CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2015
When I put my armor on the armor rack after building the warehouse, I can't take it off the rack.

It disappears forever.

= /
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Serathinian Your issue is Armor rack disapearing from Stash tab after Warehouse (I assume you mean first not second one) is completed? I didn't changed armor, weapon, shield racks code when making warehouse (warehouse actualy use normal chest piece of code so it shouldn't interfere with armor rack). Ok would anyway put this on list bugs to check.

So to do this: First have armor rack and build warehouse (first or second one?) and then try putting any armor to see if it stay on rack not disapearing. Tell if I get right way to reproduce this big.

EDIT: Ok somethingt really seems to be mess up with armor rack function (would to be sure check others ones too).

EDIT 2: So it seems only armor rack after warehouse is build should be messed up. Like game trying use granary storage range for values to pur armors on. Would not for sure check if picking up it also look for right values range. (Thou here I hope it was looking in right place but since option to put in rack was messed up ofc trying to find this stuff was doomed to fail) So till 0.7c you would be unable to put gear into armor rack Sera -_-' So derpy so I would push faster next build to release fix for this.
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Aug 28, 2015
Irony im playing skyrim between writings..
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Aug 27, 2015
That wasn't anything that complier would cry about nor something I may catch out. If not FOr sera saying in exactly what cases it was happening I would probably still not notice this bug.

Ohh right almost end of the day so time for some boring info :parrot:

Ascension slowly going ahead...atm orking on History perks (I really tempted to do something about Slut and Whoring ones...maybe merge them into one perk since one of them only usefull for PC that is female and not have vena to make another one for PC that are males). Of stuff like enemies certain gorgon venom working now as I wanted (thou I wonder if this constant weakening is at right amount of stats).

Tomorrow wishfull wishes...finish PC changes at ascension (a funny fact if PC would be hitting max possible ascnesion point scores at ach end of playthrou for current Xianxia mod ascension perks is neeced a lil bit than 2 times ascensing...damn I gotta to make way to spend those another 350+ ascension perk points :laugh: )
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Would you mind having character creation past perks grant the relivant job?  Its irritating how every time i need to spend my first point on awesomeness precursor rather then awesomeness itself.  
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Would you mind having character creation past perks grant the relivant job?  Its irritating how every time i need to spend my first point on awesomeness precursor rather then awesomeness itself.  

IN a way like Cultivator History/Past Live perk is acting? Aka this perk giving PC free of charge Job: Soul Cultivator perk. Yeah since I working on history perks atm I not see trouble to tie other 5 Job perks to matching History/Past Life perks. Probably will ends up giving free perk points for History/Past Live choices that aren't so clear connected to one of jobs (for sure alchemist and fortune choices may not much fit to one of 6 job perks).

I had plans to give PC free perk point at game start but till now I was thinking: But people will not want even easier start of the game. With your voice I feel totaly guiltless to do this :homebrew:
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Aug 27, 2015
So all history perks changes are done atm. As said before 6 of them giving respective Job perk and with rest choices it will be free perk point. So yeah even if archery expansion isn't planned for 0.7c I already put history perk used by wannabe archer champions. I may reconsidering if not go back to history perks and change slightly few of them that seems to little game effect compared to others.

Also Liadri Temple place (with new gargoyle npc) in High Mountian slowly making it way into code (it may or may not be already with basic content accesable in next build).
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May 1, 2016
Um I have noticed that corruption tolerance messes with amily. she  will not come out if I have tolerance and any corruption


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yeah Amily and effects of Corruption Tolerance is something I will look over as I already made some changes to this perk yesterday so now I need to look over all places it's used to make all works properly without any wierdness happening. Also I would probably try put in few more checks option to account for presence of this perk or it lack as I think few places ingame still not account this perk existence.
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Aug 27, 2015
Not good day for coding. Only partial succes to avoid DRY case for gorgon. Optimistic looking I should deal with this in next few days. Also not overlooked that one of projects was cut down. Oh well seems like we wouldn't have temple anytime now as long accuses toward it will be still valid.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Still stuck in land of antiDRY gorgons :thejoke:

Maybe calling lady Diana will solve it :thejoke:
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Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2015
I found a plant that I can keep.  Should I water it or burn it?

That plant grows into a potential lover named Holli.

Holli is a character in the original game that's born from Marae if she's corrupted.

Holli herself is corrupt by default and will cause Jojo to leave the camp.

Jojo will rejoin you should you decide to kill her.

In the mod Holli can also appear if Marae wasn't corrupted. The non-corrupt version of Holli doesn't affect Jojo at all.

So it really comes down to what kind of play you're doing. If you're doing a corrupted run and Marae has been corrupted then you should keep her.

If you're not doing a corrupted run but Marae is corrupted then you should burn her.

If you're not doing a corrupted run and Marae has no not been corrupted you should keep her.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Holli was placed into followers tab (well I think she can be counted as lover for either version of her). Other is like Sera said. She was made as in pure version of Holli to give people something more thna jsut Pearl as reward (and as Holi herself saying she's not so exactly another gift as much she's way of her mother dealing with some issue at the same time so it's win-win: PC get new camp member and Marae also getting something out of it on top of fact Factory was shutdown). I would say if you have pure Holli version that having soulforce would help garden her lil better ;) But only pure for corrupted still fucking her is best fertilizer.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2015
Holli was placed into followers tab (well I think she can be counted as lover for either version of her).

To be fair both Sophie and Ember qualify as lovers despite being followers.

Ember just starts out disinterested in the hero and comes to love them later.

