CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
As Liadri said it will be not exactly TF item but quite long process of becoming pernamently someone like Gargoyle girl meet in Cathedral. Ofc to be clear I would talk baout it with Savin (well it does involve his stuff indirectly so better been clear on this and...maybe he will give some usefull tips even ^^)

@Hades About those demons to fight for Phylla quest they not show up until PC attain lvl 4. I've been looking long ago and I know they not show up for PC that is under lvl 4. Well maybe in this case I will move this min. lvl for this enounter slight higher to give people more time to prepare. Also 0.7b will have added some wepaon that will be dealing even with base attack slight higer dmg to gorups then it would deal when attacking singular enemy.

As an ironicy...your complain proved that I reached point with buffing enemies that I wanted aka convince people to use aoe skills to beat them instead of spamming single target attacks or specials/spells (but my sin is that atm there is no much options to deal aoe dmg at low lvl's (think at least till 12-15 lvl of PC) - that was only reason I made Draco Sweep). But with next version I wull try reddem myself giving PC more option to beat fast all those groups of mobs even at lower levels.

PS. I not intended bean mean toward you Hades with this last paragraph. Just well thanks to you I realized this flaw in my design so I do indeed are greatfull to you for this ^^
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May 24, 2016
PS. I not intended bean mean toward you Hades with this last paragraph. Just well thanks to you I realized this flaw in my design so I do indeed are greatfull to you for this ^^

You're good mate. I understand that and I'm by no means any genius of game design and made a mistake with the phylla comment. I just felt that there are too limited ways to defeat specific enemies as you said.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
You're good mate. I understand that and I'm by no means any genius of game design and made a mistake with the phylla comment. I just felt that there are too limited ways to defeat specific enemies as you said.

Yeah I been thinking today on this aside stuff I meantion at the end of this post.

So about phylla initial scene aka tough fights with group enemies for low lvl PC that have very high difficulty level due lack of many ways of dealing aoe dmg at this lvl range for PC. Grey Spells are gated atm after 2 really hard to reach req., soulskill can sometimes glitch fight. Thinking about it I got two solution for now.

First would be to modify few weapons that they wil deal aoe dmg if PC meet gropu enemy. So normaly whip will deal it base dmg but when meeting group of demons or other group it would deal around 2-3 times more of dmg. WIth this solution would come slight buffing speels or specials that deal AoE dmg since now would basic attack with proper type of weapon deal around 40-60 not just 20% dmg of those aoe attacks.

Second would be add to those weapons 2x multiplier when fighting gropus of enemies and make new perk that would be called smth like Group Fighting. As name suggest it would enhance dmg dealt by PC when fighting group enemies and using attack that deal AoE dmg so takin whp as example instead of those 2x normal dmg it would deal 2,5x this dmg => 2x base * 2,5 = 5x base dmg. Since it would be perk some of specials would probably also make use of this having slight higher dmg (somewhere between 2-3) so now after this instead of 5x base dmg they will deal 10-15x more dmg.

Each solution not sound perfect for me but that is what i came with in those few hours.

And now for promised thing to been said at the end of post. I added stub for Arena and Equip shop to the code. Along with arena there is new group of enemies added to random encounters like those of imps and goblins. This new one enemies are...golems either alone or in groups. Since they quite high lvl enemies (lowest one got lvl 9) it won't be possible to meet them before PC hit lvl 6 (so it will give time for PC to find some source of aoe dmg as at lvl 6 can meet either lvl 9 one or whle group of golems). For npc's in both places still waiting for opinions but atm arena could ends up for 90% sure with male rhino-morph and shop with female of either spider or tanuki race.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2016
I'll go with something different. Arena - Male Cat-morph, Shop - female shark-morph.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Little progess since last day or two on stuff. RL can be a pita...well regardless Savin with some worries said yeah go ahead for Gargoyle stuff that Liadri cooking up there in corner ^^ Then I got last afternon short talk with Liadri on Gargoyle stuff so this also helped flesh out this project a lil bit more.

As for stuff I was doing myself...after having some of text looked over I getting my hopes high for Eve possible X-pack commin with 0.7b.'s still hopes as I not wanna give people getting her only few lvl's up but quite a bit lvl-ing up. At least to first or second stage of getting non-human body parts due to using some TF items.

Someone would probably happy hearing about me making for now stub for new item called Mara Fruit along with adding new race counter in Racial Scores. Dryads and Ents ahoy ;)

So as long other unexpected situation happen I plan work on Eve and Mara Fruit this week. And that unexpected situations involve sudden urge to play Nexus Siege game mod on LoL (done like 4-6 sieges yesterday evening already and hell it's about fun ^^)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
About group fighting I think you should make axe and greatsword type weapon able to cleave through them.

speaking of Axe why is there but a single greataxe in the game?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well technicaly there is Great Axe of minos and Kiha using flaming Axe too that I think is great axe too. I imaging this one of Kiha work wonders with Raging Inferno perk as long it would be allowed to work with.

Aside of whip case other weapons at worst I imagined that there could be option to...literaly run between enemies and holding weapon horizontaly make 360 turn around. As long weapon is with some sorta of blade like sword or long enough sharp edge this move should count as AoE attacking group of enemies.
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Why so cereal?

