Favorite PC Races (or configs)?


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2023
What are your general favorite races for your Champs, and do you go by that race all the time, or vary per type of character?

For me I tend to change race per archetype and if I'm going for a pure or corrupt play:

For a male Paladin type I tend to stick to human, but buff them out with giant potion and blue eggs to just lean into that as much as possible, ending up somewhat like Leofric of the Marked Merks in the Foothills. For my corrupt black mage herm, I can't decide if I want to stick to the goth Wyld Elf she started out as, or just go full corrupt succubus/omnibus and lean into that. My pure White Mage meanwhile is sticking to female Elf with Dove Wings Wyld Mark until Lumia is accepting new applicants.

For my shemale bimbo charmer I can't really decide what would be the sexiest race for such a character (half the reason I made this post, so I can steal inspiration from you guys!), sticking with just a bubbly blonde human with curves all around, or go for something else, I specifically don't want to go seductive demon on her because she's actually a good girl, even if cuddling up to things she probably shouldn't including Kassy gives her a lot of corruption that's not really a part of her character as much as happy go lucky bimbo doofus that wants everyone to have a good time and get along. I shifted her to a Cinderscale Salamander earlier today with bronze skin, crimson scales and pink hair to go full analmander, but I'm semi regretting it already and considering going back, or going Vesperan, but I sort of want to keep her unique race-wise in the party and already got a bimbo Azzy to play with.

Beyond these I've done a couple of more salamanders, some Orcs that seem to end up demonic Minotaurs after a bit, and dabbled in femmy sissy cat boys. Really wish we had more Dragon TFs (many of which like tongue are actually in the game and PC-usable but only accessible via Save Editor) and I'd make at least one of my Champs Aileh's natural companion like I did with her "sister" Kiha in COC1 (and Ember, but I have no idea at this point if she was a mod-added character). I don't play Lupines without TFing them to half Lupines like the Puppers, and almost never want to Soulbind to Keros with any characters, either because the character won't fit being a kitsune, or I'm romancing Kas, or my character distrusts the Trickster.

So what about you guys, what sort of races do you mostly end up with? Including frequent racial attributes for you Chimeras out there.


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2018
looks at the singular lupine character he's made and runs with since 2018

...Lupine I guess... though I humanized him a bit by now...
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Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2023
looks at the singular lupine character he's made and runs with since 2018

...Lupine I guess... though I humanized him a bit by now...
That's some dedication, when properly playing the game I get constant restartiits, wanting to see this or that scene if my character was like that instead. Which is also why there are large chunks of the game I haven't seen yet, most notably in Undermountain.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Most of my Champs including my main are human with little to no TFing,; the furthest I've gone away from character creation is one human-turned-cowgirl.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
Elves and humans. I wouldn't mind making an orc or a catgirl, but I haven't figured out who I'd smash them together with yet.

I don't really like the idea of making a character who TFs into another race than their starting one (valkyries partially excepted, since you retain your current race), so although I'd love to make some cowgirls and 'manders (and, eventually, dragons), I haven't.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2020
Lupine, manticore and hellhound (I know you can't actually be one but with ebony skin demon horns and double dog dicks I can head cannon them as a hellhound). these are the 3 characters I've stuck with through the game. I very rarely make new ones and when I do I don't keep them for very long.


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2017
My main champ is a goody-two-shoes, subby mess Wyld Elf with a fox tail. I like elves (basic bitch, I know) and the idea of having a tail that wags when happy/excited is cute to me, sue me =P I also love that elf ears are emotive so I can have best of both worlds with them and the tail!

I like her how she is so I tend not to use TFs much but if do it'll likely be the Lumia soulbind/valkyrie transformation so I can spoil Ryn some more.

I don't really use any characters other than my main champ but I may or may not have made a seperate champ purely to access the headpats and stuff from the Kitsune TF...


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2022
Elves and humans. I wouldn't mind making an orc or a catgirl, but I haven't figured out who I'd smash them together with yet.

I don't really like the idea of making a character who TFs into another race than their starting one (valkyries partially excepted, since you retain your current race), so although I'd love to make some cowgirls and 'manders (and, eventually, dragons), I haven't.
I'm not too different. I always want to try other races, but the fact that I have to TF makes me feel weirdly...disingenuous? Self-deceptive? I dunno.

