Glassboy's drawings


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
So I got a drawing tablet for the first time the other day and while I've always been pretty decent hand-drawing stuff I'm finding my tablet really difficult to use and the only way to get good at something is to practice, right?
And I thought to myself what better way to get practice, than to offer to draw the alien and furry OC's of a group of incredibly imaginative per... um... people.
So if you guys would be willing to give me descriptions of your characters I'd love to draw them for you. Mind I'm not the best artist so just don't be mad if they're not great drawings.
You can give me written descriptions or you can send me an image of the in game description of your character.
Also reference images for poses, clothing or how your OC's should look are very welcome.

A few rules:
1:please be specific, asking me for a part cat, part harpie, part demon morph isn't going to get us anywhere. Asking for a succubus with bird wings, cat ears and a cat tail would help a lot more.
2:Give me an interesting pose to draw in. Standing still is boring.
3:Don't ask for any kinks you wouldn't see in CoC or TiTS.

Sorry for the rules, but if you guys could help me out I'd appreciate it to no end. ^_^
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Just two questions.

Do you want the descriptions on this thread or messaged to you directly?

Are you open to drawing clothing/armor on the characters or do you prefer to draw them nude?  :p


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
OK I'll take you up on the offer. Here is my awesome character that I finally put on the shelve.

You started your journey as a human, but you’ve become an half-ovir over the course of your adventures. You’re a good 5 feet and 1 inches tall by ancient imperial measurements and 1.55 meters in the more accepted metric system. Right now, you’re wearing a set of nyrean chain armor, using stockings and panties for underwear, and girding your upper body with a skull-patterned bra.

 Your face is fairly human in shape, but is covered in brown scales over green skin. Overall, your visage has a beautiful, feminine shapeliness that’s sure to draw attention and pouting, luminous pink lips. Your eyes bear a vertical slit instead of rounded pupils, surrounded by a luminous pink iris. The long, steel ponytail on your head nearly conceals a pair of mostly-human ears with slightly pointed tips, just like a fantasy elf’s. Two floppy feelers also grow from just behind your hairline, bouncing and swaying in the breeze. A tapered tongue fills your mouth, able to taste the very air when extended beyond your oral cavity. Six horns have sprouted through your skin, the back two pairs curve backwards over your head and down towards your neck, while the front two horns stand almost eight inches long upwards and a little forward.

You have a humanoid upper body with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers, covered in a layer of brown scales, and a pair of insect-like wings sprout from your back, too small to allow you to fly. They shimmer beautifully in the light. Swirls of luminous pink trace brighter accents across much of your form. Shining red exoskeleton covers parts of arms in a gleaming patchwork. You have waspish hips that sway to and fro, emphasized by your trim body, and your full keister fills out your clothing nicely. A sinuous, almost snake-like tail waves behind you, covered in scales like the rest of you except at the tip. There, it terminates in a cilia-filled cunny that always seems to crave fresh sperm. Two human-like legs extend below your waist, covered in numerous chitin plates all the way to your feet. Your midriff is fairly well-toned.

You have a soft chest with lightly toned pectoral muscles, capped with one 0.2-inch nipple each. The average-sized areolae are luminous pink.

Your masculine endowment is concealed within a well-hidden slit when not in use, though when the need arises, you can part your concealed entrance and reveal your true self. Your knotty cock is 9.5 inches long and 1.6 inches across. It’s luminous pink in color and laced with thick veins. The ‘head’ of your shaft flares proudly, just like a horse’s. A large bulge of flesh nestles just above the bottom of your generously-proportioned, flat-tipped prick, to ensure it stays where it belongs during mating. The knot is 2.4 inches wide when at full size.

You have one narrow, slick pucker, placed between your cheeks where it belongs with slight signs of moisture bordering its edges.

