Adventures in Mareth


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
With the numbers now equal, confidence, as well as the dark aura of her Mage Armour shimmers from the girl. She hears an incoming footstep and glances over her small shoulder. It's only for a split-second, but Ruby eyes widen in fright and a squeak of surprise escapes her lips as she looks upon the approaching daemonic figure. By instinct, she shys behind the protective walls of both Zahir and Gareth, her hands clutching tightly together in a smothered panic.

Her fear is dispelled instantly though, when the horned one strides forward, chuckling at something. Upon realizing that this was indeed one of their allies, Iona steps out once again, brimming with that same confidence once more.

"Not only are you out-classed and out-ranked, you are now out-numbered." She sweeps the air with a hand, pointing a finger to the goblins. "Surrender now, you uncultured pear-like people, lest we bring a harvest of pain upon you!"

Her stance remains proud, but the slight twitch of a brow is Iona realizing that her speech sounded corny even by her standards. Being the daughter of a dread-lord is hard work.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
They smirk and draw weapons. "Nah you see we're gonna hogtie you and fuck your brains out!" (roll for initiative!)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
(Okay since not everyone could make t yesterday we do it this way. Post in the turn order that way time difference wont be as big a deal)

One goblin smirks and goes to slash at the human wizard. (10 to hit. If it does take 6 damage)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
(Order: Goblin 1 (just had the turn) , Gareth , Zahir , Goblin 2 , Iona , Goblin 3, Solum.)


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2017
(I've got a 12 so that is a miss) Gareth sees the gobalin coming and sidesteps the swing. He grins and raches out twords the gobalin. (Using Shocking grasp, 10 on a touch attack)(takes 1 damage if it hits because I am bad at rolling)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Zahir sighs grabbing the giant sword on his back "Well. I did warn you three so ... " He swings the massive thing down in a powerful strike at the one that just attacked Gareth (goblin 1) (hit roll: d20+4 => 18 , damage roll 2d6+4 =>10)
He takes a step forward pulling the attention of the others towards him "If you stop fighting so will I" he says to the goblins.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The first goblin hits the wall and slumps. (Remember unless you say so that the attack is meant to be fatal then the enemy wont die) The second one growls and fires a arrow at the wolf (10 to hit, if it does take 6 damage)


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
Iona wrinkles her nose as the goblins spit their response. "Wretches!" She condemns them as they advance. "Come forth then! Come forth and let your masters know that it was Countess Meredith and her allies that sent you whimpering back to them!" She sweeps her arms through the air, making the mists around her swirl and spill. "Feel the fist of death!"

Iona suddenly lunges out with her hand and curls it into a claw. On the other side of the room, one unlucky goblin catches a glimpse of a ghostly, skeletal claw for but a moment,before it tries to clamp it's deathly cold talons into her green flesh!
(Chill touch)
(Goblin 2)
(Attack roll of 1d20+5 =19. Damage 1d8 = 2)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The goblin shivers but stays standing, her sister growls and fires an arrow at Iona. "Leave her be slut!" (22 to hit, if it does take 6 damage)


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
The cold claw cruelly tightens. "Cease your prattle, slovenly animal!" the countess snaps. "You and your debased kin ha-" She does not get to finish her rant as the arrow whips through the air and thumps into the girl's shoulder. A squeak of pain comes from her dark lips, shattering her concentration and making the skeletal claw vanish. The arrow, thankfully, didn't seem made for killing, more akin to a dart-like point than a broadhead. Iona reels backwards, her ruby eyes wide in shock, perhaps the very, very first time she's felt this 'pain' thing that was so easily and liberally applied to commoners.

Fear, then anger flashes through her as she seizes the arrow and pulls it free, throwing it aside as her eyes glower hard at the goblin. "" she fights for words, but they all slur away as the goblin poison starts to thread it's way through her body. Her pale, milky flesh was already starting to take a rosy hue. Her vision swam for a moment, making the girl squeeze her eyes shut and clasp her hands over her face. By the time she opened her eyes again, they could only leap to the hard body of the wolf-man, or the sly grin of the human and the confidence of the demon-man.

She buckles over slightly as this unusual, alien sensation heats her up, making the girl draw her knees together. "T-that didn't hurt.." she swallows, trying her best to maintain her pride and senses, glowering ahead at the goblins. Focus Iona, Focus! This must be some sort of poison!


