (Be they are too BG character-ish for me to, One-shot characters also count for this, or I simply don't remember my opinions on them in case I have interacted with them when I last played years back, or I just don't care about them to put them here) are left out.
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Champion Cocksucker
Feb 21, 2016
Me Like: Bianca, Beatrice, Fisi, Bhakar, Tlako, Xotchi, Bizzy, Anno, Kaede, Able, Dane, Nastizia, Chaurmine, Eitan, Gianna, Ciaran, Inessa, Liamme, Ula, Nenne, Paige, Ramis, Reaha. Sera, Shade, Shourya, Synphia

No Like: Riya, Dr. Badger, Embry, Bess/n, Del, Beth Carver, Prai Ellit, Jade, almost all the Laquines (sad irony), Mitzi, Pippa, Shizuya, Tank Kannon, Tessa, Verusha.

I am weirdly gratified that I've got basically a 50/50 split on your lists. Don't know why, but I appreciate that you feel ways about my creations. ^_^


New Member
Apr 6, 2021
Like: Paige, Penny, Anno, Erra, Shade, Azra, Bess, Reaha, Shekka, most crew members.

Neutral: Siegwulf (i wish she had a more tame upgrade form, im only into gentle femdom and the domm is too domm for me).

Dislike: Any character that forces things on you or npcs, like slavery, bimbofication, etc.

I wish more crew member could have kids with your steele, if im gonna form a relationship and a family i like them being on my ship, not on a planet i rarely visit anymore. Also a bigger ship.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2021
Honestly Anno because I really like her personality and general attitude towards things - suits me to a T; not a big pet player though, nor a dog fan - she's lucky I like her moxy.
I absolutely despise Riya though and her blatant racism, even more so when she's an officer and no idea how long she's been one with her attitude. Another would be Mitzi because I just don't like dumb4cum bimbos that cling for dear life to you, but being nice as I am I still untie her during Tarkus and feel bad when I tell her no for crew and stuff - guess I'm a goldheart.
Oh, and Mistress Maike is a bitch to battle for me unless I went Icy Veins to start, which sucks because even with P. Shock or Stunning Blow and stuff, they usually only last one turn for me - really shit RNG luck.


Honestly Anno because I really like her personality and general attitude towards things - suits me to a T; not a big pet player though, nor a dog fan - she's lucky I like her moxy.
I absolutely despise Riya though and her blatant racism, even more so when she's an officer and no idea how long she's been one with her attitude. Another would be Mitzi because I just don't like dumb4cum bimbos that cling for dear life to you, but being nice as I am I still untie her during Tarkus and feel bad when I tell her no for crew and stuff - guess I'm a goldheart.
Oh, and Mistress Maike is a bitch to battle for me unless I went Icy Veins to start, which sucks because even with P. Shock or Stunning Blow and stuff, they usually only last one turn for me - really shit RNG luck.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
I absolutely despise Riya though and her blatant racism, even more so when she's an officer and no idea how long she's been one with her attitude.
Wait, is the second part of this gripe based on RIYA or YOU not knowing how long she's been a racist? And how does the length of time she's been a racist affect your opinion of her? And should her rank ("Peacekeeper officer") affect her opinion of other races one way or the other?

Ooh Woo

Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2019
Wait, is the second part of this gripe based on RIYA or YOU not knowing how long she's been a racist? And how does the length of time she's been a racist affect your opinion of her? And should her rank ("Peacekeeper officer") affect her opinion of other races one way or the other?
I think what they're trying to say is that they don't know how she's been an officer as long as she has while being that racist.
Which, ah, no further comment.

Nora Steele

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2020
I absolutely despise Riya though and her blatant racism

There are situations where I'd find it tolerable, but in TITS? Where most "aliens" are anthropomorphs you can bang without dying of sixty different viruses and bacteria at once? She needs to stop being abrasive. Other than that, she's a bit of an aggressive ass (at least Nonesuch writes her like that in the nasti breeding competition), but, I only ever interacted with her so I could get myself some catgirl princess poontang.

