Who is your favorite companion?


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
Maybe I misread something but don't the intersex elves have overall feminine features with a dick and they're considered female? So Hethia's statement would be more along the lines of being intentionally culturally insensitive. Plus Ryn only seems to have issues with her penis due to her cage and the nature of abuse she suffered rather than just having the penis.
I mean, I would think that intersex people in elven society got to chose how they are refered to. I do think that hethia was being insensitive in a way to degrade Ryns assumed manhood. Since the way she framed it made it sound like in her culture, it is not unusual for intersex people to refer to themselves one way or another. But they do assume that most people would end up picking male. I could be wrong. But I do not see a reason why Ryn would need to be treated like a girl. I think the problem with her sister was that she did not treat her like a person. She treated her like a pleasure girl. So I am little confused on all the " I want to feel like a women" stuff.
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Feb 12, 2020
Boer'alvar society accepts whatever gender a half-sexed prefers to identify as, though most (Ryn included) identify as female; it's in the codex entry and every half-sexed we've interacted with so far identifies that way. Hethia is being deliberately insulting during Dog Days rather than culturally insensitive, basically trying to unsettle Ryn as a negotiation tactic. She's a frost elf too and as such she's clearly doing it to be spiteful rather than out of ignorance, especially once you learn that the druids think of one of Ryn's grandmothers as a martyr for their faith and she was half-sexed and identified as female too.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
I mean, I would think that intersex people in elven society got to chose how they are refered to. I do think that hethia was being insensitive in a way to degrade Ryns assumed manhood. Since the way she framed it made it sound like in her culture, it is not unusual for intersex people to refer to themselves one way or another. But they do assume that most people would end up picking male. I could be wrong. But I do not see a reason why Ryn would need to be treated like a girl. I think the problem with her sister was that she did not treat her like a person. She treated her like a pleasure girl. So I am little confused on all the " I want to feel like a women" stuff.
Like wolf above mentioned, half-sexed elves usually identify as ladies, not as guys like you said, and the codex contradicts your thing on that. They can identify as either or if they see themselves as such, it's just most fall more towards the fem identification than not. Just about all the half-sexed ice elves we meet in the game are referred and treated as women, not men. If most did identify as male we'd probably (pfft) see more of them that did.

Hethia's just being a bitch, that's really all it is to it.
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New Member
Jan 19, 2021
My opinions aren't super unique but oh well:

Cait: Probably my favorite. She's one of the only companions that I feel like is great both as a friend and lover, respectively. I usually try to always have her in my party for any quests just for her extra dialogue.

Brint: I really like that there's a good masculine companion. Like others have said, he has all of the good parts of masculinity and none of the toxicity. He's just a big sweetheart. I will say, the whole massive minotaur thing doesn't really do it for me, but that's not his fault. It's also nice to have a character who's very much a companion rather than spouse, but that you can have a more serious relationship with as well. I do wish there was a bit more buildup with his relationship-maybe it's just me, but it felt like his content went from 'friends with benefits' to 'basically engaged' pretty quickly

Brienne: I like her content well enough and play with her in my other save but I prefer Brint overall. I just don't like that she has a bit of a personality change and she feels a bit boring to me, but I don't have any big problems with her.

Berwyn: He has a lot of potential but I think he needs to be fleshed out a bit more. I do like having a more effeminate male companion option but I wish with his dom/sub mechanic that there was a bit more content for the submissive side as well, since there aren't many submissive men in COC2 and not a ton of content for the dom scenes either. I don't really like the way his more confident scenes are written-really comes off as more just being an asshole than anything else, which combined with being petulant is just not attractive to me. Also not super into the hyper thing, I don't mind having it in the game but I wish it was optional or there was a quest to fix it or something. Brats are a huge kink of mine but for some reason he just doesn't do it for me.

