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  1. R

    Ahmri Update (and future village updates?)

    I can answer that. And it's good news, too! I too love Ahmri and wish the centaur village got a bit more love. We can't even talk to half the npcs involved in that section of the quest after saving the village. It feels silly that it's so barren, especially considering how popular horse dicks...
  2. R

    What content would you like added?

    I can't speak for TITS or other Fenoxo-affiliated projects because I don't play them, but at the very least this game clearly crosses beyond grey. Unlike the incest in this game, which in some cases can pass the exceptions for the rules they outline, the bad ends and even combat wins/losses...
  3. R

    What content would you like added?

    This actually brings to mind that I don't think I've read the patreon policy since that update went live a long, long time ago. So here it is for anyone who wants a refresher but doesn't feel like finding it. There are a few things to note by the highlighted portion. First, sexual violence is...
  4. R

    What content would you like added?

    That's what I was alluding to when I said I don't think inbreeding is the issue when you have Ryn and Alissa. Even though she's the enemy, the intent for inbreeding is clear and the incestuous activity is literally canon. If inbreeding were the main reason incest was supposedly not allowed, I...
  5. R

    What content would you like added?

    I'd definitely argue the kitsune sisters aren't roundabout at all considering you can put one of them in the middle, meaning they directly, deliberately fuck each other. It's definitely incest and, well...yeaaah, it is a double standard. While I don't care for either version of Kinu and incest...
  6. R

    Your gripes with CoC II

    I was referring to courting someone through letters before you meet for the first time, period. While her letter is a sweet little one-off thank you for saving her, as far as further letters with her... I don't really see the point of having a pen pal in a porn game that isn't amorous in some...
  7. R

    What content would you like added?

    Put them on your ignore list. :confused: While there was a disagreement on the last page, after being proven wrong Animalistic literally said: That's more maturity than I've seen on average from you so far. Everyone, just put them on your ignore list. It also makes it so you don't even see...
  8. R

    Your gripes with CoC II

    That... Actually sounds like it'd be a really fun and unique character and project for a game like this. At some point your reputation has piqued the interest of some rando in the marches, and they send a letter to the Frosthound and you become pen pals. Space out the letter timings so you...
  9. R

    What content would you like added?

    No. That is a very naïve stance. You can't nip a discussion in the bud just because it doesn't start with two people agreeing. Doing so would only create a very sad little echo chamber. Differing opinions and challenge without aggression are how improvements are made. As long as people maintain...
  10. R

    What content would you like added?

    I second numbers 1 and 4 of that post. lol
  11. R

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Yeah, I really don't blame anyone for not going there personally for many reasons. That's the main reason I suggested adding more to the monthly updates because no one is generally directly identified by those. And why I offered to collect feedback myself. lol As for a message update, I'm glad...
  12. R

    Your gripes with CoC II

    I think I've said just about everything useful I can as to the inclusion of more m/m content. I only really bring it up because, while I don't particularly want it for myself, I do want it for others who I know have been a bit neglected for a while now. For perspective, I just checked the steam...
  13. R

    Sugo Impregnation?

    For people like myself, the latter isn't quite as appealing. While I may want this or that included for my own tastes, I've never been one to get high on my own supply, so to speak. But commissioning someone else to do it seems smart if it's allowed. Though my thoughts were more about...
  14. R

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Given the language this person used, I think it's more about wanting more non-combat exclusive males to fuck that don't have horse wangs. It also literally starts with "I hope there's more added" and not "there is none." Knee-jerk reactions aren't generally helpful in conversations like this...
  15. R

    Sugo Impregnation?

    Wait. That's an option?! Weeeell sounds like you'd best get in touch! Take that bullet for the team! lol In all seriousness though, perhaps that might be a worthwhile avenue for others to go down as well. Huh... I do have a friend who's a fantastic writer and is far more bi than I am and loves...
  16. R

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Hmm... Hmmmm... I'm going to do something I'd normally never considering doing, but since I found what might be the only piece of feedback on the most recent steam update that's not sociopathic or sycophantic, I'd like to share it in light of other recent gripes. Though it's not just due to...
  17. R

    Your gripes with CoC II

    I figured! I'm sure it doesn't help that I also write so, sooo much into my posts that it's undoubtedly exhausting to read after only a short time. But I just can't help myself! lol. I'll try to be a bit more concise from now on for your and others' sanities, at least in this thread. Still it's...
  18. R

    [0.5.29] Drifa praise scene is blank.

    I just started doing her content on a new save and found that this happens whenever I pick the praise option after it first opens. Edit: Okay, so eventually it does load up a scene once you progress far enough into her content, but whatever's supposed to be there in the screenshot, at that...
  19. R

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Oof. Well if true I suppose I understand more about the why now, but it still doesn't justify pushing that negativity on others.
  20. R

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Alright, I certainly did not intend to delve back into this, but I just can't help myself after seeing these two gems. I would argue it is appropriate simply because you are in the complaint thread telling people to stop complaining, when it is an ongoing, actual conversation. While I've...