@Zevos You would prefer this perk tree in some sort text file added to post or in some other way see full perk tree with all prereq. for them?
Of other stuff I think since 0.7b release passed some time so
let make game to a slight higher level.
Changelog for 0.7c is long and...I lil tired to almost technically repost it that I writing down each time in ingame changelog. So let try be quite short here:
Ascension have been changed (not made all changes I wanted so I ended calling it as part 1 of ascension rework). PC will be now reverting to lvl 1 after ascending. Since anything held in any storage beside Sky Poison Pearl and directly inventory will be lost I kindly advise to get Pearl if someone want to take some times to next game (default 3 inventory slots may be too little). Someone would ask now probably: what Sky Poison Pearl you mean? Well surprise it's a new items that need to be used like any consumable to work. PC can find it while radomly exploring and having at least lvl 3. Ohh did I mentioned after fully unlocking Pearl potential it will provide 98 slots? Well that spacious storage will req. PC lvl up all the way to lvl 36+. And after ascension only first section of Pearl with 14 slots will be unlocked (so another advice...put most needed items at early game in first section...like weapon, armor, some TF and etc.). Similar to items PC will forget any learnbefore spells so...it's abother good thing to keep few spare books in pearl to fast re-learn them.
As for ascension menu itself it was slight rebuilded too. Added few new options, added few new perks. Some of current existing perks will have limits of attainable rank compared to current NG tier...so for ex. perk to rise max HP will be possible to reach only rank 5 of 20 at first ascension, then 10 of 20 on second ascension and so on till it naturally reach 20 rank. For those who likes to get high stats I would point on 5th perk in first row (it function similar to previous +25 to 4 main stats). I know that all this new options may cost some ascension perk points so...I changed slightly way to earn them. Now instead of getting 1 pint per 2 levles PC will be getting point at each lvl. And speaking of levels...I heard Revamp had max 120 lvl, right? But I shall pass and say: go for the 150 Buu...I mean PC ^^
For those who may been making new PC will notice that there is new history perk to choice: scout. I heard plea about not getting one of job perks to unlock major perk trees so now 6 of history perks will unlock respective job perk. For other history choices PC will get free perk point to spend freely on whatever player want. Another surprise should be that at ascension spending 5 ascension perk points those History Perks can be converted into Past Life perks. Probably will not say anything suspiring but...that mean after few ascensions PC can gather effects from few different history perks.
Ascnesion related stuff that makes most of this update should be in general covered so now time for others less in spotlight stuff.
I added two new areas: Beach and Ocean (I know the text for Beach discovery mentioning Deep Sea but this place will be unlockable in some later build). Each of this location comes naturally with it own achiev for exploring enough times...and one enemy encounter too.
Speaking of new enemies...we got new monster in beach - gorgon (think about her as stronger naga with petrify(stun) ability added), Sea Anemone (buffed anemone form Lake) and Winter Wolf (quite new enemy found at Glacial Rift...that love to play cannonball games with not too tall PC's... ofc cannonball in this case IS pc itself

). So when PC successfully beat out shit of poor puppy it can drop Chilly Pepper. And that is natural new TF added in this build allowing PC to get more wolfy with all needed parts (even brand new wolfy cock is included in package ^^).
Time to slowly wrap this post so three last things: almost all enemies save those weakest ones had their stats and levels slightly rised so it may be slight shocking at start to get used to new stronger enemies (naturally I will be always ready to listen to feedback and if needed adjust again some particular enemies). Exp for all of them was also slight standardize with special ones enemies (those with perks of giant type or boss type or group type) giving slight more exp...so not be surprised if some lil tougher enemies for their levle will give suspiring more exp

That WAS intended.
Another worthy to mention thing is few new perks that are connected mostly to libido/lust and perk Unhindered.
And for truly end of the post...Xianxia difficult setting. If someone would ever complain that Brutal Hardcore difficulty is still too easy go try Xianxia one difficulty. Should be give some new thrill of feeling not so OP.TYPE or PASTE your text here...