Ryn: She's sweet, and I like her story, but I hate bringing her as a companion just because of how often the PC needs to 'relieve' her. It just becomes a pain in the ass, especially if you're somewhere where camps disappear quickly. I don't mind the whole chastity thing but it'd be nice if there was some other way to take care of it without having to stop and camp every time. I agree that she sometimes feels more like a little sister though.

Quin: I completely understand why he's unpopular, but I think with a little more content and a bit of character development on his assholery, he'd be a fave. I think he's very attractive and I do like that he's a bit of a shameless slut, but the overconfidence can be frustrating. I do think the scenes where him and the PC team up in slutty shenanigans are very fun-it's an underrated dynamic, he's the best of the FWB type characters IMO.

Arona: Pretty cool! Again, meathead isn't really my type, but she's honestly really cute. I tend not to take her as a companion super often since I prefer Brint if I'm going to have a barbarian in my party, but I like all of her scenes well enough. The Foothill quest was pretty frustrating though, I wish we didn't have to fight her quite so many times just to unlock the quest, it got tedious pretty quickly.

Azyrran: Another favorite! She's definitely the best wife-material IMO. I like that she has her own shit going on besides being a companion-since there's so many companions, having ones who aren't just crashing on Garth's dime is nice so I don't feel like I'm eating him out of house and home;;. She's a pretty well-developed character and ticks all of my boxes for attraction as well.

Kiyoko: I really like all of her content when she's in the orb but it feels so stressful freeing her-there's just so much content before freeing her that even with finishing almost all of her content and having another save with different choices, it feels like I'm making a mistake. She also takes a lot of time out of the PC's schedule, since sleep is kind of optional and her sleep scene also doesn't trigger in some locations (like sleeping in the kitsune den).

Overall my favorite has to be Azzyran, she has a pretty wide range of content and is just really likeable and attractive. Least favorite right now is Berwyn, he just has too many turn-offs for me, but I don't hate him or anything. I think Lyric despite being new has a lot of potential-I'm not really into size-difference but I'm excited to see new content for them.

(i don't post a lot on forums so let me know if i'm committing some kind of unforgiveable sin BTW)

Magenta Needle

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2021
My favorite is Atugia, but she really need more content, same with Quint ; I like them all, they are pretty nice and they feel like people I could have met.
In comparison my character is boring .


Feb 25, 2021
azzy, shes just so cute and fluffy and i love her hair, and she can also have a bimbo form and im a sucker for bimbos, also bee/wasp girls, which she is
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Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2018
I think I'll do a positive/negative approach.

+ Easy to like, easy to write for, strikes a good balance between sexual and nonsexual content and despite the sheer amount it's never so intensely focused on her so as to come off as though she's being played as an overwhelming favorite.

- Divisive among the fanbase for her tendencies, 'catgirl with big boobs who likes sex' can easily get lost among the larger personalities and less basic character designs, outside of her divisive sticking points she can feel 'overly inoffensive' - personally I'd like to see her get really upset with someone just to know that she can.

+ Very boyish and confident but very easygoing, too, his personality makes him unilaterally likeable whether you want a buddy or a boyfriend. Wsan in my opinion writes the best sex scenes, too, so you're getting top-shelf stuff and I think a lot of people appreciate how he can be rough but still caring and sweet; you get all positives of having a big burly man who can make your character feel pretty and delicate and adored without any of the negativity that often comes with it.

- His content is heavily skewed in favor of sex scenes, so if you're not sleeping with him you don't get to see much of him. His story is probably the least interesting one so far, too, but it hasn't really started yet and some other content in the game can serve as a warning against trying to make character stories too big. His hyper proportions won't be to everyone's taste, either.

+ For all the magic and alchemy in the setting there wasn't much content that actually made use of it as more than a way for the PC to fine-tune their appearance! For fans of gender-swap content it hits a lot of good notes and for those who wanted a big amazonian character - or one who's more exclusive to them - to balance out characters like Cait Brienne is often exactly what they're looking for.