* Name: Malcome Steele
* Occupation: Smuggler
* Upbringing: Balanced
* Affinity: Aim
* Initial Race: Human
* Current Race: half-Ovir
* Height: 5’ 1”
* Sex: Male
* Gender Preference: Male
* Femininity (Negative is Masculine): 50%
* Personality Score: 50, Mischievous
* Alcohol Tolerance: 28/100
* Exhibitionism: 9.5/100
* Face: Human
* Hair: Steel, Hair
* Hair, Length: 1’ 1”
* Hair, Style: Ponytail
* Antennae: 2, Myr
* Ears: 1”, Sylvan
* Eyes: Luminous Pink, Naga
* Lips: Plump, Luminous Pink
* Tongue: Ovir
* Horns: 6, Demonic
* Tone: 51/100
* Thickness: 26/100
* Skin: Scales
* Skin Tone: Green, Luminous Pink Markings
* Scale Color: Brown
* Chitin Color: Red
* Arms: 2, Myr
* Legs: 2, Plantigrade, Chitinous, Myr
* Back: Myr Insect-like Wings
* Tail: 1, Prehensile, Long, Thick, Cuntsnake
* Tail, Genital Type: Luminous Pink, Siren, Vagina
* Tail, Genital Capacity: 100 cubic inches
* Genital Elasticity: 1
* Genital Location: Waist, Genital Slit
* Nipples: 2 Luminous Pink Nipples, 1 per Breast
* Breast, Count: 2
* Breast, Size: 0-cups
* Nipple, Type:  Normal
* Nipple, Length: 0.25 in each
* Areola, Size: 0.5 in each
Male Organs
* Total Count: 1 Penis, Prostate
* Penis, Virginity: Taken
* Cum, Type: Cum
* Cum, Current Internal: 356 mLs
* Cum, Probable Ejaculation:  360 mLs
* Cum, Max: 400 mLs
* Refractory Rate: 500%
* Virility: 100%
* Type: Blunt, Flared, Knotted, Luminous Pink, Equine
* Length, Flaccid:  2 3/8”
* Length, Erect:  9 1/2”
* Thickness:  1 5/8”
* Knot Thickness:  2 3/8”
* Volume: 19.17 cubic inches
* Capacity: 3.195 cubic inches
* Belly, Size Rating: 0
* Hip, Size Rating: 8
* Butt, Size Rating: 7
* Anus: 1, Asshole
* Anus, Virginity: Taken
* Anus, Capacity: 84 cubic inches
* Anus, Looseness Level: 1
* Anus, Wetness Level: 3

As far as pose how about Overloading yes slutty why holding his erect cock. You know acting all dommie while looking down on you. Example
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Well, this sounds very interesting. If you really want to draw some characters, I'll gladly take you up on your offer, unless of course you've already been overrun by requests. 

- Species: Naga (Alice from Monster Girl Quest is the closest in terms of body, but my character has no horns or tattoos)

- Body colours: My avatar gives a basic colour reference, but I'd prefer straight black hair that goes to about the level of her belly button and black nipples now. Her skin is a shiny silver.

- Pointy elven ears

- Grey, slitted eyes

- about 10 feet tall

- Breasts: FF-cups

- 10-inch tentacle-cock

Pose: I was thinking of a view from the perspective of someone smaller looking up at her whom she is sizing up like prey with a playful grin on her face and her head slightly tilted. Her body isn't directly facing the viewer, but directed slightly to her right, so that she's looking to her left to look at the viewer. The index finger of her left hand is on her lips to give her a thoughtful pose while her right arm is under her breasts to support them and the hand below her left armpit. (reference for the pose of her arms/hands)

If possible, she's sitting on her coils, but you can otherwise just have them in a wavy line behind her.
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Welp I got one haven't used this character for anything since I was 10 updated her to be alot more "adult" (Hopefully this is good enough for you to draw it and you aren't already flooded by requests)


Species:Succubus with Elven ears,Lizard-like Eyes and a Spiked tail (like a mace) No wings

Skin tone:Magneta

Hair:Neck length (Color:Black Style:One Side Shaved)



Nails:Black Claws


Bust:DD-cup (nipples are black)

Vagina:Tiny Slit (Dripping constantly,Red)

Ass:2 basketballs fused together (not literally I just don't really know how to describe ass size)

Anus:Airlock tight (Same color as skin)

Clothes:Just some generic blue robes (like something a monk would wear)

Poses:1.Bent over spreading her cheeks for all to see

           2.A variety of pin-up girl poses

           3.Passed the fuck out in a total mess

(If your going to draw this thanks mate and if you want more/better details just tell me and I'll get to work on that)


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
If you're still doing requests here's my steele

breast size- B cup

Width- very thin

Her hair is two very long pigtails.

