favourite and least favourite character in tits.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Post better.
In this particular instance I leaned on you more than a bit to play the supportive role.

Whether this person takes my advice isn't important at all; the opportunity just cropped up for them to get advice after an offhand comment stung. They got a taste of bitter and a taste of sweet to wash it down. Whether they'll be able to do anything with it is up to them now.
That's two strikes, pal! Better watch yourself!

Edit: Ok, I guess I deserved that.
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Sep 2, 2016
Least favorite.... Anyone that really supports the treatment, and by that I mean people that are aware of how fucked up it is (Cass is an expection). I'll say Bess/Ben is my favorite as of now.


Active Member
Nov 11, 2016
Emmy, Penny, Kiro, Jerynn and Maja are my top 5 right now. Honorable mention to Carrie (and Cora), Haley and Kally.


New Member
May 23, 2018
My fav would have to be Verusha:catte:
Liked (all very close to my most fav) are sera, riya, lund, chaurmine
Disliked is prolly jade and brandy
Jun 3, 2018
  • Kiro (I could do without the massive horse dick, but I love how swaggery and reckless she is)
  • Beth Carver (Very ruthless and indifferent, my favourite villain so far. She reminds me of the succubi from CoC. Looking forward to more of her)
  • Captain Khorgan (Sooooo wild and passionate, and fucking terrifying too. Always a good combination)
  • Mirrin (I'm a sucker for dragons)
  • Reaha (Pretty much just eye candy, but damn she nails that role.)

Least favourites:
  • Marsail (Bitch)
  • Riya (Racist bitch)
  • Anyone too filler and forgettable for me to write
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May 28, 2018
Favorites (in no particular order):
  • Ben/Bess - they are cute!
  • Aurora - I love the child genius inventor trope. She is wacky and adorable.
  • Dr. Lash - his services are so useful. I love the children mechanic (despite not wanting kids IRL lol) but I don't like the breasts it usually forces on my Steele...
  • Colenso - rumormonger, conspiracy theorist, sells you a fuckin' joke book - he's hilarious, man. (Can you tell that Tarkus has been my favorite planet thus far?)
  • Sera - despite the fact that I had to essentially enslave her and break her down, her backstory feels like one of the most real ones to me. (I went to an all girls high school... didn't want to fuck em, but I was pretty miffed at how petty they could be.) Plus, she's basically a futuristic tattoo artist, and that's super cool.
  • Reaha - don't really care for the "cure them with your dick" trope but this is a porn game so lol. But I always love stories of sex workers managing to climb out of their situation (assuming they're not there willingly, of course) so Reaha's follower arc was really nice. I loved seeing her use less and less patches each day.
  • Kiro - I love pirates. And Kiro isn't a genocidal maniac. I love her interactions with Steele, since they're comrades in promiscuity.
Least Favorites (in a particular order from grossest to still gross but less so):
  • Beth Carver - shitty boss in the sex worker industry. Not only do her practices involve getting people like Reaha addicted to drugs, but she also tried to force poor Del into transitioning when he clearly didn't want to. (Also side note, but I kinda got upset at Steele in the initial meeting for calling Del a girl even after Del clearly stated he's a dude...)
  • Professor Darnock - don't enslave the bee people, they do not deserve this :( Plus, that one "send me your prisoners and I'll HEAL them" line is manipulative and bluh. He's gross.
  • The Treatment people, probably? (Maybe excluding Ciaran, but I haven't decided yet because I can't figure out how to fuck him with my masculine Steele...) - The Treatment always felt icky to me. Like, not even just the sex thing, but the fact that they're always happy and content so they don't complain. It's basically some dystopia shit. Like, Brave New World style.
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Active Member
Jun 9, 2017
Hmm. Well I suppose I could give this a go. I'll just give my favourites, since I don't really feel like being "critical" or making anyone feel bad. We're all here, I hope, to enjoy the content this game provides.

Favourites in no particular order:
Fei An Strozo
Ara Kei Anya
The Bothrioc Quadommes
Queen Taivra

Me? A type? Psssshhhhh. Never! :p


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2018
the people who distribute and produce the treatment pretty much have my hate. my gut instinct when i realized what the treatment did to people was burn this bitch to the ground. sex is great. changing who you are without the person understanding what they are being handed. losing all interest in what you loved your passion. a part of me still wants to burn the planet to ash and then blow it up for good measure.


