favourite and least favourite character in tits.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Liked: Bianca, All the laquines tbh, Syri, Rhea, Sub Sera, Mitzi, Gianna, Carrie+Cora, Azra, Kaede,

Disliked: Anno (the way she fucked Victor then just casually fucks you too seems really suspect to me) Riya, Dr. Badger, Miko & Mai (surprise buttsecks)

Everybody else is okay too tho


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
You know that Savin put Anno screwing Victor in as a little friendly knife jab...
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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
Savin? Twisting the knife towards the readers? Surely you jest, for Savin would never do such a ---yeah, I can't keep a straight face. There's always going to be a few places where Victor got there before ya. He snatched Anno's snatch!


Well-Known Member
Eh, on/off lover/girlfriend vs your dead dad. Which one stings more?
Latter, assuming either would sting at all (which is a fair assumption for the latter). I guess I was just trying to joke that Victor wasn't Anno's first. (I doubt Kaede was her first, either, but she's the earliest we know of, so that's why I used her as an example.) I'm not too good at things like that.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
I don't have words to describe the hate I feel towards my father, regardless of the fact that he usually kept me fed and/or sheltered, and it's made things revolving around dads very fucking difficult and daddy kinks revolting 99% of the time, so the only thing I hate about Anno is the idea that I'm sleeping with someone my father did.

I am more than happy to share Anno with anyone she feels like, but the dad thing is crossing a line.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
That's more of a line crossed by Victor than by Anno.
He's the one that took Anno from her bleeding edge lab and put her on the half-dead dirtball that is Tarkus, knowing that you'd get there eventually. He could have picked anyone else, but in the end Victor chose Anno. Now, whether Victor picked Anno because she was the best for the project or because there's something about sloppy seconds, its on Victor.


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2019
That's more of a line crossed by Victor than by Anno.
He's the one that took Anno from her bleeding edge lab and put her on the half-dead dirtball that is Tarkus, knowing that you'd get there eventually. He could have picked anyone else, but in the end Victor chose Anno. Now, whether Victor picked Anno because she was the best for the project or because there's something about sloppy seconds, its on Victor.
Dear old dad was a bit of a bastard...


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
The whole thing just kinda hits weird lol. To me it comes off as "Hi, I was fucking your dad but I hear YOURE supposed to be the next CEO *giggle*" The way she already knows who you are when you speak to her and then the Christmas event where her parents are like "Victor's kid? But Anno weren't you just-" and then she cuts em off before things get juicy. Idk I just need more lore or something lol.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
Imagine the stuff that could happen if Anno mets Shade and Astra. Go 3 for 3 generations of Steele, Anno!

Anno thinks that she was on Tarkus as some sort of demotion. Or at least that what she claims. In this instance I believe her. Victor knew all the locations for the probes and likely had some rought intel about the places they landed. Since, you know, probes and q-coms. If Victor put Anno there for Steele to met or to put her in charge of studying the Nova... *shrug*


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
Fuuuuck that's a fantastic idea.

"Anno... Syri... please, please don't screw my niece."

"Why Captain, why would you ever think that?" *devious grins*


Active Member
Feb 20, 2020
At this point I wish I had left him for later. I think I could do a proper male character/potential companion way more justice if I wrote him now. When I first started I was only interested in the sex aspect of characters and viewed anything more as pretentiousness in a porn game.

Hell, I'm glad you've already written it. I recently came back to this game to check out all the new stuff as well, and I just found him. Edan is awesome! I had so much fun with his content that I hope you expand on him. Your writing will always be evolving, but don't sell yourself short either as many people love your work from your older stuff to your new stuff. Keep up the amazing work.

Andddd yeah Edan, Chaurmine, Ciaran, Gel Zon (best random encounter ever), Kelly, and Shade (until you find out she's your half-sister...gdi Victor) are my favorites. Eitan gets an honorable mention....but he was kind of a let down for all the crap you have to do to get him when so much potential was there.

