Your gripes with CoC II

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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
On discord Tobs seemed to have posted what looks like a scene of Female Keros. Ah, well, the game covered my face in spit enough times to know that is something I should have expected. Mallach, fucked off, Keros turns into a girl (I know it will be players choice but still. I am just waiting to see what will happen to the tree god. Will he turn out to be a GILF?


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
No. Just sad that one good male kitsune gets his future expansion aimed at female lovers. Like, just tiered of this stuff happening. I at least hope he gets a scene where we get to top him as a guy.


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2021
I mean if theres one character where that makes sense, it would be the god notorious for constantly using disguises. Like it isnt like brienne, or berwyn.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2017
So it looks like female Keros is being added... I really want to burn that tree into the ground... Only named (good) male Kitsune and we seemingly can not even have that...
Do we have any named male kitsune we can interact with and fuck regularly? I mean aside from the guy who makes and drinks too much booze, whom I really don't want to interact with.


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2021
Huh, I was under the impression that any of the seven can, theoretically, change forms at will, it's just that they don't choose to do so.

Keros changing into a female to gaslight/fuck with the champ's mind/play a nasty prank would be so on point.

Don't really know if that's the real impetus though, I'm curious as to why such a change would take place.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2021
Maybe he wants to join the other foxes his champs going around and fuckin, at this point were 2 steps removed from trying to be a mini him lol.


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2021
Ooh genderbent Keros sounds cool.. if that did happen I certainly would give the God another chance. Though I wouldn't believe everything on Discord.. alot of people talk nonsense on that app. Try finding something actually related to the game but instead you're bombarded with stupid images, crap that has nothing to do with the game itself.


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2016
No. Just sad that one good male kitsune gets his future expansion aimed at female lovers. Like, just tiered of this stuff happening. I at least hope he gets a scene where we get to top him as a guy.
I have to agree with this. As someone with no interest in bob and vajene, it's frustrating that every male character seems to be turning into a woman. Like, I get that's the primary playerbase, but it's still pretty frustrating. It's just time and effort going into content that some of us will just avoid or spam "next" through to get whatever rewards are gated behind it. And I understand not everything is for everyone and that's always bound to happen in a game like this, but I certainly wouldn't complain about Cait, Azzy, Atugia, one of the dryads, Ahmri, Kiyoko, or hell even Arona becoming males. One of the things that made me support the game was that there were/are actually developed male characters with sex scenes compared to CoC1 and it seems a lot of characters are being (or have plans to be, at least) rewritten as females and developed that way, while their male forms are kind of just left to be as-is.


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2021
There is only 3 characters(if you want to include the afformentions one) who can be turned female, and none of them have been left as-is?

I get what your saying but this one is just funny to me, because shes the one character is would never make sense.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
and it seems a lot of characters are being (or have plans to be, at least) rewritten as females and developed that way, while their male forms are kind of just left to be as-is.
Brint/Brienne get more or less equal amounts of development, though sometimes one will get an expansion before the other; the former is definitely not being left 'as-is'. Likewise B's plans for Berwyn are to make various transformations to him an option and one of those options is 'leave him just the way he is'. There's been precisely zero indication that B plans to leave Berwyn to dry on the vine in favor of Wynne.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
I get what your saying but this one is just funny to me, because shes the one character is would never make sense.
A fox guy could have been easily developed in her place without all that many changes to the main thrust of the character's story. He would have still needed the Champ to share their essence, Keros or the Astral Plane itself could have still pranked the pair with weird magical pregnancy, resulting in Kinu and any number of additional kits. Or Kiyoko could have had the same adventuring accident as Brint, swapping her sex and altering her personality to some degree. Breed hungry, adorable and partner sharing shenanigans would have likely still been the bedrock of the character's appeal regardless of anything else.

Obviously, the sheer size of the project that would have included both versions of Kiyo, Kinu, all the other kits and the hooks the Champ's fox family provides for the general kitsune content would have been staggering. But if TObs's boner for fox husbandos and their side of pregophile kink could rival in size his boner for fox waifus and the idea of breeding them, then I'm sure he would have found a way to write both - or to at least create other male foxes that would have filled that niche.

