favourite and least favourite character in tits.

May 28, 2018
Favorites would probably be the the naleen female, bored jumper, the deserter duo Lys/Briha, Roo, Vulriks, Hana, Feruze and last but certainly not least Narc.

Apparently i've a huge thing for enemy encounters, or just relationships progressing in unexpected ways. Roo, Feruze and Narc's characters are just a tonne of fun, while Hana and Vulriks just remain super pleasant to me.

Least favourite is a bit more decisive for me: Firstly, Shizuya. I just kind of find them disgusting, physically and as a person. Them and friends just come across as kind of leering assholes, with too heavy a grimy undertone for me to stomach- also way too rapey to be portrayed as happy-go-lucky as they are. Gene is also way too aggressive for me. Penny just kind of goes into a junkie spiral that's actually pretty awful, and when not doesn't really have much content to lean back on that isn't just 'furry'. Finally Focalor/basically the Tove species. Money grubbing, soulless big beaked aliens cleaves too close to jewish stereotype for me and they really aren't likeable.

And at the very bottom, Victor. He was kind of a fucking monster.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2020
fisianna, and any other character that makes me work to have some sexual relationship with the same.

I don't like any male ausar


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2019
[QUOTE="Finally Focalor/basically the Tove species. Money grubbing, soulless big beaked aliens cleaves too close to jewish stereotype for me and they really aren't likeable.[/QUOTE]

I can see how they could come off that way, but I don't think that was the intention. To me Focalor strike me more like a stereotypical sleazy car salesman, he sell ships after all.
The Toves aren't that souless, if you are have unlocked Uveto Xotchi has an... interesting BE to say the least, and Tlako also display more emotions not usually associated with Toves if you get closer to her.


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2019
Favorites would probably be the the naleen female, bored jumper, the deserter duo Lys/Briha, Roo, Vulriks, Hana, Feruze and last but certainly not least Narc.

Feruze? I only remember her having one sex scene on Zheng Shi. Does she got more content?


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
Feruze? I only remember her having one sex scene on Zheng Shi. Does she got more content?

Dhaal post party encounter.
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Champion Cocksucker
Feb 21, 2016
Finally Focalor/basically the Tove species. Money grubbing, soulless big beaked aliens cleaves too close to jewish stereotype for me and they really aren't likeable.

Tove creator checking in here: I can totally see where you're coming from on them. The Jewish stereotype in a fantasy/sci-fi setting is hard to shake, whether they're Tolkien's dwarves or Star Trek's Ferengi. I want to say that I have tried my best whenever possible to steer clear of the stereotype, while still having a capital-driven species in space.

To address your point, while yes, they have beaks, to my knowledge, there's no instance of the beak being described in the game as being disproportionately large. The beaks are meant to work with their overall "bird" look rather than being evocative of any stereotype.

In the Toves that I've written and consulted on, I've made every effort to make sure that they are as divorced from Jewish stereotypes as possible. (Orryx, Tlako, Xotchi, and consulted on Focalor) Included in these efforts are their clothing (for the most part, evocative of Victorian England) with no intentional references to traditional or stereotypical Jewish accoutrements. Their speech patterns are distinct, but rife with portmanteaus (English fusion words) rather than any Yiddish vocabulary. Aside from their names, I've avoided references to obscure rituals/mysticism (which is another unfortunate Jewish stereotype that crops up with Jewish analogues in scifi/fantasy). And while their names are pulled from old gods (both real and fictional) none of them have ties to Jewish traditions. (At one point, in Focalor's development, I worked with Fenoxo on editing Focalor's dialogue. In mining for ancient-sounding words, I accidentally included a reference to Kabbalah mysticism in his dialogue and immediately messaged Fenoxo to have it expunged.)

In regards to the Tove obsession with money, I've done my best to make it distinct from Jewish stereotypes so as to avoid this specific issue. Descriptions of Tove culture and obsession with money steers clear of any parallels to racist depictions of Jewish culture. Rather, the Tove obsession with money is intended as a overblown satire of capitalist worldviews, wherein money is all that matters. To this end, Toves desire only money, build their world around money, have mastered legalese in the pursuit of money, engage in nonstop product advertisement and branding, and even charge their own children for their cost of upbringing. The intent is that tove culture is a capitalist hellscape, wherein money and corporations dictate governmental policy and everyday life.

I do, however, understand if elements of Toves still read as uncomfortably close to Jewish stereotypes. I want to assure you, though, that I've taken the issue very seriously from the start, and I'm not dismissing your complaint. I, myself, am not Jewish, and ultimately I'm not in a position to arbitrate if something "counts" as antisemitic or not.

