Glassboy's drawings


Active Member
Oct 29, 2015
Seriously loving those curves. I also really like the tattoos, reminds me of Sirens from Borderlands. 
I assume you've gotten a huge backlog of requests. Also, she reminds me of the antagonist from Borderlands.

Funny enough, that character's name was Steele as well, Commandant Steele.

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Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2015
She looks great! Thank you so much! I'm actually really impressed how you managed to nail the pose. In my (probably biased) opinion it's your best piece so far.

Oooh nice how did you get those eyes?


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Sorry I haven't been posting lately, I've had a few very busy weeks. 
I also figured I could link people to let the know I've done their drawing by typing @PyrateHyena. I'm a genius clearly.
So here's PH's huskar military pin-up girl.

Tam Effect Final..png
Tam Final..png

If it's not obvious, the first version has more noise to make it look older and hopefully more like a classic pin-up, where the second one hasn't got the noise.
I also did a desaturated grey version for no reason in particular, that I'm going to share for no reason in particular.

Tam Kiss..png
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Awww! Thanks, she's cute. Gun looks great.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Here's stuff I was supposed to do but didn't do.

Passed the fuck out in a total mess
I want to do the picture of her passed out in a fucking mess next.

Incidentally, GB, if you found time to do some art of Jukina, you'd have my eternal gratitude.

This is a character I drew for m0RV.
Silber.png Silber_Full.png

And here's some random stuff I just drew because.
A demon character.

Bloored Moon.png

And a human version of Mimikyu because <3


So yeah give me feedback if ye want or I'll still do requests if anyone wants. Make a request now, and you might get something by 2018 haha...

I'm disgusting...
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Her eyes kind of unnerve me, but I like the demon girl a lot.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
If you want me to draw her again with the view from below looking up past her (awesome) dick I don't mind.

Well, if you really don't mind, I'd love to see that.

I did my best with this and here's what I came up with.


I know it's not great but I've tried (and failed) to draw this so many times that I just need to call it quits and admit defeat. This is pretty much the best I can do at the moment. So I hope it's okay.

Her eyes kind of unnerve me, but I like the demon girl a lot.

Thank you! I really want to do something with this character at some point. Her eyes are supposed to be unnerving of course. As you stare into them you should be able to see the true reflection of your sins and lust.
Or maybe she's just wearing contacts, who can say?


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Her eyes are supposed to be unnerving of course. As you stare into them you should be able to see the true reflection of your sins and lust.
Or maybe she's just wearing contacts, who can say?

Why not both :D?


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Why not both :D?

The 'Demon International Collective of Kings' has ruled under the Philosophy of Gra'x'oth the Messiah Slayer (Book 12, Chapter 5) "No demon shall simultaneously wear contacts and show mortals their sins."
It's an obscure and outdated law and many have pointed that it directly contradicts the poorly named 'Freedom to Show Mortals Their Sins Act' of '79 but it remains a law to this day nonetheless.

Demons have a surprisingly complicated legal system...


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2016
Demons have a surprisingly complicated legal system...
Given the popular association between the legal profession and demons, why would that be surprising?

I've been enjoying your pictures, as well as the progress I've seen even in this short a time. If you're still looking for more complex pose suggestions, my Steel's a dove-balm hexa-winged exhibitionist, which could present some interesting complexities in terms of composition. I've never really been clear on how the wings must fold to look "like ceremonial robes," but in my mind my Steel tends to move them (and move in them) in such a way to reveal tantalizing glimpses and the occasional flash without getting herself barred from public places.

If that sounds like an interesting challenge, I can give you a further description, or you can run with it in your own way. If not, I'll look forward to the next art dump.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
If you'd ever want to draw my character again i'd love it too
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
If that sounds like an interesting challenge, I can give you a further description
If you'd ever want to draw my character again i'd love it too

I'd love to draw both of these things.

Cog, send me a description when you can.

JDeko, let me know if you want any pose or outfit or anything.

I didn't wake up in a great mood today, but the first thing I saw when I opened my email are these really nice messages and now I'm all smiles. :p Thanks <3
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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2016
Very cool!

So here's the important in-game descriptions:
You started your journey as a human, but you’ve become an alien hybrid over the course of your adventures. Right now, you’re not wearing a single scrap of armor, going commando down south, and letting your torso breathe, unrestricted by any undertop. Maybe you’re some kind of nudist, but it’s not like you mind being naked anyway.

Your face is human in shape and structure, with pale gold skin. A set of retractable, needle-like fangs sit in place of your canines, just like a naleen. Overall, your visage has a jaw-droppingly feminine shape with juicy, glowing gold lips, an adorable nose, and long, beautiful eyelashes. Like twinkling beacons, glowing gold eyes seem to draw the attention of everyone around you. The back-length, glowing gold feather-hair atop your head is parted by a pair of pointed, fin-like ears, sensitive to the slightest sound.

You have a humanoid upper body with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers, covered in a layer of pale gold scales, and six wings sprout from your back, each covered in wonderfully soft glowing gold feathers and big enough to be worn like a large ceremonial robe when all six are folded over your body. They’re arranged so they don’t get in each other’s way when spread, thus you can still glide with them. Swirls of glowing gold trace brighter accents across much of your form. Shining pale gold exoskeleton covers parts of your arms in a gleaming patchwork. You have waspish hips that swell out under your trim waistline, and your tight rump molds closely against your form. Two human-like legs extend below your waist, covered in numerous chitin plates all the way to your feet.