There's been precisely zero indication that B plans to leave Berwyn to dry on the vine in favor of Wynne.
Well, yes and no. It's true that B never indicated in any way that male version of Berwyn will be left without new content. But so far at least, outside of potential further feminization of Berwyn's body and development of Wynne's separate personality, the other major aspect of Berwyn Quest 2 seems to be Mistress Matiha. And for someone who has zero interest in sexing female characters, that's a miss as well, even though it shapes up to be a great piece of content for everyone else.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
Brint/Brienne get more or less equal amounts of development, though sometimes one will get an expansion before the other; the former is definitely not being left 'as-is'. Likewise B's plans for Berwyn are to make various transformations to him an option and one of those options is 'leave him just the way he is'. There's been precisely zero indication that B plans to leave Berwyn to dry on the vine in favor of Wynne.
I disagree somewhat in same vain with what Burnerbro said. A lot of effort for Berwyn is still being spread over to Matiha and his female/vagina variants. While I can not exactly colarate the content they gain as effort that should have been spent to bolster Berwyn I like, it still feels bad. Like, imagine if Ryn suddenly gained a vagina.

This all comes down to feel. It feels bad that the game is bending over backwards to please part of the playerbase by musceling into the stuff that is already niche to begin with. Like, the male content is already sporadic enough and having the one already present now altered for non male lovees to enjoy... And it being one way street is just not fun.

I get that I am minority and I can not blame it from business perspective. And B is good enough to make it work. And I do like genderbend and Cboys. But I hope you get what I mean.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2021
I mean hes probably focusing on wynne so she feels fleshed out instead of being "berwyn but not they have a vagoo", chances are berwyn wont be left contentless.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2016
I get what your saying but this one is just funny to me, because shes the one character is would never make sense.
I understand why there are lore reasons why some characters would never, and I'm not demanding that anyone be turned male or anything. She is just a character that, if turned male, I would probably be into.
Brint/Brienne get more or less equal amounts of development, though sometimes one will get an expansion before the other; the former is definitely not being left 'as-is'. Likewise B's plans for Berwyn are to make various transformations to him an option and one of those options is 'leave him just the way he is'. There's been precisely zero indication that B plans to leave Berwyn to dry on the vine in favor of Wynne.
That's fair, and I don't think Brint or Brienne have really gotten large expansions so perhaps Brienne's is first and Brint's will come second. The only other expansions I think they both got were the alternate sets which iirc were very minor in terms of storyline. As far as Berry goes, I believe there's an entire marriage portion to Wynne, and a threesome marriage with Wynn and Matiha both, but if you choose to leave Berry male, you just stay fuck buddies and the sex mostly focuses on Matiha. I could have read the documents wrong, and I'm not saying the content should be changed or altered, it's just a bummer that it wasn't thought of in the first place.
Now you know what 97% of the player base thinks about the content YOU like.
I acknowledged that I was speaking about content that doesn't cater to the majority, and I understand that concept, so thank you for reinforcing that you read my post. :)


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
As far as Berry goes, I believe there's an entire marriage portion to Wynne, and a threesome marriage with Wynn and Matiha both, but if you choose to leave Berry male, you just stay fuck buddies and the sex mostly focuses on Matiha. I could have read the documents wrong, and I'm not saying the content should be changed or altered, it's just a bummer that it wasn't thought of in the first place.
First, I do not think that marriage is even planned. For now anyway. It is long way down.
And second, the way I remember you can be in poly or fuckbuddy relationships with Matiha and Berwyn or with just Berwyn alone if you decide that you do not want Matiha.And it stands regardless of gender.
It would be stupid if I could not date/marry Berwyn if I decided to slightly monopolize him.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2021
I feel this is going to have people bitching at me for but fuck it.. If CoC2 is as bad as you keep saying, why not play TiTs? Plenty of men to fuck and none that I know have been turned into a lady. Also fucking hell, Berry was an incomplete character who know is getting more content.. not just his feminine side but also his masculine side.. read Bs previews if you don't believe it. And for Brienne/Brint the mino has more content for his Male counterpart, so why complain when Brienne gets more and its already been said Brint will get more as wel


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2016
CoC2 isn't bad? This is a thread for gripes and the gripe I echoed was that we've had a lot of males turn/plan to turn female but not vice versa so it's a little disappointing is all. I'm not even demanding anything or saying anyone is being unfair. I'm not accusing anyone of anything or belittling anyone, just saying it would be cool to experience some of our female characters as males too. That's it. Period.

The combat is fun, the lore is interesting, the development of most characters is enjoyable, the setting and tone are super cool. I think it's a quality game and the writers do well. I just want more dick in my PC's butt and/or throat, sue me.


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2021
CoC2 isn't bad? This is a thread for gripes and the gripe I echoed was that we've had a lot of males turn/plan to turn female but not vice versa so it's a little disappointing is all. I'm not even demanding anything or saying anyone is being unfair. I'm not accusing anyone of anything or belittling anyone, just saying it would be cool to experience some of our female characters as males too. That's it. Period.

