CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Zevos I got few ideas for them as normal perks gained during gameplay not any of exclusive ascension ones perks. So since it's still some time before I feel 0.7c is ready it's 99% possibility that at least one of those deas wil trun into ingame accesable perk.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Think will mostly polish today so far done work so could now say what was done. First of...I sorry I gutted almsot fully old system to reward PC with exp after beating enemies to replace it with new way to count that all. As it may generaly make rewarding slight less but at same time make it more predicatble...sorta as to lvl up now would be need at least 10 wins against enemy of the same lvl.

Thing I wanted for longer time add was...reward for fighting enemies over PC level so now up to 20 lvl above enemies will be giving more exp. To go further with theme of PC as "underdog" beating seemly OP monsters made perk buyable at ascension that will double increase of exp for beating those over the PC lvl enemies and additonaly extend range when this bonus increase to 40 levels above.

Some would ask...why you want reward PC for beating enemy even 40 lvl above? Who not wanna feel this good fealing of beating enemies far above current PC lvl but also getting something more than simple gratification and pride of 'I can do it' but also some more exp? Having Underdog perk would also have some less obvious use...and that would be finding few no easy finable events or locations to make PC even stronger... jsut like every Underdog MC from Xianxia literaly stumbling over some new shiny artefact or technique to dominate enemies above it level. That also...good idea to make additional reason to explore some rarely visited currently locations.

And for the end something I think Zevos would be expecting. I got aside of name of perk writen down and coded new perk that will req. Unhindered perk and well...working only if PC is almsot/fully naked. It effect is to increase PC tease dmg to enemies (so if you got some idea how to name this perk Zevos I not mind use your suggestion in naming this perk).
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Aug 27, 2015
Slutty Simplicity?

Hehe ok sounds not bad for least I can't come with any idea anyway. And Liadri now since I poked her meantioning doing this perk(s) with shared effert made some promising planning for eromancer perks ^^ (well I gave her my ideas and she using them made some of her and that all somehow ended as outline of this new group of perks).
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Shade of Zurn

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2016
I have scoured this topic and I am slightly interested in switching over to this mod from Revamp... but I want to know if perk permanency is going to be a thing like foe Marae's perks, maybe some of the holiday perks?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
After 0.7c build will come live it will be included since atm I working on changes to acension and making perks pernament was also done here. Thou I slightly cut down amount of perks that going to be perm (but not any that related to events like Marae/Fera encounters). Well only some mutation related perks that was easy to get by taking again some TF itme few times (for sure ghost TF related perk for ghostly legs won;t be permable in Xianxia since it's easy to get perk with using even those itmes that Shouldra will be giving PC from tiem to time for sex scenes with her. So it only take time to get it).
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Shade of Zurn

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2016
After 0.7c build will come live it will be included since atm I working on changes to acension and making perks pernament was also done here. Thou I slightly cut down amount of perks that going to be perm (but not any that related to events like Marae/Fera encounters). Well only some mutation related perks that was easy to get by taking again some TF itme few times (for sure ghost TF related perk for ghostly legs won;t be permable in Xianxia since it's easy to get perk with using even those itmes that Shouldra will be giving PC from tiem to time for sex scenes with her. So it only take time to get it).

Oh in that case I will switch over once that becomes avalible and I have finished my first New Game + run that I am on. Thanks for the quick response. :)
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May 7, 2016
The Adult Games subforum works.  I usually only visit the other two main subforums to look at Shou's latest. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Shade of Zurn Well I pretty much checking forum on daily basis so it not an issue to reply soon after I see new reply in my mod thread...well especialy if it my mod thread. As for those perks I think last time I forgot add I add few other perks from events that Revamp had not supported making pernament.

