CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Hmm I don't really see much point in an intermediate state for the tenta "wings" unless it were something like the state reflected the number of available fully grown tentacles. IE going through having 2,4,6, and maybe even 8 eventualy. but yeah other than that possibility I'd say just go for them emerging fully functional. Immature tentacles just seems sorta pointless unless there are folks who be turned on by having vestigial tentacles. with the small wings it at least fills in the niche of the fairly common tiny winged devil/ angel/ fairy tropes. But I don't think I've ever run into a hentai scenario with vestigial tentacles. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Milkman I was more about making it that 1st stage would be jsut munch of vines growing out of PC back that aren't yet properly tentacock and then in 2nd stage turn into tneta wing (I thinking about desc them as tentacock versions of Queen Bitch of Universe wing blades - well if you want gogle her just type Sarah Kerigan or zerg queen ;) ). Well maybe you're right to just make them fully functional without playing around with rowing up stage. So it's settled for just one stage of grow (well maybe in future wil add another) that will have 6 tentacocks.

About 8 I little bit sceptic since even those 6 would in most scenes mean that only 4 cock of PC will be used normaly with all additional...well been a lil bit pita to deal with. As for now for PC that have 10 tenta cocks I recall only 2 scenes: one with Scylla support group orgy at Tel'Adre and second Holli one scene. Now if I would settle on those tentawings count as additional to those possible 10 cocks I end up with PC possible have even 16 tentacocks. With already little scenes for PC that got more then...I think 3-4 cock allowing technicaly PC get more that 10 will make even more pression expressed directly or not for making something to allow PC with 16 cocks have at least one or maybe two sex scenes using them all.

That why I settling on make those wiongs have 6 matured tentacle cocks that would be in future used in scenes. But this adidtion of plant TF would be good excuse to have in near future (like next half year) to be some scenes for using 10 cocks at once added somewhere preferable in case of beating up group enemies. For now PC jsut picking one of beaten group or well taking turns to fuck them all...why not make it that will or take turns but to fuck more than one enemy or jsut pick few and fuck them? xD

But that matter of future but I think it will make people that play with PC having few tentacle cocks happy.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Truthfully if i was the one selecting the tf id say girl get a orchid on the head and guy gets the horn
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Aug 28, 2015

First of all, your mod is amazing. Secondly, i have an offer for you. When i first started up your mod, i noticed quite a few grammar mistakes (i don't mean this insulting, really.) and that gave me the idea to 'clean up', so to speak. I wanted to know whether you are interested in me helping you by checking the text. Again, no offence. And your work on this, is really cool.

So far its prety much been me fixing ormael text althrough weirdly enough evangeline speech still seems to not have been corrected guess ill make sure Ormael applied said changes. But still thanks for relieving me up some work gives me more time to design tf and such... ive been very busy with the gargoyle quest of late. Yea its happening heck we finished testing the combat features and all thats missing is the ritual quest and the treasure hunt proper.
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Aug 6, 2016
So far its prety much been me fixing ormael text althrough weirdly enough evangeline speech still seems to not have been corrected guess ill make sure Ormael applied said changes. But still thanks for relieving me up some work gives me more time to design tf and such... ive been very busy with the gargoyle quest of late. Yea its happening heck we finished testing the combat features and all thats missing is the ritual quest and the treasure hunt proper.

the more the merrier, am i right? i'm currently waiting for ormael to give me access to the scenes gdocs, so i'll have to wait for that before i can start marking things.


Jul 26, 2016
Just a bug (or feature) that I've noticed:

If you go to He'Xin'Dao, buy the manuals, and learn them, you can use the techniques in battle even if you don't have any Soulforce (I chose Job: Warrior). They just show as requiring "Soulforce: 0". However, if you go into cultivation, the numbers update to require 50 soulforce, etc.

Might want to make it that they have a minimum soulforce to begin with and so you can't use them if you've never cultivated yourself.