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2017
the people who distribute and produce the treatment pretty much have my hate. my gut instinct when i realized what the treatment did to people was burn this bitch to the ground. sex is great. changing who you are without the person understanding what they are being handed. losing all interest in what you loved your passion. a part of me still wants to burn the planet to ash and then blow it up for good measure.
You know, it is basicly badger, the planet.
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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
I don't really have a favorite character, except maybe Celise.. but that's only because she's a "I'm here for you no matter what!" sort, which it's always nice to have at least one of those sorts on a grand adventure, even if they're not particularly the most interesting personality.

I never feel bad using her. She wants it, she doesn't need it, the ship's replicator can take care of her needs, but she makes a point of indicating that it's her desire. She wants to be used as someone you just sort of collapse into to let the stresses and pains of the day melt away and that's why she's probably my favorite. No expectations, no need for pillow talk, just whatever you desire when you desire it without any sort of moral issue behind it. There's no "god, am I doing this to this person? Am I turning them into some sort of sexual stress ball in contrary to the person they were when we first met?" Simply put, she's about the only companion-character that you don't have to really worry about at all and that's what makes me like her so much. No addiction to cure, no emotional baggage, no broken homes, weird accidents, or other crazy things. Amusingly, she's just a really solid character personality wise.

Nah, no worrying about that, hell she's probably one of the strongest people aboard your ship, if she didn't want something she'd likely make you immediately aware of her displeasure. She has tons of power and ability to do all sorts of things but she's outright happy just pleasing and pleasuring you and any of your friends. There's a very mature sort of energy behind her, pun not intended, bubbly personality. She's pretty great as a person.

As far as hate or dislike?

I don't really hate any characters but I do dislike certain personality traits of some characters. Such as characters that don't give others a fair shake whether it's you or some NPC, characters are written to be somehow better and stronger than you despite the fact you would absolutely wreck their face in actual combat. The sort of characters that seem to make your character hold the idiot ball every time they're around for no discernable in-lore reason just because they're simply written that way. Especially characters who are supposed to be "big and strong" and yet you're both bigger and stronger and still end up acting somehow intimidated and lesser.

A few characters in this do this to varying extents. It's a bit like CoC's Kelt situation, you wonder where all of the willpower, common sense, and intelligence you've made your character exhibit up until now has gone. I mean, really. Can't take someone being an asshole in order to better your skills without becoming a subby slut? Come on. It's made even worse in this game by the fact that "Willpower" is an actual core stat. Yet that's a whole -other- rant in concerns to how stats don't often influence in-game non-combat events in a positive manner.. I mean, they do, just not quite as often as would be sensible, imo.

Of course, you can always just not interact with these characters, which is generally what I do, so that's probably why I'm more slightly negative and mostly ambivalent toward them than outright disliking of them.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
Ugh, I hate it when I build a nerd who knows all sorts of skills and/or has a ridiculous intelligence stat or is the NerdClass™, but she constantly acts fucking retarded, doesn't understand simple shit so another character looks smart, or can't figure out something I easily can.


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2018
characters are written to be somehow better and stronger than you despite the fact you would absolutely wreck their face in actual combat. The sort of characters that seem to make your character hold the idiot ball every time they're around for no discernable in-lore reason just because they're simply written that way. Especially characters who are supposed to be "big and strong" and yet you're both bigger and stronger and still end up acting somehow intimidated and lesser.

I definitely felt this way about Akane's criminal organisation. The content was nicely written, and Akane herself is pretty neat, but the event chain leading up to meeting her irked me. Every member of the organisation was written to be hypercompetent; managing to get away every time without too much difficulty. Despite this, in gameplay terms they weren't that strong and I was able to easily slap their shit in, so there was dissonance caused by their effortless escapes.

TiTS is a lot better about this than CoC though. A lot of the character interaction is done within the context of relatively peaceful and regulated settlements. Dommy characters you meet there are dominant because of force of personality, or being physically big (which makes people instinctively feel dominated even if the size doesn't translate to combat prowess), or because they have power derived from a leadership position. They can be dominant even without having great personal capacity for violence. In fact, the character's personal capacity for raw violence is often irrelevant in these settings - it's not that useful because it probably can't be used without getting the popo involved. Even relatively lawless areas like Novahome would have some consequence if you straight-up assaulted someone in the open.

Contrast CoC - outside of the two main settlements, there's nothing to stop a character with great combat skills from beating up everybody and making them into fuck pets. Dommy characters you meet outside settled areas have to be combat-capable, because that's how the CoC world works. Then that leads to weirdness like you mentioned, where characters are written to be powerful but actually aren't - at least once you get a few levels under your belt.


