Adventures in Mareth


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
Iona watches as Zhahir ties up the goblins. "Yes, yes, tighter! Make sure they cannot escape!" She dictates as the wolf-man does his work. She nods over to Meepo, her face one of noble command. "You see how we easily defeated these common thugs, we will surely sweep the rest of these bandits and villians from your rightful halls!" She flourishes, then winces as pain spikes through her shoulder. "...come! Let us advance, while the element of surprise is with us!" Slender legs swing and pointed heels carry her after the wolf-man's lead.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2017
"With your decrees and all of your high and mighty talk I doubt we will have it for long" Gareth says, a cheeky grin on his face. He frowns as Zahir only ties the gobalins up and says "I still think we are better off killing them, they are sure to make a racket when they wake up."


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
Iona peers at Gareth, but eventually realizes just what the man means. She draws breath to voice her displeasure, then decides against it. The throb of pain within her shoulder was proof enough that perhaps some discreet action was needed, for now at least.

She mutters quietly and peers at the goblins, wanting to slap them around for hurting her so. "Zahir has tied them up. Gareth calls for their deaths, as does Meepo." Her ruby eyes swing over to the horned figure nearby. "What say you , Dolum?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
"I don't honestly care one way or the other" Solum says with a shrug. "If we leave them here they may cause a racket when they wake," he pauses in thought for a moment before continuing " ...but if we kill them and encounter any more of them, they may share that particular mercy with us, even though they'll be more likely to view us as new breeding stock" he finishes with a scowl of disdain.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
Iona wrinkles her small nose in disgust. "Uh! Filthy, Filthy things!" She throws up her slender arms in annoyance! "Then I decree they are bound and shall be dumped into that pit. They will not be able to crawl away and they will upon the mercy of the kobold courts!" She strides forward and bends over at the waist, clutching her small hands around a stubby goblin leg. "Hnrrrrrrgh!" she strains as she slowly, slowly drags the goblin back towards the pit. It might take a while, but she'll eventually push the unconscious goblin into the pit.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Meepo heads to the door, mumbling about the 'scary lady'. He pokes his head out, looks around before walking out. Those that follow will see the hall. Several torches mounted in crude sconces burn fitfully around this chamber, filling the air with a haze. A double row of marble columns carved with entwining dragons runs the length of the hall. There's is one door to the west, three to the north and one to the east.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Zahir chuckles following after the kobold "I know buddy, I know" He gently picks the little guy up and sits him on his neck "I hope it is comfortable there" he smiles feeling the kobold's loincloth against his neck.
"There are a lot of doors lets check them clockwise" walking around the edges of the room the wolf morph goes open the door on the west.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
As the goblin thumps into the pit, Iona looks up and sees that the Zahir and Meepo have already strode on ahead! She looks to the remaining two goblins, then back to the disappearing pair. "Urgh! Solum! Gareth! Chuck those two in the pit quickly!" She waves an arm as she jogs past them. "We need to catch up!"

The gothic-noblegirl sweeps after the two, still shimmering with her magical armour-aura.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2017
"As you wish 'My Lady'" the sarcasm is think in Gareth's voice. He looks at the remaining gobalins and he decides that he's better off safe than sorry. He slits their throats before depositing them into the pit. He then follows the others into the room and watches as Zahir goes around opening doors.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
Solum follows behind Gareth, simply shaking his head and sighing at the fate of the other two goblins. He watches as Zahir moves towards the western door.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
As they peek their heads past the door they see quite the sight. What might have been a cathedral is now a goblin lair, think with the smell of sex that comes with goblin life. Scores of the wall and floor mounted sconces filled with violet glowing fungi provide illumination. Dozens of goblins go about their daily business, which involves a lot of sex. Along the southern wall is a heaping pile of items. From wagon wheels, broken armor and rusted arms to chests, small statues, antique furniture and artwork. There are 34 adult goblins. They haven't seen you yet.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
Iona peers past the bulk of Zhair and her thin brows lift in surprise, then furrow in anger. Clearly this was once a beautiful, gothic church, very much like the works of art back upon her home world. Now these craven beings have reduced it to little more than a fungus infested slum. She hisses in quiet anger and pain as she slinks back behind the cover of the door, her dark gown swaying with her movements.

"Why are there so many of them? What should we do?" she whispers, leaning out to steal another peek. "Ugh! If I only were stronger, I would cast their damnable souls to the darkest pits with a mere thought!" she nods sagely, sweeping an arm out dramatically.

Ruby eyes focus to try and spy anything else of interest within the pile and any other doors, it's clear the gears are turning within her head.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
She can see that only four of the goblins have the look of a warrior about them. There are two doors that she can see, one to the north and one to the north west.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
Iona peers over her comrades. Three tall, powerful men. None of whom look particularly sneaky. She realizes that another battle might be looming just moments ahead of her. "Just in case.." she whispers quietly as she slips silently into the room, pressing her back to the wall. With a thought, there is a shimmer of mist and she is gone.

To those looking at the doorway, they would only see the rubble and the slab-like pattern of the church wall beside the door. Only those who are truly perceptive would see that part of the wall is but a haze of mists, hiding the dark-clad girl behind it. Hidden from the eyes of mortals, yet ready to cast her spells from behind this magical disguise.

(Minor illusion cast just infront of her to blend in with the wall and stay hidden!)