EDIT: Also found another bug. For the Zetaz mission, the imp horde has NaN health though it's possible to beat them. However, for the pod to get the sword, it has NaN and no way to actually beat it as if you reduce its health to 0, I still get "Somehow you came out of that alive, but after checking your gem pouch, you realize you’re missing 81 gems."
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
So I back from been...half-dead ^^

@8Hat.Aka check forum inbox and reply on my msg if you would be so kind ^^

@Chaossama That zetaz related bugs...I think knowing that Zevos meantion about Lethice specificaly getting this NaN too is related to regeneration perk all those enemis got -_-' Would look then to see if it still work weird and in such case I try fix it or once again cut this perk for now and return later to implementing it properly (ctualy weirdly there seems to not been before any way for enemeis to regen hp in fight only for PC)

On that matter with using soul skills without having soulforce...technicaly on low lvl PC could use them since by defaul making PC at ame start set current soulforce and max soulforce on 50 even if PC never after try to get perk for increasing limit of soulforce. I would deal with this thing by gating soulforce button under req. of having specific perk so it should by then fix this issue.

On other matters I could say I finished plant TF...finaly. If I not count that thing that Liadri touched about hair/horn stuff. So over next few days I should be more frequent than before making new posts.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
mmh, could you explain, why Xianxia is still closed source? Doesn't make much sense to host it on GitHub then, right?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Hosting on github is for easy access for people to download new versions of mod.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I not dead again not even half-dead. As someone poked me about Mara Fruit stuff I made some changes to it so now PC will only get oak horns (they got slight less big) by been male but fear not female PC will get instead pair of orchids growing out of head ^^

Plus legs for both genders aren't now almost like plant copies of demon ones. Males got fair normal legs aside those root feet and females got even more human like legs but coveres like arms with vines.

And since I heard complains that soulfoce system practicaly makes playing with hunger on quite pointless cuz just few cutlivation to get enough soulforce to use hunger filling option I made daily limit for this. For now it's 1 use per day of either refilling hunger or redusing lust option reseting like all daily cooldowns. Maybe in future with more options uses gated behind this limit I would make some way to add possible 2nd or 3rd daily use but for now it's just 1. So game with hunger became slight harder than before.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
7b is on its way we just need to do some well needed quality control first
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Suprising it's all msotly related to...plants be it some for pure Holli or something connected to Mara Fruit ^^

Still I would dare to say 0.7b should be matter of days not weeks anymore to come out.

About the one of you that pointed out issue with NaN HP in some fights. I so far checked the ones from Deep Cave and all in current test build not giving me this bug. Still need slight more tests to check lethice fight and more cave enc but in meantime I spotted some unknown ibug in pod fight when PC got male parts.
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Aug 28, 2015
Im planning on a revision of most base race ability score bonuses. Some are to high and other simply put are to weak. In my checklist is catgirl (not catmorph), Tanuki and all its subevolution including a raccoon girl/boy, ferret girl/boy/morph, bee morph, spider girl/boy/drider and dragonfly (pre bad end flytrap wich never was a full tf in the first place for weird reason)
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Aug 6, 2016
i just found a bug. when using soulforce attacks, killing an enemy instantly still gives the enemy an action before dying


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Yea noticed it to happening. Althrough i didnt consider it gamebreaking at the time
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I think all soulforce related attack weirdness is due to spagetti code of vanilla. I mean I suspect that cleaning all combat stuff is not done in the same way everywhere so some attacks of enemy cause using soul attack by PC in next turn giving blank screen. Hitting back will fix but it still hurt seeing how magivcaly enemy lost x HP and we not even seen any msg. Or what worst at the end of fight it bugs whole fight making it req. restart whole game. Well looking on combat related code will be surely high on ym list to do. Maybe for one of last 0.7 version or one of early 0.8 versions...
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Aug 27, 2015
*playes I'm sexy and I know it in background* I'm lazy and I know it, know it, know I gonna jsut copypaste changelog from github xD

@Milkman Brace yourself winter has com....errrr Mara Fruit has comed to town ;)

