favourite and least favourite character in tits.


Feb 6, 2017
Honestly the first time I met them I...was extremely taken aback. They feel like old, unpolished, fanfiction.net-era, crack!fic LOLRANDOMXD weeb OCs and I was not...expecting that. I could understand the way they acted through that lens, but it was a bit...dissonant in tone, and didn't really fit with the rest of...anything.

Now, I could enjoy it in the right context, but this is not that context. I'd probably change it so they're just as LAWLZ RANDOM RAWR XD, but more realistic so that their goofiness fit more seamlessly with the preestablished logic. More *holds up spork* style of taking over your kitchen, and camaraderie as everyone establishes boundaries, after a serious talk about your ship and a proper apology. I like the idea of these kinds of characters, but they need to be over-the-top in the right way. Right now, they mostly just make me uncomfortable.

Username checks out.


Active Member
Jun 15, 2020
Honestly the first time I met them I...was extremely taken aback. They feel like old, unpolished, fanfiction.net-era, crack!fic LOLRANDOMXD weeb OCs and I was not...expecting that. I could understand the way they acted through that lens, but it was a bit...dissonant in tone, and didn't really fit with the rest of...anything.

Wish there was a "avoid forever" button for Shizuya and Akane for that exact reasons


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
Wish there was a "avoid forever" button for Shizuya and Akane for that exact reasons

Akane quest is, at the very least, very missible. Shizuya you got to avoid repeatedly for a while.


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
Shizuya stuff is now gonna come with a skip button, so just skip through the shit and then never go to her ship in the hanger. And Akane is so fucking complicated I don't know how you could get through the quest unintentionally. Both of these are some of the most easily avoidable characters in the game, and so easy to just NOT interact with that this much hatred feels unwarranted.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
Shizuya stuff is now gonna come with a skip button, so just skip through the shit and then never go to her ship in the hanger. And Akane is so fucking complicated I don't know how you could get through the quest unintentionally. Both of these are some of the most easily avoidable characters in the game, and so easy to just NOT interact with that this much hatred feels unwarranted.

THIS IS THE INTERNET. Of course little shit blows up for silly reasons.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
Shizuya stuff is now gonna come with a skip button, so just skip through the shit and then never go to her ship in the hanger. And Akane is so fucking complicated I don't know how you could get through the quest unintentionally. Both of these are some of the most easily avoidable characters in the game, and so easy to just NOT interact with that this much hatred feels unwarranted.
I think you're misreading the context of the complaints and therefore reacting defensively in a completely over-the-top fashion. Only one person has talked about not wanting to repeat the encounters and they did it in a very mild manner; completely hate-free. The rest are voicing legitimate complaints in a complaints thread. Someone asked, "Who's your least favorite character?", folks chimed in with their answers, and then they get roasted for it?

That feels unwarranted.


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
you are right sorry. I did react a little too heavily, I just know Questy worked really hard on the character and her crew.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2019
Dislike: I am not a fan of Akane or those space Mercs that blast your ship and pretend everything is okay afterwards. You can avoid them sure but as a result you miss out on some of the best gear and perks in the game. I have tried to avoid them believe me but those shock fists are far too efficient and the painslut perk is far too good especially if you play a build that doesn't rely on shields. I don't outright hate the characters but I am pretty sour towards them that in the end I will always do their quest line despite my opinions. Akane ires me the most considering Steeles abilities at beating back more impossible situations, but your choices with her are die or submit. I like to play a subby sissy boi but even I know that not being able to kick her and her goons butt was a stretch. Despite all that Akane is a pretty cool and well built character and the Mercs are a pretty interesting bunch themselves minus the vandalism of my ship. I just wish there was a better circumstance in which I meet them because I am sure I would like them otherwise. All my real hate though goes to Riya and her racist attitude.