- You have to lose Brint to get her and quite a few people prefer Brint's personality to the more demure and clingy Brienne. Like a lot of gender swap content it ends up being less interesting than it sounds; it doesn't really take long for Brint to disappear so it comes off less an interesting thing on its own merits as a way to poof one character into another without much fuss.

+ I always got the feeling that Hugs wrote Berwyn to rail against the stereotype that all trap/femboy characters be shy and mewling little things with unintimidating assets. A little on the abrasive side, but I think he found a good spot for him that gets away from the Cait problem of being a little -too- likeable to the point of feeling artificial. That he can both bully and be bullied is a fun idea for character content that doesn't show up too often.

- For some he might go too far in the other direction in defying stereotypes and he's so busy posturing that he's stingy on affection. You have to be patient and really work on him to get what he gives and that can make him divisive - especially if someone thinks there's not enough payoff. This is just the start of his content, though, and B seems to be comitted to staying true to Hugs' vision of Barry. In the future his popularity might skyrocket as we get more scenes where his tsun begins to melt.

+ A classic hard dom bruiser type for those who think Brint is too soft on them - or like the thrill of putting someone like that on a leash. Having different ways to play out her content (or essentially sidestep it since it's somewhat-required for the orc story quests) makes her more dynamic than some of the other characters and that level of effort is appreciated; even the Brints and Caits can sometimes feel like coatracks that sex scenes are hung from.

- Some feel her submissive state doesn't go far enough, others just flat-out don't like her personality and don't think she's fit for the 'ideal' quest outcome where she becomes chieftain. In many ways she's the polar opposite to Ryn in that she's aggressively unsympathetic and not immediately likeable but has good materials for a character arc in front of her. ...Also Urka kinda ruined futa orcs for every other game; she's just way too high a standard to live up to and now they all get compared whether it's fair or not.

+ Like most of Savin's characters in this game she's a classic character archetype with a few little twists. As the most dynamic companion so far interacting with her comes with a lot of responsibility and engagement and those can make her instantly endearing even outside the whole abused puppy vibe she has. Whether you want to break her or nurse her back to health the content focuses on the process, so it succeeds in places where material like Brienne's genderswap kinda falls flat. Her content has a lot of big backstory to it but this is another area where she shines in spots where other content trips over itself: it doesn't overindulge, try too hard to squeeze that sympathy out, or try to do too much and lose its appeal in the process. Ryn has just enough pieces for her small personal stuff to inform and color rather than overwhelm her big plot-related material.

- In all the same places that Berwyn defies trap/femboy stereotypes Ryn hits them dead-center. That's not inherently positive or negative but I'm especially sick of chastity content being pushed on characters like these. Some of her gameplay mechanics can be annoying, too, she needs to be 'emptied' nearly every day. I would have liked Cait's treatment to be a repeatable option just so that you don't have to do it -every- time you want to take her with you. Much like Cait she can feel a bit TOO agreeable at times. You get all the fuzzies of loving the trauma away without any of the frustrating or difficult aspects that would make the character feel more real; whether in animals or people anyone who's worked with the traumatized knows that there are good days and bad days. And that's not even touching on whether a princess who's been isolated to a single place her whole life would be so openminded or experience so little culture shock.

+ Very involved content that links to and affects a large batch of other content - in fact she's probably got more by sheer volume than the next two runners-up put together. She combines a number of focal points for fans of these games (japanese-flavored stuff, breeding, marriage and child-rearing content) and pushes them far enough to satisfy most players who'd be drawn to her for those reasons. Unlike some of the other characters she has a mix of both likeable and unlikeable traits, too, so when stacked up against some of the flatter characters she stands out as someone her author put a lot of thought into bringing to life.

