CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I tried taking and using Transference.  Its useless.  It dosn't shift enough lust to qualify taking up a turn, particularly when fighting enemies that have lust over time debuffs like Lethice. 

I finished my first life, ascended...  Lots of fun stuff on the ascension screen, and 92 points to spend on stuff.   One note of constructive criticism, it would be really nice if history: Scholar and past life: scholar allowed you to start with spells.  Its a bit tedious to have to go back to the previous life,  grind spellbooks to go into the pearl, THEN ascend.  Again.   Also, in general, starting a mage character is really tedious until you get access to Whitefire.  Meh.  I noticed that the enlightened nine tails is up for keeps, now i'm going to need to collect them both.  Then maybe i'll try and collect other stuff.  Meh.  Maybe my second life will be corruptish, and i'll grab Akbal perks and hellfire alongside corrupted hellfire.  I've never done a euromancer/seducer run, might be fun. 

On a somewhat unrellated note, i couldn't trigger the Lethice purification ending.  With the statue's lethicite.  Can you check to see if anythings not working?  I really don't want to demonize that roo to get the good ending. 

Transference rate of lust transfering is atm the same value that person who gave me this idea said. Well since you proved it to be too low I would increase it (it's to be clear atm 5% of PC current lust). How high % of PC current lust you think will make this special been worthy to use?

For spells not been carried over. PC starting again at low int and those spells mostly req. around 30-40 int to be learned so letting PC get them still would be slight weird imho. But no worry I would think over way to solve it in most pleasing way for both me and players.

And Lethice ending... that thing I keep having as bug to fix. It's not forgoten just I keep having some other stuff.

Still on my first life; been grinding off Frost Giants... wondering where the next grind area is... o_O

Atm enemies around lvl 40 are highest one. And among them Frost Gigant due to fact having gigantic body giving more exp (3x more to be precise) so till some higher lvl ones with some gigant perk enemies join the freay he will be best exp source. For sure later on when I fully add Deep Sea there will be rare enc there for Kraken boss that would be also giving tons of exp. But I not wanted rush her to give in not copleted from and also reason I in the end not included Deep Sea area just leaving disabled for future button in explore menu.

In particular, phoenixes start roaming the crag once you finish pheonix tower.  They're buckets of xp and weak to ice. 

Also, history perks with jobs attached seem to be granting said jobs twice.  And past life: sorcerer dosn't seem to be granting job:sorcerer. 

Would look into issues with grantig twice or not granting at all job perks. Also about Phoenixes their can be found in High Mountain too not just Vulcanic Crag after Hel quest will be finished. But for H. Mountain their the igest lvl enemies but for Crag their lowest one lvl enemies.

Edit: Only getting the Maybe Later option for Urta when trying to do the Infertility Quest.

It was due to game glitching at the same end f quest (and earlier I had been too dumb to knwo how solve it but now due to Stadler help with other issue I have way to fix it so in 0.7d or 0.7e will be Urta Quest accesable again).

Kinda/sorta small bug.  When ascending with BOTH Nine tails perks perm'd, i get the message that without the nine tails, the power dwindles yadda yadda yadda.  I'll play around with this tomorrow.  If i loose my tails perk no matter what, i'm gona wait for it to be fixed before i move onto life 3.  If i can get away with it, i'll probably try and take the lizan racial perk and reincarnate with enlightened nine tails and lizan regeneration, and ignore corrupted ninetails until things get fixed.  We'll see.

Would look into 9 tail perks too. Compared to Revamp I got one more perk that is connected to both 9-tail perks.

I grinded xp at the volcanic crag at lv24 while waiting on pregs, Trying to get brood mother, hoping to perm it.  Turns out, it can't be perm'd.

I took look at perks and atm picked for perming only those that are effect of choices between corrupted or pure path like Marae/Fera perks, kitsune perks, Valentine Day perks.

So if any of you feel some other perks shoud be permabe (due to it been hella hard to get normaly meaning need to grind for too long again and again) just post them. As long I see them been too hard to farm each time PC ascend will add them to list of permable perks.