You have two breasts, capped with one 1/2-inch nipple each. The coin-sized areolae are glowing gold. You could easily fill a C-cup bra.

Your sexual equipment is located at your humanoid waist. Your pale gold cock is 12.9 inches long and 2.2 inches across.

You have a glowing gold pussy, with one 0.5-inch clit. Thin streams of girl-cum occasionally dribble from your alien pussy. The exterior folds glisten in the light, while the inner tunnel is lined with writhing, tentacle-like feelers.

I was going for a sort of 'naturally armored seraphim' look, so I imagine the combination of scales and chitin to look almost like armor. I went looking for images as a reference, but couldn't find any one image that worked. Her torso would look something like
in terms of size and closeness of the scales, while ironically her arms and legs would be more heavily plated. One of my favorite scenes in the game (in terms of applied motion) is just after you beat Queen Taivra and pick up her spear. I imagine something like
with the hand raised in readiness, like
. As far as wings both hiding and revealing,
is one of the best images of the concept I've ever seen, though of course Ziz has way more wings than my Steel (and actually hides more than I was thinking). I hope that's enough to get you going/inspire you!

Edit: I just double-checked the description. A foot-long cock is ridiculous. I think I got it in order to unlock certain pieces of content, and forgot to shorten it after. Can we reduce it by at least a couple of inches? Big, sure, but not that big!
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Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2016
Hi, if you're still accepting requests would you be willing to do a piece for the character I'm writing? If not no worries.
I saw your art and really thought it was awesome so it'd be pretty cool to have something done.

Nillep is a Zelunickkin. Which means she has large black eyes and a noseless face. The large grin she seems to perpetually have reveals sharp canines in her mouth and an occasional glimpse at her long, skinny forked tongue. Along her neck she has gill like slits that replace her need for a nose.

Her arms and legs are both double jointed and capable of bending forward and backwards. Both her arms and legs are capped by hand like appendages that have sharp claw like black finger nails. The hands on her arms are shaped much like a humans while the "feet" have a second thumb where a pinky would be. Just above her tight slender butt she has three wriggling spaded tails longer than she is tall, each glinting in the light revealing the blades in the tails.

Nillep herself is barely three feet tall and her frame is very thin both because of her small stature and likely not eating enough. She has gray skin with a blue tinge and snow white hair, however from beneath her hat is a slight glow indicating her hair glows red in the dark. While it's difficult to tell under her baggy clothes you imagine her breasts are B-cup.

She wears ratty clothes that have been patched countless time and hang off her slender form indicating that she scrounged them from wherever she could find them. At first glance it would appear she's wearing a trench coat but a closer look indicates that it's actually just a normal coat that was meant for a larger race and a dirty dress shirt underneath. On her head she wears a dirty tophat that seems to always be tilted one way or the other.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015

She sounds terrifying!
Is she supposed to be terrifying?
'Cause she sounds terrifying.

I mean I'll definitely draw her but she's supposed to look scary and not sexy right?
Is she supposed to be sexy?
I don't know if I can make her sexy.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2016
She sounds terrifying!
Is she supposed to be terrifying?
'Cause she sounds terrifying.

I mean I'll definitely draw her but she's supposed to look scary and not sexy right?
Is she supposed to be sexy?
I don't know if I can make her sexy.

Yeah, she's much more creepy than sexy


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I did my best with this and here's what I came up with.

View attachment 3252

I know it's not great but I've tried (and failed) to draw this so many times that I just need to call it quits and admit defeat. This is pretty much the best I can do at the moment. So I hope it's okay.

I think it looks decent enough. I like it!
I mean, the whole reason behind this thread was trying things out and getting used to drawing on your tablet.
Perspective can be pretty hard to do and the only way I can think of getting ideas on how to do things is to look at other artists' work to see how they made it look good.
The only real feedback I can give is that cocks usually have a bit of an upward curve to them and aren't that straight.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Here's my own TiTS character, I did for practice, he's just a straight-up Mary Sue.


I think it looks decent enough. I like it!
I mean, the whole reason behind this thread was trying things out and getting used to drawing on your tablet.
Perspective can be pretty hard to do and the only way I can think of getting ideas on how to do things is to look at other artists' work to see how they made it look good.
The only real feedback I can give is that cocks usually have a bit of an upward curve to them and aren't that straight.

Thank you, I really appreciate the feedback. It means a lot! :)
I did get a new tablet though, with an actual display, so that's something too!
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Request from @JDeko
Her femboy character on a quest to become a pokémon master!


Quest seems to have hit a snag?

So yes I put a lot of effort into this drawing. I would really love it if anyone seeing this could give me feedback, criticism, a review, judgement or otherwise let me know what you think of this drawing. Thanks♥


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Not a bad redesign.
Thanks :) It was JDeko's idea and conceptualising her was my favourite part of this drawing. I really loved the idea of a tree centaur.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
While drawing this something went wrong with my computer and I had to pretty much reset everything. Thankfully I didn't lose many personal files but fuck if it wasn't scary and annoying.
So this Is Eris, a golden, naturally armoured seraph requested by @Cog.
So I think I did good with this and feedback is more than welcome. I have a fetish for feedback.... A feedback fetish...
Anyway back to procrastinating being focused and diligently practicing artsyness.


Also a sneak peek of when things go horribly wrong.
Boing boing.gif
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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2016
Very nice! On top of the other things we discussed, I'm very pleased with how the wings turned out. Thanks again!
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Dec 8, 2015
If you're still up to taking requests, I may throw my Steele description at you later o3o