-Demon pack on desert from Phylla quest intro showing up one level later (it's group fight and frankly with this stats and buffs to gropu enemies PC should have some more grace period to prepare itself for fighting those type of enemies)
-Soulforce attacks now pack lil more power that base attack. Also getting weapon with higher atk will be slight more favorable (aka points when bonus for more atk is dropping was move slight higher so not every 30 but every 50 points up to 201+ points)
-Bee-morphs not req. 5 not 4 poitns on racial scores and got better bonuses: =10 to str, +20 to tou and +30 to spe
-Wing sticks, Katana and Wizard Staff was moved from Tel'Adre hop to new equip shop. Wing sticks also got cheaper from 16 to just 10 gems per stick
-Large Axe atk rised to 18 from 15, Kiha Axe from 20 to 22 (well not much diff as PC not able to get it but...still noted for references purpose) and BFG Sword from 20 to 25. All of their prices adjust acording to atk value changes.
-Gigant and Boss typ enemies deal more dmg with base attacks (the same multiply as their max hp so respectively 2x more for gigants and 3x for bosses).
-Added chance to lvl up Libido using stat points from each lvl-up.
-New two p. specials that allow use AoE move when using specific type of weapon (details in ingame changelog)
-Deer-morphs getting +20 spe if deer score is 4 or higher.
-Two new places in He'Xin'Dao: equipment shop run by female siren and arena run by male nekomanta (for now they both nameless).
-6 new equip items: Soulmetal Ring, Training Soulmetal Axe/Buckler/Armor, Nodachi and Ribbon. Their specifics in changelog and buyable at siren equip shop.
-Cultivating to recover soulforce when wearing any or all of Training Soulmetal Axe/Buckler/Armor will alow PC to increase max soulforce by 1 point ber weared at the moment of cultivation items of those 3. Limit of this bonus soulfoce points is 260.
-New perk: Dantain (adds +10% to max soulforce per cultivation lvl - job: soul cultivator count as lvl of cultivation too so atm max bonus is +50% at Sou Sprite stage)
-New TF item: Mara Fruit (plant TF). Buyable at Moga Hen shop and from either version of Holli once per day.
-Bonuses for becoming plant-morph differ how high its and starts at 4 point with +30 tou, -10 spe, +2 armor up to 7 points bonus of +25 to str, +100 to tou, -50 to spe and +10 to armor. After reaching 6 or more point in race score PC will be not called plant-morph but Dryad or Treant depending on gender.
-Now shutting down factory outside of getting pearl will reward PC follower under name of...Holli ^^ No fear she's not like her totaly demonic counterpart evil to the bone. She may be slight tainted but she way more pure and let call this one Holli as Pure Holli compared to other ne Holli gained after blowing up factory and demonizing Marae.
-New enemies enc under explore option alongside imps or goblins: golems. They come in few flavors from weak dummy type golems on lvl 6 to mighty group of strong true golems at lvl 36. Be warned that group version of them aren't pushovers and all of them are lust immune (they like stone statue boss from Lethice Stronghold)
-Solo golems got 25% chance and Golems groups 100% for dropping Golem Core.
-Golem core can be sold at Moga Hen shop for spirit stone.
-New currency used in siren shop - spirit stones. Outside selling Moge golem cores he can also exchange normal gems on spirit stones or vice verse (but as he's expect him to not giving best possible exchange rate)
-Outside wildness golems can be found in arena - they got same stats but have 0% chance to drop core and only awarding half of XP.
-In challenge section there is 3 nowhere else found golem encounters (they are in fact old version of three types of true golem groups enc that was later nerfed to current state) that can drop cores with smae chances like enc outside arena and awards full XP. But...they way way way more OP and can easily kill careless PC. Well they ARE meant to be challanges for PC to find a way to kill them (I assume you all there IS at least one way to beat them almost effortlesly ^^)
-New possible to gain body part: shark arms.
Bug fixing
-Fixed possibility to get high enough to getting racial bonuses of phoenix score using only salamander TF.
-Blinding enemy with other things than Scylla Ink will not show anymore Scylla Ink Blind msg.

So with lazy changelog out of a way for those who are as lazy as me and not bothering to go to first post of thread here is lazy as it's sexy link to latest release ^^


Now I can go work on 0.7c...unless I waste few next days playing LoL using new arcade skin for Ahri 24/7 ^^


yes those who expected me to paste link to her spash art can get coockie for been so good at predicting future. *leaving jar of cookies*

PS. Predicting recent pattern I call dibs on Kitteh suddenly releasing new Revamp build in next 7 days ;)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Breaking news from the tf labs im working on a fenrir/winter wolf tf. Freeze in fear before the mighty fenrir of norse mythology.

Fenrir TF includes the so awaited wolf girl/wolf/winter wolf/Fenrir chain of tf and was finished this night all thats left is to test it in game.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
yeah it should be something that should interest you @Milkman. I suppose that what was you waiting for ^^

And I after half night brainstorm with Liadri and Stadler woke up to work on wolf TF that was fruit of this brainstorm.

