CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I call a day now. Aside meantioned earlier plant TF changes (I found that I actualy had just 5 not 6 TF effect on this SS above - there was missing hair TF after getting them green lus I had all skin tones reversed in chance to obtain) all plant effects works well. I even added while working on plant arms another arm type namely shark arm body part and make thsoe two new body part removable similary like hapry or spider arms (speaking of harpies since pheonix arms are really similar they can be changed into human arms too now).

last thing done tonight was maybe nothing special but finding issue with set of three items thas supposed to help PC train soulforce but was stuc befroe midway of training.

Tomorrow plans... probably more body parts of plant TF done (legs/wings, other than body transformation effects). And some more work on making gargoyles ready for first tests. So gn all I'm going tp pass out now out of tiredness :D
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May 7, 2016
Use the inventory from ascension to import a large load of behemoth cum.  savescum gormicano to buy a load of scholar's tea several times.  Between charged armor and whitefire, there shouldn't be that much of an issue.  With the right perks and gear, steamrolling even during second life will not be that much of an issue.  
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Hue Hue I so tempted to challange you Zevos to try make max 3 days run to beat Lethice in NG+ or higher when ascension rework come live xD I only hope I could come with reward enough tempting to make you do this.

On side note day for coding/writing ended as day to catch up one of xianxia novel -_-' Oh well there is tomorrow still and maybe some progress on Diana will be made aside making more plans within plans about her ^^
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May 7, 2016
Perhaps a better challenge deadline would be day 7.  Unfathomably difficult during the first life, but for second life and beyond?  Not so difficult.  

Alternatively, perhaps a list of "core" challanges that would need to be completed within 31 days.  Methinks Lethice, Marae, UtraQuest and Phoenix Tower.  

Btw: what are you thoughts on the possibility of having further improved versions of the beautiful sword/scarred blade.  A few extra maximum points of damage, more lenient corruption scaling, and a 50% spell effect modifier boost.  If you could bring it before a defeated Marae/dead Marae.  
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Perhaps a better challenge deadline would be day 7.  Unfathomably difficult during the first life, but for second life and beyond?  Not so difficult.  

Alternatively, perhaps a list of "core" challanges that would need to be completed within 31 days.  Methinks Lethice, Marae, UtraQuest and Phoenix Tower.  

Btw: what are you thoughts on the possibility of having further improved versions of the beautiful sword/scarred blade.  A few extra maximum points of damage, more lenient corruption scaling, and a 50% spell effect modifier boost.  If you could bring it before a defeated Marae/dead Marae.  

Yeah I not mind set it to 7 days. Just meantioned about 3 days since you was the one stating it should be doable in 3 days in NG+ or higher.

I could just make it using Quest system I have in plans to be added. Similary like TiTS that have track of what stuff PC done. Here it would just track changes to quest so for now only changes there will be mostly connected to PC discovering, clearing each of ingame dungeon plus few other things like...maybe helping or not Minerve or UrtaQuest. So not only X days passed but also main plot line quest all finished to call it game beaten for the challange purpose.

As for weapon you knew I have plans for making most of items ingame upgradable into better versions? You peeked at trello did ya? There si there it put so maybe somewhere at last builds for 0.7 version or somewhere in 0.8 version build upgrading items option will be added. And no need to bring any item to alive/dead Marae. Just PC doing it itself after having enough spare soulforce or find some npc that denveloped their soulforce in case PC itself never picked perk Job: Soul Cultivator ;)

I think I bad person to slowly making some cool stuff gated after PC been tempted to go for the light side of the soulforce xD But those PC that never went to this side of soulforce will not be left in dust (just they find some things are slight harder to do).
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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2015
im wondering if the phoenix tf item is in the latest update as i can't find it in debug mode? ive also noticed it says phoenix as my race even though i only have used salamander whisky 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Did you got any TF effects from harpy/lizard TF or just the ones gained from salamander TF? For been called phoenix PC need 5+ of those traits: quil hair (harpies), human face, human ears, phoenix wings, phoenix arms, salamander lower body, salamander tail and lizard cock (lizards, salamanders). Hmmm. ok seems if you only used salamander Tf it does gave you all 5 effects from jsut salamander (face, ears, legs, tail and cock assuming your PC have lizard cock). Ok I would change code to not allow situation liek you described to happen again. Thank you for letting me know and sorry for troubles this situation caused.

As for getting Nocello Liquer it's item crafted by Evangeline when you give her Salamander Firewater, Golden Seed and 10 gems.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2015
i only got the salamander tfs not any others at all 

and awesome thanks for the info 

and im wondering is there a way to change scale color?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
As I meantioned above if you got male PC then it's possible you getting phoenix race instead of salamander but if you play PC that is full female...that I think it's some glitch/bug I will need to hunt beofre fixing thing meantoned moment before about case of salamander male PC with phoenix race desc. I should soon come with solution to fix it for 0.7b release.