I could pretend my character was always a cowgirl or something, but the dang journal. It would never let me forget!

"You started your journey as a human, but now you're..."

Curse you, journal! Let me live in my fantasy! lol

As for me, given my weirdly self-imposed limitation, I usually go human or orc. I do really like the rut from orc, and human makes me feel more related to the character. Neither are particularly exciting though, I admit. I'm a bit basic, too. lol
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2019
Human/Elf/Orc is what I usually play! Also my favorite races to play in tabletop games so coming into this game, the choices were pretty easy. I do wish there were more races I liked in this game (cough TIEFLING) but i understand why. I do wish for cowgirl tho I do wish for cowgirl.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2022
I'm not too different. I always want to try other races, but the fact that I have to TF makes me feel weirdly...disingenuous? Self-deceptive? I dunno.

I could pretend my character was always a cowgirl or something, but the dang journal. It would never let me forget!

"You started your journey as a human, but now you're..."

Curse you, journal! Let me live in my fantasy! lol

As for me, given my weirdly self-imposed limitation, I usually go human or orc. I do really like the rut from orc, and human makes me feel more related to the character. Neither are particularly exciting though, I admit. I'm a bit basic, too. lol
Just wanted to chime in to say that that seemingly innocuous line in the journal also bothered me when I tried TFing!

I play almost exclusively catfolk (or catfolk --> kitsune) nowadays.


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2019
I usually end up counting as Elf cause I want wings, from a starting point of either Elf or Human. Tho sometimes I just start as catte and stay catte. Catte good.
I would play Kitsune or Valkyrie (I lean a little more foxgirl than catgirl, and more explicitly angelic is a plus), but giving my soul away is a non-starter for me.


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2022
Just wanted to chime in to say that that seemingly innocuous line in the journal also bothered me when I tried TFing!

I play almost exclusively catfolk (or catfolk --> kitsune) nowadays.
I'm so glad to see I'm not alone! Just one tiny line, yet it's so haunting...


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
I usually start Human and transform into Kitsune. I don't really do a lot of the TF items outside of minor adjustments. If it wasn't for my like of becoming a Kitsune and had to tf to something? Siorcanna morph. I just like Sharkmorphs.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2023
With the large amount of people in this thread and the other thread (should have looked further back and necroed that, if you posted in that thread no need to repeat! Unless you want to at least. And Savin and Alypia's OCs are gorgeous btw) that stick to the standard races, I suddenly wonder how much of the TF elements are semi-wasted almost, in terms of dev effort, though I do appreciate that Icerose was added if for no other reason it allows me to be an elf without a Wyld part.

I always thought I was weird for the game type to for me to be sticking to human in the original COC for like 75 % of the time at least (until Xianxia came along and made it almost mandatory in order to get higher ranks of power), as well as so frequently just sticking with that human paladin in this game, and restarting him exactly as before more often than not if I've taken a break and want to refresh things.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
Devs who write TF items usually do so because they want to. This is why so many TF items are actually community submissions (including, infamously, the pig TF).


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2023
Yeah the pig TF is a strange one, given as far as I know there are still no actual pig NPCs in the game...

But that is quite interesting, that they are community submissions. Now I'm wondering how many of those were to add the COC1 TFs, and how many was for someone's MC.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I for one am happy there's a pig TF in the game. My Champions always get a pig tail. I hated that CoC never had one until the mods, and, -if I can recall things correctly- the one Revamp used was salvaged from a scraped submission. One that included the typical "overdo it and you'll become an animal" bad end, this time featuring "Bubba's Shack".
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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2018
Kitsune simply because it makes you a vampire demon and Gothmander when that comes out because who doesn't like a salamander that can also eat magic, other then those two godsworn TFs the Dragon TF when that also comes out will be added to my list.

The Valkyrie seem like it could be cool but I need more information on it, like the powers it gives and TF limitations before I start theory crafting a character.


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2022
KItsune and a Catfolk femboy with a Leothran tail for more fluff. Also a harpy for my vagina-only run. Then a whole bunch of randoms I make and use for like a day then stop using. Such as minotaur, salamanders, satyrs, etc...