I appreciate you taking the time to voice your complaint, as it's given me an opportunity to explain the efforts I've taken. I have tried my best to write responsibly, but sometimes we fall short despite our best efforts. If you have any suggestions as to how I might do better or improvements that I could make to existing or future projects, please let me know. I would like to do better.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017


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Jun 8, 2016


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2020
Fave: Reaha, Fisi, Paige, Shekka, Beatrice, Hana

To say Shizuya and Co. are my least favorite would imply that are in my favorites.
Aside from them there's all the Gabilani enemies with their 'wont take a no' attitude.
Lumi gives 30 lust if you WIN, with Cyborg the game puts you into a sex position before even asking, Chemist is mostly fine aside from the taint thing, the vacationers have a very grating personality.
Edit: Tessa for reasons listed below

Rubs me the wrong way:
-Kiro after Canadia, I didn't do the Kally threesome but it still left a sour taste in my mouth that mouthwash can't fix, also not fan of hypers
-Mirrin is way too exhibitiony and brutish for my tastes, I know that's her character but these are my preferences, and after she plops her dicks in your face she brushes it off by saying that she doesn't mind that it happened without caring to ask about how you feel about all that before she posts the picture to her millions of fans while my Steele specifically demanded that she not do that. I like her story, but the fact that you're being strung along without any agency until the very end spoils it for me.
-Del: Nothing bad with the character but I utterly hate the fact that a kind Steele will treat the poor guy as a slut and try to break his will the first time they take Beth up on her offer. Why they gotta be an asshole?
-Lorelei: Why is my Steele insta enamoured with her? Keep your bits covered and where I can see them lady. Once again nothing wrong with the character, just the utter lack of the player being asked about how they feel like taking things with her.
-Cass: She did my girl Kaede dirty. Yes, I know that Kaede doesn't mind, but that doesn't change what happened.
Edit add: Penny with the fact that you HAVE to get her a dick to cap her story.
-Tessa is basically an anime ninja assassin that is the very best at what she does with no exceptions and has anger issues. I get that she gets better, but atm I feel like the reward at the end is not worth the entry fee.
Edit: did first flirt scene and changed mind entirely
She is now in hate section, she is psychotic and I am letting her die alone. Sensory depravation is a disgusting perversion and the whole scene was a borderline will breaker. Not to mention drawing blood and putting you in a position whete she is on the verge of killing you AFTER ALREADY DRAWING BLOOD AND PROVING THAT SHE IS NOT AS IN CONTROL AS SHE CLAIMS TO BE, right now worse than Shizuya

-Verusha, as I see it, is basically a diet version of Mirrin, except with the brute turned up to 15 and casual unsolicited groping, aslo anger issues.
I like characters whose trust is something I have to work towards, but these two really make a point of paving their roads with broken glass.
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New Member
Sep 9, 2020
Paige was always my number 1. now with her futa update its miles above anyone else. penny, Valrynn(frostwyrm), krio and the futa milodans. and most of the other futa girls or the hung ones.

least are Shiz, your rival, riya, a few other but I cant remember there names coz i actively avoid them those 3 just stand out.


New Member
Dec 29, 2019
If you desire to be a master baiter, you've got to be more subtle in your lure. This has "eat me" written all over it.
Lol Savin is actually my favorite writers on TITS and CoC2, I just saw an opportunity I couldn’t pass up.

And, to contribute to the thread, my favorite characters are the Dorna sisters, Kaede, and Sera (Dom version I’ve never done her sub content.)

I don’t really have a least favorite, but I find myself frustrated with the Rival/Cousin solely because I feel they’re under used.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2019
-Del: Nothing bad with the character but I utterly hate the fact that a kind Steele will treat the poor guy as a slut and try to break his will the first time they take Beth up on her offer. Why they gotta be an asshole?

That is something that bother me too. I actually never did Del quest because the first scene never hinted at anything other than helping Carver break him.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
That is something that bother me too. I actually never did Del quest because the first scene never hinted at anything other than helping Carver break him.
Agreed to this and the person you replied. I haven't touched TiTS in what feels like eons and Del is still up there in my absolute least favorite characters due to this and he still makes me uncomfortable. A kind Steele in all honesty shouldn't be so eager to break someone, much less refer to someone as something they aren't (A girl in Del's case, you have no way of not doing that, even when you know damn well he identifies as a guy when you meet him unbroken so you're just misgendering him on purpose), I'd expect the more asshole-y Steeles to be gung-ho about agreeing to break someone like that.
There's also the fact you can't free him without sexing him, so you can't just not agree to do it period and free him, then after freeing him unbroken there's absolutely no content for him afterwards (Because nobody wants to write for effeminate guys who aren't broken in and made into shemale buttsluts yes I'm still salty.) and he just... dead-ends by that point. You can't even TALK to him when he's not broken in on Vesperia, you can only get that option from him only AFTER you fucked him over completely into a girl.
(I hate that character development is locked behind this sort of stuff, Kiro's newest talk regarding Kaede actually reminds me of it a little as apparently you cannot get that development for her regarding the Ausar at all unless you let her get basically lobotomized. And idek if a non-lobotomized Kiro version will be done. Why lock character development talks behind very niche choices??? I literally do not understand that design choice, it's actually severely frustrating.)
He's just, always left a sour taste in my mouth as a character tbh.
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Forget Me Knot

Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2018
Through the Looking Glass
Agreed to this and the person you replied. I haven't touched TiTS in what feels like eons and Del is still up there in my absolute least favorite characters due to this and he still makes me uncomfortable. A kind Steele in all honesty shouldn't be so eager to break someone, much less refer to someone as something they aren't (A girl in Del's case, you have no way of not doing that), I'd expect the more asshole-y Steeles to be gung-ho about agreeing to break someone like that.
There's also the fact you can't free him without sexing him, so you can't just not agree to do it period and free him, then after freeing him unbroken there's absolutely no content for him afterwards (Because nobody wants to write for effeminate guys who aren't broken in and made into shemale buttsluts yes I'm still salty.) and he just... dead-ends by that point. You can't even TALK to him when he's not broken in on Vesperia, you can only get that option from him only AFTER you fucked him over completely into a girl.
(I hate that character development is locked behind this sort of stuff, Kiro's newest talk regarding Kaede actually reminds me of it a little as apparently you cannot get that development for her regarding the Ausar at all unless you let her get basically lobotomized. Why lock character development talks behind very niche choices??? I literally do not understand that design choice, it's actually severely frustrating.)
He's just, always left a sour taste in my mouth as a character tbh.

I agree with your sentiments entirely. In an ideal world, I wish that you could liberate Del like how you could with Reaha and help him stand up to Carver (that might prove to be awkward in my Steele's case, though, since she frequently whores herself at Beth's Busty Broads to earn herself some credits, therefore, technically making Carver her employer as well).

Nora Steele

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2020
Bianca tops my list of favorite characters.

I don't have a single least favorite really. There are encounters I dislike but I sort of understand their perspectives being as warped as they are (like Eitan hating his own mom for not dying and giving him the traditional war alpha victory he desired, and being every bit a less-kooky Nero or Caligula to his own tribe).

Fuck the Toves though. I read the Codex on Bhakar's species and how they were manipulated by the Camarilla (clarirection-not-the-same-Camarilla-as-the-current-one-totally) into being their merc army to overthrow the UGC, only for that to backfire on both the Camarilla and the Roravans catastrophically. And UGC society in general has struck me as being a bit "corrupted" in the sense of being indifferent to anything that doesn't further its own pleasure, though obviously this isn't a universal feature, and it was partly influenced by the reception a friend of mine gave to the game.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
The UGC was inspired by on the Articles of Confederation. The precursor government for the current republic we(the United States) have now.

The only advantage the UGC has over the old 'Merican government is a standardized currency.
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Nora Steele

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2020
Ah. Makes me very grateful that we have the Constitution of '87. Confederation is always a mess, unless you're Canadian or Swiss. /irl over

Well, the UGC seems to get the chaos of confederation down quite well. It's about as messy as you'd expect when the only thing missing from this galaxy of adventure is an FTL drive that will let you warp right over the heads of your enemies and drop nukes on them.


Champion Cocksucker
Feb 21, 2016
uck the Toves though. I read the Codex on Bhakar's species and how they were manipulated by the Camarilla (clarirection-not-the-same-Camarilla-as-the-current-one-totally) into being their merc army to overthrow the UGC, only for that to backfire on both the Camarilla and the Roravans catastrophically. And UGC society in general has struck me as being a bit "corrupted" in the sense of being indifferent to anything that doesn't further its own pleasure, though obviously this isn't a universal feature, and it was partly influenced by the reception a friend of mine gave to the game.

Well hey! That's exactly what I was going for with that codex entry! I'm super glad you liked it!
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Enslaving Riya would certainly be satisfying. But there's a snowballs chance in hell of her original author ever signing off on allowing that to happen to her even if someone else were to write it. It speaks to Nonesuch's caliber of a writer that he managed to get em to sign off on the Riya loss variants with Nastizia that we got. But yeah that's probably as far as we'll ever be able to get in terms of seeing Riya suffer.


New Member
Dec 21, 2020
Enslaving Riya would certainly be satisfying. But there's a snowballs chance in hell of her original author ever signing off on allowing that to happen to her even if someone else were to write it. It speaks to Nonesuch's caliber of a writer that he managed to get em to sign off on the Riya loss variants with Nastizia that we got. But yeah that's probably as far as we'll ever be able to get in terms of seeing Riya suffer.

What bitter bitch. If you write such a bitch of character you should expect this sort of thing.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
There's always gonna be people that want to see characters like Riya suffer. But Fen cares a lot more about keeping the authors that write free content for him happy. So as long as Riya's author remains an active part of the community they'll likely always be able to exercise veto rights on any expansions they'd rather their character not be subjected to. And even if the author does eventually move on to other endeavors I'm betting at this point Fen probably knows their wishes for the character well enough that they'd continue to honor the author's preferences by continuing to veto that sort of stuff on their behalf.