Maybe it look weird but I want to thank you that made reports on things that isn't right atm (I was worried it will be with such changes possibility to slip something thou the testing net). Bug fixing build should be somewhere near end of the next week maybe earlier with some tiny suprise thing to show my gratitude for all of you patience toward my mod ^^
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Sep 6, 2016
I'm really enjoying the latest version so far but I've been trying to get the wolf tf for abit now and the item is not really a common drop are they?


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
20% might be a good place to start for transference.  I feel like it should take a noticeable dent out of lust without trivializing it.  But to keep things in check, maybe there should be diminishing returns over a specific point, which can be raised on NL+ or something with additional perks.   As a offensive tool, it really shouldn't trivialize the arouse spell.  Honestly, i don't see any clear way of making it good without making it potentially exploitable.  Anyone else hav ideas?  
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Serathinian I do copied your post to notes on what need bugfixing. Just not made reply here about it. And reply I suppose dot give earlier with rest was:

Those back spikes was at first made as wing type. Close to finishing version I decided to move them into rear body slot (thing that you may seen Stadler meantioning about in his Dragon Mod - also thing I do talked about with him nad get his approval to implement rear body stuff). That glitch is caused by errors in code that I changed.

@Redcake I was sure Moga Hen had them already too. It turns out he not have this added. So in next version will be included in his shop.

@Zevos I had thought if not keep it x% but just flat value. I may also try this one approach in setting up jsut max amount of lust that can be moved on as with % if PC got mega long lust bar and almost all of it is filled then 5 or 20 or whatever % it will be made would make it really feel Arouse is not so usefull. But with low PC lust Arouse would be better choice.
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Good news, bad news, weird news.

Good news: If i ascend and don't perm corrupt nine tails, i get to keep enlightened nine tails

Bad news: Lizan regeneration can't be perm'd,  WHYYYYYYYYY???

Weird news: If you have Enlightened 9Tails permed, you get to keep Corrupt 9Tails if you loose your 9Tails by transformation. 

I'll go through different TFs and find something i can perm.  Maybe dragonfire or something of the sort.  We'll see.  I'm about 90% done with second life, getting ready for the third.  Got some marble stuffs, scrounging around for any ascension points i  might have missed, and priming the sky poison pearl with stuffs i'll want or need later. 

Edit: More weird news, i appear to be keeping corrupt nine tails when i don't perm it after ascension.  Mission...  accomplished? 

Moar Edit: I can't find any racial stuffs that can be perm'd aside from 9Tails.  So...  instaid i'll take hybrid theory and mix/match lizan/dragon. 
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Shade of Zurn

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2016
Arouse does not transfer lust it invokes lust in an opponent. Perhaps if you want to avoid arouse being made obsolete you should change how it works to ensure that it will always be better for adding lust to an opponent than transference?

Edit: Been using your strategy of not leveling until I need to; currently level 10 on my second life and I am already going through the Swamp for Ember and Kiha... I also have the underdog perk... got 80k exp already and I haven't been grinding at all. Oh and I transformed into a ninetales kitsune :p 250 int is lovely with Whitefire and the Eldritch Staff. Thinking of trying to get the Dragonfire perk too... unless Dragon racial stats take away from intelligence.
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Dragon is actually one of the big Int races, but it dosn't really have anything special for mages aside from its unusually high Int.  Kitsune beats it by like 20 or 30 int, on top of 9 tail perks. 

My Dragon/Lizan plan is based off taking the dragon's high int boost while maintaining the incredibly useful lizan regeneration perk.  Only valid with hybrid theory.   In any case, i'll be sure to take underdog during ascension and toy around with what it makes possible. 

Got this wheen toying around with TF items.  I probably could raise this a bit higher by savescumming.  Keep in mind this setup requires Hybrid Theory.

Dragon: 8 (+30 max Str, +60 max Tou, +30 max Spe, +60 max Int, +300 max HP)

Lizard-morph: 8 (+30 max Tou, +90 max Fatigue)

Dragon fire breath - Allows access to a dragon fire breath attack.

