CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2016
What I had to do the first time was:
  • Right-click the game, select "Open with..."
  • "More apps" and "Search for an app on this PC"
  • Find the flash player program and use that
  • Close the app, then choose "Open with" again
  • Click the checkbox in the menu so that you always open .swf files with that program, then select the program again

The last two steps aren't necessary except as a future time-saver.
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Jan 24, 2016
I noticed in debug monster fight mode there is an imp named "scruffy" and a few other characters I've never seen. Any idea where these encounters are?


New Member
Dec 21, 2021
Hey my Titans Grip isn't working with my Claymore so i can equip a shield, is there a perk menu or something so i can choose 1 handed or two handed with it?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Started a new game, found Lumi's place.
Saw a button to sell metal plates... could sell them even without ever collecting... problem is it loops back to selling, no way to leave
I noticed in debug monster fight mode there is an imp named "scruffy" and a few other characters I've never seen. Any idea where these encounters are?
For Metal Plates it was probably XIanxia not UEE/Revamp mod (both mods have seperate threads here).On Scuffy that imp form Prison mod that been added to UEE/Revamp. I not sure if Kitteh disable access to priosn as normaly it been sometimes PC broguht ther form loosing to enemies and laterr on after escape by using sorta backdoor form bazaar.


New Member
Nov 7, 2017
For some reason perks don't seem to be working properly. I have enough exp to go up multiple levels but when I choose something like 'Tank', 'Regeneration' doesn't appear next time in the Perk Selection screen.
Is this a bug or am I missing something?
Apr 7, 2021
For some reason perks don't seem to be working properly. I have enough exp to go up multiple levels but when I choose something like 'Tank', 'Regeneration' doesn't appear next time in the Perk Selection screen.
Is this a bug or am I missing something?
For some perks you need X amount of a stat and Y other perk. I'm not sure what exactly you need for Regen, but that's the general rule of thumb.
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New Member
Nov 7, 2017
For some perks you need X amount of a stat and Y other perk. I'm not sure what exactly you need for Regen, but that's the general rule of thumb.
Just checked the wiki and it requires 50 Toughness, difficult to believe I forgot about that. Guess that's what happens when you play a modded version of a game you haven't played for a while.


New Member
Feb 28, 2022
I'm not using any save editors, yet I keep getting this horrible inventory wiping glitch upon every save reload like a few others have had in the past. I think I played a different version of this mod and it didn't have this issue, so it's a shame this mod seems discontinued, because this ruins what would otherwise be the definitive way to play this game that I've strangely started getting into.


New Member
Feb 28, 2022
Okay, this is SUPER WEIRD. Now it fixed itself? I think I understand what's going on now. Apparently a fresh download doesn't export saves on slot 1 correctly, causing inventory items to be wiped, but saving on a different slot, loading from it, then saving over the old one, or just saving on any other slot other than the first fixes it? Somehow?

I could be talking outta my ass but I'm not complaining, I finally get to play this. Though this is a very foreboding bit of spaghetti code going on.


May 10, 2022
will this be able to be added onto, because theirs still plenty of places for dungeons or other content like the rest of lethices castle

Furrin Gok

Dec 28, 2015
flash debug app
You know
money at town in the desert, or for your walls when built, easy money
you can
build the cabin first then keep going from there
hit reply
will this be able to be added onto, because theirs still plenty of places for dungeons or other content like the rest of lethices castle
multiple times? There's no need to spam posts, just hit reply, type in your response, hit another reply, etc and finish up a grand ol' post before you hit "post reply".

According to the op, this shouldn't be receiving any updates, and hasn't for a couple of years now. Of course, that was stated for 1.4.18 as well, but reading the changelog, .19 was only bug fixes and polish anyways.

Edit: Oh, and you can edit if you accidentally hit Post Reply early.
Does anyone know how to get CoC to play? I've tried using A standalone player, but I could never get the file to work.
Personally I use Newgrounds' flash player, as it was designed for game functionality, though you have to open it directly and then load your files. It might not accept old savefiles from browser gameplay though.
Last edited:


May 10, 2022
You know

you can

hit reply

multiple times? There's no need to spam posts, just hit reply, type in your response, hit another reply, etc and finish up a grand ol' post before you hit "post reply".

