Adventures in Mareth


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Zahir follows the little kobold while grumbling, cursing his bad luck on having such irritating person by his side. Once they get to the door he puts the Meepo's head for helping... unlike others ... "Thanks, Meepo, we will be ok now, it will be safer for you if you go back"
He frowns looking at the irritating woman and says " Shorter path, move away from the door ... the less I have to spend with you the better" He mumbled the last part and take a few steps back while the other move out of the way.
He charges forward and bashes the door with his shoulder (roll d20+4 => result: 24 CRIT!)


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
"By all means." Iona dips her head and flourishes with her slender arm towards the door. "Do open that for me, would you?" she steps back and watches as the wolfman surges forward and pounds into the door!


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The doors groan as it opens, breaking the lock and slightly tearing them off the hinge. The 20 foot long room stand empty of everything.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
"Thank you. I will forgo the red carpet." she titters as she steps past Meepo and into the long room. "Hm, how quaint." she muses as she walks slowly down the empty tunnel like room. "So, Meepo was it? Do you know the way from here?" she asks, resting a hand upon her hip. "We have a very reliable key here after all." she gestures over to Zahir.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The wolf-morph just walk past Iona "Leave the little guy alone" He says and walks ahead down the hallway, being even more impatient than before as he really wants to get rid of the woman, half hoping a demon would get her.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Meepo tries to say something but the two larger people walk too fast for him. As they walk the floor gives way dropping them into a 10 foot deep hole.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
"Leave him alone? He is a servant of the Queen so I-"

As the ground suddenly gives way, a frightened shriek splits the air as Iona drops downwards, her gown fluttering around her as she plummets to the bottom of the hole. She lands on her hands and knees, giving them a nasty bruise behind the fishnets and gloves. "Ow ow!" She snaps, grimacing as she bites back childish accusations. "Who did that?! What is this?! This is stupid! Impossible!" She rises up on shaking, thin legs to peer up to the lip of the pit. She's quietly thankful that her high heels did not get broken. "We fell prey to this?!" She sniffs and starts to compose herself, her fingers smoothing over her gown and adjusting the various bows and ribbons. "We have to escape from here then...Zahir was it?" She looks to the wolf man. "Are you hurt? If not, I do request you help me climb out of this pit." The girl reaches upwards, not tall enough to reach the rim.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Zahir growls in annoyance "Another pitfall ?! Really?" he slams his fist against the wall in anger "Lets just continue" He roughly and brutishly grabs Iona and lift her on top of him , so she could reach the edge.
"Get out then help me"


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
"Now, do kneel down so..Wahh!" The girl is easily yanked up by the irritated wolfman and plonked onto his shoulders. For a moment, all Zahir can see is a flurry of hands, legs and silks as the noblegirl struggles to not fall off him. Thankfully, she does seem somewhat pragmatic. She reaches up and clasps at the edge of the pit. She pulls and pulls , yet she has not the strength to lift herself out. It's only when she wobbly stands up on Zahir's shoulders (and painfully pricks him with her high heels), is she able to press her chest to the pit's edge and wriggle her way up.

"Urgh! What a terrible start!" She sniffs, resting on her knees by the edge of the pit. "Why did you not warn of this thing Meepo?" she peers at the little lizard, before looking down to Zahir. "Do you need assistance getting up?" instead of offering a hand ,she nods over to Meepo. "Meepo, reach down and pull out our lupine ally, will you?"

With that said, she stands up and smoothes out her dress, composing herself.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"Meepo tried but you was too fast" He whines and pulls up the wolf man. "Meepo was going to way that the edges are safe" He points to the parts at the floor that didn't fall. After making their way around the pit they come to another door. "This goblin side door, also locked"


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
HE roars in anger as the woman didn't help him get off the pit, at least he was happy Meepo was still there "Thanks, Meepo"
After he gets off the pit he gives the kobold a hug "I'm glad there is at least someone who still helps me" he kisses the kobold forehead " and leans to whisper in his ear "Once we get your dragon back ,I will personally reward you ok?" He smiles looking and a somewhat better mood.
walking by the edges he got o the locked door and attempt to open it with his strength. (d20+4=> 9 )


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
Iona steps aside, gesturing towards the locked door. "Forgive my lack of assistance, I currently lack the means to satisfactory solve certain physical problems." she nods lightly to the door. "Like this one."


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Meepo blushes and nods. This time the door holds. The small lizard winces. "Hope no goblin heard..."