Like: This is alot harder because there are plenty of wonderful characters so its kinda difficult to pinpoint ones I like the most. Not really a fan of spider girls but Ara Kei is a pretty fun and interesting character. Lieve Thyrsa is a pretty nice character too and I wish there was more interactions with her. Dom Lund and Vark are neat and I often wish they were recruitable as the current recruitable males are either too subby or don't have that same intensity. Trying to list people who aren't the usual is kinda hard but its probably safe to say I like most of what other people say, like anno or embry. There is just alot of pretty fun characters that its pretty much easier to pick out the ones you don't like rather than the ones you like.


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2019
. I don't outright hate the characters but I am pretty sour towards them that in the end I will always do their quest line despite my opinions. Akane ires me the most considering Steeles abilities at beating back more impossible situations, but your choices with her are die or submit. I like to play a subby sissy boi but even I know that not being able to kick her and her goons butt was a stretch.

That right there. Akane ires me beyond words. For me, the main problem is how cheap it felt to be captured by her. Steele has single handed beat 2 of her man despite they successfully sneaking up on him, beat the Ausar (who is implied to be Akane second in command) under similar circumstances and yet when walking into their trap on Tavros Steele was knock out so easily it didn't even start a fight. The Tavros Shukuchi seller . My Steele also had a Siegwulfe tagging along, the high-class personal security droid. TITS play a lot like a RPG, where your status affect your chance of success and dialog so this type of scene where it doens't matter how well prepared you are feel cheap.


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2018
I think my favorite is the Gray Goo Armor or Celise. My least favorite are Tetra and Mica. Yes, you can choose to ignore them, but I wish there was an option to disable them altogether. Basically any mention of incest pulls me right out of the game.

General Nuisance

Active Member
Sep 26, 2018
The internet, duh
Favorite: It's a tie between Bess, Syri, Kiro, and Chaurmine. I like romance, alright? Sue me.

Least favorite: No contest, it's Shizuya and her Crew... I'd go on a 25k word rant, but the last few guys explained it better than I ever could. Blowing up a guy's ship, mistaking them for a criminal, constantly forcing yourself on 'em, and then acting like everything is hunky dory, is just so..... Bleh.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2020
favorite: paige, penny, kiro, milodan futas
least: rival.
shizuya is a fucking dick but i still want that huge futa amazon dual cock so i have mixed feelings.
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Active Member
Aug 3, 2017
Roxy (The scene you get while in a rut and the possibility of that being the first interaction with her is extremely appealing. Also love the simple intimacy options while she is pregnant)

Kiro and Paige (While the price for admission is high. I love the various scenes with both of them and their individual ones are great as well.)

Rough opinion here considering what others have said... But Akane (The painslut perk is too good for most characters and the scenes are actually quite nice for a more subby Steele.)

Indentured Sera (I enjoy taking her down a peg at first but fall into this weird protectiveness of her with both the pregnancy option and helping her rebuild her mod store for a better future.)

Least Favorite:
Bizzy (I'm not a fan of constant breast expansion, in moderation sure, but she takes it to a ridiculous level and it kinda ruins the whole thing for me. Still I go and do her questline and get it fully upgraded for some reason...)

Riya (Space racism is not cool okay. Also a slight hypocrite because she won't engage if you are a herm and only takes full females. While actually being one herself as well >.> )

Ramis (Since I play Herms 99% of the time, she is basically locked off to me to interact with and invite to my crew which kinda sucks since I kinda want to get literally every crew member stuffed into the Sidewinder... )

As a side bar: Favorite transformation / race to become: Kui Tan all the way.


Aug 27, 2015
Bizzy (I'm not a fan of constant breast expansion, in moderation sure, but she takes it to a ridiculous level and it kinda ruins the whole thing for me. Still I go and do her questline and get it fully upgraded for some reason...)

Perhaps you should play through her content again. You may find there's another option you can take with her.

Ramis (Since I play Herms 99% of the time, she is basically locked off to me to interact with and invite to my crew which kinda sucks since I kinda want to get literally every crew member stuffed into the Sidewinder... )

You can still hire her. And while she's on board and you're on Tavros, she has content specifically for players who can't sleep with her.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2017
Perhaps you should play through her content again. You may find there's another option you can take with her.