I don't really dislike any characters tbh; I just like some better than others.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2018
USA, New England
Least? Has to be both Badger and Po. Well, and Ryia- though Badger and Po are far worse, for obvious reasons. I killed Po with little hesitation.

Slave stuff in fiction quite literally makes my stomach queasy when I think about it - Though real life stuff makes my blood boil more than anything else. I do get that some people "like" it, but I am never going to be one of those people. That being said, i can still tolerate and enjoy the fiction stuff if it seems like the character secretly likes it.

As for favorite? Tuuva. Easy. Really, the Korgonne as a species. I love their small size coupled with their strength and energy. Plus, DOGGO!
Siri, Anno, Kiro, and Saendra are close 2nds. Horse people are third - for the huge size and cum production.

Now that I think about it, though,i think Odahviing/Frosty are probably 2nd, maybe somewhere between 2nd and 1st. I do so enjoy his/her scenes, both sex and non-sex. Also, the pre Patreon-being-a-dick scenes were great. I still have the APK somewhere for it, i think.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Eitan gets an honorable mention....but he was kind of a let down for all the crap you have to do to get him when so much potential was there.

So I can try and apply the criticism to my future work, and for my own curiosity, could you explain why he was a let down?


Active Member
Feb 20, 2020
So I can try and apply the criticism to my future work, and for my own curiosity, could you explain why he was a let down?
Honestly most of the writing was awesome, especially all the dialogue when you’re trying to show him a different path in life. My biggest qualms were the sex scenes. They would get really good and then end because my Steele apparently didn’t have enough stamina, which is rather weird considering she has the staying power in many other scenes in the game. It was just rather abrupt and unsatisfying. My only other qualm is when you get him on the ship is that he has nothing to do except wait for Steele. I wish there was more interaction about space and other worlds since he has never left his planet and is definitely curious, as you did show when we were leaving his home planet. Don’t get me wrong, as I love his personality and everything else. Just my thoughts.
Favorite: Definitely Shekka. Starting with the less sexually explicit stuff, her noble goal and good-natured heart made me fall in love with her almost immediately (go ahead, laugh; I'm a softie and a sucker for "Team Good Guys") and her sassy personality . The fear and concern that she expresses regarding her species' limited reproductive future goes a long way towards endearing her to the player (reader?... maybe both apply in this context), or at least that was the case for me. Then there's the fact that she's an engineer/mechanic, one of my absolute favorite character archetypes when it comes to an elaborated science-fiction setting. Suffice it to say, if she threw on a pair of glasses I'd probably drop whatever I was doing and marry her in a microsecond xD . Additionally, once you've successfully funded her project and recruited her, Shekka receives several bonus scenes involving her thoughts and feelings in regards to the experiences she's had on the various different planets you've taken her to (not to mention some of the interesting people you've introduced her to amongst your crew), which I felt was a really nice touch and helped to further flesh out an already well-defined character. Lastly, she's quite valuable as a crew member, being both a merchant and capable of small ship repairs over time; icing on the cake, if you'd like.

All in all, she's just a very pleasant and uplifting part of the overall TiTS experience; an adorable little spacebunny with a heart of gold.

Now onto the naughty stuff x3 .

While lagomorphs aren't at the tip-top of my favorites list when it comes to the whole "Anthro Spectrum", they're pretty high up there due to cuteness alone. Add in the fact that she also checks off more than a few of the Scalie boxes (that big, thick tail is especially nice <3) and you've got a great spacebabe on your hands... paws... claws... talons... whichever you prefer, dammit. Her sex scenes tend to lean on her cuteness quite heavily, which definitely works in her favor (and for me! xD). Then there's all the scenes wherein she acquires a massive horsedong, which are simultaneously hilarious and hot; another point scored for her when it comes to my tastes. To give you an example, my very first character ended up being a 7-foot-6 cow-taur, which itty-bitty Shekka then proceeded to fuck into the floor with the help of a step-stool. It was, in briefer terms, a very funny fap.

