I mean, to each their own, but IMO harems of any sort are pretty cringe.
Heh, they kind of are but I meant it more in a way where we have more player centric male NPCs in same way we have with our mix of female NPCs.
You have your free spirited sourts that player can be in open relationship (Cait, Lusamine, Miko, Mai, Elthara), the player centric ones (Brienne, Kiyoko, the MILF Cougar) and the rest in the middle (the ones that fuck around but much less so such as Kurako, Kohaku, Agni, Atugia, Ryn, Hretha). And finally, all of the sex workers and people that are just not interested in you romantically/sexually.
Player here gets to choose which type of NPCs they want to interact with and be serious with/marry.
I am personally fan of Brienne and Agni camps when it comes to PC orientated relationships. But at same time, I can tangle with the rest for the spice of it (even though the only sex worker I actually really enjoyed was, ironically, Nikol).
So harem in this context is marrying/concubining many different girls/guys that (mostly) prefer you above all else.
Basically what I am getting at, I wish we had more of that balance when it comes to male NPCs. It feels most fall into the sex worker/hos camp (Brint, Quinn, Sugo, Boomer, Takahiro), have no Interest in me, romantic or sexual (rest of the male Kitsune den, every fucking DILF, River, Jun Jun, Elf Boy, Vaush) and one or two middle (Berwyn, June, Elyon?) and more devoted ones (Liulfr, Lyric). I just wish male NPCs were more balanced.
Although, I wouldn't say no to a male harem in same vain as Cat harem.