There is no way atm to change this color :/ It shouldn't be hard so if I find spare moment will try look into this (but I not promising it can happen fast).
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Spike razor For valentine one perks ofc it's 14th feb, for hallowen/fera ones it's between 28th fay of 9th month and 2nd day of 10th month, for thanksgiving ones it's between 21th and 30th day of 10th month. And for X-mass ones well it's around 24th dec. Any other holiday date you need? I'm quite sure aside maybe this april fool that shoud be all of holiday perk times...but I may missed one or two still -_-'
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Sorry, I might just be missing something, but I can't seem to find any wood.

You need first be at least at 14th day of the game, then prepare place for cabin. That around 2-3 scenes under camp actions. By then you will get msg you should get tools to make cabin. After going to Tel'Adre and visiting new shop added by then (Carpenter) you getting toolbox set and then you need to go explore either forest or deepwoods. There you can proc one of two events with findind trees to cut using axe from toolbox you jsut bought or finding corrupted glade and after picking option of destroy it using axe you will get some wood too.

Other than those two events you can buy wood directly from carpenter shop in Tel'Adre but it's much more costly that tryget it for free by praying to rng gods to give event that gives wood proc often when you explore forest/depwoods.

If it still unclear or you got some other questions just ask and I try my best to answer on them.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Thanks, also, can I get help with obtaining Joy?

Ok no problema. If some of my explanation may sond too well odd just bear with me as I want to be sure you not forget to do any even tiny detail. So first of all we need Jojo in camp (that this one of akwards moments :p ), then having chest found. Now then we should not turn JoJo into slave jojo as onyl with pure jojo version change into Joy works. Now the most fun part of stuff...PC need to find at least one Bimbo Liquer item (rare drop for all generic enemies at lvl 7+) or in case of my mod just keep beating Succubi and Omnibuses in Blight Ridge (they got in drop table this item with lower chance of drop). Now when we got Pure JoJo, chest in camp and Bimbo Liquer we putting Liquer into the chest and waiting for 72 hours in game. After this time we should get scene when JoJO talks with PC about thief he seen. IN this scene we picking JoJo guarding stash (not us) and again we need to wait 24 hours. After this...Joy emerge after another scene. So that should be all how to get Joy from Pure JoJo.

Once again if I sounded too trivial forgive me as I wanted to make it as clear as possible.
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Thanks again, and can Evangeline go above level 2 yet?

not yet.  Evangeline is pretty much bare bones atm, serving as a peddler for Xiania transforms.  


Any chance holiday perks could be made available regardless of time of year durin sillymode?  
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yeah she's for now just an camp alchemist that will be later expanded to have other options too. Currently due to set content to be in each new build she would have more stuff accesable around 0.7d or 0.7e build. And 0.7b...should be ready to release at latest around 15th August. I got her few lvl-up mostly done but with current 0.7b build having so many different stuff put in as new additions her expansion could be flooded by other changes.

So she will get expansion along with debut of some other new npcs (likely candidates for those new npc are Kindra, Camilla and Diana (for suspense reason won't tell for now those npc's races but if you all will be persistent on attempt to figure out I not mind dropping hints ;) ))

@Zevos I would add this while working on 0.7c build.
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Active Member
May 15, 2016
Is the Warehouse actually build-able at the moment,and can I get anything to study in the cabin?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yes it woud be no problem to build warehouse. Even without building storage for wood or stones it would be ok jsut you need to have nail box to be able to hold enough nails. You should look if you already bought nail box at carpenter shop (it cost 50 gems so not much cost) and with it PC can store 600 not 200 nails. What trouble you run into when trying to build warehouse? Also there is 2 warehouses to build so if it not trouble after desc your issue if you remember meantion which one of warehouses caused this issue.

Study in cabin I didn't touched so it's still that PC need to get copies of books that Izma and have all furninture needed for study (so bookshelf and chair plus I not sure but table maybe too built). After all this things done PC should be able to use study option in cabin.
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Active Member
May 15, 2016
Yes it woud be no problem to build warehouse. Even without building storage for wood or stones it would be ok jsut you need to have nail box to be able to hold enough nails. You should look if you already bought nail box at carpenter shop (it cost 50 gems so not much cost) and with it PC can store 600 not 200 nails. What trouble you run into when trying to build warehouse? Also there is 2 warehouses to build so if it not trouble after desc your issue if you remember meantion which one of warehouses caused this issue.

Study in cabin I didn't touched so it's still that PC need to get copies of books that Izma and have all furninture needed for study (so bookshelf and chair plus I not sure but table maybe too built). After all this things done PC should be able to use study option in cabin.