Stop it, quit looking at me like that.

Second Favorite: Reaha, probably. I liked the Cure Addiction path in her quest and it left me feeling really nice; I'm glad that I was able to do something good for her, especially after the hard life that the poor cow's lived. I was also pleasantly surprised to see that she was a soldier at one point in her past, an interesting little tidbit of backstory. The degree to which her former role as a sex slave has eroded her self-confidence was, in short, heartbreaking, so I was quite invested in her quest once it became clear to me that I could help her rise above her painful past. The genuine compassion and trust that she displays towards the player character only help to cement how kind and sensitive a soul she really is.

And no, I haven't experimented with turning her back into a sex slave. Not yet. I need a few drinks in me before I let the monster take control of the keyboard xD .

Sex-wise, she's a cow, so I was onboard with that shit immediately. Big, milky tits and cute-as-a-button sex? Yes, please.

Third Favorite: Gonna be brief here. Bess. Just imagine Data from Star Trek: The Next Generation, his desire to learn and become more human than his initial programming would allow, then toss in a metric shitload of sex. Very entertaining and very endearing.

Least Favorite?: I've seen a lot of comments in this thread picking Dr. Badger for this dubious honor, which I can understand but do not personally agree with. The negative aspects of her character strike me as too hilarious, so it's difficult for me to outright vilify her. The whole "Hey, kid, wanna be a hero?" schtick caught me off-guard the first time it happened and, sure, I reloaded my save file, but I still grinned in the end. I also thought it was funny that, once I did make a bimbo character on my own, my character was too bubble-brained to remember what the fuck Dr. Badger was even talking about.

So, if I were to pick a character or characters that I actively dislike, I'd probably pick the respective leaders of the Red and Gold Myr civilizations. Given the circumstances of their ongoing war, I found it sensible that the writers chose to have these leaders spout racist propaganda about each other in an attempt to better sway galactic travelers and representatives over to their own side of the conflict, but that doesn't mean I had to... you know... like it. However, I also felt like the entire point was to show that both governments were guilty of hypocrisy, so I can't very well blame my negative views regarding them on poor writing.

Thank you for reading my giant, stupid brick of text xD . If you'd like, you may use it to build a house.

= )

Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2019
Like: Amber, Reaha, Sera and Beth Carver (wish there were more interactions with her, maybe going into business together or comparing slaves)
Dislike: Shizuya and her Great Majinn with everyone on board ( I think she's just un uninteresting Kiro knockoff and if there was an option to torpedo her ship on sight I'd actually start looking forward to this encounter)
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2017
I know this is a bit off topic, but definitely like Kally more then Kiro, something I don't hear very often... I just really like how her personality is written. Not saying either is my fav or my least fav though, just wanted to put it out there.

I think Gianna, Terensha, Roxy and Reaha have to be some of my favourite characters. I also really like Paige's scenes, they are really fun.
I'm not really a big fan of the more aggressive, mean dom characters, Varush and the Cop for example.


Apr 14, 2020

#1 right now is Lane. I like scalies; I like hypnosis content; and I love the between-the-lines-but-still-pretty-blatant contrast between how Lane's clearly a pretty mediocre person/lover and how absolutely worshipful a fully-hypnotized Steele is toward them. Most other dom/hypnosis/mind control content acts like a large part of what lets the dom control Steele is the fact that they really are all that and a bag of chips, which, sure, is fun too—but the idea that what makes the hypnotist so desirable is an illusion in the mind of the hypnotized rather than an objective measure of the desirability of the hypnotist just does it for me a little bit more, and Lane pulls that off wonderfully.

Ara Kei for being a great sophisticated/elegant dom rather than a purely aggressive one; and I really enjoy their whole plotline and the worldbuilding of the bothriocs' history and culture. Plus, in a game that scrutinizes the character's hip width and hair length before very precisely calculating whether they should be a "he" or a "she," and where the pronouns used to refer to other characters often seems more dependent on whether or not they have boobs than on what gender they actually tell you they are, it was VERY refreshing to run into a character who's described as androgynous, who cheerfully asks you what you think their pronouns are, and who's just a bit more pleased if you pick "they"—and then they're actually referred to as "they" throughout future interactions.