- There are both pluses and minuses to it so clearly being someone's pet character and story: the content itself is extremely self-contained and discordant with every part of the game that doesn't involve kitsune and -very- much on tracks, so those who might have liked to see how things play out differently (if their character didn't fall in love with Kiyoko, if their character were to approach it as more quid pro quo, if their character took offense to the way Kiyoko tries to freeze them out when it comes to parenting, if their character is female &c) might lose investment in it entirely if they don't perfectly agree with the direction it takes. There's so little player involvement past a certain point that many who were on board with it initially got fed up with it. Where Ryn's content found the line (between serving as an avenue to get you the player to feel more invested in the parts of the story that involve the character and getting so overwrought and self-indulgent in its 'look how complex and tragic and important my characters and all the content surrounding them are!' efforts that it feels desperate, as though it's trying to force you to feel things through sheer volume) in giving the character a 'big' and involved backstory Kiyoko's shamelessly sails past it without so much as acknowledging it and then keeps going and going and going...and going. It even stops asking you whether you still care or not; you'll be bombarded with it regardless. This navel-gazing aspect of her content is probably the most polarizing in the game.

+ Hits a lot of notes for a cool warrior waifu. That's one of the most popular character types for a reason; a -lot- of people like to see a sexy girl who can kick ass in battle but still shows a soft side that makes her lovable - and fuckable. Her content gives her plenty of room to shine without stepping into 'am I still on an adventure or am I just reading someone's waifu-novel' territory, too, the fact that it doesn't assume that you love love LOVE the character before offering it is a sign of good design. Her personality overlaps a good bit with Brienne, too, so you don't -have- to give up Brint to have a girl who's tough in battle but a big mushy softie in bed.

- That said it's lacking in polish. Moreso than Cait or Ryn, even, Azy feels deliberately designed to be maximum waifu and that in itself can be somewhat offputting. I'm not sure how else to say this but there's a peculiar way that some male authors write female characters, this particular...cluelessness?...that comes off as a total disconnect from the way women feel and experience the world. It's hard to describe if you don't know what I mean, it's something like being able to see the strings and feeling hyper-aware of them, and she gives off this feeling in all of her scenes.


+ In many ways she's a more down to earth and believable version of Azyrran in terms of character concept, one that doesn't push that 'a girl by boys for boys' button quite so hard. She's not one of those what's-her-deal-no-one's-this-sweet types, either, you don't have to get far into her content to get the impression that she's both interesting and believable.

- You can't approach it casually, you have to want to date her to recruit her, but her content doesn't gate other content so this isn't -strictly- a negative. The steps for recruiting her aren't telegraphed all that well, though, that makes her easily missable. Along with having so little content compared to everyone else she feels more like a secret character than a full-fledged companion.

+ He's really hot lmbo. Getting a bunny-boy instead of a predictable bunny-girl was a welcome breath of fresh air and as far as a bad boy kinda-corrupt character goes he's pretty fun in scenes that aren't strictly about him. Even Cait and Brint aren't as willing to do slutty stuff with you as Quint is and some of my favorite scenes are group ones where the PC and a friend are doing something really, really pervy and playing off of each other. It's also an interesting idea to have a character who starts off skeevy, untrustworthy, sorta cowardly - without all those safety nets for being easy to like - and relies on his character arc to 'redeem' him. It's a bold choice and I'm definitely interested to see how his material plays out during the story and during a relationship.

- In all the ways Brint is a big lovable boy without any toxicity Quint is boyishness warts and all. In a game where other writers are more than willing to serve you sweetness without any bitters putting up with Quint and asking you to go along with his ride, moreso than Berwyn, is tough to judge before knowing how it all turns out. He'll be polarizing no matter what but a lot's riding on how his plot, his arc (or possible arcs), and his interactivity turn out. Right now he's pretty placeholdery and that alone is a minus.
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Aug 19, 2018
Brienne would be perfect if she wasn’t a variant of Brint and was her own, independent person that was still as well-done as Brint. Brint is great and is the only one of all the characters that a) has a significant, engaging presence and b) doesn’t have a grating drawback. Atugia is (b) but, as others have pointed out, not (a), which is unfortunate. Those two make for the best companions, conversation-wise. I haven’t really tried Azyrran (she’s new enough that isn’t even listed as a companion yet on the wiki), though her initial conversations seem fine. Nearly everything involving kitsune in this game is what I don’t want to experience in media, up to including having positive relationships with creatures that, in other media, I would gladly see come to harm or brought low, so Kiyoko is out.