According to the op, this shouldn't be receiving any updates, and hasn't for a couple of years now. Of course, that was stated for 1.4.18 as well, but reading the changelog, .19 was only bug fixes and polish anyways.

Edit: Oh, and you can edit if you accidentally hit Post Reply early.

Personally I use Newgrounds' flash player, as it was designed for game functionality, though you have to open it directly and then load your files. It might not accept old savefiles from browser gameplay though.
thank you, i didnt know that


Jan 22, 2022
I have a problem with displaying images. After a few switches between scenes the image that was in the last scene remains on the screen. This is fixed only by restarting the game. How to fix it permanently?


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2015
anyone know a fix for the items dissapearing if you save edit?

no matter what i do with the save editor i cant add items and all items i have in inventory are removed upon loading the edited save.


New Member
Jun 14, 2022
does anyone have a flash player that works? i tried both the newgrounds player and adobe 32 sa and both give me a black screen
edit: so the players work on my laptop and id sa the most significant difference metween my laptop and pc is that my pc uses a amd graphics card. Can anyone help me to fix this?
Last edited:


New Member
Jul 7, 2022
Posting a Guide on how I got the Ultimate Noob Achievement (Defeat Lethice at Level 1) because I certainly couldn't find any info or tips on how to get it.

I played through most of the game on Easy Difficulty but I hit enough hurdles once I got to the Stronghold that I swapped over to Debug Mode and even then it was hard as hell, particularly 2nd Form Lethice (her basic attack hits for 210 HP o_o). It could... theoretically be possible to win outside of Debug Mode but you'd need a full backpack of consumables and some god-tier RNG to pull it off, assuming there's not some refinement to the strategy I missed. This was done with 0 Corruption and no transformations, I didn't find anything of real benefit with either of those but, again, maybe I missed something.

Early Game (Grindfest):

Starting Gift: Doesn't matter much, Fast would be the best choice mainly for how hard it can be to increase speed without leveling up.
History: Schooling or Healing. Fortune would help the grind for money but it's not going to win you any fights.

  • Pretty straightforward, don't level up. Ever. Not much different from normal here as the enemies don't out-level you by much yet. Get the Beautiful Sword from the lake, get access to Tel'Adre, and start farming goblins and imps, maybe some naga if you're feeling risky. Sell anything and everything you can to the Pawn Shop. You're gonna need a lot of gems.
  • You'll eventually get a Wooden Shield off an imp, equip it for free block chance and a stun ability
  • Before you get too far make sure to pick up Rathazul from the Lake before all the other encounters eclipse his chances of showing up
  • Get JoJo to join the camp, meditating/training with him is a great way to get some all-around stats and it also gives access to the mainstay attack: Cleansing Palm. I don't recall what the trigger is for him to start appearing in the Forest, you may need to progress through the Factory before he starts showing up.
  • Acquire spells through whatever means you like. Doing Arian/Dominika's encounters work fine, I farmed out White/Black books from the Sand Witches for the extra money and something to shake up the monotony of the grind.
  • Max your Tease Level and Spellcasting Affinity, make sure your corruption is 0
  • Keep buying and drinking Vitality Tinctures and Scholar's Tea from Giacomo, eventually you should max out Strength, Toughness, and Intelligence. Maxing out Speed is somewhat useful but it's a little more challenging to do (Whitney's Farm -> Explore -> Chance for running encounter that increases speed, takes forever). As long as it's at least 70 you should be fine.
  • Do what you can to lower your Sensitivity and Libido, keeping your lust manageable is critical come the end game.

Mid Game (Stronghold Prep):