how she's been an officer as long as she has while being that racist
The UGC's a corrupt interstellar shithole, and Riya is fairly good at what she does- and at taking on pirates who might as well be considered a private professional army attached to an organized crime ring/counter-state. I'd wager that it's incompetence and desperation for good Peacekeepers doing their part. Basically something like a junior-level Vanguard pro-Cerberus Shepard in ME.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
The ones I like:
  1. Nova because she's a wearable friend and has a lot of utility. I don't care if other armor is better, I'm sticking with her. It helps that I love symbiotic, living armor.
  2. Anno. Come on, It's Anno. What's not to like?
  3. Olympia. She's a dragon girl without all the extreme accruements and she's passionate about her work. The fact that her response to trying to hijack the Sidewinder is to point a shotgun at me actually makes me like her more.
  4. Attica. Look, I'll admit I'm basing this off of her demeanor and character art alone and disregarding the (kinda weird) slavery angle. But I have a thing for business women that radiate domme energy.
  5. Edit: Saendra. An ex-pirate turned mercenary who intends to steal treasure from the biggest, toughest pirate crew in the galaxy? Sign me the fuck up! Also threesome with Mirian or bust. I don't care if it's only in a bad end.
  6. Also an edit: Shade. She's a badass bounty hunter milf. Yeah the sister thing is taboo and can be a turn off, but she's not irl so it's fair game. She does need to pick her partners better, but if she can tie up Amara then I'll trust her to not to be easily manipulated. 10/10, would have sex and deal with drama again.
The ones I don't like:
  1. Jack/Jill. Super controversial, I know. But they suuuuuuuuck.
  2. Dr. Badger. I really wanted to like Badger. I love hypnosis/brainwashing/bimbofication stuff. But she's just so evil about it. Also muzzles and full body fur is a major turn off for me. Now that opinion might actually controversial (Go ahead. Kinkshame shame me. That's one of my kinks.). But at least you can stop her and deliver karmic justice. Unlike a certain someone.
  3. Riya. Hey look, it's that certain someone. Seriously a racist cop in this setting is weird, but the fact that nothing can be done about her is absurd. She's never really punished, her blatant racism and threatening behavior is treated like a charming little character flaw, and she just gets to do whatever she wants. Even with how corrupt the UGC is, I find it extremely hard to believe that her non human superiors would tolerate her behavior and that they'd continue to employ a walking interspecies incident waiting to happen. There is nothing redeeming about her. I'd trust Beth Carver and Amara in that job more than I trust Riya. I'm gonna stop it there before I get too real.
  4. On a lighter note, the Raskvel and mouse bandit trio. You can't make me give you my money and have sex. How many times do I have to teach you this lesson?
  5. Edit to add: I finally got to meet Shizuya. It's been a while since I've played TiTS so I just saw her name on this thread. And after finally meeting her, yeah. Yeah she and her crew are terrible. They really do not work at all and that whole encounter is just infuriating and disgusting. No wonder she has way more complaints than fans.
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May 22, 2021
finally found a thread to talk about this but

i (just like many people) really dont like Riya.
it isnt really because she's racist as i see that less as a glaring issue and more as an invitation to dunk on them (like if you were apart of that whole lick and spitting in food craze you deserve to have every meal you ever have fucked up by the person making it. spitting, jizzing, scraping it off the floor, you should get worked over for like a year). no, the problem I have is that she is bizarrely invulnerable to you to the point that all you retaliations are met with people throwing their hands in the air and the only thing that does something seems more like a benefit to her. the worst part is you have Sera in the exact same zone with the only difference being she's an ass but not racist.

I've only gotten as far as the bug planet ever (as of writing this) so I cant say if there is a character more irritating then Riya because most characters have the caveated of either getting their comeuppance or literally giving you no opportunity to retaliate because how could you

Nora Steele

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2020
I like Nusha, the gabilani chemist on Dhaal. You can bang her even if your dick is thirty-five inches long and knock her up, and she can at least be courteous for a time.

The other gabilani in Gabtown is a bitch. But at least it's fun to beat her.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
no, the problem I have is that she is bizarrely invulnerable to you to the point that all you retaliations are met with people throwing their hands in the air and the only thing that does something seems more like a benefit to her. the worst part is you have Sera in the exact same zone with the only difference being she's an ass but not racist.

I wonder if she'd be as hated if she weren't so borderline Mary Sueish in her invulnerability. Try to punch her and she's just so badass you guys she just beats Steele up. Succeed in punching and she still wins. Report her the first time and you guys she's just so great at her job that her bosses won't let anything happen to her and they wanna give her her own department. Finally report her, and she just gets moved to another station with no repercussions and isn't even bothered. Unless she's just been preemptive commentary this whole time, she is not handled well. She's not realistic, she's not fun, I'd go so far as to say she's just a negative.

I've only gotten as far as the bug planet ever (as of writing this) so I cant say if there is a character more irritating then Riya because most characters have the caveated of either getting their comeuppance or literally giving you no opportunity to retaliate because how could you

You are gonna hate Shizuya and friends then my dude. And judging from this thread and others, you won't be in the minority if so.

