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  1. Mister Gregar

    I wanna see your self-insert mary-sues!

    That... that is ten school buses. With people in them. Each penis is the weight of an average height fat guy. Each tit is the weight of 3 small cars. You shouldn't be able to BE with that weight. And you apparently have hollow bones?
  2. Mister Gregar

    TiTS memes electric boogaloo

    Lines like this make me miss CoC.
  3. Mister Gregar

    I wanna see your self-insert mary-sues!

    Same. I'm already me. And while I'm pretty ok with me being me, playing games is a chance to be not me. I mean, why be me when I can be a lizard dude who can set people on fire with his words with Skyrim, a half Chozo bounty hunting lady on another planet with Metroid, or a 12ft tall goo...
  4. Mister Gregar

    is there a centaur transformative

    Up the butt, right?
  5. Mister Gregar

    TiTs confessions...

    Oh god, reading this is like looking at a text based mirror.
  6. Mister Gregar

    A list of unrelated questions

    Need the Nyrea Eggs perk, nyrean cum type, and a high enough nyrean race score (I think 3). You also need a scene that supports it. I don't think there are many of those.
  7. Mister Gregar

    What are your gripes/criticism of TiTs?

    The recent removal of incest shouldn't be met with backlash against fen. Blame MasterCard. They are the ones who pressure services like Patreon to crack down on thing. Visa, too. I don't know why credit card companies care what you fap too, but they really, really, really don't want people...
  8. Mister Gregar

    Community Blacklist

    IIRC, there used to be a list of them with the links to play the game. That may have been the old forums, though. I have a crappy memory, it could even be in this thread and I'd forget. It was more "stuff that will never be in this game" than "stuff you can't talk about" but there was enough...
  9. Mister Gregar

    TiTsEd - A save editor

    You can just type it in manually, it doesn't have to be a drop down option, you can type anything you want. Alternatively, you can edit the xml file in the editor's folder in notepad to add it (or whatever else) to the drop down menu. Go nuts, give yourself stir fried onion and orzo colored hair.
  10. Mister Gregar

    Nonesuch's Catalogue of Smut

    Edit: Web of Death Previous answer of mine was talking about a venom comic made by some fan. Web of Death, however, is canon spodermenz
  11. Mister Gregar

    Can I get the rundown on Steph Irson?

    Yeah, the forced bimbofication didn't sit well with a lot of people. The ant planet encounter, on the other hand was the reason I made sure to keep a copy of a version with that stuff still in it.
  12. Mister Gregar

    Reaha on ship

    That's what I get for not remembering their content. That's a great option, but makes me sad since I'm anti treatment. I'll keep my freeloader.
  13. Mister Gregar

    Reaha on ship

    This, but (mostly) unironically. Some of the people on board the space Winnebago should be paying for their keep. Once the ship mechanics are in, most of them will wind up serving some sort of role, which should not only exempt them from rent but also mean we owe THEM a salary- but for those who...
  14. Mister Gregar

    On Giving Up Your Soul

    ??? What implication? It was said that game chose this route as a lore explanation for why you can't go full skyrim with handing out your soul, and that there was no intention of changing that. I said that there's nothing wrong with the idea of handing out your soul, as long as the devs of a...
  15. Mister Gregar

    Can I get the rundown on Steph Irson?

    No secret police, but definitely treated against her will. As stated above, the follow up on ant planet can see you help her make up her mind about her career. It also grants the Steph Irson signed photo. As for the episode
  16. Mister Gregar

    On Giving Up Your Soul

    Yeah, that's why the game follows that, you've said that already. Don't see how that has anything to do with what I said, though, as I never claimed someone can or ever will be able to pull off that gambit here.
  17. Mister Gregar

    On Giving Up Your Soul

    I don't see the issue with selling a soul to multiple people, as long as you know what you're doing. Work for Constantine (DC), he scammed three Lords of Hell into a stalemate over his soul. Of course, any game that allowed the player to do such a thing should make it insanely dangerous to attempt.
  18. Mister Gregar

    Syri Quest Help

    Never underestimate the love between a mech and their bots! A purer love there can never be!
  19. Mister Gregar

    Zheng Shi and the Galactic Steele Arms Race

    Wait, first you say but then you say Isn't that exactly what would fix the previous issue? A more competent villain using the cousin as a tool in their own scheme to get at the Steele fortune, or have leverage over Steele(Corp) and potentially Max(Corp) as well? The cousin may not pose a...
  20. Mister Gregar

    TiTsEd - A save editor

    Are you using online minerva? It can cause issues with parts of the files. I recommend using adev's sol editor or offline minerva, both of which can be found via links earlier in this thread. Once edited with one of those, just place the file back where it belongs (don't rename it). If you can't...