  • Hit all the plot beats (Factory, Zetas's Lair, etc), they shouldn't be too crazy difficult with max stats. There's a lot of items/outfits from the dungeons that sell for a pretty large amount so make sure to collect and sell those off (Yes, even the Bimbo Liquor)
  • I kept the Pure Pearl to upgrade the Beautiful Sword into the Divine Pearl Sword, but in the end it really doesn't do much without Level Perks so might as well eat it for the -5% Lust damage
  • Collect 5 Tough Spider Silk (The Swamp at level 1 is a major pain, I'd recommend rotating through the Pawn Shop until it comes up as a purchasable item) and turn them over to Rathazul to get the Spider Silk Robes
  • Wait for Dragon Scales to come up in the Pawn Shop and buy 5, turn in to Rathazul and get the Dragon Bra and Underwear (every point of DEF counts)
  • Buy the Wizard Staff from Tel'Adre, by now the Demon Soldiers should be appearing in "Explore" and the Forest so farm them out (weak to lust dmg btw) and get 5 pieces of Lethicite. Take the staff and the 5 lethicite to Rathazul to upgrade it to the Lethicite Staff
  • Buy a ring (or get dumb lucky and have one drop for you) from Tel'Adre. The one with the +30% spell buff is nice but I went with the extra 40 HP to minimize the chance of being stunned and killed on the next turn
  • Get a better shield. I'm still unclear if the Tower shield actually affects your hit/evade chance despite the item description, but rather than risk it I went with the upgraded Dragon Egg Shield (yes I'm a monster)
  • Beat the Guard to the Bazaar and buy the inventory expansion
  • Get access to the Oasis Tower. This may or may not happen before you find the Stronghold, both can be incredibly frustrating to find with a low encounter rate.
  • Fill your inventory with Pure Peaches and Spring Water.
  • Prepare to eat ass (in more ways than one)

End Game (The Stronghold):

The Strat:

This will take a while. You're gonna need to go back and rest up after every fight so get used to that.

Whenever you go in make sure your HP is maxed, your Fatigue is 0, and your lust is just over 50 (to access your black magic). Everything here is corrupted so Cleansing Palm should be your main damage move, and should be doing somewhere between 100 and 220 damage (no idea what exactly affects Cleansing Palm's damage, but it does at least 70 more damage than Whitefire/Blackfire without Perks).

Casting Might will give you a little more HP and a little more Cleansing Palm damage (I think? Again, not 100% on what increases Cleansing Palm damage), but cast it at your own risk since that's a whole turn you could have been using Cleansing Palm or healing instead.

Cast Heal when you get down to around half health or so, and be sure to play it safe on healing. There's always the chance you get caught up in lust and fail to cast the spell. If you're only down about 50 hp or so consider using a Pure Peach to keep your fatigue from running too high. Assuming you can afford to lose a turn drink a Spring Water when your lust gets over 75

This is where Debug Mode comes in very very handy as you won't lose consumables on use, essentially giving you unlimited uses of Pure Peach and Spring Water. If you don't want to use Debug Mode because you consider it cheating then let me know how many attempts you make on these bosses before realizing that having it on doesn't restrict the achievement and should be viewed as one of the tools in making the run possible rather than cheapening the victory.

Pure Peaches will give around 75 HP and restore your fatigue, Spring Water will Heal around 25 HP, lower lust by 25, and restore fatigue. Using the right one at the right time is key to minimizing fatigue to keep up the spell casting while making sure Lust stays above 50

- Doppleganger: Not much to say here, it's gonna take a few attempts since it's RNG heavy. Shield Bash can buy you a couple extra turns but in the end it comes down to doing enough damage with the basic attack to win in 5 turns. Charge Weapon and Might will help, might swap back to the Beautiful Sword for this one, or the Warhammer if you sold the sword off already

- Jean-Claude: The first boss that will make you question if this run is possible if you aren't prepared for it. Technically skippable if your Intelligence and Speed are high enough but I'm still not sure on the requirements (Laybans + 90 Int + 90 Spd?) but going back and forth through this area so much I decided to just kill him instead. Stick to The Strat and it shouldn't take too many attempts,

- Gardener: Stick to The Strat. Keep in mind she heals back her HP once she hits half health or so but becomes weaker to Lust damage each time. Get her to heal back 3 or 4 times and then keep casting Arouse until she succumbs.

- Centauress: Stick to The Strat. Nuff Said.

- Stone Statue: This asshole. Immune to lust, stuns, and blinding. Been a while since I fought him and I don't have the save anymore to check, but as I recall he also takes reduced damage from Cleansing Palm. Whichever ends up doing more damage, Whitefire or CP, just keep spamming it, keep up your heals, manage your fatigue, and it should eventually die once your RNG decides you can dodge enough of his stuns and avoid being creamed.

Final Showdown (Impending Rage Quit):

Save the game (which you should be doing regularly already but this one is symbolic). Restock your items (if you even lost any). Breathe. Pray to RNGesus. Confess your many many sins to your local religious official and pray to regular Jesus. Go fuck your preferred NPC (then wait around or fantasize to get your lust back up to 50).