And as someone who has two TF items in the game which I myself don't usually use that often. I made them cause I felt like at the time I wanted satyr and batfolk femboy pc.
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Active Member
Dec 9, 2018
I tend to bounce around from sticking with my half-orc (human with tusks), a frostscale salamander, as well as tanuki because nuki-nuts are great. Minotaurs are also high on my list, but I am waiting for the coveted dragon tf assuming that's still in the pipeline.


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2016
I always wind up playing an elf because I love it.

My main character is a femboy elf, with golden hair. I use frost salamander skin to get the cream color and I use the harpy skin type to get smooth skin. And then I save edited fae eyes because the descriptor for them is that they catch the light and sparkle like jewels. (Tbh if anyone ever finished the fae transformative, I would probably throw some gossamer butterfly wings on my elf too lol.)

Though I do have save files with a satyr guy to watch topping scenes, a minotaur guy to try out if scenes change with height differences, and a female moth girl to try out female-exclusive scenes. But I tend to just stick to my main elf for actual game progression.

Prince Charming

Active Member
Mar 18, 2020
Really wish we had more Dragon TFs
If i recall correctly, dragon tfs will come into the game at a later point in the story!
Dragon tfs will be related to the story itself (again, if memory serves right), so you might not be able to play as a "dragonoid" in the first or even second act of the game.
Unfortunately i am ass at keeping track of where i read info from, but i think it came from Savin himself.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Unfortunately i am ass at keeping track of where i read info from, but i think it came from Savin himself.
Here's one place where Savin's talked about it on the forums as a later-game thing. He's given us more teasing on Discord that basically states that the dragon TF is being worked on in association with the upcoming RynQuest. We know that was originally hoped to be out before the end of last year but now it's going to be sooner rather than later this year. So dragon TF should be Soon (tm).


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2022
Start -- wyld elf female-- nearly always with a bovine tail. Add tenta cock for Kiyoko content. Remove cock once she is freed. Remain elf long enough to mother a kid with Hashat. Morph into a harpy to have lots and lots of harpy chicks -- they are so adorable. Add small random transformations for flavor and variation. On some runs the PC will morph back to elf after a while and sometimes not just depending on my mood and how long the run lasts before I go to another game for a while.

My current PC started wyld elf female with a bovine tail and is currently a harpy, with cervine antlers and a succubus tail. I keep intending to do a dark knight run and or a bimbo run but never do....this PC was supposed to be a bimbo dark knight but she's nearly complete with the content I know about and her corruption is currently 0, she's not a bimbo and the highest her corruption ever got was 20. I went to the cloister one time to burn a few days off a pregnancy and it removed all 20 of her corruption.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2023
I keep intending to do a dark knight run and or a bimbo run but never do....this PC was supposed to be a bimbo dark knight but she's nearly complete with the content I know about and her corruption is currently 0, she's not a bimbo and the highest her corruption ever got was 20. I went to the cloister one time to burn a few days off a pregnancy and it removed all 20 of her corruption.

I would not recommend doing a bimbo dark knight, as the Bimbo will actually override Dark Knight more often than not, the High Ground quest even cause you to get Dawnsword instead of Corrupted Dawnsword if you are a Bimbo Dark Knight, because Bimbo overwrites it. Basically to a large degree Bimbo just ignores corruption entirely, to the point it becomes a meaningless stat for most instances that check for them (which are few to begin with). Not to mention most of the few "Evil" choices in this game just doesn't fit a bubbly bimbo, and the ones that do fit are because they are either slutty or your character probably didn't think of all the implications.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
Nah, Bimbo can still be written to be most innocenty evil little scamp if you just use "pc.corruptionRange" parser. Example [pc.isBimvo|[pc.corruptionRange 0 60|Oh goody, such a beautiful day filled with sunshine and horniness!|Oh goody, here I go prancing for the conquest of all the cute butts!]]
Same way one can distinguish between a DK and trully corrupt DK by also using corruption range. Where a somewhat pure Darknight leaves you with the slap on the wrist if they do not like you, the other leaves you without one.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2022
I start as a human and go demon although my journal still considers me a human(demon face, eyes, ears, arms and legs), I'm waiting for dragon stuff to mix it with demon like I do with my Steele.