Hello good people!
I have biiig problem (bigger then boobs of Bimbo Sophie) and would love your help.
First thing first - achievements:
-I corrupted and enslaved Amily,
-then Ceraph,
-made my own latexy goo-girl
-corrupted and enslaved Jojo
-bought milkslave from witches on the desert
-bimbofied Sophie
-killed corrupted Marae, take her Lethice and mutated corupted Jojo into tentacle-jojo
-let Holi grow up and then assert my dominance to make her sub
so I have 7 slaves in my camp + one submissive corrupted tree under 'key items' button... and achievement is still locked. What do I wrong?
Here i have not even idea what to do to get it... I found this after some digging in google:
I found some nice file:
and here few Perks I never seen before... also have no idea how to get them:
Thanks in advance for good advices! Oh, right, I play it on the flash, last v1.4.19
I have biiig problem (bigger then boobs of Bimbo Sophie) and would love your help.
First thing first - achievements:

-I corrupted and enslaved Amily,
-then Ceraph,
-made my own latexy goo-girl
-corrupted and enslaved Jojo
-bought milkslave from witches on the desert
-bimbofied Sophie
-killed corrupted Marae, take her Lethice and mutated corupted Jojo into tentacle-jojo
-let Holi grow up and then assert my dominance to make her sub
so I have 7 slaves in my camp + one submissive corrupted tree under 'key items' button... and achievement is still locked. What do I wrong?

Here i have not even idea what to do to get it... I found this after some digging in google:
Corruption-of-Champions-Mod/classes/classes/GlobalFlags/kACHIEVEMENTS.as at master · Kitteh6660/Corruption-of-Champions-Mod
CoC source from fenoxo, modded by Kitteh6660. Contribute to Kitteh6660/Corruption-of-Champions-Mod development by creating an account on GitHub.
Yet still have no idea how get bad end while winning same time... anyone?"Kaizo Trap", "Just when you think you got a victory only to fall right into a Bad End instead!", "", true); //Fall victim to Kaizo Trap.
I found some nice file:
Corruption-of-Champions-Mod/classes/classes/PerkLib.as at master · Kitteh6660/Corruption-of-Champions-Mod
CoC source from fenoxo, modded by Kitteh6660. Contribute to Kitteh6660/Corruption-of-Champions-Mod development by creating an account on GitHub.
public static const Brawler: PerkType = mk("Brawler", "Brawler",
"Brawling experience allows you to make two unarmed attacks in a turn.",
"You choose the 'Brawler' perk, allowing you to make two unarmed attacks in a turn!");
public static const Lustzerker: PerkType = mk("Lustserker", "Lustserker",
"Grants 'Lustserk' ability.");
War dance? Lustserker? What? :Opublic static const WarDance: PerkType = mk("War Dance", "War Dance",
"+15% Damage against enemies in hand to hand combat and -20% Evasion change for the enemy.");

Thanks in advance for good advices! Oh, right, I play it on the flash, last v1.4.19
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