I'm gonna add Dane to list of characters I like. Granted I level grind so I've never unintentionally lost to him during his fight. He takes a punch like champ and is cool about it, he's pretty chill and respects strength, and his reaction to returning his shock blade is surprisingly wholesome.

Nora Steele

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2020
Yeah, I learned to level grind when my very first character in this game went up against him and got ass-raped for her trouble. He's also got a very aggressive dom thing going on in the bedroom, if his dialogue when you suggest a bang to him in Treasure Nova is anything to go by (along with his personality)...but other than that, he's fairly nice.
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Nora Steele

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2020
also I am now going through the Tavros extrameet matches, and Grace is just...lmfao. She's a hilarious reminder that people totally opposed to the main object of TiTS- banging without restriction or regret- exist and use the metaphysical to justify it. The way it's presented is just so comical.
She shrugs. “Well, out of all the profiles I looked at, you were the one I could tell was the most debased and full of sin.” She opens up her bible and flips through a few pages. “Ready to start?”
Frosty, you've finally turned me on to the power of corrupting One God-fearing good girls. Shame all you can do is bail!

coffee with milk

Well-Known Member
May 5, 2021
Characters I'm neutral about:
I really like Syri but I don't want my Steele getting exhibitionist points lol...is there a way to get around that?
Erra never really interested me, I like her appearance but I'm not into having pets.
Shizuya...she's not my type but I can tell some effort was put into her character, but her encounter needs to be shortened because my ADD brain can't handle it.
Riya, fantasy racism is a trope I dislike for personal reasons, but I like the way her sex content is written.

Can we talk about mobs for a second?
I absolutely hate Vanae encounters. They stunlock you and dish out a bunch of lust damage in the process. My poor, poor noob Steele. Annoying creatures.
So, the rat thieves. I can pretty much KO them on my TechSpec at lvl 10. But I can't help but like those little bastards and the way they're written is sublime.
Lumi kind of creeps me out. She's cute though.
Those damn male zil giving me 33 lust when my Steele refuses to fuck is pretty goddamn annoying.

Characters I like:
Anno. She makes me chuckle. I just adore her dialogue and interactions with the crew. And her events. And the fact she's really smart. Swoooon.
Sera. Yes, I absolutely love Sera. And the collar she gives you is gorgeous. Overall, beautifully made content in a beautiful package.
Kiro. Of course I love Kiro. She's a fuzzy tanuki babe with a giant dick. Well, I'm not much for dick content specifically, but I really love the fact you can romance her after essentially saving her life.
Paige. Because Paige.
Shekka. I just love her and want a Shekka plushy. She's so cute.
Bianca. Because Bianca.
Sylvie. I just love this giant moose girl. She makes me laugh with her drunken antics, and her sex scenes are great. And she could snap my spine in half if she wanted to. Yep, right up my alley.

Characters I dislike:
All of the psychos that think they're doing something great by forcing people to undergo changes to their body and mind. Yep, people like Big T, Dr. Po, that underground slaver bitch Bethany Carver, Dr. Badger, Dr. Lash, Dr. Haswell,, among others. Yeah, there's pleasure in it, but it's still fucked up.
Regina Kasmiran is really hot. But also a psycho bitch. Whoring out inmates to rich clients to impregnate them and turn them into breeding stock is just soo wrong and weird. Yeah, they're prisoners for a good reason. But it's still quite vile...

Lmao I love this game.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Regina Kasmiran is really hot. But also a psycho bitch. Whoring out inmates to rich clients to impregnate them and turn them into breeding stock is just soo wrong and weird. Yeah, they're prisoners for a good reason. But it's still quite vile...

That's the first time I've read anyone bringing it up, and I think you've got a point. I mean mechanically it makes since to make one off encounters repeatable but from a lore/role-playing perspective it is pretty screwed up. True, the one's we interact with we know are evil and maybe that's why most don't think of it, but stripping people of all rights and making them breeding stock is pretty dystopian. To Bethany's credit, she doesn't seem to believe she's doing some service. At least that's my interpretation. She seems to be firmly aware she's a slaver and crime lord.
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May 22, 2021
That's the first time I've read anyone bringing it up, and I think you've got a point. I mean mechanically it makes since to make one off encounters repeatable but from a lore/role-playing perspective it is pretty screwed up. True, the one's we interact with we know are evil and maybe that's why most don't think of it, but stripping people of all rights and making them breeding stock is pretty dystopian. To Bethany's credit, she doesn't seem to believe she's doing some service. At least that's my interpretation. She seems to be firmly aware she's a slaver and crime lord.
it so wierd hearing this. when I complained about Riya on another (albeit necro) thread someone came at me with "Riya cant get raped rape is wrong" when this game is practically filled to burst with rape and abuse (90% of the raping comes from mobs but still). it doesn't matter how much every scenario is written to make you character want it as much as possible, it's still kind of there.