I don't think there's a way in coding to shift Ember from Follower to Lover after reaching the romance stage.


By the way. For some reason if I'm playing as a tall human female it calls me a "Cow-Girl."
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Serathinian Well Amily and Jojo can be moved from followers tab to Slaves tab so not like game already got ways to do it ;)

Also as I looking Followers seems to be for npc that initialy took little to zero effect to recruit them and their can later on possible get more lovey dovey with PC like Sophie or Ember. For Lovers their all need with Nievie exception PC grind for long time their affection scores that nly after nearing max or so will be so kind to move into PC camp. So I thin tht was back in a days some way to decide if certain npc will land in followers or lovers.

As for this Cow-girl issue would be so kind to try copy paste desc from appearance screen you have when seeing this glitch? Thers is some other than having only cow/bull features that can count toward game add points to cow score. So my bet is that you somehow been so luckly...or unlucky to gather all those not related to cow/bull body parts traits that make your pure human have high enough cow race score. Mainly without even looking at code by now I recall that having above certain size breasts and lactation also above certain milk capacity counts to cow score.
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Aug 27, 2015
Transhumanism for everyone ^^

SOme work done in last few hours. Still not much but I goes back to work on primal focus of 0.7c ver that is demolish and rebuild ascending. Maybe it will still need fine tuning over few more builds but by the time I jump to archery changes ship should be slight better than it was before.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2015
Here's the description. The character isn't a human anymore but I'm still having the same problem.


You began your journey as a human, but gave that up as you explored the dangers of this realm. You are a 11 foot 0 inch tall female cow-girl, with a lithe body covered in highly visible muscles. You are currently naked and using your Big Fucking Sword as a weapon. Your face is fairly human in shape, but is covered in light scales. It has a jaw-droppingly feminine shape with full, pouting lips, an adorable nose, and long, beautiful eyelashes. The shoulder-length, red hair atop your head is parted by a pair of rounded protrusions with small holes on the sides of your head serve as your ears. Bony fins sprout behind them. Your mouth contains a thick, fleshy tongue that, if you so desire, can telescope to a distance of about four feet. It has sufficient manual dexterity that you can use it almost like a third arm. Two pairs of horns, roughly a foot long, sprout from the sides of your head. They sweep back and give you a fearsome look, almost like the dragons from your village’s legends.

You have a humanoid shape with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers. Magnificent huge wings sprout from your shoulders. When unfurled they stretch over twice further than your arm span, and a single beat of them is all you need to set out toward the sky. They look a bit like bat’s wings, but the membranes are covered in fine, delicate scales and a wicked talon juts from the end of each bone. You have waspish, voluptuous thighs, emphasized by your narrow waist, and your generous, powerful backside threatens to bust out from under your kit each time you clench it. A thin, scaly, prehensile reptilian tail, almost as long as you are tall, swings behind you like a living bullwhip. Its tip menaces with spikes of bone, meant to deliver painful blows. Two human-like legs grow down from your flared, fertile thighs, sheathed in scales and ending in clawed feet. There are three long toes on the front, and a small hind-claw on the back.
Your belly is very obviously pregnant to anyone who looks at you.

You have two tits, each supporting one 2-inch erect nipple. You could easily fill a big GG-cup bra.

You have a tight, wet twat, with a 0.5-inch clit. Occasional beads of lubricant drip from your tight, wet twat. 

You have one moist tight backdoor, placed between your butt-cheeks where it belongs.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ok so I going to make check over this desc with ingame code. Would make edit to post to tell resutls of my chek-up. So if you be still around forum after 10-15 min max you would see it and possibly reply if you got any futher troubles abouut this glitch.

EDIT: cow-morph is for at least 4 points of race score and due to code construction it have priority to show before any other less important in game engine view...sadly dragon score is less iportant (to make it all funny goo race is most important of all and human one is least iportant).

So your chara setup... human face +1 point, having over 6' 1" height another +1 (it req. at least one point in cow score and this human face already is counted by game before it check height stuff), next one is having vagina that third point to cow score, having breasts larger than D cup (with cow score 1+) is 4th point to the score. And...that will be gist of your issue. Those four traits - game count them in the order I said so with merely having human face it will automaticaly count also height, having pussy and larger tits than D cup and it will always prefer cow race over dragon race when it come to display PC race on app screen. My tip...try get any other than human type of face and then if any other more important race score than dragon will not be high enough game should once again properly call your PC as dragon.

PS. Your situation Sera is something I foreseen some time ago when proposing in one of threads idea of making similar to double strike options in perk menu to allow PC choice displayed by game race. In your case it will allow you pick between game calling your PC dragon and cow instead of by default calling her cow. Since you already run into such issue I would move this option higher on the adding new features priority list.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
From content stuff boring alsmot to death day. Unless someone is into listening how many new perks I added or ow I made next saves upgrade set up...or set up max lvl to 150 with exp for lvl's over 100 actualy req. more than 99999 exp. I just only slight worried that for now this mythical 150 lvl will be too grindy to get there as best monsters for grind are barely around lvl 38-40.

Now tricky question: who is up for having chance to encounter sadistic but yet adorable manticore girl?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Half to half productive day...coded some new perks both normala nd ascension ones. And...then second helish part started when nothing ws working, keep glitching and...frankly if I not decide to give up I will ends up really throw off from making any work on code anymore. Really how come one fucking small detail keep messing up? Never mind I will try come back to it for..I think 7th or 8th time in a few days. At least I satisfied with how progress on Etna is.

@Spike razor Hey there. Yup you not comeed and talked here for ages it seems. What's up?
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