Adventures in Mareth


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
He stands up and looks at the others in the party "I think we should talk with their leader first then search for the goblins."


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2017
"Wait where did you see them?" Gareth asks, looking at neena confusedly "so far we have only seen the dragon girl and the dead goblins, I don't remember any corpses matching the descriptions of the other group."


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
He paid no mind to the confused mouse and turns to Meepo "please my little friend ,lead the way" he says with a smile and follows the little lizard.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Meepo nods and stands up. He only wears a loincloth the covers his bulge. He starts to lead the group through the ruins, very once in a while calling out a word that you don't understand. (Unless you know Draconic in which case you know that he's saying Tickle Corn) He leads them to a rather large hall with a double row of marble columns he run down the length of the hall. The columns have carvings of entwining dragon mates on them. Meepo leads them to the end of the hall which stands a small throne. The short throne is made from fallen bits of masonry stacked against and old altar. On top of the altar rest a variety of small items. The portion of the altar that serves as the thrones back features a carving of a rearing dragon. A metal key is held in the dragon's jaws. Upon the throne sits a female lizard slightly taller then Meepo, she is wearing a tattered white robe that covers her D-cup breasts though with her small size they look bigger. She looks at the party and waits.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Zahir wonders what the little lizard is saying to his hiding aliens, probably some sort of code. Upon being face to face with the queen the wolf morph thinks this is probably a subspecies of lizard man that breed too much with goblins, trying to make sense of their small size and rather endowed figures.
He bows to the queen "Greetings, I'm Zahir. We are a group of adventurers, hired by a man named Kruppe to found the whereabouts of certain fruit that is said to double the size of one's assets and being traded by the goblins. HOwever upon meeting with Meepo here , we would like to ask for your help so that in return we may rescue your dragon."


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Iona had also gotten a letter but it just had a location and the promise of riches and adventure. The woman managed to get all the way to the great hall.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
The click-click-click of high heels echo through the hall as the young woman approaches. Even though she is a young teenager, she carries herself like a queen. Ruby eyes hold a cold command of one so noble born. Pale skin betrays a life of shelter and a sunless childhood. Her hair shimmers and spills behind her in a great wave of pristine white, clashing strongly with her breathtakingly expensive ball-gown like attire. Slender legs clad in purple fishnet stockings carry her forward, her delicate gloved hands clasped together to add to the thoughtful expression of the young woman.

"So it seems that others have been promised riches and adventure." she touches a slender finger to her soft cheek, eyes tracking over the other would-be heroes and then up to the draconic carvings on the walls and pillars. "I dare say that within my world a Dragon was believed as a great and almighty terror, one who could shatter the earth and make the very heavens burn...I feel some what...cheated so far.." she mutters slightly as she glances over to the Queen. Clearly the skittering little kobolds are not what the nobleborn girl was expecting.

"None the less. I am Iona Lenore De Meredith of House Meredith, hailing from the Kingdom of Ashes." she pinches the hem of her broad skirt and bobs her body in a low curtsey to the room. "I would hear your pleas, commoners. Allow me and my power to solve your woes."
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The leader snorts as she looks at the group and taps her fingers. "An outcast lives below, he grows the fruit and gives it to the sluts-" She snarls the word "-the dragon stealing fools are his servants. If you return Calcryx to us, I shall reward you" She gestures to the items, as her hand lowers she rubs her breasts, giving them....options.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
Iona steps forward, her heel coming down with a commanding click upon the ground. She glances to the other heroes, then back to the reptilian leader. "Have dragons fallen so low to be the property of outcasts and simple people?" True to form, the back of her hand finds it's way to her forehead as she mock swoons. "Fear not, troubled one. I shall lend my might to return this Calcryx to you. With a suitable reward, perhaps I could try and see if you could move within that city of..." Her delicate brows dip for a moment as she tries to remember. "Ah yes Tel-Aldre it was. I dare say you would be safer there than living out here in squalor."