Essentially use The Strat outlined above with some exceptions noted below. Please note that if you're not in Debug Mode for whatever godforsaken reason that the Premium God Mead should only be used as an absolute last resort since it will drastically lower your lust likely putting you below the threshold for being able to heal, and it's unlikely you can spend the turns to fantasize your way back up to it.

Final Fight 1: Drider
Has moderately high attack and will regularly use a stun. Will also lower your Speed and Strength but not to a level that is particularly detrimental. Shield Bash will work on him but be careful because 40 Fatigue right off the bat is a lot. Down him quickly, don't waste turns on him trying to heal/recoup fatigue, it will only end poorly.

Final Fight 2: Minotaur King and Queen
This is where most of the time investment on these attempts will go. Heavily RNG based since the King will use his stun attack pretty much every other turn and it's a complete crapshoot whether you dodge it or not. I lost so many times because I attacked while having 200-ish health, only to be stunned, dropped to less than 50 health on the next turn, then killed after the Heal failed to go off. And the Pure Peach healing is nowhere near enough to counter the incoming damage, you are pretty much relying on Heal to give you back most or all of your HP.
As far dealing damage during the fight there's a couple ways to go about it, Cleansing Palm the Mino King to death then mopping up the Queen is generally best since it minimizes the number of turns the King is bashing your skull and allows you to spend some turns raising HP/lowering fatigue while the Queen stands there with her pathetic attempts to seduce your Spring Water-filled body.
Not sure if this is just me or if this is intrinsic to the UoE mod but when losing the fight while Excellia is still alive causes her to show up on whatever the next fight encountered is, regardless of save. This can be countered by either rebooting the game, fighting a random wild monster to kill her off, or just brute force fighting her alongside the Drider since she's not that difficult anyway.
This may be the result of being in Debug Mode but the Premium God Mead did not always drop for me after this fight. Sometimes it would, sometimes it wouldn't, despite always dropping on all of my regular runs. I really really needed it to win so when it didn't drop I just went ahead and restarted. (though there was that one time it dropped from the Excellia Clone after the Drider fight and I abused the hell out of it to steamroll Mino King)

Final Fight 3: Lethice 1
Not TOO scary. She hits pretty hard but as long as you get to cast your heals when you need them you should be fine. Her best turns are the ones where she does tease attacks since you shouldn't have to worry about it unless you're at 90 or more lust, or the turns where she lays down a smokescreen since it doesn't seem to affect Cleansing Palm. She has this weird black tentacle attack thing but for the life of me I couldn't figure out what it was supposed to do, it never seemed to do any damage or stop my attacks. She's also able to be stunned with Shield Bash for a free turn (you can be a little looser here with Fatigue costs since the next phase is basically free healing)

Final Fight 4: Demon Horde
Not even a challenge. Their tease attack almost never lands, and their regular attack does maybe 50 damage? Consider this a lengthy intermission where you can Pure Peach to your heart's content, get that Fatigue down to 0 because why not. They even let you restore all your HP after the fight, assuming you somehow managed to end the fight with low health. If you haven't cast Charge Weapon and Might yet then now is the time as it will carry over to the next fight (technically you can cast them on Lethice 1 and have them carry over but I don't consider them worth the risk of losing a DPS turn on Lethice 1)

Final Fight 5: Lethice 2
Hoo boy. I had to cheese this one. In case cheesing with Debug Mode wasn't enough, I only won this by spamming infinite Premium God Mead almost every turn. Her basic attack was hitting me for 210 damage, just over 2/3rds of my HP. On top of that she pretty much consecutively silences you preventing you from casting any spells. The only turns I could attack were ones where I could afford to Shield Bash, or when she hadn't attacked on the previous turn, and even then I was limited to smacking her with the staff for 80 damage or so (Make sure you have Charge Weapon and Might up beforehand). This would be the biggest obstacle to a non-debug mode level 1 run and I'm just not sure if it's even possible.

