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  1. Mister Gregar

    What fluids do your characters normally produce.

    I mostly run slimes at this point, and since I like color coordinating fluids and parts, I tend to stick to goo.
  2. Mister Gregar

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    [Warning: Wall of text, because I am stupid and don't know how to be concise] I don't think there's need to apologize, different people have different sticking points is all. (also, that's not a wall. This is.) I do think that you touched on why it's different here, though: You have random...
  3. Mister Gregar

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    Hmm, I don't really think it's that weird. She goes from: "random attempted rapist" to: "The mother of your child, trying to get by on her own in wartorn wastes while being wanted for desertion". That's gonna change a lot for a lot of people, especially since being an attempted rapist is kinda...
  4. Mister Gregar

    Hard-Light thong malfunction

    In my head, reading this, I saw: "In Romanian, they don't say 'my love'. They say: 'Lube Me Up', and I think that's beautiful."
  5. Mister Gregar

    What am I doing wrong with this combat build?

    @RandomCrow Why would you assume they're talking about you when nameofidiot's post is right there? Only one person in this thread (and like three others) complained tried to paint the game's mechanics as the problem...
  6. Mister Gregar

    Which NPCs would you most like to have preg content?

    Celise is the true child of the Steele. You're just a replica. Notice how little you can tell of your own past? You thought that was memory loss? No, you were created for this role. Just don't get cocky and destroy a city in a way that poisons the rest of the planet. You'd have to cut your hair...
  7. Mister Gregar

    Possible goo armor upgrades

    Man, but I'd love a intelligence boost upgrade for her. And one for Celise too, tbh. I always forget which rock is supposed to make Galotians smart, but I want to dump a few into her. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on perspective), since those characters were written for the whole...
  8. Mister Gregar

    Lucky's Scratching Post!

    Honestly, I wish the game had one of those in general. It's easy to get some minimum lust to make sure you're always ready, the fantasize or tease menu should have a surrender toggle/ option.
  9. Mister Gregar

    Is it "The Black Void" or "Black Void"

    Pretty sure its "Black Void". The codex listing doesn't capitalize the "the" mid sentence, and the DB entry is just "Black Void". The page title includes "The", but do other pages where that's not part of the title (eg: TSC, UGC, JAD, etc.) Could be wrong, though.
  10. Mister Gregar

    Possible goo armor upgrades

    Isn't it already working? She isn't a rapist, is more than willing to just chat, doesn't start replicating if you flood her, and already has that computational power...she just only uses it for medical purposes so far- either to analyze tissue samples from fallen foes or to quickly heal Steele's...
  11. Mister Gregar

    Is it just me, or has the tech received a massive buff?

    Hey, but there's still cHaMPiOnS oNlinE. Huh? You don't want sugar substitute, you want the real deal? Too bad, enjoy the knockoff (with an admittedly awesome character creator, although that could still be improved. Why can't I make a fat woman?)
  12. Mister Gregar

    Possible goo armor upgrades

    You can change your fluids as a goo creature now. If you get a different type of fluid (say, you have vanae huntress milk due to tossing back their TF for tentacle goo hair) you can change that fluid into goo milk/cum/girlcum. While there's no real advantage to having goo over other fluids (not...
  13. Mister Gregar

    TiTsEd - A save editor

    adev attached their's earlier in the thread. As for offline minerva, you'd have to get a copy of the program and also install Adobe AIR. You'll need to install adobe AIR to...
  14. Mister Gregar

    TiTsEd - A save editor

    One option is to use the offline version of minerva. It can't add or remove stuff like the online version, but you don't have the errors that the online versions get with chrome and firefox (one getting a file too big error, and the other erasing version info and making the file get ignored by...
  15. Mister Gregar

    Fuck the spiders

    "Fuck the spiders" Don't worry, I will.
  16. Mister Gregar

    What am I doing wrong with this combat build?

    Man, I didn't realize Horizon Devourer was an auto correct thing and thought I missed out on a new weapon with a neat name. Gonna go listen to Serpent Devouring the Horizon to make myself feel better.
  17. Mister Gregar

    What am I doing wrong with this combat build?

    I don't know what the War Queen is, but the other two are supposed to be a little challenging. You may want to max out your stats. At level 10, you can have it all have 50. iirc, you can do most of your stats at the gym on new texas (willpower requires not being a taur) and Syri can max your...
  18. Mister Gregar

    TiTsEd - A save editor

    Those stats for them are largely useless. The only time any of those is reflected on the actual character is if content calls for the changed part to be, well, changeable. The only examples that spring to mind are editing Sera's stats to decide what her skin color is while she's a sub and...
  19. Mister Gregar

    Possible goo armor upgrades

    I do. I also spam the talk option until she mentions Celise, because mo' goo mo' betta'.