Cait has a ton of text, but is basically (a), with none of that text bringing her further than fetish fuel for some. It’s bizarre because she has a better motivation than the PC for everything done; I thought, in fact, that the plan would be to make Cait the primary quest-arranger, sending the PC here and there to further the main plot even when she sat at the Inn all day. (Having her manage Team PC would be a good reason for her to sit out of the party!) Being able to park her in the Inn without consequences broke a bit of immersion, which, ironically enough, was more bearable so long as she stayed parked in the Inn. I’d forgotten about her sister, which helps. Note: it’s possible that she has sex scenes that I wouldn’t dislike, but because I started playing this game early in its development before that stuff was written, parking her at the Inn happens early in my play and I don’t notice I’m missing anything.

Some characters will represent a fetish or two that I like, then have all of it ruined by an overwhelmingly (suite of) bad personality trait(s) that obliviates it, Kiyoko being the best example. (Actually Kiyoko is worse, since there’s the horrible personality and the “I’ll tell you what you’re thinking” writing that plagues the content. Such tendencies are in other content as well, but it’s egregious with Kiyoko.)

Etheryn presents a series of fetishes that I’m forced to engage in, without warning within that subplot, just to make the character mechanically work. That would be a resounding “hell no” before we got to the other substantive stuff that turned me right on off. Because the game had been good with this sort of thing before, I actually thought Etheryn was bugged until I checked the wiki.

I value mechanically-interesting characters, though, and on that scale I go with Atugia and Arona. Arona’s personality is not engaging to me as literally every trope that goes into her is bad imo. If I could turn off her commentary (or, even better, replace it with Atugia’s!) I would. But mechanically, they present a bunch of team-boosting options which work well together even though they’re variants of the same job — melee fighter. Quint presents some interesting combat options as well, but I’d have to use a completely different setup for my PC to utilize him properly and I haven’t had the time to experiment with that yet.

Though not many of the companions are my cup of tea, there are a lot of NPCs that read well to me. If Vaush and Hretha were companions, there’s a risk I’d use them even if it didn’t make mechanical sense, despite my love of combat synergy. Unlike with the kitsune, the bad orc stuff isn’t as universal for the orcs.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
Stemwinder: Re: Cait

You do remembershe has rather vehement reaction to Quin after he's recruited and you talk to her right?

Garde is going to do an alt recruitment path for Atuiga as well.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
well I talked about companions before figure I might as well put who I like most on here.

Cait I think overall is my number 1. her healing for one is really valuable all the time and I like the white mage to go with my paladin honestly just thematic for me. Her personality is really open which I think alongside her being ready for just about any sex scene is great in my opinion. Bonus points for pushing into my kink of being able to grow her boobs and she has way too much fun playing with them. Probably the perfect definition of fuck buddy and I respect that she's going to fuck other people like I am but if she wanted to talk about settling down I'd be fine with that since I'm a little smitten.

Brienne is a close second I like her strength and relaxation of just now being a woman and she gets plenty of scenes. Just being able to chill most of the time is great and there's those times when she's just steaming from the nose raring to go here and there. I do have a bit of a minor gripe with constant pregnancy making me feel a little bad about taking her out to combat. Honestly after hearing Elthara has contreceptives or something of the sort I would kind of like being able to ask if companions are cool with maybe not getting knocked up just cause I like having explosive loads as a kink. But that's a minor gripe at the end of the day a strong reliable and curvaceous friend and lover is great.