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
I definitely felt this way about Akane's criminal organisation. The content was nicely written, and Akane herself is pretty neat, but the event chain leading up to meeting her irked me. Every member of the organisation was written to be hypercompetent; managing to get away every time without too much difficulty. Despite this, in gameplay terms they weren't that strong and I was able to easily slap their shit in, so there was dissonance caused by their effortless escapes.

TiTS is a lot better about this than CoC though. A lot of the character interaction is done within the context of relatively peaceful and regulated settlements. Dommy characters you meet there are dominant because of force of personality, or being physically big (which makes people instinctively feel dominated even if the size doesn't translate to combat prowess), or because they have power derived from a leadership position. They can be dominant even without having great personal capacity for violence. In fact, the character's personal capacity for raw violence is often irrelevant in these settings - it's not that useful because it probably can't be used without getting the popo involved. Even relatively lawless areas like Novahome would have some consequence if you straight-up assaulted someone in the open.

Contrast CoC - outside of the two main settlements, there's nothing to stop a character with great combat skills from beating up everybody and making them into fuck pets. Dommy characters you meet outside settled areas have to be combat-capable, because that's how the CoC world works. Then that leads to weirdness like you mentioned, where characters are written to be powerful but actually aren't - at least once you get a few levels under your belt.

That's the thing I was mentioning about willpower, too. There's plenty of characters in both games that seem to be able to just will you to do whatever they want because of "the rule of cool" or something similar, and yet every decision I've made as the character, every in-lore thing I've done has been me asserting my character's will, heck I intentionally leveled Willpower every level as far as I could to max it out just to further prove the general point of "This character is not some weak subby thing that can be brain-raped with a few pheromones, and assertive and suave personality, big assets, or any combo of those or similar things." And yet there are characters that utterly and wholly ignore that and all of your previous history and turn you into that just magically.

I've seen the text refer to their size as something that aids in this... yet my main is bigger. I've seen the whole pheromone-musk-smell thing brain-drain my character into submission.. yet their will and int are both maxed... there's absolutely no difference. Sure, I get that some characters are just written specifically FOR these fetishes and kinks and that's cool, but if I don't know this and stumble upon them and begin interacting a little if my history and stats both indicate that my character would never act this way no matter what machines or smells are hitting them then they should not be acting a certain way.

Writers should account for things like that and essentially close off interactions based on history, personality, and stats; not force it upon you even slightly just because you didn't wiki every little encounter to avoid before playing. I can understand sophisticated machines literally overriding you, but just "force of personality" or other similar things.. just.. no. There shouldn't be text like "You notice his bulge and really wanna suck his cock, but you just barely keep from doing so though you can't pry your eyes away" when literally everything I've done and said as well as all of my stats and personality indicate that keeping eye contact and ignoring the smells, sights, etc, would take zero effort.

Really, what I'm sayin' is that the metaphorical "will check" shouldn't be for not dropping down and impaling myself on some dude's dick or subbishly begging for it, the check should be whether or not I even decide to show that I noticed it if my character has the right combo of stats, history, and personality, especially the first and last of those two things and regardless of the character or what kink they're there to appease.

Not having the option to consensually sex someone up because we just aren't each other's types isn't an insult nor an invalid reason to not have the option. People platonically engage with each other on a regular basis without any sexual tension or the like, I don't understand why there are characters I can't do the same with without having some mention of some part of them naturally or willfully trying to subvert my will or otherwise just get me into bed.

Yeah, yeah. It's a porn game. But it doesn't feel very organic when your first interaction with someone in a "civilized" culture is their body and personality doing everything they can to make you drop down and worship their junk.


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2018
That's the thing I was mentioning about willpower, too. There's plenty of characters in both games that seem to be able to just will you to do whatever they want because of "the rule of cool" or something similar, and yet every decision I've made as the character, every in-lore thing I've done has been me asserting my character's will, heck I intentionally leveled Willpower every level as far as I could to max it out just to further prove the general point of "This character is not some weak subby thing that can be brain-raped with a few pheromones, and assertive and suave personality, big assets, or any combo of those or similar things." And yet there are characters that utterly and wholly ignore that and all of your previous history and turn you into that just magically.

I've seen the text refer to their size as something that aids in this... yet my main is bigger. I've seen the whole pheromone-musk-smell thing brain-drain my character into submission.. yet their will and int are both maxed... there's absolutely no difference. Sure, I get that some characters are just written specifically FOR these fetishes and kinks and that's cool, but if I don't know this and stumble upon them and begin interacting a little if my history and stats both indicate that my character would never act this way no matter what machines or smells are hitting them then they should not be acting a certain way.

