The Syren Conspiracy (For Floozer)


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Getting a closer look at the Sarkin, she realised he was actually a foot taller than her, broad chested, and muscular. He gazed down at her through slightly glowing red eyes. With a start, she realised that they were cybernetic implants. Which probably meant he could be staring at her completely naked right now... 

"Olivia, my name is Agent Vanger, and I'm with the intergalactic police. My task force and I have been assigned to help you locate the man known as Valarr Zaku and eliminate him." He steps down from the ramp and walks over to one of his team members, who is holding a briefcase. The sarkin, a female, she realised, flipped open the briefcase. Inside was a small metallic teardrop shaped device, which was pulsing slowly with a blue light. 

"This little marvel here is the tracker we created for the Jacker. You see, we realised after scanning a hacked device within minutes of a hacking, that he had left a mark. His... Signature, you could say." He takes the tracker out of the box, holding it between his index finger and thumb. "Point this thing at a hacked device as soon as you can, press the button, and it will scan it, get the signature, and track it to its origin. A map will display as a holographic projection, showing his location and the fastest route there. What we want you to do is, be both the bait and the trail. We will wire one hundred thousand fake credits to your account. No man can resist that. He will try to hack into your account, and then you have to scan it within two minutes. All clear?" He says, giving her that piercing stare again. 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Yea, clear as my clothes are for you right now big guy." She takes the device from him. "Now let's make one things clear here, Jacker is wanted alive...not dead. So if you kill him, we have problems understand? Good." She takes out her credit chit and smiles. "Well, what are you waiting for? Send me the goods." 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He frowns in confusion for a second, then smiles slightly. A ghost of a smile. "I would never. I'd like to think I had a little more honour than that! If I was actually using these," he points to his cybernetic eyes. "They'd be looking a little different. Anyway..." He nods to a human male, who takes out a transparent tablet, and after a few minutes of tapping, Olivia's tablet beeps with the notification that she has received 100,000 credits. "Now just wander around town, act natural, spend a little. The tracker will alert you when there's a hacking in progress. Remember, do NOT scan until AFTER the hacking has been completed, or we're all screwed." He says, holding up a warning finger. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She rolls her head and waves her hand dismissively. "Yes yes, I am well aware of how to do this. Scan after he steals the fake money. Now if you will excuse me, I am going to browse some shops. I will come back here the moment I have his location." she steps down from her ship and locks it up behind her. "See you soon."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Agent Vanger bobs his head in return, before turning to one of his companions to talk in hushed tones as they walk out of the hangar. Olivia decides to do what she says and goes shopping. 

Night has just come on, and the lights were beginning to glow. After a bit of wandering, she found her way to the market district. Shop boards glared in all colours of neon, advertising things like 'Adenno Fabrics, best clothes in the galaxy!', 'Borno's Diner, best Ashinare on the planet!', 'Syralla's Cosmetics and Compounds, guaranteed to bring out the best in you!' and more. There are many alien races wandering the streets, hoverbikes and cars zooming over their heads. Olivia wanders through the streets, also spying less garish shops that sold weapons, and if that was actually a dildo and not her dirty mind making something perfectly normal into something nasty, a sex shop as well. She wonders which one to head into. 

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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
As much fun as a sex shop could be, she already had plenty of toys for her to play with...then again...ah who cares! With a smile on her face she heads for the sex shop and steps inside, checking out what they had on offer, mainly if there was anything exotic or new.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
A bored looking Sarkin with a pink Mohawk and bubblegum in her mouth gave her an equally bored look. "Welcome to Aushlick's Gloryhole! Please take a look around and tell me of you want my help with something!" She says with fake cheeriness. Unintentionally or not, her large D cups squished invitingly between her folded arms...

Looking around, Olivia could see a large variety of dildos, vibrators, onaholes, buttplugs, lube, and even some fetish wear arranged in sections around the store. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Olivia frowns, such common materials were rather boring. With a shrug she went to examin the onaholes and then the fetish wear, mostly looking for restrictive pieces to put her victims in for extra giggles. 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
One thing catches her eye in the fetish wear section. A bright red leather bodysuit. Taking a closer look, she realises that there are cleverly concealed braces and cuffs sewn into the material that would restrict the movement of the wearer. The garment itself is quite tight, and would easily show off any curves the wearer had. The price tag read 700 credits. 

In the onahole section, she sees something called a WankMaster5000X. It looked to be pretty high tech, and seemed to come with a range of settings and functions, including looseness, tightness, an option to feel either like an anus, pussy, or mouth; adjustable speed; a transparent view so you could see your dick getting treated; and a detachable hose that would pump your cum into your pussy, if you had one. The price tag read 1500 credits. Normally, that would be a little expensive, but then again, she did have a free 100,000 to spend...
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
With a smile on her face she takes the red leather suit and the WankMaster up to the desk. "I will take these two please!" She holds out her credit chit.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
The Sarkin girl's eyes go wide. "Whoa. Big spender, huh? Alright lemme ring that up for you..." She takes the items, scans them, and rings up their prices on the terminal before handing them back to her in a discreet black bag. "Here ya go! Your total comes to... 2,100 credits." She says, smiling. It seems you have just made her day! She takes Olivia's credit chit and swipes it, deducting the amount before handing it back to her. "Thanks a lot! Please come again!" She chirps happily. 