Azzy hits a lot of similar notes for me but they aren't quite the same person but a lot of the good things that apply to Brienne apply to her for me. I like that she's a knight honestly and a lot of her scenes while involving venom isn't really my thing are all pretty great. Bonus points for her taking care of Brienne now and then I think we could do with a bit more cross companion helping out in general.

Arona Honestly I like having a companion who started off trying to kick your ass and you just prove her wrong and she takes to it really chill. it's been a long time but that fire salamander from 1 was a big one or me and I feel this hits some of those notes. She's simple in how she goes about things and that's fine honestly and she's pretty cool with just about anything you say if you are in charge if I had to pick a negative for me personally it's that I don't like futa characters if there was a de-dicking option I would consider it depending on Arona's opinion (which I know she wanted it at first) so all her futa stuff is out for me for sex scenes. Bonus that she sometimes likes joining in to screw people that's something I don't mind as long as I'm not receiving.

Atugia is alright most of it is yeah she needs more content to flesh her out I like her being around and I like her scenes that are available I just want to see more from her so it's not as if I don't like her it's just I need to see more there before I give a definitive opinion.

Etheryn is starting to hit meh for me I like a lot of things about her I like being able to build up her confidence and make her less of a stick girl with some minor tfs and getting her into sex more as well as building confidence despite being too big for her is nice. Though a lot of the time ti's an uphill thing and as with Arona I'd prefer a way to dedick her though that's probably not going to happen. Also a lot of the times having to sex her to be effective in combat while not a bad idea itself I think happens too often. I would like it if say Cait would help her out like Azzy helps Brienne and whatnot or whoever she's comfortable with. Or maybe a quickie prompt when blueballs sets in for her these would go a decent ways in me liking her more as I like her decently as a friend but there's a lot of negatives for me.

Kiyoko Is in a weird spot for me. It was an agreement to help at first and I do like her though not all that much as like fox waifu things though part of the negativity is I'm waiting to make sure all the content before I let her out has ran so it's pretty repetitive. Though an old file that had her out was she's alright at the end of the day I dont' have any real deep connection to her at the end of the day I just enjoy seeing how the family is going. Might change once I let her out and get a refresher on what goes on once free and I am saving many rocks wood and metal even if it probably doesn't influence anything. I will say I like her variety in scenes though.

Berwyn might as well not exist until he gets more quests he's ok I like him in combat outside of combat he's just usually sucking his own dick and being annoying it's more of a we're on the same team kind of thing that has me keeping him as a companion and not much for him in the bed since I'm into women.

Quin I don't really use lust combat and he's a guy so i have no sexual interest in him. So he's actually just kind of there.

Brint doesn't exist in my playthrough.

I'm not great at showing my point of view so a lot of these I feel come off as more shallow than I'd like but that's just be being a poor wordsmith. And not having food so thinking is hard.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
Or maybe a quickie prompt when blueballs sets in for her these would go a decent ways in me liking her more
There is one. If she's in the active party, she tells you when she gets blue-balled.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
There is one. If she's in the active party, she tells you when she gets blue-balled.

It's been a bit since I had her in active party but the way it was last I remembered is even so you can't really like fuck her on the spot?

Though that might be due to my champion's size.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
It's been a bit since I had her in active party but the way it was last I remembered is even so you can't really like fuck her on the spot?

Though that might be due to my champion's size.
You can fuck her whenever you're in camp, the Frost Hound, or the Ice Palace. And there are many options that get her off that don't require a cock that fits her butt. Even a cock that's too big for her can do the "monstrous fuck" option, although it's not great for her Confidence.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
and as with Arona I'd prefer a way to dedick her though that's probably not going to happen.
Neither is happening and either would be a fundamental betrayal of who the character is. Arona has a whole story for why she wanted to become a hermaphrodite and what she did to make it happen. Ryn doesn't want to remove her penis and isn't interested in having a vagina. And Savin's said lolnope to the idea.