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2017
As soon as Gareth sees what is beyond the door he imidiately moves to the side and presses his back to the wall. "Christ there are a lot of them" He says looking at the others "I think we should try another door" it was then that he noticed that Iona had slipped into the room "Shit, what is she thinking"


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
Solum presses himself as flat against the wall as he can. " 'Nother door sounds good, no way we're fighting our way through all of them" he says in response to Gareth. He is quick to realize something is amiss just as Gareth comments on Iona's absence from the group. "Should we risk going in? With that many goblins whatever she's planning could fall apart quickly" he asks the group, eying the door cautiously.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
Iona remains with her back pressed to the wall, hidden (hopefully!) by her illusion of the wall just infront of her. "What shall we do?" she hisses quietly, stealing a glance to the nearby Solum. "I have this illusion prepared so that I may be spared further put it bluntly, my arm is killing me!" she seethes, clasping a hand to her wounded shoulder.

She turns her ruby gaze back to the busy room. "Shall we try and slip to the north door then?" At least from her stance within the room itself, she could hopefully observe it better.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Seeing the dozen of goblins the wolf-morph step back in silence, pulling the others away from the room and slowly close the door " Lets just no deal with that right now ..." he sighs and check the first door to the north.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
As Zahir steps away to close the door, Iona slips quickly back inside again to rejoin her allies. "Why are there so many of them?" she asks quietly, shooting a suspicious glance to the door they just left. "They are mustering an army, there is no doubt about it! A rag-tag army of knaves and churls!"

She slows down slightly as Zahir approaches the northern doors, ready to throw up another illusion to hide herself if needs be. "Be ready.." she advises her comrades..


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Going into the north door puts them into a small hall, going forward it opens up into a larger hall that goes to the west and east. Going east shows another small hall with a door at the end. Thinking about it everyone can guess it is the second north door in the large hall. Going west ends in front of another door.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
"All this space...all these halls..." Iona muses to herself as they explore the dank ruins of this once holy place. "If this was refurbished, it could be wonderful. We do still need to remove these goblins first." she sniffs in disdain at the mention of the green things. "Where do we go?"


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Zahir sighs "don't worry buddy we will still deal with those goblin's but we need to come up with a plan before we try anything" He says to Meepo before walking to the west door then opening the door after it, walking by the edges of the rooms once more to avoid any possible trap.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2017
"I don't think that's the case, that seemed like a normal amount of gobalins if they started a brood here. When gobalins capture a male their numbers grow quickly" Gareth says to Iona as he follows Zahir "And I am going to tell you this from experience, don't try risky moves like the one you pulled back there. Mareth will chew you up and spit you out if you give it the chance, so as someone who has survived years here, play it safe."


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
Iona wrinkles her nose as she listens to Gareth's words. "Ugh!" She sneers. "Disgusting animals!" she crosses her arms tightly as they continue to explore the infested ruins. "Wait a moment, if there are so many of them, does this not mean they have prisoners?" She muses, tilting her head slightly. "I fear our mission may have become more complex. What if there are men down here being held by those things?"

She looks up to Gareth as he speaks his advice. "Very well then. I do not feel at my I will try to take actions to ensure my safety." she mutters, clutching a hand to her shoulder.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
"If they've started a brood, wouldn't our best chance be the broodmother?" Solum asks, a plan clearly forming in his head before hastily shaking his head and quickly saying "no, no that could never work..." He begins muttering in deep thought, a claw unconsciously being brought to his maw, barely audible crackling is the only sign as he begins to bite and grind his teeth upon the offending talon.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
A circular shaft pierces the floor of this forty foot diameter domed chamber. Dim violet light shines out of the shaft, revealing sickly white and grey vines that coat the walls of the shaft. The light is supplemented by four lit wall torches set equidistant around the periphery of the chamber. A crudely fashioned stone throne sits against the curve of the northwestern wall. A large iron chest serves as the throne's footstool. A sapling grows in a wide stone pot next to the throne. In the throne sits a odd looking woman. A head taller then a goblin she has orange skin with blood red hair. Her body is a mix of a goblin and an amazon, large breasts and butt, but a strong body wearing splint armor. Three more such women stand around the room along with a goblin wearing robes.

They turn at the wolf morph opening the door.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"Ho..." Zahir waves to the goblin sitting on the throne "hello" he coughs taking a step forward as there was no point trying to hide his presence "I presume you are the queen of the goblins correct? I was hoping to meet you, could we talk for a bit ?" He asks with a friendly smile.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
Iona blinks in surprise as she sees these strange figures before her. She tactfully steps back a little, ensuring that three strong men stand between her and these odd creatures. She stiffens her lip and lifts her chin, trying to look strong and noble despite the gnawing pain in her shoulder.

"Tidings." she utters after Zahir speaks. "We mean no harm, do converse with us." she nods in agreement, gesturing slightly to Zahir nearby.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"Thanks for not attacking us outright by the way " He bows " As for what I wanted to talk about there are three things .First, I believe you have captured a dragon among others, knowing the dragon is female I would like to ask for a trade " He rubs Meepo's head trying to calm him down and telling him everything will be ok.
"Second" he points to the sapling next tot he Queen "Is it right for me to assume that, this sapling's fruit will 'double' someone's endowment ?" He does not say the third thing yet.