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  1. TheDevilYouKnow

    We need more silicon

    Jesus Christ almighty, do we have to start automatically archiving threads like reddit?
  2. TheDevilYouKnow

    Feral-like species?

    They basically have the lower body of a T-Rex, albeit with two tails. Their upper body is what you would typically expect with a taur, but instead of arms they have wings with claws. It's all in the codex under appearance.
  3. TheDevilYouKnow

    Feral-like species?

    They're basically wyvern-taurs. Definitely no tendrils to be had.
  4. TheDevilYouKnow

    Can Someone Please Put The Latest Public Version in a Dropbox For Me?
  5. TheDevilYouKnow

    Can Someone Please Put The Latest Public Version in a Dropbox For Me?

    My bad, I keep forgetting to put it up preemptively. I'll have it up around the same time as last time.
  6. TheDevilYouKnow

    Github/Source code saltiness thread

    Can we be a little more patient than three days before we get all whiny and bitchy. Especially for something that they don't have to do. Something that, I'm willing to bet, nobody messaged Fen or Gedan about. Also, threads and comments on the blog are not good ways to let them know that there is...
  7. TheDevilYouKnow

    Tessa's wedding event

    This should cover the harder endings.
  8. TheDevilYouKnow

    Cum color change mod.

    You might run this by Fen. I remember a project that died that had a cum color NPC merchant and I think there were issues with the cum color specifically. Probably related to cum color already being tied to cum types. I could be wrong though.
  9. TheDevilYouKnow

    Has TiTS effectively become pay to play only now?

    I don't think you realize how the public patches actually work, and I feel dumber just trying to wrap my mind around how you came to your conclusion.
  10. TheDevilYouKnow

    Rita the crew member/slave

    How else are we going to get in that sweet, chocolaty booty of hers?
  11. TheDevilYouKnow

    Quest for a third level of Anusoft and the Pussy Pump

    Just look at just about any TF doc for structure. Couch's would probably be a good place to start.
  12. TheDevilYouKnow

    Twi'lek Content Question

    It's 100% not going to happen for any trademarked likenesses. That would just be asking for a cease and desist.
  13. TheDevilYouKnow

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    It's cause Savin has a never ending, always growing, pile of shit to do. Probably... There's always commissioning if you really want it.
  14. TheDevilYouKnow

    Can Someone Please Put The Latest Public Version in a Dropbox For Me?

    If nobody beats me to it, I'll have it up in about 4 hours when I get off work.
  15. TheDevilYouKnow

    Can you actually impregnate Saec?

    It definitely has not. I believe Hugs intended it as an eventually kind of thing, but I'm pretty sure he's only writing for CoC2 now. I'm not a patron of his though, so I can't say with 100% certainty that he'll never write for TiTS again.
  16. TheDevilYouKnow

    Dedicated Sera Thread

    I'm pretty sure neither of the breaking scenes are repeatable. The cuddle scene is the only way for her to impregnate the PC at the moment.
  17. TheDevilYouKnow

    Dedicated Sera Thread

    It seems as though you've already done it. You wouldn't have her as a merchant otherwise.
  18. TheDevilYouKnow

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    They didn't. They asked for more demons.
  19. TheDevilYouKnow

    William's Wall

    Have you asked Fen about whether or not Bianca is able to be submitted? Since he didn't really go into detail about whether or not resubmissions for new NPCs were barred. I would assume they are also, but it wouldn't hurt to check.