I'll admit there is a lot I like about Kiyoko, I'll also admit I restarted my game after I meet Hime Kinu, I just like Inari Kinu's design and personality much much better, and as others have mentioned various things to do with the after orb content are... irritating, but she's still a character I like
Cat is adorable, I have to admit I would kill for a chance to knock her up, but oh well, she's super useful and gets even more so with her unlocked outfit
Brienne is great, I spent a good long time with her and Cat grinding my character up to level 6 after restarting thanks to the Hime event, I'd love her more if I could get the tank outfit with her, but even without it she's great
Atugia is super useful, but needs more character development
Brint, eh, I'm neutral on him, he's useful, but frankly when I've not even talked to him about sex having him talking about how much I love sucking his dick was a bit of a wtf moment

if your into that more power to you but he's not to my taste
Azzyran I've only just got, her basic mode is kinda meh, another tank character who's worse at it than the other options, her lust combat version could be useful if that was the way I rolled but there are not enough slots in party for me to feel right bringing her once she's hit current max level
Etheryn what can I say, the elf girl is not my favourite character, I feel sorry for her, but frankly she's not very useful in her base form, her other outfit takes a lot to unlock, and dick or anal is a turnoff for me, maybe if she can get the body she wants *I think /frown don't throw things at me if I'm wrong please* she'd be interesting, but I just feel like a bully doing things to her she and I don't enjoy just to try and keep her combat viable when I level her >.<
Arona frankly this one is tied for my least fav character, frankly if we could put her in a collar and remove that dick she's obviously not responsible enough to have considering what she does with it she might be fun to play with, as it is she's a meh at best
Berwyn: I do not like this brat, frankly it would serve him right if at some point in the future we get the option to turn him into a her, I mean lets be fair, if we can do that to Brint, who's a much nicer character than I will be very disappointed if we don't get the option for it to happen to worst mage, even if it's just him doing something stupid and his master doing it to him or something /shrug not to mention his *and other* summons are anoying in that you can only have one up at a time and they overwrite each other
Quin: while I don't dislike the slut bunny, well I sure don't trust him, and feel more then a little cheated that we got a bunny boy rather than a bunny girl, but such is life
and that's my thoughts /shrug and before someone gets annoyed with me I'm all for people having the option to slap a dick on any character they feel like it if it will make them more interesting, more options are always good, even if I don't/won't use them
It would be nice to be able to upgrade companions weapons and such as well, I'd like to get some use out of all these unique items I have no use for with my current build /laugh