Also a lot of the times having to sex her to be effective in combat while not a bad idea itself I think happens too often. I would like it if say Cait would help her out like Azzy helps Brienne and whatnot or whoever she's comfortable with. Or maybe a quickie prompt when blueballs sets in for her these would go a decent ways in me liking her more as I like her decently as a friend but there's a lot of negatives for me.
I think that enforcing the Champion as the one who has to help see to Ryn's needs is part of ensuring that you are the one who's helping her, so if you're building her back up the way the relationship works out is personal between the two of you. Obviously there's some abstraction at work since there are many ways to affect Ryn's personality-driving stats and no guarantee the player will use any particular method, but it makes the writing much easier when they can assume the player is the one driving all of it. Consider highly-Confident Ryn and her relationship with the Champion; it's written with the assumption that there is an intimate relationship going on there.

Now, seeing some sort of random event where you approach Cait and/or Ryn and find them together a la the Cait/Evelyn scene could be written pretty easily as a bit of fluff, but I don't think making it a method of tending to Ryn's perpetual horni would work with the gameplay/story integration that's currently going on.

Now just think how much better everything is going to be when that nasty cage comes off...
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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
Neither is happening and either would be a fundamental betrayal of who the character is. Arona has a whole story for why she wanted to become a hermaphrodite and what she did to make it happen. Ryn doesn't want to remove her penis and isn't interested in having a vagina. And Savin's said lolnope to the idea.

I'm aware of that that is kind of why I worded it like that I feel your tone is a little accusatory I don't think I should need to put this in the confession thread that I don't like dicks. It's just something I'd like not something I'm pushing for since I know the odds aren't really there but it won't stop me from having physical preferences I did it in CoC1 a couple times iirc.

as for the rest of the post a lot of it is stemming from me being out with say a party of Cait and Brienne or Arona and Azzy or whoever and Ryn just being at the inn going nuts and it's like was she just like that the whole damn time I've been gone for like a week.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
You can fuck her whenever you're in camp, the Frost Hound, or the Ice Palace. And there are many options that get her off that don't require a cock that fits her butt. Even a cock that's too big for her can do the "monstrous fuck" option, although it's not great for her Confidence.

Yeah so like that is mostly fine but it does force you to have camp supplies on you in case the debuff strikes if you're in the middle of like what was it called the rift up above? or like the kitsune forest and stuff. It's not unbearable but it's enough of an inconvenience that I factor it into taking her or not.

Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
You can fuck her whenever you're in camp, the Frost Hound, or the Ice Palace. And there are many options that get her off that don't require a cock that fits her butt. Even a cock that's too big for her can do the "monstrous fuck" option, although it's not great for her Confidence.
I think the point was that you have to be in one of those spots for it. If you forgot to fuck her in the morning, you may have your adventuring suddenly interrupted by her performance being hampered by a debuff that you can only clear from one of those spots. If you play like me (without camps), then this means you'll have to go all the way back to frosthound from the middle of a combat zone, and it's especially annoying if this strikes while inside of a dungeon, because those dungeons don't have camping spots or an easy way to just leave part of the way through (while still being able to complete it) most of the time. The first time Etheryn gets the condition while you're with her, you can fuck her on the spot, but after that, while you do get a popup telling you "hey, Etheryn's blueballed," you can't do anything about it unless you're in a town/city (since I believe all presently existing settlement areas have a waystone in them, except for the Orc village, which has one on its doorstep anyways) or have camping supplies. I really like Etheryn, but I'd also appreciate it if we had some option to get her off whenever she needs it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2019
I love Cait because she's so open and cute and she's just straight up adorable. She's got a great personality and sheds good insight into a surprisingly complex spiritual aspects of the world which I personally didn't expect. Right behind her his Arona because she tickles my strong domme sweet spot. The only companion I'm not too fond of is Atugia. She just feels so blah, but I more or less lover everyone to some degree for one reason or another.