Well I have to restart a new character unfortunately... But I looked it up on the Wiki and that second option is definitely more appealing. May change my opinion once I get to that point again.

As for Ramis I was sure it was impossible >.> Guess I'll try again on my next run through

Ooh Woo

Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2019
Well I have to restart a new character unfortunately... But I looked it up on the Wiki and that second option is definitely more appealing. May change my opinion once I get to that point again.

As for Ramis I was sure it was impossible >.> Guess I'll try again on my next run through
Does the backinbizzness cheat code still work? That resets her.
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Jul 17, 2017


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
With Bizzy what makes me kinda sad is that her tit path is basically all or nothing to fully upgrade the studio. I kinda wish we could just increase her tits up to a certain point and then go get her dance lessons or otherwise convince her to diverge onto another path.

But yeah at the point that she becomes an immobilized land whale, her tits start becoming a turn off to me. Although overall I do quite like the character. I'll probably just have to settle for never fully upgrading the studio. Honestly even the second to last upgrade is probably a bit too big for me... But her being so willing to get collared and branded is too hot for me to pass up...


New Member
Sep 7, 2020
Like - Anno. Out of all the characters I've encountered thus far, she reads the most like a real person you'd actually talk to.

Dislike - Not so much a particular character, but a niche a bunch of them fall into; god modey ones. In play-by-post role plays there's a term called 'god moding' where a person controls or otherwise reacts for your character, stripping you of your agency - It's a pretty big no-no for (what I'd hope are) obvious reasons. The hyena in the bar (whose name escapes me) made me snap a bit, but she was, I think, the third character who'd stripped me of any agency I had, so it was a multiple strike scenario. My Steele is 7'2'' and built like a brick shithouse, but the hyena throws me around like a ragdoll and I can't even tell her to fuck off? Feels dirty... And not the fun kind. >:T
Last edited:


Aug 27, 2015
But yeah at the point that she becomes an immobilized land whale, her tits start becoming a turn off to me. Although overall I do quite like the character. I'll probably just have to settle for never fully upgrading the studio. Honestly even the second to last upgrade is probably a bit too big for me... But her being so willing to get collared and branded is too hot for me to pass up...

It comes down to what the commissioner wanted. If I redid it and had total artistic control, I'd make Bizzy's medium state less extreme, because it's what the majority of players basically want.


Sep 8, 2020
Likes: Anno, Reaha, Dr. Lash (yes, in a universe of horny, I gotta appreciate the one that embodies anti-horny so well), Kattom Osgood, Dr. Po (Yes, that one), Jack/Jill Steele, Dane, Kiro, Nova, BimboDom Siegwulfe, Teyaal

Dislikes: Badger, Akane, Karrah ("Shithead" is not something I wanna read when Im tryna get my rocks off), Sera... Really that's about it, except for Karrah and Sera, they're basically self-inserts of the writers as invincible Gods that do not abide by the laws of their world. Badger can only be tackled with a piece of Badger herself, and honestly, she's just a much more boring version of Dr. Po. Akane gatekeeps one of the coolest melee weapons while being an insufferable Mary Sue herself.

Honestly, I admit that there are more characters I remember that I like than dislike because I'd rather remember what I like. But those two in particular gatekeep certain events and items that I want. Normal Bimbowulfe is the best combat drone imo, and you can't get it without dealing with Badger's shenanigans. Dancing Flashblade is just something I vibe with.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
But... Doctor Badger came out YEARS before Po say the light of day. :ghost:


Aug 27, 2015
Sera is basically a self-insert of the writer as invincible God that does not abide by the laws of their world.

I really don't feel this is fair.


Aug 27, 2015
I think they were saying that Sera and Karrah were actually the exceptions to the whole god thing. They just still weren't a fan of them.

Ah right. I misread.


Sep 8, 2020
I really don't feel this is fair.
lol, I thought I mistyped something for a second. And yeah, Karrah and Sera are the exceptions, I just dont like them.
Its not that they're bad characters like the others, its just that they dont fall within my personal preferences
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