Tessa's wedding event

Kanzen chowa

Aug 19, 2016
I can’t quite wrap my head around all the tessa wedding stuff even with wiki’s help. Anyone one have like a detail list of choices for each ending?


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2015
Suit, sit and wait, read it, good, go for it, dating, bride, ask for some, prefer Adra, take hand, Adra, leave it, Tessa, with Jan, beer, loved it, of course, seen me, let's go back, her and adra, encourage, sounds great, let Adra, um sorry, say goodbye, try to help

Dress, sit and wait, put it back, good, go for it, just friends, groom, ask for some, prefer clark, don't act, clark, quick hit, smile and nod, beer, liked it, yeah yeah, shrug, lets go back, sit it out, jump, sounds good, help clark

suit, sit and wait, put it back, good, pass, lover, bride, ask for some, prefer monty, take hand, monty, quick hit, other students, Jan and Adra, beer, seconds, no problem, a fun lady, let's go back, dance, encourage, uh sure, explain, um sorry, laugh, sure

This should cover the harder endings.
Last edited:

Kanzen chowa

Aug 19, 2016
Suit, sit and wait, read it, good, go for it, dating, bride, ask for some, prefer Adra, take hand, Adra, leave it, Tessa, with Jan, beer, loved it, of course, seen me, let's go back, her and adra, encourage, sounds great, let Adra, um sorry, say goodbye, try to help

Dress, sit and wait, put it back, good, go for it, just friends, groom, ask for some, prefer clark, don't act, clark, quick hit, smile and nod, beer, liked it, yeah yeah, shrug, lets go back, sit it out, jump, sounds good, help clark

suit, sit and wait, put it back, good, pass, lover, bride, ask for some, prefer monty, take hand, monty, quick hit, other students, Jan and Adra, beer, seconds, no problem, a fun lady, let's go back, dance, encourage, uh sure, explain, um sorry, laugh, sure

This should cover the harder endings.

Thank you


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
Suit, sit and wait, read it, good, go for it, dating, bride, ask for some, prefer Adra, take hand, Adra, leave it, Tessa, with Jan, beer, loved it, of course, seen me, let's go back, her and adra, encourage, sounds great, let Adra, um sorry, say goodbye, try to help

Dress, sit and wait, put it back, good, go for it, just friends, groom, ask for some, prefer clark, don't act, clark, quick hit, smile and nod, beer, liked it, yeah yeah, shrug, lets go back, sit it out, jump, sounds good, help clark

suit, sit and wait, put it back, good, pass, lover, bride, ask for some, prefer monty, take hand, monty, quick hit, other students, Jan and Adra, beer, seconds, no problem, a fun lady, let's go back, dance, encourage, uh sure, explain, um sorry, laugh, sure

This should cover the harder endings.
haha oh shit, I didn't even know there was a foursome option. I wound impressing everyone (according to Tessa) but wound up getting annoyed by her behavior and turned her down for reward snu-snu after the wedding.


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2017
Save as file.html and open it in browser:

function calcScores(){
	var scores = {TA: 0, BSA: 0, GSA: 0, FC: 7, SAL: 0, TAL: 0};
	Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('#choices input')).forEach(function(input){
		if (input.checked) for (var attr in scores) {
			var value = input.parentNode.getAttribute(attr);
			if (value=='S') {
				scores.SAL += scores.FC;
				scores.FC = 0;
			} else if (value=='T') {
				scores.TAL += scores.FC;
				scores.FC = 0;
			} else scores[attr] += parseInt(value || 0);
	var results = JSON.stringify(scores,null,'\t');
	if (scores.TAL>=10 || scores.SAL>=10) {
		if (scores.SAL>=10) results+='\nSteele is shit-faced';
		if (scores.TAL>=10) results+='\nTessa is shit-faced';
	} else if (scores.TA>=15 && scores.TAL>=7) {
		if (scores.BSA>=17 && scores.GSA>=17) results+='\nFoursome';
		if (scores.BSA>=15) results+='\nThreesome (if Adra\'s flags was set)';

label {white-space: pre; font-family: monospace; font-size:14px}
label::after { content: "\9 TA=" attr(TA) "\9 BSA=" attr(BSA) "\9 GSA=" attr(GSA) "\9 FC=" attr(FC) "\9 SAL=" attr(SAL) "\9 TAL=" attr(TAL); color: gray; }