She drifts her fingers through her snow-white hair. "Besides, it pleases me to know that simple people are healthy and happy." her ruby eyes narrow slightly as her delicate fingers rise to mask her sly smile. "From what I have seen, many here could do with some proper nutrition and exercise." she titters, eyes upon the plump shape of the leader and the rather scrawny figure of Meepo nearby.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Her eyes narrow on the human girl. "While a kind offer I must turn it down. You see this is a holy site for my people."


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
"I see, so this is a temple for your kind." Iona nods curtly, her ruby eyes sweeping over the room. Far too primitive and simple for her tastes. "Pray tell, do you know anything about this outcast?" The gothic girl inquires, folding her arms across her slender frame. "If they are to prove violent or dangerous, then it is best we go in prepared to defend ourselves, yes?"


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"He makes his home underground and tends to groves." She shrugs. "That's all I know since the way down is in those sluts territory."


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
Iona sniffs upon hearing the leader describe the interlopers. "As one noble to another.. " she lies. "..please do not demean yourself with such language. You are an icon to your people and should carry yourself as such." the girl lectures, wagging a finger in the air.

"So a grove tender? What would a gardener want with a dragon?" She muses, tilting her head slightly, curling a thoughtful finger below her slender chin. "Dragons are beings of destruction, not of growth.." she looks back to the kobold leader. "Are there many of those...'pests' down there? Do they work together? What kind of welcome are we to expect?"

She shrugs her small shoulders. "I decree we openly speak with them. If they react as curs, then they shall perish as curs."


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"Who wouldn't want a dragon and I do not know how many the goblins number. As for what kind of welcome you will get." She smirks "They will try to capture all of you to make the males breeders and your self a sex slave."


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
Iona snorts, tossing her head high. "They sound like disgusting rabble. They would lie with men they barely know? Not with their husbands?" She wrinkles her nose in disdain. "Only the most wretched of peasants behave in such a, not even peasants, animals." she concludes, clicking her gloved fingers. "Perhaps they are in dire need of the sovreign sword. They live so freely and so simply they they sound like they have become little more than beasts." she nods. "With the fear that only noble blood can instill, perhaps their troubles can be solved."

She tilts her head slightly as her brain runs the words around in her head again. "Take the men as breeders? But these beings are of different kin. Surely it would not be possible. One cannot expect a prize stallion to lie with a cow to get a..." her words falter, clearly farming was not her strong point. "...I expect you understand?"


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The lady tilts her head. "You are new here yes? You should know that goblins are all female and can breed with any male."


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
Iona trails her slender fingers through the ghost-white falls of her hair. "You are an observant one, yes." the gothic noble girl replies. "Indeed, I have not long been within this world, so there are many mysteries to me. Although I am wholly certain that noble standing and the pedigree that comes with it is an enduring trait no matter what realm or land one finds themselves in."

She folds her arms once again, lifting a brow. "A race entirely made of women, who prey upon men? That sounds preposterous! They sound like they have stooped so low into such debase desperation to do such unclean acts." she sniffs. "I am sure the stalwart men will shun such lewd beings and treat them with nothing but the scorn they deserve." she nods.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The kobold gives a lazy smile as she eyes the noble. "Maybe maybe not"


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
"Any man of value would do the right thing." Clearly irritated, Iona grinds her high heel into the ground. "And what of you? We know not your name. Perhaps you should furnish us with it, since we are the ones who shall reclaim your dragon."

Her eyes dip slightly to the short-stacked, plump figure of the kobold queen. "I presume you eat well down here?" Her eyes dart to the side, to the scrawny Meepo. "Or are you reluctant to share too much with your servants?"


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
She smirks. "I am Yusdrayl and we do eat well. Meepo's current state is due to him being distressed since the dragon was in his care"


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
"I see..." Iona compared the two for a moment. Clearly males and females were similar, she knew that much about animals and people. Yet these lizard-like beings seemed quite different. Yusdrayl was plump and thick, while Meepo was nearly skeletal and frail. She shook her head lightly, such affairs were for those who dealt with the people, clearly she should appoint a minister or so to do that duty for her when she is more settled here.