I'm able to do it now, but it kept saying I was too exhausted, despite me being at zero fatigue.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I'm able to do it now, but it kept saying I was too exhausted, despite me being at zero fatigue.

Building each structure in game req. some amount of fatigue. So without even looking at code I can quess your PC have too low max fatigue for example: building req. 200 fatigue but PC got max fatigue at it will be always too low.

Yup I looked at code and in case PC got too little max fatigue to build it will still display message that PC is too exhauted (well weird logic since it should say that PC got too low max fatigue...another thing to try fix it). So since ame not teeling how much fatigue it's needed I will tell ya that wood and stone storages each req. 150 fatigue and all warehouses/granary 250 fatigue. So if your PC max fatigue is still below 250 or 150 one or both of optins will always make game show msg about been too exhausted to be able work on this structure.

What more interesting high enough stats/perk(s)/specific camp members can lower actual use of fatigue always will be checking if atm PC can spend those 150 or 250 fatigue (even if in the end use of fatigue will be merely 10 which is max possible reduction of fatigue cost when building).
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Rebuilding the cabin every playthrough is a exhausting chore.  Do you have any plans for reducing the workload required or adding shortcuts?   How open are you to having the cabin, or components such as the carpander's kit carry over through ascension?  Or having options that open up in NG+ etc. that speed up the building process?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
For nor cabin as much it's interesting idea itself I's such much unrefined part. With incomming ascension rework I would make it less troublesome to be rebuilded. I see not so hard to do option to make around endgame possible (probably optionunlocked only when game will allow for ascension itself) to make some of materails and tools used to build int 'portable packs' that can be carried in backack or Pearl.

Some of aspects of building can't be so easy changed. I mean time ingame spend on each building can be already make shorter if PC got some npc's. And in future I want few more camp member been able to help PC with building...well maybe even actualy do like it was hinted that Marble may with some other memebr of camp build some structures without PC attension outside of giving them enough materials.

As for fatigue req. - one of ascension perks increasing it so it would also make it ealier possible to have req. fatigue amount (I thinking about slight increasing bonus to stat bars frm ascension perks...I mean now that some of them can get quite high in NG having ascension perk at max value adding just some between 100 to 300 points pathetic small as for maount of perk points used to get those perks at max lvl).
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
This one is a bit of a doozy.  The option to begin UrtaQuest proper seems to be missing.  Secondly, i've just steamrolled Lethice three times, each time Lethice and her demons miniboss got NaN hp. Finally, there was no redemption option open when i finally beat her.  

I've downloaded the previous savefile i posted and could boot it up no problem.  Not sure whats needed to get it to a version that can work with your system. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Zevos I removed for now option to start UrtaQuest since it was before bugging at it end just when PC suppose to return to PC chara from Urta. About NaN issue on Lethice fight it's on her fight or dirder/minotaur kind also have those issue? I made some changes when trying to fix urtaquest so it could have make mess with throne room fight(s). As for no redemption option will look what is happening here.
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New Member
Aug 6, 2016

First of all, your mod is amazing. Secondly, i have an offer for you. When i first started up your mod, i noticed quite a few grammar mistakes (i don't mean this insulting, really.) and that gave me the idea to 'clean up', so to speak. I wanted to know whether you are interested in me helping you by checking the text. Again, no offence. And your work on this, is really cool.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@8Hat.Aka Thank you very much for kind words. And no I not gonna take it as offence as I'm aware of many of text I added need cleaning up. So I would be up to your help too ^^ The more the merrier, right? So send me PM and there we talk out details of your help.

Of other news: I made not bad work today. Partial on plant TF (it need now only added wing TF effect and one more text to be considered completed - bark skin I will for now left as later addition after I see how Standler idea of underbody will be fleshed out as it may be much helpful for me to use that here). Other part of work was on keep working on two new places: new equip shop with cute shark girl (well I tempted to spice up things and make her actual siren all thought on this?) and arena with cat boy (once again I thinking about making him actual nekomanta boy so is it good/bad/terrible idea?).

So after this three things will be done (plant TF, arena and equip shop) there will be new version release.

Ahh I would forget...since it was pointed out how PC can get phoenix race bonuses while using only salamander TF I made slight adustment so now face nad ears will only count toward phoenix score when PC will have harpy quil hair. On onter recent reported bugs I working to squish them.

@Milkman SInce you biggest fan on plant TF I want to know your opinion on wings TF. Do you want to have wing TF gotten right away with just one change or with some stage inbetween so first old wings are replaced for small and immature version of tentacle wings and then they grow up after next TF into fully matured version of tentacle wings versus versin of right away old wings been relaced by full matured tentacle wings. In either way for now they will be cosmetic but with time I will slowly go throu scenes to add support for them in those scenes (my current thoughts are to those wings will count as 6 tentacle cocks possible to be used in sex scenes).
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