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
Solum curses himself for hesitating in joining the fight before launching himself at the goblin that had fired the arrow with a snarl, one of his short-swords flashing as he takes a swing at the poor archer. (Goblin 3, Hit roll: 21 [17+4] Damage: 3 [1+2])


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2017
Gareth let's out a light growl as his spell fails but he sees Zahir cleave the gobalin that attacked him. He looks over twords the other two gobalins. He moves twords the closer of the two and casts another spell. ( Using lightning lure(18 to hit) if it hits gobalin has to make a 15 strength save or be pulled 10 ft and takes (1d8 =>5) damage)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Zahir sighs getting bored of the goblins that could have just listen to him. He walks up to the remaining goblin and swing his sword at her to hit :rolled 9 , possible damage :14


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
She ducks and tries to slash at the wolf with her sword. (13 to hit if it does take 5 damage)


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
Iona's focus blurs as the poison and pleasure creep through her senses. Her thin legs tremble as they struggle to hold her up and her breath comes in hot little gasps. It's the clang of steel upon steel that snaps her out of this confusion, reminding her that she's in the middle of a fight. Her crimson eyes instantly sharpen, showing the goblin swinging a blade at Zahir! Anger blazes in her eyes as she remembers her own pain from being shot.

"You..." She rears backwards, "...disgusting.." forgetting she is a lady and balling her delicate fingers into a small fist. "HARLOT!" she snaps, throwing her fist forward! Before the goblin, a great skeletal claw suddenly clamps into a solid, ghostly fist and slams into her!

(Chill touch again!)
(1d20+5 =20)
(1d8 damage = 5)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The goblin's strike just bounces off the wolf-morph's armor. As the last goblin falls Zahir crouches and searches the goblins (Rolled: 5)


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2017
Gareth grins as the gobalin goes down. He sees the last gobalin go down and Zahir check the bodies. While he does that Gareth takes a broader sweep of the room.
(Perception d20 => 17)


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
Still huffing and puffing, Iona glowers as she watches the goblin tumble backwards to the ground. The ghostly claw she manifested shimmers then vanishes, leaving only a passing aura of lingering cold. "Urrrgh!" she shudders from a heady cocktail of anger, disgust and venom-induced pleasure. She pats at her sore shoulder, the fabric of her gown darkened slightly from the faint blood that seeped from the wound the dart left upon her.

"You wretched, deplorable, disgusting, slovenly, cringeworthy, crawling, stooping, craven, cowardly PEARS!" she screeches! Hopping on the spot with every single blurt of her furious words, such is her anger! "You have wounded me!" she points to her shoulder. Despite there being little blood, the impact was somewhat significant and it's clear that Iona is in pain. She clicks her fingers loudly, trying to capture attention.

"Gentlemen!" she snaps, pointing the way they came. "I request you gather up these vermin and dump them into that pit! Upon our return we shall collect them and take them to face the justice of the queen they oppose!" She clutches her hand to her shoulder , shivering from the pain. "..then..maybe we can rest a little?" she asks quietly. "...or if we want to stride onwards, then so be it!"

(1hp left, damn!)


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
Solum sheathes his short-sword with a quick huff of breath. He sees Zahir inspect the bodies of the goblins and leaves him to his search. Solum lets out a sigh upon hearing Iona's tirade before her sudden clicking causes him to lightly flinch and stare in her direction.

"We shouldn't have to drop them in the pit, they probably won't wake from a beating like that for a while" he replies after hearing her request, before blinking and promptly bringing a hand to his forehead with a muffled growl of "idiot" as he realizes the obvious pain in her voice.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
"Yes, it is over." Iona sweeps a hand through her ghostly white hair. "By the power of my dreadful magicks, the green skinned vermin have been pacified." she gestures over to the unconcious goblins. "Look how dumpy they are, they must have been eating all your foodstuff!" she wags a finger, wincing slightly as she feels a nip of pain from her wounded shoulder.

"Now then Meepo, what do you advise we do henceforth? Do you want to capture these villians? Or shall we set them free? I personally urge they are taken to your Queen's justice, if the hired help will comply." she nods over to the men searching the room nearby.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Zahir picks one of the swords and a piece of armor from one of the goblins and stands up. He walks up to Meepo "Here you go buddy, You still don't need to fight but is better you have something you can protect yourself with"
He smiles leaning forward to kiss the kobold's head and give him the sword and armor, he then whispers into the kobold's ear "Not that I mind looking at your sexy loicloth~" He chuckles and steps back giving the kobold a nice vision of the wolf's firm buttcheeks .


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The kobold blushes a bit and takes the armor. "Umm queen would like there to be no goblins" He shrugs.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
He goes remove all the clothes and armor from the goblins before taking a rope from his backpack and tieing the three together in a bunddle " Either way ,I think it is best to tie them up for now and maybe later see if we trade for something with the Queen or someone in the bazaar ,there is always someone eager for goblins" he shrugs "But if you want buddy I will give them for free" he smiles leaving the goblins tied up and go open the next door .