Possible goo armor upgrades


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Not sure where else to post this.. but would it be possible to upgrade the goo armor in the future to allow it to bolster shielding? A hardlight upgrade module, maybe some sort of biochemical battery that allows the goo to convert biological material into an energy source (it basically replicates the functions of it or absorbs it, or maybe even does it already? where is the power source?), and maybe even use it to restore the PC's energy in small amount using its abilities to heal and medical knowledge/capabilities. Basically it would removed the pussdrenched status effect, and the cum soaked status effect. Maybe even feed off of the 'slut trail' that comes out of steele's ass?.. (Ik a bit disgusting).


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
pretty sure the next upgrade for goo armor is for an electricity weakness removal.


Aug 26, 2015
As an "include this if you want" scene as part of a dungeon I wrote nearly two years ago. You make many dangerous assumptions by thinking that dungeon will get in the game without changes, or at all.

Mister Gregar

Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2016
You can change your fluids as a goo creature now. If you get a different type of fluid (say, you have vanae huntress milk due to tossing back their TF for tentacle goo hair) you can change that fluid into goo milk/cum/girlcum. While there's no real advantage to having goo over other fluids (not having plain milk locks you out of one scene, actually) as an RP element its neat to have a fluid type whose color you have full control over.(matches goo body color, which can in turn be changed easily by altering hair color and then shifting your body to match it.

As a goo lover, I am both pleased and slightly disappointed. I was hoping that it would be the ability to change your tail type and/or add tail genitals. Even so, I love the new option, especially for my characters that have interesting colors or glowing goo.


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2017
Ninth Hell of the Abyss, BC, Canada
I'm just wondering if/when the thumb drive from Anno that 'your' goo swallowed will ever come into play. Or is it already working? Are her currently abilities due to that? I thought Anno's upgrade was going to make the goo smarter, which I'm all for. Imo, the goo armor has to potential to be the strongest in the game. She's made of millions, if not billions, of nanobots. She therefore should have the computing capacity several time greater than a human. To me, this means she should be able to react to threats faster than Steele can. For example, if Steele gets shot at with a ballistic weapon (think ZK Rifle), then she should be able to thicken herself at the point of impact to absorb the kinetic energy, rendering the bullet useless. She could then use the energy herself, or transfer it to Steele's shield, or find some way to harmlessly disperse it. There are other ways I think she could be better, but then somebody will complain that Steele would be basically invincible, and that's not allowed. *sigh* Ah well, what the hell.

Mister Gregar

Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2016
Isn't it already working? She isn't a rapist, is more than willing to just chat, doesn't start replicating if you flood her, and already has that computational power...she just only uses it for medical purposes so far- either to analyze tissue samples from fallen foes or to quickly heal Steele's wounds. Considering that she's made of medical nanites, that makes perfect sense. If anything, all the non-medical stuff like armor, cosplay, turning into a bikini, and sucking golf balls through garden hoses is a bit odd, since her nanites were made to be specialized.


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2017
Ninth Hell of the Abyss, BC, Canada
I went and found one of my saves that hadn't already acquired the gray goo, and this time carefully re-read over the conversation with Anno about the program, hoping it would give a little more insight. Turns out, your goo is acting exactly according to instructions, especially if you use the Goo-clone attack in battle. Anno says, and I quote, "It's a primitive combat routine. Should teach a goo how to do what she does best - clinging to people and giving 'em big, squishy boob-hugs - but in battle. Specifically, it should teach the goo to envelop an opponent and molest them into submission. Next generation less-than-leathal goonology."

So, there you have it. While I'd like to have my goo be smarter (stupidity is a big turn-off for me), unless it's added as an upgrade at a later date, that's just not going to happen. I still think she could be the best armor in-game, because she's a living (?), thinking being. She should be able to adapt to almost any combat situation. The rest of the armors are just that: armor. Inanimate, non-sentient stuff that blocks certain attacks. But, that's just my opinion.

Mister Gregar

Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2016
So, there you have it. While I'd like to have my goo be smarter (stupidity is a big turn-off for me), unless it's added as an upgrade at a later date, that's just not going to happen.

Man, but I'd love a intelligence boost upgrade for her. And one for Celise too, tbh. I always forget which rock is supposed to make Galotians smart, but I want to dump a few into her. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on perspective), since those characters were written for the whole "bimbo" type fetish, I doubt those could ever be an option.
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