On other note... damn it not even passed more than 6 hours and forseen by me event happened. Next time I shoudl make bet with Savin (or maybe not since I would win for 111% and that will make Savin mad at me for such half-baked con attempt :/ ).
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Aug 27, 2015
Aside he still not feeling well and got his issues with health periodicaly he's fine. I jsut said that if I triy make a bet with him on this matter I menationed in last post I would win no matter what happen so...not much point of making bet when outcome is already determined, right?

And for others that may be interested on stuff happening I started ascension rework and fenrir TF coding. Both their own pace (no totaly not meaning both goes slow as damn :p well maybe....dunno but their for sure going ahead not backward).
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Just meant to say the Gargoyle TF doc is now public view so you can see what has been done and what is in progress now. Now that i think of it should i upgrade Plant tf into a full Alraune turning the legs into a moving flower like scylla centaur and drider.I wonder....

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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Okay, pure Holli definitely has my attention.  I'll definitely run through this soon. 

Edit: Holli and Mara fruit seem well done.  I've gone through everything i could, it all flows pretty smoothly.  Good job on that.  Soulforce equipment seem pretty much useless apart from the cultivation bonuses.  The highest level golems took a few attempts, eventually my strategy summed up to "blind, then spam fire storm".  Maybe i'll try again as a trent, the extra 100 toughness should allow me to survive more than one hit. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yeah those toughest golem group at arena is atm for testing build but just as you said with their dmg output and hp this tactic of stun and throw aoe spells of either fire or ice type works best atm.

This soulforce equip (I assume you meant training ones) is trash cuz their value is not to be OP gear but to give PC that want to go for soulforce build more soulforce to use a way to rise max soulforce without need to lvl-ing up and using perks.

Btw I noticed smalll...I dunno I would call it bug or glitch that is when PC max out whole 260/260 bonus it's better not to wear any of training items when cultivating to not loose some of this. SInce I working now on ascension changes and fenrir TF (latter around 50% coded, former...way, way till it even will be hlf done) I would in spare moments look how to make this detail not annoying (at least for me spending with PC like 50 hours cultivating then loose this progess is kinda annoying at best).

Thank you for the kind words about Holli and Mafra Fruit @Zevos. I got to admit some of Mara Fruit changes was made after Liadri was keep pushing me to make it pritier and pritier so also send some words of thanks to her too for keep pesting me to make this item into what it's now ^^

What you think about way to limit enless spamming soulforce to reduce lust or fill up hunger bar? If I'm right it was you who pointed out some time ago that this was wrong to give PC unlimited uses of this two option each day.
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May 7, 2016
I don't really see a problem with lust reduction.  But for hunger, i think soulforce substance could apply a debuff that halves cultivation gains until you eat a bunch (maybe 100+ worth) in quick succession.  Or something.  Perhaps stacking if it would be applied more then once between binge eatings.   The leveling aspect of the whole dynamic makes it hard to put a number on it and just leave it.   At this point, trying to keep people from sustaining themselves off soulforce alone is kinda a lost cause, but adding an anti-exploit contingency that will irritate people who attempt this tactic might be the better option.  
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Aye so hunger still is way to tricky thing to not fall into easy to exploit system using soulforce. Quite pain it brings me since as by source in novels MC are rarely eating just cuz of this whole fact of been cultivators. I not even tried to make use of toher thing from there that was not even needing to sleep for longer periods of time since that will mean making whole new system for night exploration in Mareth and that may be more than I bite atm :/

Nethermind I will once again write down your thoughts Zevos and make give it a think over next days to came with next way to cut down chances of expoiting soulforce vs hunger thing.
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Aug 27, 2015
A hard day I had...after not bothering of compile code after whole day of work to test it I run into... a theoricaly gamebreaking glitch. But as their say: rage is best fuel so I made something else to code (no totaly not brutaly cuting it into pieces in a few places to reconnect it back ^^) and so whole day progress was saved. And this was mostly continous work on Fenrir TF from Liadri.

I'm reallly close to calling it done by now. Surely till end of friday I should have all of it finished and tested and working so I can work on main point of interest for 0.7c build which is rebuilding in new way ascension system plus adding even if it similar stubby ike Blight Ridge 2 to 3 new areas to explore (well if Liadri will be totaly creative like with Fenrir TF those places would have at least one totaly new enemy to play with...someone up to wrestle with cute scylla girl? (I think it will be cute scylla girl than something else with scylla lower body as enemy xD )).
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New Member
Aug 6, 2016
any chance the corrected text finds it's way into the next version?

and could you perhaps put the meeting scene with evangeline in the online doc so i can correct it?
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