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  1. Mister Gregar

    TiTsEd - A save editor

    100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.0 is the biggest number the editor will permit. Based on exactly 42 seconds of testing in game, the game will allow you to use these amounts without breaking. Have fun with that. Also, I tested for exactly 42 seconds, so I have no clue...
  2. Mister Gregar

    What's the "cutest" sex scene?

    One of the ones where you just hug/cuddle with the person. Leaning towards the one with Anno on Tarkus, maybe the one with Brandy (I think I have the right booze-cow) after that. That said, that doesn't really meet the "sex" scene requirement, so maybe Aina or coked-out Shekka with the hazard...
  3. Mister Gregar

    Wsan writing

    There used to be no real warning about her forced TF, and no way to get revenge. You just walked in, expected a fight based on how things were written, an instead got bimbo'd. Nothing you can do about it, fuck you mate. Hope you saved. Rubbed a lot of people the wrong way, especially those not...
  4. Mister Gregar

    A list of unrelated questions

    Unless it's been changed, it gives you an active ability in combat that raises defenses a bit and covers you in sap, the smell of which deals minor lust damage to the enemy each turn. Lasts like two or three turns, and is weaker than other options for the cost. Still fun to use.
  5. Mister Gregar

    Nonesuch's Catalogue of Smut

    After a long day of work, Kanye West goes to his Kanye Nest to take his Kanye Rest. He wakes up feeling his Kanye Best. Then he’ll get Kanye Dressed on his Kanye Vest to go on a Kanye Quest. He goes to church and becomes Kanye Blessed, then to a hotel room to be a Kanye Guest. Then to school to...
  6. Mister Gregar

    nursery children

    Oh, I don't think it's a bad thing. I find thread necros funny, if anything. I just thought there was an odd uptick in them.
  7. Mister Gregar

    nursery children

    Is it just me, or has necromancy become a lot more common these days?
  8. Mister Gregar

    How to update TiTS?

    The saves aren't in the program, they're stored externally. You should have your saves even you run the air version from another location on your comp. If you want to bring your saves from a different version to the AIR one, there's a save profile thing in the AIR version, or you could use safe...
  9. Mister Gregar

    favourite and least favourite character in tits.

    Characters I like because fetishes: Shekka and Inessa. Shekka is a shortstack engineer and Inessa is submissive fairy-like creature. I also like that you have to put in time and effort (mostly time for Inessa) to get all of their content. I kinda wish we could get Inessa on our ship. Grab...
  10. Mister Gregar

    Wsan writing

    I like being able to see the docs of characters that don't branch, too. Maybe it's just me, but there's cases where I'd like to see what the character is about before interacting at all. Never an issue with any of yours, Wsan, but there's a handful of characters in game who's tiles I wish I...
  11. Mister Gregar

    Bathroom Cabinet

    Please no, that would get tedious quickly. I'd hate to have sex on Myrellion and then have to backtrack to Tarvos every time I had a bit of "fun" with the locals.
  12. Mister Gregar

    A list of unrelated questions

    Be rich. Run through some of her talk options. You'll get an email. Be rich. Give her money and support, and be prepared for it to take at least an in game month. Be rich. It's cheaper than Paige, which is really weird. Treatment for uplifting an entire race is cheaper than some eyes. O K A Y.
  13. Mister Gregar

    Moral choice in porn the horror... its about sub sera.

    Forget just corrupting Jojo, though. The mark of a real monster is corrupting the Kangaroo girl AND Jojo, and then putting them together.
  14. Mister Gregar

    Rahn how do they work?

    It was my very bad attempt at a joke.
  15. Mister Gregar

    Rahn how do they work?

    They don't. They sit around all day, eating candy and sneaking off to sex random rushers. It's a miracle any paperwork gets done around here. May as well had hired a galotian for all my trouble. Damn things are lucky they can suck golf balls through garden hoses...
  16. Mister Gregar

    Moral choice in porn the horror... its about sub sera.

    Well, maybe I'm a bit unfair, because I include those in the rape bit. If the setting were more realistic, then offers like that would mostly be out of a desire to keep you from killing them. Without including those, TiTS is shockingly light on PC on NPC rape, considering what the previous FenCo...
  17. Mister Gregar

    Moral choice in porn the horror... its about sub sera.

    I think gene editing is amoral, in that it's not a moral or immoral choose. It simply IS. It's a tool, the question is in how you use that tool. If you use it to make your kid a bit healthier, that's probably more. If you use it to make your kid into your fetishes, I'm calling Chris Hanson...
  18. Mister Gregar

    A list of unrelated questions

    I did not know that this existed. I am now happy to find about these cute little bunny mouse creatures, and sad because apparently several species of it are endangered.
  19. Mister Gregar

    What fluids do your characters normally produce.

    Some scenes, like the option to feed the Naleen Huntress your milk, require you to have normal breast milk.