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2021
Most used -

Cait: She's the default companion. Loveable, dependable, and her pure sluttery is the natural foil to Kasyrra's malicious sluttery. Also you can never go wrong with a cleric in an RPG.
Arona: Yes, she's a slaver and rapist. Had Tollus and company approached her first she would have immediately joined their side. She's hot though.
Kiyoko (dependent on gender): By design, if you're playing a hero without a penis there's not a lot here. Nonetheless I love my largely heterosexual (cocksexual?) fox-wife. Having three sets for maximum combat versatility is great as well.

Least used -

Atugia: Weirdly into the detachable head thing, and paladin powerset is always useful. Kind of light on content though. Love the stuff that's there, but if the author could magically find hours and hours of free time to write more niche internet porn specifically the niche porn I requested that would be great.
Quin: Badly needs a new combat set. The most insulting thing is when he starts using Soothing Dance to heal the resolve damage he's inflicting on himself with Firewalk. Pair him with a charmer or the lust Azzyran set and he's useful but otherwise...
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Active Member
Sep 1, 2017
Favorite? Etheryn for now, I guess, but is mechanically annoying. Don't really have a strong positive opinion on anyone.
I like Azyrran, because I like insect girls.
Cait's cool.
I like Berwyn, he was made for ass poundings, but unfortunately has a hyper cock.
I want to like Arona as an orc because orcy orcs are cool, but having a foot long cock and being horny all the time is a no go.
Kiyoko, I sleep.
Atugia, I sleep.
I find Brienne annoying personality wise and because I keep getting forced into like a 3 part sex scene sometimes at the inn with them. Will be keeping Brint from now on even though I don't interact with him.
Quintillus, annoying. Not even worth recruiting.
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Feb 22, 2021
Nonetheless I love my largely heterosexual (cocksexual?) fox-wife

If you look at Kiyoko's sexual preferences in the little drop down menu under you/your companion's windows, you can see they consist simply of

"Likes: All Cocks

Dislikes: No Cocks"
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Ria Brew

Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2020
It's relatively even between Cait, Brint, and Kiyoko
Cait's adorable and there's kind of an odd comfort when she's involved in story
Kiyoko is a fox wife and I love foxes more than any animal in the world
And then there's Brint who managed to make my lesbian leaning ace-ass unironically want to call a man Daddy (Which is a title that I wished showed up in more scenes with Brint if you chose that option)
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Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2018
My favorite is Queen Raiment Etheryn but I think the most powerful are Pyromancer Brienne and Witch Cait. I really like Kiyoko but not as a companion. She always seemed like a worse Brienne to me. Maybe I will eventually find out how to use her in a certain way that makes her better. She starts out with 3 sets which is interesting. They just all seem to be less useful than Brienne at dealing damage. Brienne is also tankier. Etheryn at least has some things going for her over Witch Cait like group shield and group healing. Next time I make a paladin character I will probably try Queen Raiment Etheryn and Kami-no-Michi Kiyoko since they both deal holy damage.
Last edited:
Jan 10, 2017
My favorite would either be Kiyoko or Brienne, once Khor'minos gets added and Brienne gets more content she will for sure end up being my favorite. They are really close as it stands, and it's mainly due to the wholesome content they both have and how well they are both written. Quinn would probably be my least favorite, mainly because I don't use him or interact with him that often. I don't hate him by any means, in fact I don't really dislike any of the companions in the game. I just have more interest in the others. There are only 3 "male" companions, I usually get Brienne instead of Brint so even though he's interesting he's out, Berwynn is a cute femboy so I end up liking him, and so Quinn kinda just ends up at the bottom.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
I'll echo earlier sentiments that Atugia needs more content. I love the idea of a dullahan and what content she does have has whetted my appetite for more.