<form onchange="calcScores()" id=choices>
Phase 1: Getting Ready
<label TA=1                                 ><input type=radio name=p11>Pick Suit     </label><br>
<label TA=1                                 ><input type=radio name=p11>Pick Dress    </label><br>
<label                                      ><input type=radio name=p11>As You Are    </label><br>
<label                                      ><input type=radio name=p12>Her room      </label><br>
<label TA=-1                                ><input type=radio name=p12>Try to peek   </label><br>
<label                                      ><input type=radio name=p12>Sit and wait *</label><br>
<label TA=1                                 ><input type=radio name=p14>Good          </label><br>
<label TA=1                                 ><input type=radio name=p14>Sexy          </label><br>
<label TA=1                                 ><input type=radio name=p14>Like a hooker </label><br>
<label                                      ><input type=radio name=p14>Stay silent   </label><br>
<label                     FC=-2 SAL=1 TAL=1><input type=radio name=p15>Go for it     </label><br>
<label                     FC=-1       TAL=1><input type=radio name=p15>Pass          </label><br>
<label                                      ><input type=radio name=p15>Suggest sober </label><br>
Phase2: The Wedding Ceremony
<label       BSA=1  GSA=1                   ><input type=radio name=p21>Just Your Name</label><br>
<label TA=-1 BSA=1  GSA=1                   ><input type=radio name=p21>Just friends  </label><br>
<label TA=1  BSA=1  GSA=1                   ><input type=radio name=p21>Dating        </label><br>
<label TA=-2 BSA=2  GSA=2                   ><input type=radio name=p21>Lover         </label><br>
<label              GSA=5                   ><input type=radio name=p22>Groom         </label><br>
<label       BSA=5                          ><input type=radio name=p22>Bride         </label><br>
<label TA=1                FC=-2 SAL=1 TAL=1><input type=radio name=p23>Ask for some  </label><br>
<label                     FC=-2       TAL=2><input type=radio name=p23>Just her      </label><br>
<label TA=1                FC=-1       TAL=1><input type=radio name=p23>Bad idea?     </label><br>
<label       BSA=3  GSA=-1                  ><input type=radio name=p24>Prefer Adra   </label><br>
<label       BSA=-1 GSA=3                   ><input type=radio name=p24>Prefer Clark  </label><br>
<label TA=1  BSA=1  GSA=1                   ><input type=radio name=p24>Prefer Monty  </label><br>
<label TA=2  BSA=2                          ><input type=radio name=p24>Prefer Tessa  </label><br>
<label TA=1  BSA=1  GSA=1                   ><input type=radio name=p25>Take hand     </label><br>
<label TA=1                                 ><input type=radio name=p25>Don't act     </label><br>
<label TA=2                                 ><input type=radio name=p25>Tell Tessa    </label><br>
<label TA=1                                 ><input type=radio name=p26 checked>Any (your home)</label><br>
Phase 3: Dinnertime
<label                     FC=-1 SAL=1      ><input type=radio name=p31>Quick hit     </label><br>
<label                     FC=S             ><input type=radio name=p31>Finish flask  </label><br>
<label                                      ><input type=radio name=p31>Leave it      </label><br>
<label       BSA=1  GSA=1                   ><input type=radio name=p32>Tessa         </label><br>
<label       BSA=2  GSA=2                   ><input type=radio name=p32>Other students *</label><br>
<label TA=2  BSA=2  GSA=2                   ><input type=radio name=p32>Smile and nod </label><br>
<br>"Tessa" selected:<br>
<label TA=2  BSA=1  GSA=1                   ><input type=radio name=p3a>Hope not      </label><br>
<label TA=1  BSA=2                          ><input type=radio name=p3a>Doind something</label><br>
<label TA=-2 BSA=-2 GSA=-1                  ><input type=radio name=p3a>Taking dump   </label><br>
<label                                      ><input type=radio name=p3a>With Jan      </label><br>
<label                                      ><input type=radio name=p3a>-skip-        </label><br>
<br>"Oher students" selected:</br>
<label       BSA=1  GSA=1                   ><input type=radio name=p3b>Ladies?       </label><br>
<label TA=2  BSA=1  GSA=1                   ><input type=radio name=p3b>Give a nod    </label><br>
<label TA=-1 BSA=-1                         ><input type=radio name=p3b>Tessa's fault?</label><br>
<label                                      ><input type=radio name=p3b>Jan and Adra *</label><br>
<label                                      ><input type=radio name=p3b>-skip-        </label><br>
<label TA=3  BSA=1  GSA=1                   ><input type=radio name=p34>Water         </label><br>
