That's fair. Ideally, I think it would be pretty neat if every companion was gender selectable since, that way, everyone could be happy—and it wouldn't feel as if the world was against male companions, asdfghjkl (stay strong, Quin). I understand why it isn't doable, though, because that would mean double the workload. Plus, for certain characters—like Ryn, for example—their gender is an integral aspect of them and, thus, making their gender optional would only do a disservice to their story.
Might be cool to add for a potential new game in the distant future, though. Who knows!
At everyone who cares to answer: if you could select the gender of all your companions—they don't necessarily have to be the ones from CoC II (it just can be imaginary ones from a possible CoC III)—what would the gender ratio look like? All guys? (LOL.) All girls? (The most likely outcome probably.) Or some sort of mix?
I would swing between going for a mix (because I like balance) and going for an all-girl crew (because Amazon Brigade, fuck yeah).