Writers should account for things like that and essentially close off interactions based on history, personality, and stats; not force it upon you even slightly just because you didn't wiki every little encounter to avoid before playing. I can understand sophisticated machines literally overriding you, but just "force of personality" or other similar things.. just.. no. There shouldn't be text like "You notice his bulge and really wanna suck his cock, but you just barely keep from doing so though you can't pry your eyes away" when literally everything I've done and said as well as all of my stats and personality indicate that keeping eye contact and ignoring the smells, sights, etc, would take zero effort.

Really, what I'm sayin' is that the metaphorical "will check" shouldn't be for not dropping down and impaling myself on some dude's dick or subbishly begging for it, the check should be whether or not I even decide to show that I noticed it if my character has the right combo of stats, history, and personality, especially the first and last of those two things and regardless of the character or what kink they're there to appease.

Not having the option to consensually sex someone up because we just aren't each other's types isn't an insult nor an invalid reason to not have the option. People platonically engage with each other on a regular basis without any sexual tension or the like, I don't understand why there are characters I can't do the same with without having some mention of some part of them naturally or willfully trying to subvert my will or otherwise just get me into bed.

Yeah, yeah. It's a porn game. But it doesn't feel very organic when your first interaction with someone in a "civilized" culture is their body and personality doing everything they can to make you drop down and worship their junk.
Some characters are like this because their writers didn't manage to write in branching paths/descriptions for different PCs, while other characters do take PCs into account. It's just one of those problems that we face due to the multitude of writers, unfortunately. It's not that easy for writers either... in the case of this willpower/submission thing, maybe accounting for this one thing is doable, but there's a ton of PC-specific options out there, so accounting for them all is a big task and some stuff is gonna be missed.

I do think that when it comes to tech-induced submission, it's excusable. Us primitive fleshbags are nothing compared to the brain-bending power of future tech. When it comes to pheromones, I think it's fine that a high willpower character would receive just as much lust as a low willpower one; the difference would be how they respond to that lust.

Perhaps TiTS could do with a submissive/dominant score, similar to personality score. You could choose a preset sub/middle/dom during character creation, and further influence it via in-game choices. For those who enjoy being a switch, the middle road exists and all content will be accessible. The score can be checked in precisely the type of situation you mentioned. Even in situations where you've got a slave collar on you and resistance is futile (e.g. losing to Faell or Urbolg), the score could be checked so that dominant characters get a bit of extra flavour text describing how it takes longer to eventually submit.


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2017
Perhaps TiTS could do with a submissive/dominant score, similar to personality score. You could choose a preset sub/middle/dom during character creation, and further influence it via in-game choices

Could have been, but it's way too late to implement anything like that now, it would be either useless if nobody rewrites old scenes to take that into account, or make it so you wouldn't have any real new content for a really long, long time.


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2018
Could have been, but it's way too late to implement anything like that now, it would be either useless if nobody rewrites old scenes to take that into account, or make it so you wouldn't have any real new content for a really long, long time.
You're right, it's definitely too late now. CoC 2 maybe, but even then probably not


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2017
Yeah, I think it's highly unlikely, just because it also means a lot more work for the writers. (though you can still suggest it in the sub-forum, whom who never tries will never get anything)
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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
The thing about a score system is that you would be railroading people into a role that they might not always want to be in. For example, I always dom Sera, but I could potentially go sub for another character. A score system might make it that I'm always a sub for anyone. Which I would not want.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
Or we could just make it so that the dominant and submissive scores are separate (I mean come on guys switches exist)


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
Honestly a Sub/Dom score sounds like a needless complication for a game that gives you a choice anyway.


Jan 8, 2016
A dom-sub system really isn't something to be taken as lightly as you guys are making it out to be. You'd have to design the game around it from the ground up or you're going to end up with a knotted mess, and not even the good kind of knot. The bad kind, like your earphones in your pocket.