<label TA=2  BSA=2  GSA=2        SAL=1 TAL=1><input type=radio name=p34>Beer          </label><br>
<label TA=-1 BSA=4  GSA=4        SAL=2 TAL=2><input type=radio name=p34>Wine          </label><br>
<label TA=-2 BSA=4  GSA=4  FC=5  SAL=4 TAL=1><input type=radio name=p34>More kick     </label><br>
<label TA=1  BSA=1  GSA=1  FC=T             ><input type=radio name=p35>Liked it      </label><br>
<label TA=2  BSA=1  GSA=1  FC=T             ><input type=radio name=p35>Loved it      </label><br>
<label TA=1  BSA=1  GSA=2  FC=T             ><input type=radio name=p35>Seconds?      </label><br>
<label TA=-1 BSA=-1 GSA=-1 FC=T             ><input type=radio name=p35>Not great     </label><br>
<label TA=2  BSA=1  GSA=1                   ><input type=radio name=p36>Of course     </label><br>
<label TA=1  BSA=1  GSA=1                   ><input type=radio name=p36>No problem    </label><br>
<label       BSA=1  GSA=1                   ><input type=radio name=p36>Yeah, yeah    </label><br>
<label TA=-1 BSA=1  GSA=1                   ><input type=radio name=p36>Fuck, fine    </label><br>
Phase 4: The Reception
<label TA=2                            TAL=1><input type=radio name=p41>Shrug         </label><br>
<label TA=1  BSA=1  GSA=1              TAL=1><input type=radio name=p41>A fun lady    </label><br>
<label       BSA=1  GSA=1              TAL=1><input type=radio name=p41>Seen me?      </label><br>
<label TA=1                                 ><input type=radio name=p42>Let's go back </label><br>
<label TA=2                      SAL=1 TAL=1><input type=radio name=p42>Drink with    </label><br>
<label                                 TAL=2><input type=radio name=p42>Watch her     </label><br>
<label TA=3  BSA=2  GSA=2                   ><input type=radio name=p43>Dance         </label><br>
<label TA=-1                                ><input type=radio name=p43>Sit it out    </label><br>
<label TA=-2 BSA=2  GSA=2                   ><input type=radio name=p43>Her and Adra *</label><br>
<label TA=1  BSA=3  GSA=3                   ><input type=radio name=p44>Jump!         </label><br>
<label TA=5  BSA=1  GSA=1                   ><input type=radio name=p44>Push bitch    </label><br>
<label       BSA=3  GSA=3                   ><input type=radio name=p44>Touch butts   </label><br>
<label TA=3  BSA=3  GSA=3                   ><input type=radio name=p44>Encourage     </label><br>
<label                                      ><input type=radio name=p44>This is stupid</label><br>
<label TA=2  BSA=-1 GSA=-1                  ><input type=radio name=p46>Sounds good   </label><br>
<label TA=1  BSA=-1 GSA=-1                  ><input type=radio name=p46>Uh, sure      </label><br>
<label       BSA=-1 GSA=-1                  ><input type=radio name=p46>Don't want to </label><br>
<label TA=-2 BSA=-1 GSA=-1                  ><input type=radio name=p46>Fuck that     </label><br>
Phase 5: The Final Stretch
<label TA=-3                                ><input type=radio name=p52>Say nothing   </label><br>
<label TA=1                                 ><input type=radio name=p52>Explain       </label><br>
<label                                      ><input type=radio name=p52>Let Adra      </label><br>
<label                                      ><input type=radio name=p53>What?         </label><br>
<label TA=1                                 ><input type=radio name=p53>Um... Sorry?  </label><br>
<label TA=-3                                ><input type=radio name=p53>You're a bitch</label><br>
<label TA=1                                 ><input type=radio name=p54>Say goodbye?  </label><br>
<label TA=-1                                ><input type=radio name=p54>Back to ship? </label><br>
<label                                      ><input type=radio name=p54>So... Sex?    </label><br>
<label TA=2  BSA=-1 GSA=1                   ><input type=radio name=p55>Try to help   </label><br>
<label TA=-1 BSA=1  GSA=1                   ><input type=radio name=p55>Laugh         </label><br>
<label TA=-2 BSA=2  GSA=2                   ><input type=radio name=p55>Silent        </label><br>

<pre id="results" style="position:fixed; top:0; left:50%; background:#EEE">
TA  - Tessa Approval
BSA - Bride Side Approval
GSA - Groom Side Approval
FC  - Flask Charge
SAL - Steele Alcohol Level
TAL - Tessa Alcohol Level


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2018
Minnesota, USA
even with the guide it can be tricky to get the outcome you want as there is a lot going on. it took me a few tries to get the three way with her ausar friend.

Unoriginal Name.404

Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2018
even with the guide it can be tricky to get the outcome you want as there is a lot going on. it took me a few tries to get the three way with her ausar friend.