She wears the school girl outfit, but with the top open (not necesarily full frontal nudity but in a seductive style.)

Smart ass grin and big eyes.

pose, on knees with hands behind the head. Phsically she looks mostly human except she has fairy wings and very long pointed ears.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
No, I totally didn't make this 41 days ago and then completely forget about it...
In my defence though, I've been really busy...
Playing videogames...
Aanyways, I am actually going to draw this stuff now, I promise. I've drawn NEET-Hime's character and I'll start doing more tomorrow if I get the chance, if not then it'll be Friday.

And I lied to ye about doing the colours, I'm going to do the colours now.


Do you want the descriptions on this thread or messaged to you directly?

Whichever you prefer.

Are you open to drawing clothing/armor on the characters or do you prefer to draw them nude?  :p

I don't mind trying clothes, when I draw clothed characters I like doing them nude first, and then drawing the clothes onto them.

What Falcon asked, also, would posting references to certain clothes be of help?

Yes references are alway fun.

Would you be okay with CoC mod Champions as well?

Yup, I don't mind, the only things I wont draw are kinks that you wont find in CoC or TiTS, say scat or beastiality. I wouldn't be comfortable drawing them.

As for NEET-Hime's character, I was reading the description from my email, and for some reason it didn't send me the pose you asked for, so I drew him from a different position, I'll redo it for you after I get through other peoples characters. If you want me to change anything about Malcome shoot me another message, I personally feel like I should have picked a lighter shade of green for the face, but I feel like I learned a whole lot from doing this already.Malcome-Penis.pngMalcome-Bikini.pngMalcome.png

I did 3 different versions, (as I'd imagine you can see.) one with (lazily done) chainmail, one with his noodle hanging and a boring one. I know it didn't say anything about a sword but I felt like it went with the armour. And as awesome as your characters is we really need to have a conversation about colour, reds, greens and luminous pinks are not good colour combinations.
And yes I am just that narcissistic that I signed it at the bottom.
Also if you want a version without the background I can comply.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Here's Torzars Naga, the one with the awesome dick. Also , I'm a complete eejit. I was looking at your profile pic for the colour reference and painted her hair white and had to redo it, she comes in flavours. I struggled a lot with the perspective, I know the viewer was meant to be looking up at her, but I wasn't sure how close she was meant to be. Seeing as how you wanted the coils included I assumed far enough away that her whole body would be viewable. If you want anything changed or redone just ask. I need the practice.
Oh and if the black-haired version looks neater and tidier, that's because it is.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Wow, I actually didn't expect to see anything in this thread any more, since you were gone for so long.

It's a very pleasant surprise, though, and I like the results. Don't worry about the perspective thing, it was merely an idea I had, but I don't really know much about what works well and what doesn't in a picture. Thinking about it, it doesn't make much sense to have a full-body shot that requires the viewer to be further away and at the same time give a sense of scale. A close-up shot with the viewer looking up at her past dick and tits would have been better for that... makes it sound like some perverse version of iron sights from her perspective...

Nevertheless, I do like the drawings and how the hair flows over her shoulders and is visible behind the back of the white-haired version. Also nice how she looks happy to see you in more than one way.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
That's some great art right there. You're an excellent gift to the community.
It's a very pleasant surprise, though, and I like the results.

Aww, It's super cool for you guys to say that. Careful though, might run the risk of it all going to my head and I might float away.

 Don't worry about the perspective thing, it was merely an idea I had, but I don't really know much about what works well and what doesn't in a picture. Thinking about it, it doesn't make much sense to have a full-body shot that requires the viewer to be further away and at the same time give a sense of scale. A close-up shot with the viewer looking up at her past dick and tits would have been better for that... makes it sound like some perverse version of iron sights from her perspective...

Yeah perspectives are crazy confusing.