The combat is fun, the lore is interesting, the development of most characters is enjoyable, the setting and tone are super cool. I think it's a quality game and the writers do well. I just want more dick in my PC's butt and/or throat, sue me.
You said the Male counterpart gets left without content.. Brint is still getting more content.


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2016
You said the Male counterpart gets left without content.. Brint is still getting more content.
I said it seems like, just going from what I've seen, that a lot of male counterparts don't seem to have plans. I know Brint has more planned but I don't know what that entails aside from a brief mention of marriage. As things stand now, if you pick Brienne, you have a quest line with Brienne's family. Granted, that content doesn't appeal to everyone either. With Brint, for as long as we've had him, I haven't found any questline for him except for a short in and out of the spectral forge to get his ice gear. And again, Brienne has a similar moment with getting the ancestral fire set. So unless you don't have a Hawkethorne date with Brienne, or you can't knock her up, or she's missing two scenes where she's the domme and you're the sub, I'm pretty sure she's at more content now. I'm not mad about it or crying it as some great injustice, it's just a bummer that Brint doesn't have any kind of questline with his family, even if it were something platonic. Just some kind of storyline with them. I hope he gets that kind of a story, I just haven't seen any mention of it.

(Editing out this Berry segment because I had misunderstood the context of "wives" and I can't see any difference between Berry and Wynne without that.)

Keros himself doesn't have a huge depth of content on his own so I'm not really fussed about him having female scenes, though I'll admit it'll suck if there's some kind of storyline/quest that is exclusive to his female form.

So I was a bit extreme in saying that writers are leaving the males to stagnate, but it's not easy to iust believe in expansions I've never seen proof of when the proof that I can see is that male characters are becoming female but there's no evidence that the reverse is being planned. And I just feel the need to express again, because I don't want to come off like I'm entitled to change the whole game to specifically cater to me, that I get that these writers are writing content they are comfortable/familiar with and interested in, and they're not in the wrong for doing so. The feeling of being left out in a sense just isn't great,
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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
As far as Berry, reading B's document, there's a flag for Wynne being flagged as "wife" (though I'm still unsure if it's a special relationship stage or an actual deeper relationship) but I didn't see any kind of flag for a new type of relationship with Berry, other than sharing him with his mistress. It could be in the works and just unannounced, I have no idea, but I can see there are special plans in place for deciding he identifies as a female. Again, I'm glad he's getting any kind of expansion at all because content is better than no content, and again, it's just kind of a bummer that having a special relationship status for male Berry doesn't seem to be planned. Which again, if that's not the vision B has for him, I'm not going to say I deserve/demand to have it. I'm just saying I want it.
Hmmm, that is strange. I see no reason why we could not have Berry as a husband. Can you post the doc?
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Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2016
Hmmm, that is strange. I see no reason why we could not havr Berry as husband. Can you post the doc?
Ah, you actually having me go back realize I misread something. What I was referencing was this:

“[] were just talking about you when you summoned the tower on us,” Matiha explains, her lips curling upward deviously as she watches you make out with []. “And we were just thinking… that it would be <b>wonderful</b> if you were to pay us a visit right about now. It feels like it’s been too long since you had given your [berwyn.isWynne|wives|lovers] any special attention.”

But that seems to imply if you have taken them both into a polyamorous relationship rather than sexing one of them, or both of them separately. That's my misunderstanding, I'll edit my past post now because there's no sense in a moot point.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
But that seems to imply if you have taken them both into a polyamorous relationship rather than sexing one of them, or both of them separately. That's my misunderstanding, I'll edit my past post now because there's no sense in a moot point.
Just a little bit of correction. The parser [ Wynne] takes into account if you have Wynne (good girl) or Berwyn (goodest boyo!). So if you have both Matiha and Wynne as lovers they are your wives and if you have Berwyn and Matiha they are your lovers since it would be little delerious to call them your wives. If Matiha was a guy, Berwyn and Matiha would be your husband. You get what I mean.


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2016
Just a little bit of correction. The parser [ Wynne] takes into account if you have Wynne (good girl) or Berwyn (goodest boyo!). So if you have both Matiha and Wynne as lovers they are your wives and if you have Berwyn and Matiha they are your lovers since it would be little delerious to call them your wives. If Matiha was a guy, Berwyn and Matiha would be your husband. You get what I mean.
I do lol. Thanks for pointing me back towards the content!


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2021
So I tried out the bad ends for the dead queen and her consort in winter palace.. it was lacking compared to other ends. It would of been nice to have abit more to it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2021
Eh there probably wasnt much more they could do with it, isnt a very flexable bad end that one.
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