"Well, Lady Yusdrayl. You offer us the thrill of a hunt, what of the promise of payment?" a small hand drops down to rest upon her hip. "My main motivation for you and your kind is pity, to be frightfully blunt. What beyond baubles and coppers can you promise to I, Countess Meredith?"


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
A thin brow arches curiously. "Spell scrolls? Forgive my presumption that such a simple people would be familiar with the mysteries of the arcane." She takes some steps forward, the tick-tick of her high heels echoing down the hall. "What magic are you familiar with? If it were not so obvious, know that I too, carry such power within my darkened soul!"

With a grand flourish, mists seem to rise and shimmer around her, while bats chirp and flutter as they escape back to the nothingness when they came. Very dramatic and overblown, yes, but she knew that her powers must be impressive even if it was the smallest predigitation.

"Then if you are willing to part with your magical trinkets, scrolls, books and secrets, I assure you that I shall put them to only the greatest of uses."


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"Hum ?" The muscular wolf-morph look perplexed as the pompous woman walks out of nowhere and interrupts their discussion with the queen as if she owned the world but in reality looked like one of the many new adventurers that come to The world of Mareth. He grumbles as she continues to ramble, trying to show how much better she was than anyone else.
He pets Meepo's head "Don't mind her little buddy, you are ok" he smiles trying to comfort the little guy, that probably has been suffering for his mistakes for quite a while. Zahir steps forward getting between the woman and the queen before they go at each other's throat.
He clears his throat getting their attention before turning to the Queen "Thanks for the information ,Queen Yusdrayl" He bows "We shall return with Calcryx safe and sound. Thank you also for reward when we come back" he smiles then turns to the woman "I'm Zahir ,I hope we can work without much trouble" he offers his hand.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
"Queen?" Iona looks slightly bemused. That jiggly, plump thing wearing a rag could hardly be a Queen! "Oh, Queen. Do forgive me your grace." Iona adds dryly, dipping her head slightly. She looks upwards to see that the wolf-man has introduced himself.

"Zahir. Hm.." she nods slightly. "Are you a wolf or are you a man? Did you start off as one or the other? If what Queen Yusdrayl said is true, then your parents may have had an awkward marriage." she titters, pressing her fingertips to her sly smile. "None the less, I am Countess Iona Lenore De Meredith. Know that the might of the very grave is before you." She states dramatically, sweeping out an arm to send out some lazy coils of mist. "I assure you that you will be protected from death while under my command."


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
His eyes roll "I'm neither, I'm a wolf-morph" he sighs "Look... it is clear you don't know this world, You are one of the many 'champions that just keep popping here" he pulls his hand back
"I don't know how you got here or if Kruppe send you too, but I don't think you are in a position you think you are"
He turns to Meepo "Meepo can you lead us to the lower levels? Just the entrance is fine."


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
"A wolf morph?" Iona tilts her head slightly, looking at Zahir curiously. "You are correct, I am not too familiar with this world, but I have every confidence I will flourish." she smiles slyly to him as he withdraws his hand. How presumptous of a literal mongrel to try and shake the hand of a noble!

"Kruppe gave me a letter that promised glory and gold. Of course I responded." she nods curtly. "My position was deteremined by my birthright. Fate will ensure that it is maintained properly."

She turns her ruby eyes over to Meepo. "Indeed, I feel we are ready to recapture your 'dragon'. Do lead the way."


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Meepo nods and leads them away from the great hall. He leads them to an intersection. "Umm this door is locked" The lizard points to a door. "Would lead you quick but we can't open it" He then points down a hall "Easy path but take longer"


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
With one final curtsey to the Queen, Iona turns to follow Meepo. Tick, click, tick. Her high heels tap out her progress until they stop before a door. "You think a mere door will stop us?" She chuckles. "Or perhaps we should take the longer way? I care not." She folds her slender arms, smiling lightly across to Zahir. "What do you consider? Will you open the door for us, or shall we travel together for a while?"