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  1. Mister Gregar

    TiTsEd - A save editor

    So, I hadn't been playing for a little bit, distracted by other things. Came back, downloaded updates to the game and TiTSED and, wow! You can edit descriptions of effects and stuff now! That means that status like "Hair Flower" and "Arm Flower" can be recolored. So, thanks! Asking though, if...
  2. Mister Gregar

    Age of all the characters?

    Telepathic butt babies. (Can the Queen egg butts? I don't remember.)
  3. Mister Gregar

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    Thinking on the "what would you like" thing more, I think the biggest desire I have for the game right now would be the return of the quicksave/quickload shortcuts from CoC. Pressing a key to save to/load from a slot was great, especially if you're save scumming a TF or want to burn through all...
  4. Mister Gregar

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    Ooooh, thank you! Got them mixed up.
  5. Mister Gregar

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    I had to google alicorn. Didn't paramount studios have that as an icon at some point?
  6. Mister Gregar


    Hell, we have captain america's shield, I don't see why not. Just need someone to write it, prolly.
  7. Mister Gregar

    I pissed off Brandt

    ...So no one else is saying it, huh? "That feel when you accuse OP of illiteracy" The subject of this sentence is the group that accused OP of being illiterate. "When you yourself are illiterate" This part of the sentence is referring to the fact that the people who barked at OP for not...
  8. Mister Gregar

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    Here's how I see it, correct me if I'm wrong here. There's a really really easy solution to this and every other problem we've encountered in this game. Genocide. With futuristic technology, the Final Solution can also be the easiest one. No political bartering, no hoping someone surrenders or...
  9. Mister Gregar

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    Is picardine the rock that makes Galotians smart? I want to make a strap on out that and fuck Celise into being a genius, or at least having conversation options. Only time you talk to her is for a few seconds before she assists you with your porn watching or if Lane drains your wallet for a bit.
  10. Mister Gregar

    So Synthsheath Sheska...

    Thanks. I now have to explain to my family why I was laughing so hard. This should be fun.
  11. Mister Gregar

    I pissed off Brandt

    I'm not even gonna say anything. I'm just going to post this so I can be notified if someone else does.
  12. Mister Gregar

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    Democracy is non-negotiable. Embrace democracy or you will be eradicated!
  13. Mister Gregar

    Frostwyrm Scales

    This is the wrong thread for this, as others have said. Also, the damage type that you need is on hammers, one of which is sold on the same planet by a bat girl. Buy the smashy from the bat and crush bugs till your heart's content.
  14. Mister Gregar

    TiTsEd - A save editor

    If I remember correctly, arachnid vagina, face, and tongue. Pretty sure arachnid arms were already in there. Oh, and the oil cum type is missing. Technically you can set other fluids to oil, but the descriptors and color only work when it's set as cum, and only works with the cybernetic perk...
  15. Mister Gregar

    TiTsEd - A save editor

    Not that I know of, but you can just change your computer's date for that. If you've already done the event, you can delete all the flags referencing it, but I get paranoid about deleting flags, so I personally wouldn't.
  16. Mister Gregar

    TiTsEd - A save editor

    I get email notifications from this thread, and when I clicked on it, Google added "Chase:Abducted by Aliens" to tomorrow's schedule. I'm not saying Google is ran by aliens and that they are coming for you. I'm just saying to watch your back.
  17. Mister Gregar

    Tlako in a nutshell

    Ah, my bad. Thank you!
  18. Mister Gregar

    Tlako in a nutshell

    Hmm, Galotians and Rahn are humanoid by choice though, aren't they? The I'm pretty sure galotians are at least, I think I remember something about them being amorphous predators who ate people...until they somehow learned speech in the process(brains, the original brain food.) I can't remember...
  19. Mister Gregar

    Hi I'm Upcast Drake the Programming Simian

    >Upcast Drake. >The programming Simian. This is why I have trust issues.
  20. Mister Gregar

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    Codex literally calls 'em dinos, though. "Hot-blooded dinosaurs from outer space." Side note: for lizards, I find it super odd that they have the most extreme examples of sexual dimorphism currently in game. Remember that short lived "I will now buy your game" meme? They feel like they were...