Dragon ice breath - Allows access to a dragon ice breath attack.

Lizan Regeneration - Regenerates 1.5% of HP per round in combat and 3% of HP per hour and additional slightly increasing maximal attainable natural healing rate.
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Shade of Zurn

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2016
Oh in that case its going to have to wait for my 3rd life when I grab that perk... :( Oh well. My levels are going to be through the bloody roof when I finish this round... :)  Going to be a 9 tailed kitsune/dragon hybrid for the third life. xD
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Shade of Zurn

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2016
Woah... just beat Izumi and got 3k exp for it. o_O Just level 10! 130.96k built up... Lethice is going to be creamed rather badly. xD
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Sep 6, 2016
I keep trying to get the full wolf tf but all I get are repeating messages, I feel like I'm missing something


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
I toyed around with the Fenrir TF a bit.  The transformations from chilly pepper are a bit too hard to get atm.  Really liking the Fenrir form itself though.  Stats well suited to a physical attacker build.  I suppose Fenrir is now the phyical playstyle's Kitsune. 

Methinks i'm gona stack up books and behemoth cum and superpower myself the second i start the 3rd life, then blast through everything using underdog. 
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May 7, 2016
Parked at lv6, i have everything needed to get job:munchikin except a good source of slow speed boosts.  Other then Akbal.  Any ideas? 
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Shade of Zurn

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2016
o_O  let me know what that job offers when you get it. Aside from just exploring the mountain, lake or forest for their random speed boosts I don't think there is a good source of speed aside from leveling up.
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Completely forgot that Munchikin requires lv24 on top of everything else...

Still, its vary much worth raising.  It raises the caps on all your stats by a LOT. 

Well, i still have 185 str, 198 tough(no where near cap) and 215 int at lv6.  Time to go smash some bad guys. 
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Shade of Zurn

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2016
Wow... so far I found the Glacial Rift to be the best place to level up as there are no lust invoking enemies... You just need to be able to do crap tons of damage though.
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
To be fair, behemoth dosn't use lust THAT much and the pheonix has a crippling ice phobia. 
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Shade of Zurn

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2016
To unlock phoenix you have to beat the tower, and Ice Giant gives far more exp, the only troublesome opponent for me would have to be Valkyries but even then I have not lost to one.
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
"Also allow to use 'accidentally' finding all forgotten or hidden legacies from times before the demon invasion."

From underdog's perk description.  Any idea what this is about? 
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
I find it humerous that the frost giant's big damage attack can deal only 400 damage to me.  I'm level 6 in robes and i'm made of diamond. 

Methinks i'll stop grinding and actually do stuffs at 300k xp.  I await the look on Lethice's face. 

Edit:Correction: i'll stop when i get a 2nd grey book..  However long that may take. 
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Lv101 achieved.  If you want to get lv cap, i think it takes about 800k xp. 
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Shade of Zurn

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2016
Interesting only lost about 2k worth of exp from going from level 10 to level 24. Really tearing up the Glacial Rift now... and was able to tear through the Phoenix Tower too... going to try to find corrupted Marae to kill next after I got Amily to join the camp and Helia. Edit:From killing Ice Giants.
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
@ lv6 with underdog, ice giants were giving over 8k xp.  Winter wolves maybe under 2k, the others 2-3k. 
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Shade of Zurn

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2016
Thats what I was getting around level 10. At 24: Giants 5k-8k Winter Wolves 1kish sometimes under 1k. the others 1kish usually over. But I kill them much faster and I don't have to take breaks to heal my hp or reset my fatigue.

Edit: Just reached 703,694 exp at level 24 as I am waiting for Helspawn to be born and grow up.
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Shade of Zurn

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2016
Hmm apparently I can't fight Corrupted Marae after getting her two perks... it just booted me back to camp...?

Edit: Just spent all my exp had over 800k exp... only got to level 130... so close yet so far.
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