New Member
Jul 17, 2016
Well technicaly there is Great Axe of minos and Kiha using flaming Axe too that I think is great axe too. I imaging this one of Kiha work wonders with Raging Inferno perk as long it would be allowed to work with.

Aside of whip case other weapons at worst I imagined that there could be option to...literaly run between enemies and holding weapon horizontaly make 360 turn around. As long weapon is with some sorta of blade like sword or long enough sharp edge this move should count as AoE attacking group of enemies.

Like the whirlwind move in Dragon Age? (If you've played that)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yes I am. Been making post for Stadler so he can loosen up load in his races/location main post. What up new Spike? xD
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Spike razor

Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2016
Just got my topic blocked. I need to ask Kitteh if I can make a topic about perks for Coc revamp 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
It was only topic blocked or you got something else too due to this topic? I was kinda ondering why it was locked. It was in good subforum, not seen any big flamewars there yet and so I'm puzzled why it happened.
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Spike razor

Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2016
It was only topic blocked or you got something else too due to this topic? I was kinda ondering why it was locked. It was in good subforum, not seen any big flamewars there yet and so I'm puzzled why it happened.

Savin said I have to ask Kitteh to make the topic about the mod


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Like the whirlwind move in Dragon Age? (If you've played that)

Not played it but google is good thing to use. I think would be something like that.

Savin said I have to ask Kitteh to make the topic about the mod

Ohh ok I though he done something more to you than merely locking thread. Well if you want do such thread by using Xianxia banner I not mind and won;t stop you from doing it ;)

And now maybe not best thing to show off but part of weekend work that is still needed more polishing. This chara to be clear went pure route by shuting down Factory not blowing up it and flooding lake.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
At the end of my day for today I would drop another question that is loosely connect to last ones.

What you all think about possibility of...'wining' slave at the arena?
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Well-Known Member
May 11, 2016
At the end of my day for today I would drop another question that is loosely connect to last ones.

What you all think about possibility of...'wining' slave at the arena?



I'm not into MC and slaves in general but considering that it's somehow popular it might be a decent addition, as long as I can ignore it I'm fine.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I would kiss you

No need go that far :p As long you post something that make me get new ideas into game I'm fine already with it.

I'm not into MC and slaves in general but considering that it's somehow popular it might be a decent addition, as long as I can ignore it I'm fine.

Well it would be not something like PC must do. Just like with Milk Slave in Witch dung that could been buyed or left forever there. Some like if PC winning many fight on arena and getting to better enemies at some point keeper of arena could give him/her chance to fight some special one enemy. And after few fight with it give option for PC to take it away from arena. As for reasons I think it would be less trouble than writing other parts of it. So never mandatory...PC could as well forever fighitng this npc and never take it to the camp (where it would as slave go to slaves tab even if it wel may not be as much of slave. SOme slaves in that tab wasn't due to actuly PC enslaving them).
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Time pass so fast -_-'

Anyway anyone remember this thread? - no worry if almost none of you do remember it. Was so ages ago. Well first of not go try necro it as I wont bait a eyelash if some get punished by admins for posting there. Really not try post there if you want do it here since...

...I been thinking what cool add to 0.7b that is quite an aimless build with many small things that would make me title it something along lines "too many stuff to name them all". Anyway returning to that linked thread I made let say 1/3 of stuff meantioned there (well technically 2/3). Aside Kid A (well may do in next few days) I moved fully matured Holli into followers menu. I not want for now deal with dommy and sub Holli seperation into followers and slaves tab....I think I would just leave here forever as follower. But corrupted Holli wasn't all I poked around. A counterpart for curent Holli that would be accesable by chosing to simply shutdown factory let call her 'pure Holli'. She would be able to feed PC with her sap (instead of corrupting it would slolwy purify PC, other it effect not changed). Also she could guard camp or even allow for some...'gardening'.

And now that I allowed PC have either pure or corrupted Holli in follower tab would make slght changes to few weapons (that would as result of that giving aoe dmg when fighting enemy groups - way to smooth early to mid game troubles of fighting those low lvl grou encounters like demons in phylla intro or oasis demons). Then I would jump to cintinue making next TF item and everyone that reading this thread could already quess what it will be. Especialy @Milkman could quite accurate quess for what race it wil be TF ^^
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well at least you now know it would happen Milkman xD

As usualy Moga Hen would have it for.. aslight higher price. Also been thinking if not replce fruit that CP can "harvest" with Holli (either version) should be replaced by Mara Fruit (name for plant TF as Liadri threw idea for it) or just keep this fruit and make some other plant enemy/npc to giving this TF.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Perhaps let Holli be a source for both fruits? The Mara fruit could be something special akin to Ember's blood that she can only make a certain amount of in a day/ given time period. Where as her normal fruit production is based on how much you feed her.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Perhaps let Holli be a source for both fruits? The Mara fruit could be something special akin to Ember's blood that she can only make a certain amount of in a day/ given time period. Where as her normal fruit production is based on how much you feed her.