Victory (Conglaturation):

After fucking that slut into the ground (or being an exceptionally white knight and redeeming her), you will then be the proud owner of an achievement in a mod for a porn Flash Game that has long since been abandoned, that took way too long to get, and that no one will ever see nor know about besides yourself. You have satisfied that weird part of your brain that treated CoC as a video game rather than an expansive erotic novel. Perhaps one day that mindset could rise again, tempting you to go for the "Collect All Slaves/Followers" Achievement or the How-Would-I-Do-This-Without-Losing-My-Mind-Or-Hacking-The-Date aka "A Long Century" Achievement. But until then? Back to fapping for you.

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Well-Known Member
May 13, 2016
Posting a Guide on how I got the Ultimate Noob Achievement (Defeat Lethice at Level 1) because I certainly couldn't find any info or tips on how to get it.

I played through most of the game on Easy Difficulty but I hit enough hurdles once I got to the Stronghold that I swapped over to Debug Mode and even then it was hard as hell, particularly 2nd Form Lethice (her basic attack hits for 210 HP o_o). It could... theoretically be possible to win outside of Debug Mode but you'd need a full backpack of consumables and some god-tier RNG to pull it off, assuming there's not some refinement to the strategy I missed. This was done with 0 Corruption and no transformations, I didn't find anything of real benefit with either of those but, again, maybe I missed something.

Early Game (Grindfest):

Starting Gift: Doesn't matter much, Fast would be the best choice mainly for how hard it can be to increase speed without leveling up.
History: Schooling or Healing. Fortune would help the grind for money but it's not going to win you any fights.

  • Pretty straightforward, don't level up. Ever. Not much different from normal here as the enemies don't out-level you by much yet. Get the Beautiful Sword from the lake, get access to Tel'Adre, and start farming goblins and imps, maybe some naga if you're feeling risky. Sell anything and everything you can to the Pawn Shop. You're gonna need a lot of gems.
  • You'll eventually get a Wooden Shield off an imp, equip it for free block chance and a stun ability
  • Before you get too far make sure to pick up Rathazul from the Lake before all the other encounters eclipse his chances of showing up
  • Get JoJo to join the camp, meditating/training with him is a great way to get some all-around stats and it also gives access to the mainstay attack: Cleansing Palm. I don't recall what the trigger is for him to start appearing in the Forest, you may need to progress through the Factory before he starts showing up.
  • Acquire spells through whatever means you like. Doing Arian/Dominika's encounters work fine, I farmed out White/Black books from the Sand Witches for the extra money and something to shake up the monotony of the grind.
  • Max your Tease Level and Spellcasting Affinity, make sure your corruption is 0
  • Keep buying and drinking Vitality Tinctures and Scholar's Tea from Giacomo, eventually you should max out Strength, Toughness, and Intelligence. Maxing out Speed is somewhat useful but it's a little more challenging to do (Whitney's Farm -> Explore -> Chance for running encounter that increases speed, takes forever). As long as it's at least 70 you should be fine.
  • Do what you can to lower your Sensitivity and Libido, keeping your lust manageable is critical come the end game.

Mid Game (Stronghold Prep):

  • Hit all the plot beats (Factory, Zetas's Lair, etc), they shouldn't be too crazy difficult with max stats. There's a lot of items/outfits from the dungeons that sell for a pretty large amount so make sure to collect and sell those off (Yes, even the Bimbo Liquor)
  • I kept the Pure Pearl to upgrade the Beautiful Sword into the Divine Pearl Sword, but in the end it really doesn't do much without Level Perks so might as well eat it for the -5% Lust damage
  • Collect 5 Tough Spider Silk (The Swamp at level 1 is a major pain, I'd recommend rotating through the Pawn Shop until it comes up as a purchasable item) and turn them over to Rathazul to get the Spider Silk Robes
  • Wait for Dragon Scales to come up in the Pawn Shop and buy 5, turn in to Rathazul and get the Dragon Bra and Underwear (every point of DEF counts)
  • Buy the Wizard Staff from Tel'Adre, by now the Demon Soldiers should be appearing in "Explore" and the Forest so farm them out (weak to lust dmg btw) and get 5 pieces of Lethicite. Take the staff and the 5 lethicite to Rathazul to upgrade it to the Lethicite Staff
  • Buy a ring (or get dumb lucky and have one drop for you) from Tel'Adre. The one with the +30% spell buff is nice but I went with the extra 40 HP to minimize the chance of being stunned and killed on the next turn
  • Get a better shield. I'm still unclear if the Tower shield actually affects your hit/evade chance despite the item description, but rather than risk it I went with the upgraded Dragon Egg Shield (yes I'm a monster)
  • Beat the Guard to the Bazaar and buy the inventory expansion
  • Get access to the Oasis Tower. This may or may not happen before you find the Stronghold, both can be incredibly frustrating to find with a low encounter rate.
  • Fill your inventory with Pure Peaches and Spring Water.
  • Prepare to eat ass (in more ways than one)

End Game (The Stronghold):

The Strat:

This will take a while. You're gonna need to go back and rest up after every fight so get used to that.