Aug 27, 2015


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2018
USA, New England
Could have been, but it's way too late to implement anything like that now, it would be either useless if nobody rewrites old scenes to take that into account, or make it so you wouldn't have any real new content for a really long, long time.
That's pretty much what I was gonna say for some stuff above. Most of the scenes now have been implemented for quite some time, and I doubt they ever really get updated specifically, so that's kinda why some scenes don't really make a ton of sense when you factor in your current stats and the history of what you've done to to that point.

also, I'd like to point of that in some scenes, the writer probably intended)assumed you would be a low lvl character, therefore it would make sense for that weak character to act very strong.
(for example, typically I grind until about lvl 4 or 5, THEN take on Dane in beginning, so the fight is always really easy, yet in the text it implies that it wasn't easy)


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2018
USA, New England
The thing about a score system is that you would be railroading people into a role that they might not always want to be in. For example, I always dom Sera, but I could potentially go sub for another character. A score system might make it that I'm always a sub for anyone. Which I would not want.
well, maybe it wouldn't FORCE you do have to do a certain role, but it would maybe change the scene a bit, enough to notice the difference but not ruin what you chose. maybe for people who are really extreme at one end or the other it would railroad them in, but maybe it could be made so that the values change away from 50 very very slowly, the way even if you usually dom or sub, it's likely that you would still have a choice.
also, could have a crewmember or something that allows you to always chose regardless of your score, for if you want to "train" one way or the other


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2019
  • Penny - She was amazing, so much I even felt bad recruiting her. She gave up on a lot of stuff to follow MC Steele, wish she had more content as crew member perhaps more interactions like Anno has. Fetish wise she also is the only paw fetish I saw so far.
  • Shekka - What is not to like about her? The cute rask is the opposite of Badger! Also her quest is very demanding on MC both in credits and time so the bound MC create with her is, in my opinion, one of the most meaningful in the game.
  • Chaurmine - He is very sweet, in a gentle giant kind of way. The extent he must be holding back to not hurt MC can only be grasped once you go to Uveto what is really caring and cute.
  • Verusha - While I don't like the first few interactions you have with her, I think they fit her character perfectly. This is the one character I would like to see more in the future.
  • Captain Khorgan - The passion she has is something I like a lot, I'm happy to see others also like Khorgan I'm drawn to characters that you need to put some investment to get them on your side, the green amazon is not entirely different, instead of time you need to prove your worth in combat what is still investment.

Least Favourites:
It is hard to find characters I don't like, even the ones I despise like Badger are very interesting in their own way and I think they are a great addition to the game. Said that, I have favorites and less favorites
  • Dr Jullian Haswell - I'm surprise no one mentioned him yet, the stuff he is doing is far worst then what we see of Badger even.
  • Professor Darnock - He is quite an hypocritical asshole.
  • Tam - She is crazy and you don't mess with crazy people if you know what is good for you.

Ooh Woo

Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2019
Forcing me to pick only one is a crime punishable by 5-10 years in Gastigoth, so list time!
Embry - She's adorable! Plus as a transgirl myself she's #relatable. I can only hope that the Curse of Jim T loses its grasp someday. I was so pumped for Thernn's xpack!
Able - Such a cutie pie. If I had to choose one and only one character to receive a crew xpack, it'd be him. I also think he and Kase would be cute together.
Kase - Needs more love.In every sense of the word.
Rat's Raiders - giving them all one spot because they belong in only one spot. And that spot is cuddled up in Steele's warm, fluffy embrace.
Roo - I'm so excited for her to come aboard. Her character so far intrigues me, and plus, as is the running theme, she a qt.
Shekka - She kinda sorta reminds me of Tali from Mass Effect. Can't go wrong with cute purple engineers with gorgeous hips.
Nayna - I wish she didn't always have that swimsuit on - I got kind of a weakness for tummies. That said, she has bar none one of the hottest scenes in the game.
Brandt - Also just a character I find super interesting.
Lessau - He's a good boy.
The Seer - I love spooky girls, plus I'm biased because she introduced what is to me an essential TF, Illumorpheme.

Big T - insert generic "New Texas/Treatment bad" rant here.
Riya - insert generic "Riya bad" rant here.
Emmy - Eh... she just doesn't appeal to me at all, plus I'm just kinda biased and get excited sometimes when I see her mentioned and have to do a double-take to realize it's not a certain someone on the Faves list being talked about.
Bimbo Domme Wulfe - Mostly biased because I much prefer the original Siegewulfe and wish she had the versatility of the Bimbo version.
Prof. Darnock - Because darn it, even characters like Badger are upfront about how slimy they are. This guy, though... I really wish there was a nonviolent way to get him and his company to heck off. I bet he didn't even get whatever diploma(s) he has from a real school.
Beth Carver - YUCKARONI

Kind of a lopsided list, but eh. As other people have said, if I don't like a character, I usually don't interact with them, so I don't have enough of an opinion to make a more fleshed-out list.