As I dare to say Holli is quite...complicated thing. As I recent looked more into her making her pure version I realized that corrupted Holli is actualy quite....pericular creature. She was made by Marae, which was I think already turned into souless godess. So as lore sying souless creatures can sire only male imps...but Marae in this case made for us a "female" dryad looking like he daughter. So corrupted Holli technicaly is demoness like her mother. While pure Holli will be effect of still with soul Marae creating her. So I do thinking if her making Mara Fruit would fit thematicaly. It's easiest and fastest way to add this TF to obtain other than go to river village and overpay for it.

If people won't mind for this slight non-canon fitting case when either from souless of with sould creature we getting the same exactly item to TF PC (well it coul in one case make PC more corrupted and in other purify). I do have in plans other plant npc but it's on so early stage that making it rushed to be ready for plant TF debut would only harm this npc.

Well I think for now for sake of not locking people I could put this once a day free Mara Fruit harvesting from Holli and later on move this to this new npc.

Also I more leaning toward making plant TF more like planned changes to goo TF. IN both cases PC will be getting quite nice bonuses and other cool stuff but at price of going really deep into becoming either plant or goo. Like for plant they will be getting quite high tou bonus (bark skin, using plant properties to explain increased flesh toughness and etc.) at cost of quite huge speed penalties compared to other races (technicaly plant shouldn't be able to move so making walking plant could justify getting lowered max speed.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
How high would plant score need to be before stats like speed begin to suffer? What if the player only has one or two plant traits like the vine tentacle wings? 


Heh for example a minotaur morph like this with said tentacles?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
How high would plant score need to be before stats like speed begin to suffer? What if the player only has one or two plant traits like the vine tentacle wings? 

Heh for example a minotaur morph like this with said tentacles?

As always racial bonuses are gained when game recognize PC as X race which is typicaly at 4 points in racial score. So for plant-like PC would be the same with 4 points needed to get both bonus to tou and penatly to spe. So if your PC will have up to three plant type body parts it speed won't be affected.

And since plant TF is touched I got some thing I wish you or anyone else tell. I put different naming for PC depending on gender.

So for female PC in apperance screen will be showing as race word dryad. For males...I still unsure if use just Ent, Trent or other description of male plant race member. Normaly game would suggest call one as plant-girl and other as plant-morph but...those names sounds quite uninspired. Who would want to say his CoC champion is...plant-morph?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I think that Dryad and Treant should be reserved for high enough plant scores. Perhaps 5-6? Sor to like how there is a distinction between a Cow/Bull morph and an actual minotaur. Plant morph is a fine description for a Champion that hasn't fully committed themselves to being a member of that species and is just skirting the edge with a score of 4. 


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Question: This mod has a lot of the revamp content, even up through the Black Cock, but will content from Kitteh's revamp be added to this version going forward? 

I've played through it a bit so far on a revamp NG++ save, so far really loving the changes to the combat.  Revamp NG+ and beyond, combat balance quickly becomes a bit screwed, with things suddenly taking much longer to kill thro hp, becoming absurdly easy to take out through lust, and all while the difficulty more or less becomes stagnant.  This mod makes the combat changes that solve these problems more or less.  

Although i'm a bit less enthusiastic on loosing both nine tails perks if i loose my tail.  And not being able to have Marae's gifts on pure playthroughs. 

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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I think that Dryad and Treant should be reserved for high enough plant scores. Perhaps 5-6? Sor to like how there is a distinction between a Cow/Bull morph and an actual minotaur. Plant morph is a fine description for a Champion that hasn't fully committed themselves to being a member of that species and is just skirting the edge with a score of 4. 

Ok that sound as reasanable soulution. Would do my best to make it work this way (I'm quite sure it's possible with my skills in coding ^^)

Question: This mod has a lot of the revamp content, even up through the Black Cock, but will content from Kitteh's revamp be added to this version going forward? 

I've played through it a bit so far on a revamp NG++ save, so far really loving the changes to the combat.  Revamp NG+ and beyond, combat balance quickly becomes a bit screwed, with things suddenly taking much longer to kill thro hp, becoming absurdly easy to take out through lust, and all while the difficulty more or less becomes stagnant.  This mod makes the combat changes that solve these problems more or less.  

Although i'm a bit less enthusiastic on loosing both nine tails perks if i loose my tail.  And not being able to have Marae's gifts on pure playthroughs. 


Xianxia and more acurate Wuxia mod back in the past started using I think Revamp 1.3.9 version as base (Kitteh never said not to that after I send him notification about it and telling if he agaisnt this he can tell it but he never done it). Since that times I only took few minor bugfixing or really minor changes from revamp never versions.

As for NG+ and higher games I would make Ascension Rework in 0.7c version to make it more balanced since my changes do made those stages more "upredictable". For sure solution from Revamp of giving all monsters 1k hp will be send to trashbin and replaced with similar solution I made with bonus lust now so early game no matter if it NG or NG++++ should not have super strong enemies. Jsut as PC will lvl-up more it would make enemies the more stronger the higher tier of NG game it's.

I predicting some around 4-6 weeks till I release 0.7c version.
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