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
He pays no attention to the woman, blocking her existence in his mind "I hope so friend" He says to Meepo before stepping back once more and trying once again


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
Iona folds her slender arms, watching Zahir surge forward once again. "That's the spirit. Put some more shoulder into it." She says.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
He sighs taking a deep breath "Meepo could you help me ? I think with your help I can open this door"
whether the kobold help or not the wolf-morph try again (d20+4=>17 + help)


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
Iona spends the time frowning and looking at her glove, thankfully the fabric isn't ripped from the fall. She watches as the door takes another round of battering.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Meepo nods and helps (d20-2=12) Together they manage to break open the door. The area behind the door is a small hall that turns to the left, at the end is another door.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
"Oh, Bravo." Iona claps her hands lightly together, smiling as she steps forward. "Now then, let us hope there are no more pits or doors in the way. Who would have thought such simple security measures were so irksome?" Her legs swing quickly as her step carries her forward into the hall. "Oh dear...another door." She sighs and tries the handle, hoping that this one would at least be open for once.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
ONce the door opens Zahir smiles and pets Meepo's head affectionately "Thanks, buddy, you are the best"
he walks by the edges of the room to the door on the other side and checks if it was open.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
"It seems that the door is open." Iona nods up to Zahir. "I leave the honour of opening it to for myself.."

The girl's eyes shine crimson as arcane powers chill the air around her. "..I would do well to ensure that the winds of darkess shall protect me." (cast Mage Armour)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Zahir doesn't hear the woman anymore he just opens the door and walks past it .


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The smell of old sex and food is strong in here. Tattered hides are stretched to form six unstable hammocks around a much used fire pit. Battered cooking equipment is mixed up with broken and worn arms and armor. Three goblins with large chests and asses turn to look at them. "Oh look girls we got us some studs and a slut" They grin and get ready to fight.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
Iona pinches her nose as she steps inside the place, following the lead of Zahir. "This is ..urgh, this smell, it is like a barn!"

As her eyes adjust to the dim light, she spies the hammocks and their strange occupants. Wild haired, wide hipped, short and plump women with green skin. Iona's brow instantly furrows in annoyance as they speak.

"How rude..I will say this only once... return the dragon Calcryx to us, or you will suffer pain and shame that has eluded you all for so long." She peers at their figures. "With that perverse shape, I presume a spell in the dungeon starved of food would be a fitting torment for you." she sniffs as her eyes start to glow with magic, ready to start casting if trouble breaks out.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
And they found some goblins ... Zahir sighs stepping forward "OK , stop right now" He shows the giant sword on his back to the goblins "See this ? I can't assure you will live if I attack you but if you help us instead ,not only I will let your three live but I may also fuck you three" (d20+1 => 16 ) He hoped the goblins would listen to reason he was horrible in controlling his strength.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2017
Gareth is surprised as this woman comes walking into the hall and acting like she owns the place. Using a simple trick to try to impress the kobalds Gareth just rolled his eyes. He followed as they went down the hall and through the doors to the room with the gobalins. He saw Zahir attempt to reason with them and he just laughed "I would not trust these three as far as I could throw them. I say we kill them and move on" sparks crackling from his fingers as he prepares to fight the gobalins if it comes to it.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
Iona smiles wryly as the burly Zahir steps forward. Clearly this mighty wolfman will make these curs change their mind. She nods in agreement as he drew his sword, then spluttered at the words that came out his mouth.

"What?" She blinked, completely taken aback at what Zahir had just said. She heard footsteps from behind and glanced over her shoulder to see the approaching Gareth. Recognizing the crackle and spark of magic from the man's fingers, Iona nods and is quick to re-express her standing to the goblins.

"Perverse pleasure seekers, do you not see the odds before you?" She declares with a sweep of a thin arm. "If you try to battle with us, all you will earn is pain. Bring us to the dragon and then go in peace."


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
Solum listens warily at the clicking footsteps of the newcomer and visibly tenses when she begins speaking to the kobold's leader without hesitation. He nods and follows the others while muttering to himself in thought as they walk through the doors. He snaps out of his muttering when he hears the goblin and breaks out into a mostly subdued fit of laughter at Zahir's offer and Iona's look of shock before stepping into the room carefully, a hand resting lightly on the grip of one of his short-swords. He jokingly stage-whispers in goblin "Trust the wolf, he is a key to many locks" . (I'll add rolls to this post if they're needed after that comment.)