Whenever you go in make sure your HP is maxed, your Fatigue is 0, and your lust is just over 50 (to access your black magic). Everything here is corrupted so Cleansing Palm should be your main damage move, and should be doing somewhere between 100 and 220 damage (no idea what exactly affects Cleansing Palm's damage, but it does at least 70 more damage than Whitefire/Blackfire without Perks).

Casting Might will give you a little more HP and a little more Cleansing Palm damage (I think? Again, not 100% on what increases Cleansing Palm damage), but cast it at your own risk since that's a whole turn you could have been using Cleansing Palm or healing instead.

Cast Heal when you get down to around half health or so, and be sure to play it safe on healing. There's always the chance you get caught up in lust and fail to cast the spell. If you're only down about 50 hp or so consider using a Pure Peach to keep your fatigue from running too high. Assuming you can afford to lose a turn drink a Spring Water when your lust gets over 75

This is where Debug Mode comes in very very handy as you won't lose consumables on use, essentially giving you unlimited uses of Pure Peach and Spring Water. If you don't want to use Debug Mode because you consider it cheating then let me know how many attempts you make on these bosses before realizing that having it on doesn't restrict the achievement and should be viewed as one of the tools in making the run possible rather than cheapening the victory.

Pure Peaches will give around 75 HP and restore your fatigue, Spring Water will Heal around 25 HP, lower lust by 25, and restore fatigue. Using the right one at the right time is key to minimizing fatigue to keep up the spell casting while making sure Lust stays above 50

- Doppleganger: Not much to say here, it's gonna take a few attempts since it's RNG heavy. Shield Bash can buy you a couple extra turns but in the end it comes down to doing enough damage with the basic attack to win in 5 turns. Charge Weapon and Might will help, might swap back to the Beautiful Sword for this one, or the Warhammer if you sold the sword off already

- Jean-Claude: The first boss that will make you question if this run is possible if you aren't prepared for it. Technically skippable if your Intelligence and Speed are high enough but I'm still not sure on the requirements (Laybans + 90 Int + 90 Spd?) but going back and forth through this area so much I decided to just kill him instead. Stick to The Strat and it shouldn't take too many attempts,

- Gardener: Stick to The Strat. Keep in mind she heals back her HP once she hits half health or so but becomes weaker to Lust damage each time. Get her to heal back 3 or 4 times and then keep casting Arouse until she succumbs.

- Centauress: Stick to The Strat. Nuff Said.

- Stone Statue: This asshole. Immune to lust, stuns, and blinding. Been a while since I fought him and I don't have the save anymore to check, but as I recall he also takes reduced damage from Cleansing Palm. Whichever ends up doing more damage, Whitefire or CP, just keep spamming it, keep up your heals, manage your fatigue, and it should eventually die once your RNG decides you can dodge enough of his stuns and avoid being creamed.

Final Showdown (Impending Rage Quit):

Save the game (which you should be doing regularly already but this one is symbolic). Restock your items (if you even lost any). Breathe. Pray to RNGesus. Confess your many many sins to your local religious official and pray to regular Jesus. Go fuck your preferred NPC (then wait around or fantasize to get your lust back up to 50).

Essentially use The Strat outlined above with some exceptions noted below. Please note that if you're not in Debug Mode for whatever godforsaken reason that the Premium God Mead should only be used as an absolute last resort since it will drastically lower your lust likely putting you below the threshold for being able to heal, and it's unlikely you can spend the turns to fantasize your way back up to it.

Final Fight 1: Drider
Has moderately high attack and will regularly use a stun. Will also lower your Speed and Strength but not to a level that is particularly detrimental. Shield Bash will work on him but be careful because 40 Fatigue right off the bat is a lot. Down him quickly, don't waste turns on him trying to heal/recoup fatigue, it will only end poorly.