On side notes with huge help from Stadler I solver wolf TF issues so speed of work progress should pick up now again. I think somewhere in middle to end of next week I may release 0.7c. But that atm just rough estimate depending how other stuff I still need do for this version ends up.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Wolf TF and all other related stuff like fenrir collar or winter wolf are finaly all done and working as intended without any glitches. Of other stuff Ratz got new oil in his shop to pick that is giving PC color gained by using one of two TF items. Before build is ready I may thou change slight fenrir TF with making back spikes using rearbody slot instead of wing one...why some ask? Well comming soon after manticore Tf will be using also for mane rearbody slot...and not like Stadler had plans for incude it someday in Revamp. WIth been in contact with him other than forum I can assure it will be also consulted with him this addition. Tomorrow plans...adding Etna.

Jk she's not yet ready to be revealed to all but in 0.7d she would spread her wings to fly high and fast ^^
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Shade of Zurn Ummm...dunno. It's chara that Liadri is creating so I need to ask her if it's as you said. I think in few hours I should manage to reach her to ask.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
After asking around I comfirned that Etna you think about Shade ans Etna that Liadir making aren;t much connected aside name and hair color.

On brighter side I done some owrk on at least giving some encounters in new areas so geting certain special peral from mean and huge octopus lady will not be bored. And thus there is lil stronger Anemone in Ocean location (she still will ends up as weakest one enemy there but...been lvl 30 she not pushover too much too). Plans for next few days...finish gorgon and kraken so I can finaly wrap up o.7c and realease it all.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Spike razor If you mean in away was implemented in Revamp with making some of non lvl-up perks pernament on future playthrou then yes current in development version 0.7c will allow for this. Pool of possible perks to perm may be slight different than the one in Revamp thou.
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Active Member
Jan 9, 2016
Ormael,  do you mind if I take a look at the code and poke around a bit.  I've never uploaded code to the repository so I wouldn't want to push anything up that would cause issues.  I noticed there is a page in the forums for how to MOD COC.  I'll be sure to read all that before doing anything.  If you have any other advice or rules I should follow please let me know.  I wrote Java code for a decade.  Flash, not so much, though I have some experience maintaining flash on a production web site, the edits were pretty basic.  I'll be very careful.  And you are welcome to PM me or I'll send my email if you need.  Just curious about how things are setup and wondering how big a pain refactoring the code to make it easier to modify would be.

- ssmouse (Jeffrey)


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2015
Is it possible to build the wood storage ans 1st warehouse? Every time I try it says i'm too exhausted to build them.


Active Member
Jan 9, 2016
Is it possible to build the wood storage ans 1st warehouse? Every time I try it says i'm too exhausted to build them.

I was able to with a character that had well over the normal stamina.  Maybe it takes more than 100 stamina to complete the task.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
You need a certain amount of stamina.   Some perks raise stamina, particularly those related to the sorcerer job anyways.  You should be going through sorcerer anyways to grab the job:enchanter perks. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
warehouse of wood/stone storages require around 200 to 250 stamina to spare. Game code is such that it looking for unmoddified by other factors current spare amount of stamina. Even if PC got so good stats and many helpers (Marble, Hel, Phylla with over 100 childrens) that can reduce actualy spend amount of fatigue to around 30-40. As for getting this amount of stamina...each lvl up adds 5 and as meantioned above magic related perks. There is also possible to get slight bonus to max fatigue with morphing into certain races: Kitsunes, Fox-morph, Lizard-morph, Unicorn/Aliconr-Morph.

@ssm0use About that thing you asked in first post on this page: I do have some personal reasons I would not share full code for mode but for parts I wouldn;t see an issue about sharing. If you need some code to practice you could also take any from those publicated on coc githup repo like the one for vanilla, Stadler mod or Revamp. MIne on github not have much differences from vanilla version.
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
What are the exact requirements for Job:Enchanter?  I've been aiming for it right off the bat but i can't figure out what perks i need exactly to qualify.  
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Their allowing PC access most of perks related to each of main stats. Well just in case of job: archer(ranger), warrior, sorcerer, seducer and guardian; other Job: X perks are to unlock some less often used parts of perk tree that is highly specific to certain builds. So...nope not much effects aside some minor bonuses to stats (otherwise it will be moot tohave them) and giving some more rpg depth to perk system.
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