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  1. R

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Just to wind out this conversation since it seems to be going nowhere and neither of us seems to enjoy the nature of it, I'd just like to say some little closing notes. I don't think anyone but you was arguing toward a specific person or people. You literally by your own admission shared an...
  2. R

    Your gripes with CoC II

    I never assumed you disliked the characters. I couldn't have possibly known you agreed with anything because you never really stated an opinion on anything and just kind of devil's advocated an assortment of points I was struggling to figure out context for. I'm still trying to figure out how...
  3. R

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Writers are a vast and diverse group of people that certainly do not all try to avoid writing the same thing. Just as an example, almost the entirety of the Isekai genre is a power fantasy, and there are many, many, many writers within that space. As for this, specifically, their point is that...
  4. R

    [Delete please] Etheryn comments

    You should post this in the bug reports part of the forum, I imagine.
  5. R

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Not everyone has been around the forums for years and read a ton of posts. Hell, steam user's get almost zero interaction from the devs (perhaps understandably considering the temperaments over there...) so even those who have followed the game for years like myself may actually know very little...
  6. R

    My disorganized thoughts on the corruption dilemma

    No, it probably won't have as many options when you consider that a pure path also generally includes more neutral things in it as well. But to disagree on something, yes, your character does play--or rather, has the potential to play--the "main variable" in reshaping the world. The most...
  7. R

    Your gripes with CoC II

    To reply in like format: First: There's a difference between being corrupt in her presence and waving a corrupted thing significant to her in front of her face. Surely at least that much would warrant her reaction, right? Second: Indeed. My focus was more on that this behavior isn't really...
  8. R

    Your gripes with CoC II

    If I may posit my own theory, I would suggest the reason is as stated--to be annoying. It seems quite clear that they don't want you to cross the pantheon, and doing so even in the small ways they let you, is intended to be punishing in at least some form. Now this may make me sound dickish...
  9. R

    My disorganized thoughts on the corruption dilemma

    Thank you! I do agree that the game won't become genuinely dark overall. Sure there are some hamfisted bits and pieces that certainly don't match up with the rest of the project, but they're quite well isolated and don't really factor into the corruption aspect, and have nothing to do with...
  10. R

    Your gripes with CoC II

    I think I could accept their relationship priority more if it were properly portrayed that the player is enjoying being on the outside part of it. Or if it were properly shown that your character enjoys watching Jael bone Daliza. But there's this...strange sort of neglect to the player's part in...
  11. R

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Yes, she is. Her solo content is great. My complaints are purely about when they're together. The tone, dialogue, and implicated feelings during the threesomes are quite different, hence my brief little critical analysis. It's not a threesome so much as them being quite into each other...
  12. R

    Favorite PC Races (or configs)?

    I'm so glad to see I'm not alone! Just one tiny line, yet it's so haunting...
  13. R

    Favorite PC Races (or configs)?

    I'm not too different. I always want to try other races, but the fact that I have to TF makes me feel weirdly...disingenuous? Self-deceptive? I dunno. I could pretend my character was always a cowgirl or something, but the dang journal. It would never let me forget! "You started your journey...
  14. R

    Your gripes with CoC II

    I'm glad you asked because I hadn't even considered it at first. Going through it now though, it's clear from the beginning that it's just about the two of them. Jae calls you a chaperone, and talks about how she's aware that Daliza's obsessed with her. The champ just kinda dismissively accepts...
  15. R

    Your gripes with CoC II

    That's something I find weird about it as well. I mention it a bit in my big invisible post breaking down Lia and Azy's relationship. It's not really fetishized heavily or at all--it's not like having Brint stud for you or something like that. You just become an afterthought to the two once...
  16. R

    Your gripes with CoC II

    OKAY, I've discovered something rather interesting after reexamining the threesome they have when they sneak off. I have a post in this thread currently auto-hidden due to me editing it too many times right after posting it (darn my anxiety of not wanting to sound hostile), and in it, I went...
  17. R

    My disorganized thoughts on the corruption dilemma

    I do agree that faster overall progression is more preferable at this stage. Get us forward, and THEN get us options, that's the way I feel about it. And I too really struggle to maintain a low con Ryn. It's almost like instinct to try to raise her up. They really did a great job shaping that...
  18. R

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Okay, so I really wanted to refresh my memory as I finally finish and move on from the topic of Azy, Lia, and the player's relationship, so I created a new character and sped through the stuff just so I could fully experience it all again with renewed perspective. So here's a log I wrote as I...
  19. R

    My disorganized thoughts on the corruption dilemma

    I've seen a few comments recently mentioning the corruption path, or lack thereof. And I'd actually been thinking on that a bit recently on my own too: why the dark/corruption options don't really go anywhere at least as of yet. While I certainly can't deduce the factual reasons, I think my past...
  20. R

    Champion’s life expectancy

    The public design document quite literally calls the Baroness a "cumpire." Though with that said, it seems little else about her entry in it has been utilized in meaningful ways. Not that I'm criticizing--I'm rather intrigued and amused by it. It's interesting to see the original intent and...