The main reason I asked for interesting posses from people was so I could practice different perspectives. When I draw my own characters I tend to draw them in boring posses, just standing still or lying down, which is pretty crap on my part. 
If you want me to draw her again with the view from below looking up past her (awesome) dick I don't mind.

I do like the drawings and how the hair flows over her shoulders and is visible behind the back of the white-haired version.

Hair is one of the things I have the most trouble with drawing I had lots of trouble trying to get to look semi-decent and I felt the black hair without the bits flowing over her shoulders looked better. I just couldn't wrap my head around how the hair was supposed to fall.
Then about an hour ago I remembered I have this fantastic ability to image search girls with long hair and use them as a reference. Hope this one's better. :)

Well if you're still doing these. I can give you a reference pic to help with my OC. Might help, might not.

Yeah I'm still doing these, and I'd love to draw your character. Just make sure to give me a sexy, cool or otherwise interesting pose. ;)
Honestly though it might be a while before I get around to it, busy few weeks coming up y'know? But if you leave it with me I'll get around to it.

And here's Lawleious' character, Halira "Dressed" and Undressed.
I feel pretty honoured I got to help "update" her to a more adult version. I want to do the picture of her passed out in a fucking mess next. That one sounds real fun and I love making messes! I probably wont do the variety of pin-up girl posses though, so I can get around to finishing other requests.

And if I don't post any more pictures over the next few weeks it'll just be because I'm busy, I'm not going to abandon this thread. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
As for NEET-Hime's character, I was reading the description from my email, and for some reason it didn't send me the pose you asked for, so I drew him from a different position, I'll redo it for you after I get through other peoples characters. If you want me to change anything about Malcome shoot me another message, I personally feel like I should have picked a lighter shade of green for the face, but I feel like I learned a whole lot from doing this already.View attachment 3547View attachment 3546View attachment 3545

I did 3 different versions, (as I'd imagine you can see.) one with (lazily done) chainmail, one with his noodle hanging and a boring one. I know it didn't say anything about a sword but I felt like it went with the armour. And as awesome as your characters is we really need to have a conversation about colour, reds, greens and luminous pinks are not good colour combinations.
And yes I am just that narcissistic that I signed it at the bottom.
Also if you want a version without the background I can comply.

Sorry I haven't got back to you i haven't been on recently, nicely done.

About the, pose he needs to be more dominating. I think your right about the green shade. its vary hard to get the color you want without save editing. yeah hes skin is a sage green and red is the chitin (wanted black but it didn't exist at the time) still you got a lot of potential keep it up.


Oh shit just saw this again and wow this is great! Thanks mate! 

Aww, It's super cool for you guys to say that. Careful though, might run the risk of it all going to my head and I might float away.

Yeah perspectives are crazy confusing.

The main reason I asked for interesting posses from people was so I could practice different perspectives. When I draw my own characters I tend to draw them in boring posses, just standing still or lying down, which is pretty crap on my part. 
If you want me to draw her again with the view from below looking up past her (awesome) dick I don't mind.

Hair is one of the things I have the most trouble with drawing I had lots of trouble trying to get to look semi-decent and I felt the black hair without the bits flowing over her shoulders looked better. I just couldn't wrap my head around how the hair was supposed to fall.
Then about an hour ago I remembered I have this fantastic ability to image search girls with long hair and use them as a reference. Hope this one's better. :)
View attachment 3637

Yeah I'm still doing these, and I'd love to draw your character. Just make sure to give me a sexy, cool or otherwise interesting pose. ;)
Honestly though it might be a while before I get around to it, busy few weeks coming up y'know? But if you leave it with me I'll get around to it.

And here's Lawleious' character, Halira "Dressed" and Undressed.
.View attachment 3640View attachment 3639
I feel pretty honoured I got to help "update" her to a more adult version. I want to do the picture of her passed out in a fucking mess next. That one sounds real fun and I love making messes! I probably wont do the variety of pin-up girl posses though, so I can get around to finishing other requests.

And if I don't post any more pictures over the next few weeks it'll just be because I'm busy, I'm not going to abandon this thread. 