Final Fight 2: Minotaur King and Queen
This is where most of the time investment on these attempts will go. Heavily RNG based since the King will use his stun attack pretty much every other turn and it's a complete crapshoot whether you dodge it or not. I lost so many times because I attacked while having 200-ish health, only to be stunned, dropped to less than 50 health on the next turn, then killed after the Heal failed to go off. And the Pure Peach healing is nowhere near enough to counter the incoming damage, you are pretty much relying on Heal to give you back most or all of your HP.
As far dealing damage during the fight there's a couple ways to go about it, Cleansing Palm the Mino King to death then mopping up the Queen is generally best since it minimizes the number of turns the King is bashing your skull and allows you to spend some turns raising HP/lowering fatigue while the Queen stands there with her pathetic attempts to seduce your Spring Water-filled body.
Not sure if this is just me or if this is intrinsic to the UoE mod but when losing the fight while Excellia is still alive causes her to show up on whatever the next fight encountered is, regardless of save. This can be countered by either rebooting the game, fighting a random wild monster to kill her off, or just brute force fighting her alongside the Drider since she's not that difficult anyway.
This may be the result of being in Debug Mode but the Premium God Mead did not always drop for me after this fight. Sometimes it would, sometimes it wouldn't, despite always dropping on all of my regular runs. I really really needed it to win so when it didn't drop I just went ahead and restarted. (though there was that one time it dropped from the Excellia Clone after the Drider fight and I abused the hell out of it to steamroll Mino King)

Final Fight 3: Lethice 1
Not TOO scary. She hits pretty hard but as long as you get to cast your heals when you need them you should be fine. Her best turns are the ones where she does tease attacks since you shouldn't have to worry about it unless you're at 90 or more lust, or the turns where she lays down a smokescreen since it doesn't seem to affect Cleansing Palm. She has this weird black tentacle attack thing but for the life of me I couldn't figure out what it was supposed to do, it never seemed to do any damage or stop my attacks. She's also able to be stunned with Shield Bash for a free turn (you can be a little looser here with Fatigue costs since the next phase is basically free healing)

Final Fight 4: Demon Horde
Not even a challenge. Their tease attack almost never lands, and their regular attack does maybe 50 damage? Consider this a lengthy intermission where you can Pure Peach to your heart's content, get that Fatigue down to 0 because why not. They even let you restore all your HP after the fight, assuming you somehow managed to end the fight with low health. If you haven't cast Charge Weapon and Might yet then now is the time as it will carry over to the next fight (technically you can cast them on Lethice 1 and have them carry over but I don't consider them worth the risk of losing a DPS turn on Lethice 1)

Final Fight 5: Lethice 2
Hoo boy. I had to cheese this one. In case cheesing with Debug Mode wasn't enough, I only won this by spamming infinite Premium God Mead almost every turn. Her basic attack was hitting me for 210 damage, just over 2/3rds of my HP. On top of that she pretty much consecutively silences you preventing you from casting any spells. The only turns I could attack were ones where I could afford to Shield Bash, or when she hadn't attacked on the previous turn, and even then I was limited to smacking her with the staff for 80 damage or so (Make sure you have Charge Weapon and Might up beforehand). This would be the biggest obstacle to a non-debug mode level 1 run and I'm just not sure if it's even possible.

Victory (Conglaturation):

After fucking that slut into the ground (or being an exceptionally white knight and redeeming her), you will then be the proud owner of an achievement in a mod for a porn Flash Game that has long since been abandoned, that took way too long to get, and that no one will ever see nor know about besides yourself. You have satisfied that weird part of your brain that treated CoC as a video game rather than an expansive erotic novel. Perhaps one day that mindset could rise again, tempting you to go for the "Collect All Slaves/Followers" Achievement or the How-Would-I-Do-This-Without-Losing-My-Mind-Or-Hacking-The-Date aka "A Long Century" Achievement. But until then? Back to fapping for you.

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Congrats on your achievement and thanks for the guide. (Not that I would ever be crazy enough to follow it.)


New Member
Aug 12, 2022
I made an account to ask this question since it's been a few years since I last checked in on this mod. I remember there being two recruitable companions in the works, one being your minotaur son and the other being a hell hound. Are either of these characters implemented, and if so how do I get them?