Right before she's about to leave, she notices a strange mark on the girl's neck. She thinks it looks like the bruises a finger would leave behind after a choking, but she can't get a better look because the girl notices and immediately hunches over, her large wings and posture covering it up. "May I help you?" She asks. Olivia had the choice of ignoring it and walking off, or staying and asking what happened. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She was going to just leave, it was hardly her problem...but leaving marks on your partner is not ok...not even in a Sub and Dom relationship. With a sigh she looks her in the eyes "Who put that mark on you girl? Are you alright?"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Wha-? Um, what mark? I don't have any marks!" She says, faking a laugh and hunching just slightly more. Olivia can see just the slightest bit of fear in her eyes, which are now trying to avoid meeting hers. 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She frowns deeply and presses the issue. "Look honey, I'm a bounty hunter, if someone is hurting you I damn well can hurt them in return. now who put that mark on your neck? It looks like a bruise from being choked. I am only trying to help here."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"I- I- I don't-" She sniffles, tears welling up in her eyes before she lets out a loud wail and drops her head below her wings, covering her face as her body is wracked with sobs. 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Oh no, sweetie, no don't cry!" She runs around the counter and grabs onto her in a hug trying to comfort her. "Ssshhh, it's ok now deary. Just let it all out."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"I- it's the muh- manager. If- if I don't make a puh- particular amount of credits in s- sales a day, he h-hurts me!" She bawls even louder, hugging Olivia tighter, her words punctuated with sobs. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She frowns deeply and hold the sobbing girl close to her body for comfort. "Well we can't have him doing that now can we? Where is this guy? Is he here in the office? Just point me in the right direction and I will have a real serious talk with him."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
At that exact moment, the manager comes out. A huge, burly Lanius, he is not a species to be messed with. He stands well over six feet tall, probably taller than Agent Vanger, with huge, bulging muscles. His body is covered with sleek black fur, and a tiny pair of shorts barely contains the two giant members within. He has a somewhat human face, with a slightly pointed nose, sharp teeth, and big pointed ears. His eyes are a bright green, and are right now focused in Olivia. 

"Fuck did you just say, bitch!? You come into MY shop, and fuck around with MY sales assistant, and then threaten ME in MY OWN fucking shop!?" He slams his fist into the wall, leaving a large crack in it. One blow would definitely cave in Olivia's skull... "Yeah that's right! I heard and saw everything, you Laamin whore!" He points to a camera in the corner, right above the counter, which Olivia hadn't noticed. 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Oh you are just adorable. All muscle and no brain." she reaches to her belt and pushes the buckle down. With a fizzle she fades from view and moves off to the corner of the store silent getting her gun out and taking aim at the giant bulk of a man. She loads in sleeping darts before shooting at his neck.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
The dart hits him square in the neck. "Ow! You fucking bitch!" He pulls the dart out of his neck and crushes it in his hand. "You think that's going to be enough to take me down!?" He sniffs the air for a few seconds, and then his eyes lock on your general position. Faster than he looks, he barrels to your position, Swinging out in a wide arc and striking Olivia a blow in the ribs, sending her flying across the floor. 

[As you did, I'm rolling for enemy reactions. On the first, he got a 4, didn't dodge the dart. Location, he got an 8. Hit, he got a 7. The dice really hate you...] 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
[I actually stopped using the dice for reactions since you kept getting near perfect rolls. :p ]

Olivia grunts and rolls across the floor, her stealth field dropping. Without a delay she springs back up and lifts her gun, firing three quick shots at him.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016

He takes all three shots to the chest, and his pumping blood makes the process quicker. He takes two shaky steps forward, then promptly keels over, his face hitting the edge of a shelf and spilling a rack of dildos all over himself, some of which start vibrating and trying to fuck the air. Olivia guesses they must be some kind of strapon add-on. The Sarkin girl is still in the corner, staring with a horrified expression at the whole scene. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
With a grunt she walked over to the large man and puts two more shots in him to empty her clip and make real sure he is done for. "Piece of shit!" She kicks his side and turns to the store clerk. "You alright over there dear? He won't be waking up for a long time with how many he took." She looks down at the collapsed hulk "Wish i had some way of changing him physically...get rid of those big muscles and make him all girly...see how he likes being man handled." 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Olivia barely has time to react before she's hit by a ball of skin, wings, tears, and laughter. "Thank you! Thank you so much!" The Sarkin girl cries, hugging Olivia to her, her face coincidentally planted in Olivia's breasts. "Rina. My name is Rina..." She murmurs. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She nearly topples over as she is glomped by the sarkin girl. "woa! Hahaha! you are welcome Rina. Always fun to put someone down like that when they really deserve it!" She pats Rina's head with one hand while the other holds her behind the back. "I think you might need a new job though."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"I... I can't..." She murmurs, nuzzling her face into Olivia's breasts. "He has contacts. He can find me. He can make sure I never get another job. Ever. He can ruin my life..." She murmurs, her legs curling up into a foetal position. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Olivia sighs and she pets the distressed girls head. "Well....I could come with me I guess. The long journeys do get kind of lonely. Not sure if you want a life on the move and in the stars though."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"R- really? I could... I could come with you? I don't care where, just take me away from this place! I- I can cook!" She says, sounding slightly desperate. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Her face snaps to Rina's with wide eyes. "You can cook?! Like actual food?! Not ration bars?!" She throws her head back and laughs, picking the girl up into a hug and spinning around. "Why didn't you say so? Welcome aboard the Titan Kaiser, Chef Rina, you'r presence is much appreciated!" She stops spinning and puts her down. "Oh, one more thing though. I get these...urges...between targets. you mind giving me a little loving while we travel?"