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
it so wierd hearing this. when I complained about Riya on another (albeit necro) thread someone came at me with "Riya cant get raped rape is wrong" when this game is practically filled to burst with rape and abuse (90% of the raping comes from mobs but still). it doesn't matter how much every scenario is written to make you character want it as much as possible, it's still kind of there.
Yeah, the staff's excuse of "You may not want it but Steele does" for those situations where something legit rapes you is flimsy at best. Just call it what it is. Like CoC didn't hold back in the whole "Yeah, you don't want this despite it feeling good and it's being done to you 'cause you were beaten in some way" so it feels pretty disingenuous that they go out of their way to let us know that we aren't Steele and write Steele so they not only auto-consent to all sexual assaults they also enjoy it every single time.


Aug 27, 2015
Yeah, the staff's excuse of "You may not want it but Steele does" for those situations where something legit rapes you is flimsy at best. Just call it what it is.

You want the combat losses to be more like actual rape? You want the protagonist to explicitly not like it and want it to stop? Think about what you're asking for.

The change from CoC was one the staff deliberately made, and while the current model is by no means perfect it's better than any alternative so far tried.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
The disconnect may be obvious, but I'll take that over making the staff write some messed up scenes that often. That'd lead to one hell of a burnout. In Steele's case they've never felt like a self insert, at least to me, so them liking something the player may not will cause a disconnect but is understandable. But like Nonesuch implied, the alternatives are remove combat loss scenes (it's a porn game, that'd remove a huge chunk of content), or write them from the perspective of a rape victim. Neither's a win for anyone. If it keeps the staff from being uncomfortable, I'll take a disconnect or head-canon the scenes. I wouldn't want to write stuff like that and I don't expect them to. Plus Patreon may get testy if that stuff became the norm. Don't want to give Papa Patreon a reason to get the belt and a blindfold to indiscriminately ban stuff


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
You want the combat losses to be more like actual rape? You want the protagonist to explicitly not like it and want it to stop? Think about what you're asking for.

The change from CoC was one the staff deliberately made, and while the current model is by no means perfect it's better than any alternative so far tried.
Yeah. I wouldn't have even mentioned CoC if I didn't like the way they handle it there more. I know what I'm asking for here, I've disliked this whole "it's rape, but you're cool with it" nonsense from the get go. The player has the ability to not have sex with those they beat. The enemy always takes the opposite choice, they always make the decision to rape you. It is rape, period. They make the decision to have sex with you after beating you, and in many cases they also alter you in some way, no express permission is ever given in any of these circumstances, if it weren't for the handwaved "Nah, it's cool" there'd be no doubt of what it is, as it stands there's still no doubt, we just now have to say "it's rape, but the staff says it's not so that's ok." They're just doing the whole "Well, not technically" thing and pretending that makes it ok, it doesn't. It's even more egregious after the enemy literally beats you bloody. Pretending that "because we say it isn't, even though it very clearly is, it's ok and everyone's "just having fun"" might take enough out of it for some people to feel comfortable with it, yet I feel even less comfortable with it written the way it is because it just feels like we're trying to pretend the rape away and that just feels slimy to me.

If we're going to have a combat system in place where we can force ourselves on someone after we beat them then we really need to accept what that means, that means rape. Same goes for the enemy. Pretending otherwise is even more obscene than super police woman god-moding out of all of your attacks. There's a reason people stat grind in this game, they don't like losing in it, don't like the feel of it, don't like that choice being taken out of their hands. You think they'd do that if even after they lost they weren't forced into a sex scene? Maybe, some like to min-max, yet I bet there's a good few that wouldn't as they'd at least have a say in whether or not they get sex. The only place there's "auto-consent" is in places like this, where the fact of rape is too inconvenient to let it continue to be called such, yet the writing team also doesn't want to stop raping the player's character and taking choice away from the player as that, for some reason, is apparently essential to the game.

If there's going to be rape, if you're going to force the player character into a sexual situation and remove all control from the player then call it what it is, otherwise don't write that way. I'm not sitting here against rape in a game basically all about it, like you know what you're signing up for after you experience your first loss pretty much, no I'm against rape in fiction that we're pretending isn't rape.