I really enjoy dominant Sera, especially as you get to know her better and she starts to show more of her personality under the dominant persona. Haven't done a playthrough with sub Sera yet, but I'm planning that for my newest playthrough.

Half the characters on Tarkus I love to death. I'd adopt Aurora in a heartbeat; Colenso is a lot of fun to interact with; Dr Lash amuses the hell out of me, this obstinately anti-sex character in a porn game; and I love Shekka's whole personality and quest.


Of the characters that other folks have listed so far that I agree with, I feel bad saying I "dislike" them because they're more like characters I love to hate because they're very successful at being the characters they were intended to be. Darnock, Riya, and Beth all fall in that category. So, those aside, the ones I actually dislike are:

Shizuya's crew. You try to respond to a distress signal and you get trapped by a bunch of jokers who are apparently competent enough to take out both the ship and the seasoned combatant captaining it and yet not competent enough to make sure they've got the right target. You get stuck for the rest of the day with these jokers that think they're hilarious. They jizz/lactate all over your damn kitchen after they wrecked your ship—sure, appreciate it, this really makes up for the unprompted assault. Shizuya infodumps her entire tragic past on you out of nowhere—which, wow, hell of a thing to do on a first meeting to a captive audience who didn't ask. And to top it off during dinner they shove a vibe up your ass and THEN ask if you're up for a hazing ritual. Maybe I would have been if they'd asked before shoving the vibe in my ass. I expect that treatment in combat encounters with rapist jackasses, but if a pack of characters are trying to present themselves as friendly likable quirky buddies and then shove shit up the assholes of people they ram into and inconvenience for half a day without asking—especially when said victim has turned down every one of their sexual overtures so far—and then they act like the victim's a spoilsport for not wanting to play along? No thanks. Y'all keep flying. Stop following me to random hangars, I ain't talking to you again. Keep your fingers out of my underwear.

And Lorelei, for reasons I have a harder time explaining—mainly because I've dealt with her less recently. Something about the implicit smugness in the way she deigns to decree you a worthy opponent and generously permits you the honor of her company if you beat her a couple of times, like I oughta be flattered. Maybe I don't consider her a worthy opponent. Apologize for trying to mug me. She grudgingly gets some respect for calling her suit a Klyntar symbiote in silly mode, because whose #1 fantasy isn't befriending an alien goo and becoming Venom?

Caprice Dhusara

Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2020
The only character I really hate so far is Darnock, and the only reason I didn't let Lah destroy the plantation is because I didn't want Able to die. Riya isn't actually that bad, and the Christmas party implies that she's more just being an ass because it amuses her than actually serious about her racism. At the very least, she's actually pretty fair and a somewhat decent person based on that and her interactions with her and Steele's kids (regardless of Steele's race) who just happens to also be a low key bitch to anyone who isn't human.


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2019
That's 100% how i feel. Word for word. "oh hey, sorry we almost killed you, eat my ass? No? You're lame".

Honestly the first time I met them I...was extremely taken aback. They feel like old, unpolished, fanfiction.net-era, crack!fic LOLRANDOMXD weeb OCs and I was not...expecting that. I could understand the way they acted through that lens, but it was a bit...dissonant in tone, and didn't really fit with the rest of...anything.

Now, I could enjoy it in the right context, but this is not that context. I'd probably change it so they're just as LAWLZ RANDOM RAWR XD, but more realistic so that their goofiness fit more seamlessly with the preestablished logic. More *holds up spork* style of taking over your kitchen, and camaraderie as everyone establishes boundaries, after a serious talk about your ship and a proper apology. I like the idea of these kinds of characters, but they need to be over-the-top in the right way. Right now, they mostly just make me uncomfortable.