MINIONS DANCE IN HONOUR OF THIS MAN  :cthulhu: :cthulhu: :cthulhu:


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Sorry it's been so long since I've been here, I wasn't expecting to be gone for as long as I was. Anyways here's Mei97's sexy schoolgirl-fairy... Never thought I'd use those words in conjuction.


I have a nude version too, if you want it just message me and I'll put it up.
And if anyone's interested I changed my profile picture to my Steele (not very interesting, just goo hair and elf ears.) despite the old picture representing my interests pretty well, I felt it was a bit too blunt.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
About the pose, he needs to be more dominating. I think your'e right about the green shade. It's very hard to get the colour you want without save editing. Yeah his skin is a sage green and the chitin is red (wanted black but it didn't exist at the time).

Welp... Sage green skin and the actual pose you wanted. Ended up going with the black chitin like you mentioned. I think it looks prettier.
Hope you like it better! :)



Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
'Tis a trappy boy.

The best kind! Does he like other trappy boys? I'm... uhmmm... asking for a friend...

We had a lot of arguments about his face. He wanted to look exceedingly derpy but I think I convinced him otherwise. Seriously though I had so much trouble trying to make him look decent even, I scrapped like 4 drawings, they were a terrifying uncanny valley type of horrible.
And I think I got less of a shy look on his face and more of a "I just found my prostate look!" I'm sure he isn't complaining though. :D
His tattoos were really fun to do though, I hope they're okay, It's the first time I've drawn a character with tattoos ever!
If the face or whatever isn't good enough just send me a private courier with a message etched into a diamond atop a silver platter stating such and I'll fix it.
Or just shoot me a PM, whichever's handier.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Here's ZincShecoat's gal.


Instead of yanking one out and performing sexy poses she looks like she might actually be pursuing her Fathers fortune. She knows she'll have all the dick/pussy/booty/boobies/mouth/tentacles/ovipositors (etc.) that she wants when she's a rich bajillionaire. Good for her!

This is actually the first furry charactesr I've ever drawn (not my cup of tea personally) so if I've committed a deadly sin among the furry community while making this you'll need to excuse me... [SIZE=10.5px]Or punish me...[/SIZE] By spanking... And tying me up... With Chains... And handcuffs... Using me... Degenerating me...
<Ahem> I got a little distracted there.
I ended up going for a really minimalistic look, I kind of started it by accident and kept it because I loved how stylized and dramatic it made the moment seem.
I used red lighting on the first drawing to make it look more dramatic and suggest urgency in the situation, like alarms and lights going off, the second picture is just to demonstrate how it looks without all the background nonsense. :p
If you'd like me to add in more shadows and detailed lighting then by all means I will, just give me a call.
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Well-Known Member
This... This is nice. As far as sins go, none as far as I know of, so your butt's safe for now. I'd love to see what you can manage at some point in the future. (I like the first one more, as the red makes it look like the scene is happening at sundown, like proper western/sci-fi moments.)
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
This... This is nice. As far as sins go, none as far as I know of, so your butt's safe for now.


I'd love to see what you can manage at some point in the future. (I like the first one more, as the red makes it look like the scene is happening at sundown, like proper western/sci-fi moments.)



Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The best kind! Does he like other trappy boys? I'm... uhmmm... asking for a friend...
View attachment 4425View attachment 4426

We had a lot of arguments about his face. He wanted to look exceedingly derpy but I think I convinced him otherwise. Seriously though I had so much trouble trying to make him look decent even, I scrapped like 4 drawings, they were a terrifying uncanny valley type of horrible.
And I think I got less of a shy look on his face and more of a "I just found my prostate look!" I'm sure he isn't complaining though. :D
His tattoos were really fun to do though, I hope they're okay, It's the first time I've drawn a character with tattoos ever!
If the face or whatever isn't good enough just send me a private courier with a message etched into a diamond atop a silver platter stating such and I'll fix it.
Or just shoot me a PM, whichever's handier.

I really love how you drew the tattoos, I'm really going to have to use this as a reference in the future!
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Oct 13, 2015


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Part of me really wants to play with those floppy ears. Maybe flick them with my fingers. And that is an adorably tiny doggydick.